meeting room.

"Although it's interesting over there, the air here is really better."

Riveria breathed a sigh of relief, and said, "Although there is a prop called an air purifier, the effect is really limited."

"Well, it can only be said to be the price of technological progress..."

Lin Qiong scratched his face and said helplessly: "We have agreed in advance that these things must not be seen by others - especially Brother Jian and the handsome guy! You must be careful about someone The blonde god of fun who doesn’t want to be named!”

Loki: "Who doesn't want to be named..."

Hephaestus: "Blonde..."

Astoria: "God Lezi..."

"No matter how you think about it, it's all Hermes, right?" X3

Looking at the three goddesses who called out each other's name in unison, Lin Qiong shrugged his shoulders and said, "You all have learned to answer quickly—yes, that guy Hermes."

Loki showed a disgusted expression at that time, and said: "Hermes the cricket, his level of fun is not my opponent at all! Hehe, we are not afraid of him!"

Hephaestus looked relaxed: "Hermes will not come to me specially under normal circumstances, so my side is quite safe."

Astoria looked even more indifferent: "That guy is often taught by me in the God Realm, so he won't appear in front of me at all."

After finishing speaking, the three goddesses looked at the two male gods at the bottom of the food chain in unison.

"A Jian, you have to stand up! Don't be bullied by Hermes again!"

"Mihe, you have to be more vigilant! Don't be fooled by Hermes!"

"Don't let any problems arise between you two!"

Listening to the distrustful instructions of the three people, Jian Yulei suddenly said angrily: "What! I can grow too? Now even if Hermes stands in front of me, I will not waver in any way! "

Lin Qiong sighed and said: "I always feel like I have heard this sentence somewhere -"

Loki pondered for a few seconds, and said, "The 'where' you mentioned, did you wear glasses?"

Hephaestus also showed a dazed expression: "Are you in elementary school?"

Astralia also reacted: "Is there a blue Doraemon following you?"

Mihe: "Oh——"

Listening to the questions of the three goddesses and Mihe's laughter with a hint of a smile, Jian Yulei was not calm at that time: "Who are you talking about? How can I be Nobita? Even if I am Nobita, then who Is it Doraemon?"


Loki pointed to Lin Qiong.


Hephaestus nodded.

"It makes sense."

Astoria nodded.

Mihe turned his head, shook his shoulders, and said in a trembling voice: "Nobi Ajian and Lin Qiong Ameng——"

Lin Qiong raised his hands to cover his face and said, "Don't make trouble! If I have Doraemon's ability, I'm afraid I won't be able to laugh even while sleeping."

Astoria sighed, and said, "It's a pity that the world is completely unreasonable, otherwise you can go to Doraemon for help."

Loki said with a subtle expression: "Let's forget about the world of Doraemon! Those props are simply illogical things - my God, even I don't dare to think about those things, okay?"

It can only be said that thanks to the fact that Doraemon is a child who provides the world, and the Nobita who received the props is a good boy who is not very smart but is kind-hearted most of the time, otherwise it would just be the Devil's Passport, the If Telephone Booth, and the Hypnotic Pendulum. Can Lin Qiong figure out the contents of a novel with more than 100 million words?

Hephaestus on the side also said with a twitching corner of his mouth: "It's hard to understand why the world hasn't collapsed since there are so many causal props."

Lin Qiong shrugged his shoulders and said, "The theologians in our world probably also want to know why so many gods of your gods did not fight and only one line remained, but they coexisted."

"Eh? Because God is so lively!"

Loki put his hands on his hips and said as a matter of course: "What do you think, if there is only one god left in the pantheon, wouldn't there be only a few people left? How boring that would be."

"I can only say that it is worthy of you——"

Lin Qiong couldn't help giving Loki a thumbs up, and said, "Okay, ok, let's stop chatting! Hurry up and go back~ After so many days, the adventurers in your family may be in a hurry—— I'll take a rest here, and I'm ready to go to the next world to see."

Loki asked: "Is it the dragon ball, or is it the prisoner of delicious food?"

"It must be the latter."

Lin Qiong twitched the corners of his mouth: "Dragon Ball World, I can at most open the door and squat at the door to exchange some fairy beans with the cat fairy - tmd I'm afraid that I just turned around when I closed the door and saw the faces of the god king and the great priest." Stand in front of me kindly and then raise your hand to send me a wipe, so why don't I just send it?"

"Tsk tsk tsk..."

Loki clicked his tongue: "To be honest, I feel that even Chaos, An or Brahma are not necessarily the opponents of the King in terms of setting - the setting of using the universe as a toy is too exaggerated. .”

"Ahem, cross-work competition is not advisable, be careful of being sprayed."

Lin Qiong coughed dryly: "Okay, okay, go back to each house and find your mother—if you don't go back, I'm worried that Finn will come directly to you."

"That doesn't make it—"

Loki waved his hand and said, "Our mother is Riviere... It hurts! Mother Riviera, don't pull your ears!!"

After Loki was dragged away with a mournful cry, Jian Yulei said to Lin Qiong: "Brother Qiong, I'll wait for your news—remember to contact me."

Lin Qiong winked at him: "Okay! I will never forget the free Valkyrie bodyguard."

"Okay, then I'm leaving—"

Jian Yulei waved his hand, and then walked out of the Astralia Familia with Mihe arm in arm.

"Then I'm leaving too."

After Hephaestus nodded, he turned and walked towards the door.


After seeing off the gods, Lin Qiong glanced at the absent-minded lady beside him, and said softly, "Don't worry, there are a lot of strange settings in the captive world, and we will definitely find a way to heal God's Tongue."

The eldest lady glanced at Lin Qiong and said, "I'm not worried about this! I'm just thinking about the taste and texture of so many magical ingredients in that world—"

The secretary complained from the side: "Master, really, since there is such a world, you should have told us earlier - white-haired Cinderella beef, lobster fish, chocolate mushrooms, rainbow fruits... What are the tastes of these ingredients? "

Looking at the eldest lady and the secretary who had fallen into a frenzy, Lin Qiong innocently shrugged his shoulders.

Hey, blame me?

Chapter 0241 - A Dragon

O'Leary, in two days.

Astraea Familia, hall.

Lin Qiong was carrying a backpack behind him and said to Astraea who was standing in front of him: "Then let's set off."

Astoria nodded and said, "Be careful on the road and be safe."

"Haha, don't worry, we won't go to places that are too dangerous."

Lin Qiong smiled at Astraea, then pointed with his thumb at Jian Yulei who was standing behind him, and said: "Besides, we have a Martial God as a bodyguard here, so he is very stable. "

"That is to say, Astoria, have some confidence in me—"

Jian Yulei put his hands on his hips and said, "I can use my divine power in a different world? You still don't know how powerful I am in the state of complete victory?"

"No matter how powerful you are, you must pay attention to safety and keep a low profile—" Astoria said angrily, "What if your actions are too arrogant and attract NEO's attention? Have you ever beaten ENO?"


Jian Yulei touched the tip of his nose guiltily, and said with erratic eyes: "It's a bit mysterious."

It just can’t be beat in translation.

Lin Qiong couldn't help but patted Jian Yulei's shoulder, and said, "A Jian, we'd better follow Loki's plan honestly—we all have a bright future, understand what I mean?"

Jian Yulei scratched his head and said, "Then do it!"

"Then let's go!"



The captive world of fine dining.

The land of healing, Life.

"Oh, so awesome——"

Carrying a backpack, wearing a white T-shirt, jeans, and sneakers, Jian Yulei, who looks like an urban donkey, is putting his hands above his eyes, looking at the scenery in front of him, and exclaiming: "It is worthy of being called It’s a place of healing!”

Standing beside him, Lin Qiong showed the same expression, and said with emotion: "Although I have seen it in the video, but after seeing it with my own eyes, it is really amazing-this world!"

Whether it is the acupuncture treatment of "Bed Cactus Doctor" or the special hot spring of "Hot Spring Shark", these are scenery that cannot be seen in other worlds.

The eldest lady shook her head helplessly and said, "Let me tell you, you two, we are not here to have fun, right?"

"I know I know—"

Lin Qiong put his hands on his hips and said with a smile: "We are here for Alu, right?"

"It's good to know~"

The eldest lady smiled, and she said softly: "According to Loki's plan, we are going to find Alu who has just finished the battle with Domilot and came to the Kingdom of Healing in order to heal his broken arm."

Lin Qiong waved his hand and said, "Isn't that simple? Go straight to the door of the cactus shop and squat! Ah Lu will definitely pass there."

Jian Yulei hurriedly said: "Then what are you waiting for? Let's go! If you miss it, you will be in trouble."


Lin Qiong nodded, raised his right hand, and said, "God's Tongue Healing Project, officially started!"

"Oh!" x5



a few days later.

an island.

After waiting for Alu and his party at the door of the cactus shop, Lin Qiong stepped forward to negotiate with them.

He asked his secretary to perform Viridian Heaven's Praise to completely heal Alu's left arm!In exchange, Alu needs to introduce Lin Qiong and others to his adoptive father, Yilong, who is also the former president of IGO.

At this moment, Aru brought Lin Qiong and his party to the small island where Yilong lived in seclusion——


Alu put his hands on his hips and said with his head held high, "This is the old man's house!"

"oh oh--"

Looking at the beautiful island in front of them, Lin Qiong, the eldest lady, the secretary, Youyou and Jian Yulei sighed in unison - these five people were like the Bull Demon King who came to the Grand View Garden for the first time.

"Okay! It's not too late, let's go there quickly!"

Alu patted Lin Qiong on the back and said, "Don't you still expect the old man to cure your girlfriend's tongue?"

"that's right."

The secretary was the first to wake up. She said to Lin Qiong and the eldest lady: "Master, miss! You can enjoy the scenery at any time, but let's visit Lord Yilong first."

"That's right, let's go!"

Lin Qiong nodded, then looked at Alu beside him, and said, "Alu, I'm sorry to trouble you."

"Hahaha, what's the trouble?"

Alu showed a standard cheerful smile of a Japanese hot-blooded comic hero. He raised his left hand and said: "Thanks to your help, my arm can be repaired so easily - let's go! Let's go find it first Old man!"

Ah Lu led the crowd to the door of the villa in a swaggering manner, and then rang the doorbell with a "ding dong".

A few seconds later, the door was opened, and a man with an indescribable appearance stuck out his head. After seeing Alu, he suddenly showed an expression of surprise and said, "Oh, isn't this Mr. Alu?"

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