"Hey! Mo Dan, how are you doing recently?"

Alu greeted the other party familiarly, and then said with a smile: "Is Mr. Yilong here? I have something to do with him!"

"Of course it is—"

Mo Dan rubbed his hands together, and after taking a look at Lin Qiong and the others, he moved away, walked towards the house, and said enthusiastically: "Ever since receiving the call from Mr. Waiting for you!"

"Is that so-"

A Lu followed Mo Dan into the living room with Lin Qiong and others, and said, "Okay, Mo Dan, hurry up and take us to the old man—there is an urgent matter here!"

"Okay, Master Alu——"

Mo Dan nodded gently, and he elegantly led everyone through the living room, to the floor-to-ceiling windows of the balcony, and said, "President Yilong is waiting for Mr. Alu and all the guests on the balcony——"

He stretched out his hand and gently opened the door of the balcony, then swayed with his right hand, and said, "Lord Alu, all guests, please—"

Seeing this scene, even the secretary had to sigh in his heart - although Mr. Modan's appearance was hard to describe, he was really outstanding in terms of etiquette, no wonder he became Yilong's housekeeper.


Ah Lu waved his hand at Mo Dan, then walked up to the balcony first, and then shouted at the figure lying on the sun lounger with his back to the door: "Old man, I'm here to find you!"

Lin Qiong and others followed him forward, and the moment Jian Yulei stepped onto the balcony with his right foot, Yilong suddenly turned his head and looked at him.

The next moment, two shocking auras shot up into the sky, making the surrounding air heavy for a few minutes.


Alu, Lin Qiong.The eldest lady, the secretary, and Yoyo suddenly let out a muffled groan.

They felt as if they were small shrimps caught in two vortexes, as if they would be torn apart by the pulling force of the vortex at any time.


Lin Qiong turned his head with difficulty, and said in a low voice.


Jian Yulei, who came back to his senses, quickly restrained his momentum, and then said with some embarrassment: "I'm sorry, I'm sorry! I accidentally..."

"Oh, what a wonderful guest—"

Accompanied by a hearty exclamation, Yilong stood up from the chair with a cane - this is a blond man with a height of about 1.7 meters 50, who looks about [-] to [-] years old, wearing a Hawaiian shirt, With a pair of sunglasses on his face.

By the way, there was an undetectable crack on the lens of the sunglasses, which was the result of the collision between him and Jian Yulei.

"Mr. Yilong, we didn't come here just to fight."

Lin Qiong pulled the eldest lady to the other party with a smile on his face and said, "We hope to use your experience as an old-timer in the food industry!"

"Hahaha, don't worry—"

Yilong stroked his beard with a smile, and said: "For the sake of helping Alu, if there is anything I need to do, just tell me."


The eldest lady exhaled, she looked at Mr. Yilong seriously, and said, "Mr. Yilong, my tongue is called the 'God's Tongue' in my hometown—"

Along with the eldest lady's narration, Lin Qiong could clearly see that the expressions of Yilong and Alu became subtler—how should I put it?It's probably the feeling of a gold medalist in the World Olympiad Mathematical Contest, watching an elementary school student boasting that he got a perfect score in a math test.

Well, that's a bit exaggerated, but that's pretty much it.

"...That's the situation." The eldest lady looked at Yilong and said softly, "I wonder if Mr. Yilong can solve my tongue problem?"


At this time, Alu couldn't help complaining: "Although, but, isn't this a tongue with a super-sensitive taste? Why is it called the tongue of God?"

Lin Qiong, the eldest lady, and the secretary couldn't help showing an awkward yet polite smile—how would you like us to answer this question?It can't be said that because people in the world of eating halberds have little knowledge, they can just let it go, right?

The eldest lady said awkwardly and politely: "Well, because the people in this small place don't have much knowledge, please don't blame—"

What can she do?She is also very desperate!

"No, it's nothing..."

Yilong waved his hand, then looked at the young lady in front of him with a weird face, and said, "To be honest, I have seen a lot of tongues with a sensitive sense of taste, but this is the first time I have seen a tongue with such side effects."


The eldest lady couldn't hold back for a while - she once had a taste competition with Liu Maoxing, and the result was that she and the teenage Liu Maoxing were tied!

But the problem is that Liu Maoxing can taste delicacies from mountains and seas as well as street food—there is no side effect of not being able to eat inferior food! !

"It is because of this side effect that we came to this world to visit you—"

Lin Qiong showed a helpless smile towards Mr. Yilong, and said, "Master, can you raise your hand? In exchange, I may—just maybe—have a way to heal Mr. Erlang's internal injuries!"

Chapter 0242 security desu!


The moment Lin Qiong uttered these words, Jian Yulei's instinct from the God of War made his nerves tense in an instant—he appeared in front of Lin Qiong and others in a thousandth of a second , a golden energy quickly floated on the surface of his body.


The next moment, an astonishing momentum burst out from Yilong's body. This momentum hit Alu in the face without any hindrance, and directly sent Alu flying out from the balcony - the face of Alu who flew out Still in shock and disbelief, he never expected that he would not even be able to bear the aura of the old man.

In contrast, Lin Qiong and others who were blocked by Jian Yulei didn't feel Yilong's aura at all, but from the creaking tables and chairs, the floor, and Alu who flew upside down, he You can probably guess what happened.

"Grandpa, calm down—"

Lin Qiong looked at Yilong with sharp eyes and serious expression in front of him, and said with a wry smile: "I'm talking about possibility—I'm not completely sure myself! After all, you understand how terrifying the sealed injury in Erlang's body is."


After hearing Lin Qiong's words, Yilong calmed down.

He took several deep breaths, regained control of his uncontrollable momentum, and returned to the happy-looking, casual old man he had been before.

"Oh, I'm so sorry—"

Yilong patted his head, and said with a smile: "I'm getting old, and I can't control my emotions by accident—does it scare you?"

"Really, old man, you are exaggerating..."

At this time, Alu climbed up to the balcony again, then flicked his wrist, and said with a mouthful, "You actually bounced me away with your momentum."

There is one thing to say, after realizing the attack with legs in the battle with Domilot, Aru's mentality was a little bit, a little bit inflated, but now...

Swell your mother's legs!

"It's because you kid is too lack of exercise."

Yilong rolled his eyes, sat down on his seat again, then looked at Jian Yulei thoughtfully, then looked at Lin Qiong again, frowned and said, "Strange, what are you guys doing?" ?”

Alu with an empty head: "Old man, what do you mean?"

Yilong stroked his beard, and said softly: "This young man who blocks my momentum can single out 1 you (referring to Alu), but he doesn't have a single gourmet cell in his body."


Ah Lu's eyes widened, and he looked at Jian Yulei in disbelief after he withdrew his divine power and turned back into that ordinary "poor boy".

"It's not just him—"

Yilong continued: "Those people behind him don't have gourmet cells in their bodies either!"

Alu was shocked: "Hey!? What's going on?"

Lin Qiong explained with a smile: "Because we are not residents of this world, we have never tasted food containing gourmet cells, so it is a matter of course that there are no gourmet cells in our bodies."

Alu showed a surprised expression: "I see, it's easier to understand...that's weird!! A different world? Eh!? A different world??"

"This is really an incredible background—"

Mr. Yilong also showed a surprised expression, and then said with a light smile: "However, this gave me some confidence in the method you said to cure Erlang..."



The story of the captive world begins with Acacia, the god of food on earth, discovering the "gourmet cell" in the phantom jellyfish-a special cell that can turn the eater into a superhuman.

Acacia accepted three disciples in his later years——

One dragon, two wolves and three tigers.

Among them, the skill that the two wolves learned from Acacia is called "acupoint acupuncture"-this is not the kind of "sunflower acupuncture hand" that everyone usually understands, but another skill that is much more magical.

Among the acupressure techniques mastered by Erlang, there is a skill called "destructive anesthesia". Its effect is to seal part of the damage caused by the enemy's attack in his own body without an upper limit, while the rest of the damage is through unloading. The method radiates from the side.

Normally, as long as the damage of the seal in the body is released regularly before it reaches the limit of its own tolerance, then destroying anesthesia is a life-saving magic skill that can be used for emergency avoidance without sequelae—but probably because of two After mastering this skill, the wolf sealed the damage that far exceeded his upper limit in a short period of time, resulting in a snowball effect that caused the damage in his body to accumulate more and more.

Although in theory, as long as Erlang doesn't take the initiative to release the damage seal that destroys the anesthesia, it doesn't matter how much damage is sealed in his body, but in case someone else has mastered the acupuncture technique, and then relieved the damage in Erlang's body With the seal of anesthesia, the second wolf might die in an instant.



It was precisely because Yilong knew Erlang's situation that he had such a big reaction to Lin Qiong's words.

"These guests from another world—" After sitting down again, Yilong looked into Lin Qiong's eyes and said, "What is the 'maybe there's a way' you said?"

"It's like this."

Lin Qiong looked at Yilong in front of him, and said: "In another world, there is a magical item called 'Xiandou', which can perfectly repair all his injuries regardless of the user's strength."

The solution Lin Qiong mentioned is of course not to let the secretary use healing magic on the two wolves-the thing on the mysterious side is that this is not good, that is, the mystery will lose its effect in front of more mysterious things.

Given the strength gap between Secretary Zi and Er Lang, even if Secretary Zi drank the magic potion as water, it would be impossible to completely repair Er Lang's injuries in just a few seconds - you know, in the setting of the original work In the movie, the injuries accumulated in Erlang's body were enough to destroy the planet more than a dozen times.

"It's amazing! Is there such a thing in other worlds?" Alu suddenly showed a surprised expression, and he said excitedly: "If there are a lot of fairy beans, wouldn't you be afraid of any injuries?"

"The essence of fairy bean is a kind of bean. The premise of healing the injury is to eat it into the stomach—" Lin Qiong scratched his hair and said, "So, if the opponent smashes his hands and If your jaw has been removed, then even the fairy beans won’t be able to cure you.”

"Ah, it seems like this..."

Alu's interest remained undiminished: "But that's also very powerful! In the case of being evenly matched... no, even if it is slightly inferior to the opponent, with enough fairy beans, it is almost invincible!"

If he had a few celestial beans on his body during his battle with Domilot, he would definitely be able to punch out the shit of that tooth monster!

Yilong heard the words, and glared at Alu angrily: "Fool, don't think about relying on external force to win the battle!"

Alu laughed loudly and said, "Don't worry, old man! I'm not that kind of idiot!"

"It's good to know."

Yilong smiled in satisfaction, then turned his attention back to Lin Qiong, and said, "Because I have to eat it, so I'm not sure if it can cure Erlang?"

In case the two wolves died suddenly without even having the time to eat the fairy beans, wouldn't it be sent?

"I have concerns about this." Lin Qiong nodded and said, "On the other hand, I am worried about whether Xiandou can still exert its unreasonable healing ability in other worlds."

Yilong was silent for a few seconds, and said: "You have to try it——Little friend, where is the fairy bean in your mouth now?"

"Ahem, I haven't got it yet - there are a few very scary existences in that world, so I dare not step into that world casually." Lin Qiong smiled embarrassedly.

"Hey, then leave it to the old man."

Yilong showed a confident smile, and said, "I still have some confidence in my own strength."


Lin Qiong showed an awkward yet polite smile, and said, "Even if it is that existence that can treat planets like glass balls, and then destroy a universe at will?"

"Huh?" x2

Hearing this news, both Yilong and Alu showed the same style of peasy eyes on Conan's studio.

"It's hard, no wonder there are strange things like Xiandou..."

Mr. Yilong couldn't hold back anymore, the corner of his mouth twitched and said, "Well, it's really a terrifying world."

There is nothing wrong with using a planet as a glass bead, but destroying a universe at will is somewhat exaggerated.

"Ahem, but it's not a big problem! As long as we're careful, we shouldn't attract the other party's attention." Lin Qiong coughed dryly and said, "However, in order to exchange for a sufficient amount of fairy beans, we need to prepare a lot of fish Cuisine."



Lin Qiong nodded lightly, and said, "The one who planted the fairy beans is a cat fairy, and it's normal and reasonable for cats to like fish, right?"

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