"Then leave it to me."

Before the eldest lady could express his opinion, Yilong patted himself on the chest, and a rare excited expression appeared on his face: "I haven't made a move in person for a long time—this time, I will work hard for that kid Erlang. Let's go!"



A day later, Yilong Island.


Lin Qiong took a deep breath, then nodded towards the people standing beside him.

The eldest lady, secretary and Youyou said: "Be safe, Master Qiong (Nissan)!"

Yilong and Alu: "Be careful!"

"Do not worry!"

Lin Qiong gave his thumbs up to the others, then turned around and raised his right hand, summoning the pink world-transmitting gate full of girls' hearts.


Lin Qiong nervously held the doorknob, and after gently twisting it open, Lin Qiong looked at the space that appeared at the door, and stretched his head out to look around in fear.

Yoshi!Didn't see Quan Wang dripping work!Securityです! goodluck Smecta!

Chapter 0243 Trading

Lin Qiong looked around twice furtively and furtively. After not seeing the figure of King Quan, he couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief, "Safe—"

"What's safe--" The cat fairy squatting on the fence of Kalin Tower, who was looking at the world-transmitting gate with strange eyes, couldn't help asking: "By the way, who are you? Why did you open here all of a sudden? A door?"

How rude!How can anyone open the door directly at someone else's house?

"Are you the Cat Fairy? Hello, hello-"

Lin Qiong waved to the other party through the boundary gate, and said with a smile: "My name is Lin Qiong, and I came to you specifically to make a deal!"

"Lin Qiong? A name I've never heard of—" Cat Immortal stroked his beard, it jumped off the railing, walked up to Lin Qiong on its short legs, waved its hands and said, "As for what to do?" Business? Don’t do it, don’t do it! I don’t need anything!”


Lin Qiong blinked, and he waved his hand towards Aru who was on the side outside the door, and Aru quickly put a plate of fried crispy fish on the table next to him on Lin Qiong's palm.

The Cat Immortal held his head high, and said confidently, "Of course, I don't lack anything...not...not..."

When Lin Qiong brought the fried crispy fish in front of him, Mao Xianren's eyes moved back and forth with the plate in Lin Qiong's hand like eyeballs caught by black silk—as for what he said?What did I say?That's fat!Fat tone, do you understand?

"Try one?"

Lin Qiong stretched out the plate in his hand through the gate with a smile, and said enthusiastically, "Just eat one, and you don't need a penny—you can't eat it, and you can't be fooled!"

"This, this is not good?"

While the cat fairy was saying this, its short legs involuntarily leaned towards Lin Qiong.

"What's wrong with that? I invited you to taste it, right?"

Lin Qiong showed a sassy smile at the cat fairy, and said, "And just eat one, what can happen? One, just one!"

"Well, that's fine!"

The Cat Immortal took a sip of saliva, then stretched out his little paws, picked up a smaller fish from the pile of crispy fish on the plate, and then carefully put it in front of his nose and sniffed it.

"It doesn't smell special." The cat fairy muttered in a low voice, feeling that the sense of anticipation in his heart dropped a lot.He opened his mouth, took a small bite of the small crispy fish, and immediately widened his eyes, showing a greatly shocked expression.

'It appears to have worked—'

Lin Qiong looked at the cat fairy who, after a short stay, put the small crispy fish into his mouth at the speed of light, and then held his face in his hands, chewing happily, a slight smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

In order to keep the "impact" of this dish on the cat fairy to the greatest extent, Lin Qiong deliberately asked Yilong to suppress the "color" and "fragrance" to the minimum when making this dish, and then maximize the " Taste" - if this dish is put in the selection, it is naturally an unqualified dish, but it is perfect for breaking down the "wall" in the heart of the cat fairy.

"Suck it-"

Lin Qiong withdrew his thoughts, looked at the cat fairy who was squatting in front of him, leaning on a cane and looking eagerly at the small crispy fish on the plate, but sucking his saliva vigorously, he couldn't help but smiled and said: "I want another one. ?"

"is it okay!?"

This time, Mao Xianren didn't have the slightest idea of ​​being polite—he couldn't wait to pick up the largest small crispy fish, held it in front of him like a treasure, and opened his mouth to bite down.

Looking at this scene, Lin Qiong clenched his fists in his heart, and shouted: "Accept the move, practice the delicious shock for two and a half years!" '

"Oh oh oh!"

Sure enough, after being mentally prepared, Mao Xianren really tasted the delicacy of this deep-fried crispy fish - I don't know if it was Lin Qiong's illusion, he felt that Mao Xianren's hair seemed to be a little greasy.

It can be seen that the cat fairy seems to be deliberately restraining the speed of eating the small crispy fish, trying to make himself "enjoy delicious food" for a longer time, but he obviously underestimated his instinct as a cat.

Pop, happy, gone!

The cat fairy looked at his little claws blankly, as if he was thinking "I am a fish, I picked it specially, it is such a big fish".

This time, Lin Qiong was evil-minded and did not ask the Cat Immortal if he wanted another one. Instead, he just kept squatting and raised his right hand with a smile.

A few seconds later, the Cat Immortal raised his head again, then looked at the plate in Lin Qiong's hand eagerly, and said in a very embarrassed tone: "Can, can I have another one?"

"Of course!" Lin Qiong nodded. The Cat Immortal suddenly showed a look of surprise, then quickly picked up a small crispy fish, lowered his head and started to nibble on it.

Looking at this scene, Lin Qiong "unintentionally" said "casually", "But, what if I finish eating this plate?"

"Σ( ° △ °|||)——"

Do you understand what a bolt from the blue is?It's like you prepared a cup, lubricating fluid, and paper towels excitedly, and then eagerly opened a small movie that was downloaded overnight with a small water pipe, and the name alone made people feel dizzy, and then found out It was the same bolt from the blue as when the complete episodes of the news network were broadcast.

Yes!What if I eat one more?So what if I gave myself the whole plate?

Isn’t it gone after eating?Isn’t it true that after having fun once, what’s left is endless emptiness?


Lin Qiong looked at the dazed cat fairy in front of him, showed a friendly smile, and said, "Cat fairy, do you want to make a deal?"



Do you understand what is an international spoiler?

Lin Qiong took "three meals a day, four dishes for each meal; two dishes each for morning tea and afternoon tea; one extra dish for supper" as the standard, and provided Mao Xianren with a year's worth of dishes in one go (although there are repeated cooking, but the cat fairy doesn't mind at all) as a price, a whole tank of fairy beans was exchanged from the cat fairy - Lin Qiong didn't count the exact amount, but at least there were thousands of them.

"Is this the legendary secret treasure you are talking about, the fairy bean that can heal all injuries?"

Alu squatted in front of the pottery pot gifted by the cat fairy, and said with a strange expression: "When you first described this thing, I thought it should be a very rare god, but...but..."

Is this too much?

"Isn't it good to have too much?"

Lin Qiong picked up a celestial bean casually, and said: "In addition to the healing effect of the celestial bean, it also has the characteristic of 'no matter how much you eat, eating one can guarantee you will not be hungry for ten days'--Alu, Do you want to try it?"


Alu shook his head frantically, he immediately took two steps back like a snake and a scorpion, then looked at the fairy bean in Lin Qiong's hand with the eyes of a scourge, shook his head and said: "Don't! devil!!"

He is an Alu, an Alu who loves to eat like his life!His favorite thing to do is to enjoy delicious food, but this bean can actually keep people from being hungry for ten days? !

Heresy, this is completely the bluff of heresy!

"Is it so scary?"

Lin Qiong couldn't help but toss the beans in his hand, then looked at Yilong aside and said: "Mr. Yilong, I think before letting Mr. Erlang try it, it is better to test the effect of fairy beans in this world. No discounts!"

If the healing effect of the celestial beans is greatly reduced, wouldn't it be asking for trouble for Erlang to use the celestial beans to heal the injuries in his body?

"Okay, let the old man try it himself."

Yilong nodded hopefully, and after hearing what he said, Alu quickly reached out his hand to stop him, and said, "Old man, let me do it! You are already old..."

"No, I can only let the old man come."

Yilong exhaled and said: "Your current strength is still a bit lacking! Just because it works on you, doesn't mean it can work on people of Lao Chan's level."

This sentence directly made Alu shut himself off. He squatted in the corner holding his calf, and drew circles on the ground with his hands in aggrieved way.

Ah, is it my fault for being so weak?

Oh, it's my fault for being too weak!

Tsk, I'm so sorry for being so weak!


Lin Qiong patted Alu on the shoulder and said, "But think about it carefully, you don't have to worry about farting after eating all the beans, right?"

Alu: "?"

I need this comfort?



After the fairy beans arrived, Yilong made up his mind and started a series of attempts on himself.

He raised his hand and cut off one of his own arms, then bit into pieces the fairy bean in his mouth, and the moment he swallowed it, its arm was perfectly repaired in just a second or two.

"Okay, amazing!"

Although he had already learned about the efficacy of the fairy beans from Lin Qiong, after seeing it with his own eyes, Alu still exclaimed: "This is too powerful!"

"Hiss, old man, you are too reckless—"

Lin Qiong took a deep breath and said, "Don't you worry that if the effect of Xiandou is reduced, you will lose your arm?"

Yilong said indifferently: "It's just a broken arm. There are countless ways to repair this level of injury-the injury sealed in Erlang's body is not such a drizzle-like injury!"

Saying that, Yilong once again took a fairy bean in his mouth, and then launched an attack on himself, and this time he was more ruthless than before - in just a few seconds, Yilong suffered a comminuted fracture of all the bones in his body , and there was a lot of bleeding in his body, and when he was about to get sick, he swallowed the celestial beans in his mouth.


Yilong, who was completely healed in two seconds, jumped up from the ground, then touched his body with surprise, and said, "Very good, very good!"

Only at this time did he realize that not only the injuries he caused just now, but also the injuries accumulated over the years have been completely repaired in a short period of time—it has to be said that Xiandou is really cheating!

Lin Qiong and the young lady glanced at each other, and both of them shivered at the same time.

You big guys, are you too hard on yourself?

Chapter 0244

After Yilong confirmed the effect of Xiandou, he contacted Erlang who was wandering around non-stop, and the members of Lin Qiong's team also met this one of the most embarrassing characters who died in the original book.

It was an old man with an airplane head who looked thin and thin—yes, even though he was an old man, his hairstyle was the standard "airplane head exclusive to bad boys" in Japanese manga.

"Ajian, how are you doing?"

Lin Qiong glanced at A Jian who was lying on the ground doing push-ups, and said dumbfoundedly: "You don't have to keep exercising, do you? Do you feel that you are in danger?"

"Of course!"

Jian Yulei got up from the ground, removed the gravity attached to his body by using divine power, then wiped the sweat on his forehead with a towel, and said: "I only now clearly understand the meaning of the four words "sitting well and watching the sky - facing Mr. Yilong, I have no confidence in winning at all!"

But Jian Yulei didn't feel desperate at all, on the contrary, he had an unprecedented momentum!In his opinion, if someone is stronger than him, it means that he still has room for improvement and can become stronger. Isn't this worth being happy?

Lin Qiong smacked his lips and said, "Do you want to comment on these two?"

"It goes without saying that Mr. Yilong, although Mr. Erlang looks like a thin old man, he also contains the power that makes me palpitate." Jian Yulei sighed from the bottom of his heart: "The strong man in this world , no matter which one it is, it cannot be underestimated!"

Lin Qiong nodded gently at the side——if one didn't know the plot of the original novel, who would have guessed that this little old man who looked like a drunken scavenger would actually be the strongest in the world?



Lin Qiong and others sat obediently on their chairs, watching Yilong introduce their origins to Erlang and show him the fairy beans in his hands.

After learning about the function of Xiandou, Erlang performed a big change in front of Lin Qiong and others—he changed from a short, rickety, silver-haired old man to a living person in a dozen seconds. He became a dark-skinned, tall, dark-haired young man with eight-pack abs.

The key is that he is quite handsome, oh.

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