"Are you ready?"

Yilong grabbed a handful of celestial beans and put them in Erlang's hands, and said with a serious face: "This is a very dangerous behavior. You must eat celestial beans one after another after the injury breaks out, and keep repairing it."

Erlang nodded with a serious expression. He reached out and grabbed the fairy beans handed over by Yilong, and murmured: "In order to defeat that man, this fatal flaw must be eradicated."

If there is no way to solve it, who would be willing to keep such a big hidden danger in his body?What if, I mean, what if Erlang sleepwalked and tapped himself a few times while sleeping, and accidentally lifted the anesthesia?

Yilong instructed: "I have already tested the method of Xiandou's function. It will melt into energy the moment it enters the esophagus to repair the body at a super speed."

Erlang smiled lightly and said, "Don't worry, big brother!"

After finishing speaking, Erlang raised his head, threw seven or eight fairy beans into his mouth, then controlled the muscles in his mouth, placed the fairy beans side by side in his throat, and said, "Then, I started—"

With Erlang taking a deep breath, he began to lightly touch his body with his hands: "Destroy the anesthesia, remove it!"

One second, two seconds...

When the third second came, Erlang's muscular body twisted visibly to the naked eye, and the energy erupting from his body distorted his body in an instant—the body that could withstand the impact of the continent was accumulating. In the face of the harm, it is so vulnerable.

If there is no fairy bean, the body of the second wolf will last for three seconds at most, and it will be completely annihilated by the explosion of the injury in the body, but the problem is that if there is no if-accompanied by the squirming of the throat, a fairy bean slipped into his esophagus .

With the fairy bean effect taking effect, an astonishing scene appeared: Erlang's body, which looked like a worn-out rag, was inflated rapidly in just two seconds, and then recovered. To a strong body.

It is a pity that this healthy body lasted for less than two seconds. Erlang groaned again, and damage visible to the naked eye once again appeared everywhere in his body. Erlang hurriedly arrived at the body Before the limit, he ate the second fairy bean.

In this way, under the dumbfounded gaze of Lin Qiong and his group, Erlang endured a burst of injuries that lasted several minutes. After consuming nearly a hundred fairy beans, the sealed injuries in his body were finally completely cleared.

"Huh, finally..."

Erlang exhaled, then showed a grateful expression towards Lin Qiong and others sitting beside him, and said: "Little friend Lin Qiong, thank you very much for your help! I don't have any worries now. Fight with all your strength."

Lin Qiong smiled and waved his hands, and said, "We also have something to ask for—Erina's tongue problem, please take care of me."

"no problem."

After Yilong saw that Erlang had completely recovered, his mood seemed to rise a lot. He stroked his beard cheerfully and said, "Leave it to me!"

Erlang re-sealed his own strength, and after turning back into the seemingly weak old man, he said, "I'll help too!"

Seeing Yilong and Erlang standing together, the secretary excitedly held the eldest lady's hand and said, "Miss, that's great! Your tongue must be cured!"

The eldest lady also showed a faint smile, and said, "Fei Shazi, after my tongue is healed, let's taste the delicacies of this world!"




"But, damn—"

The eldest lady sat on the chair aggrievedly, poking pitifully at the food on the plate in front of her with her chopsticks.

At this time, on the dining table, the circle with a radius of one meter in front of the eldest lady was used as the dividing line, fully demonstrating to everyone what the world is like -

On the lady's dinner plate, there are delicious dishes made with ordinary ingredients;

On other people's plates, there are special dishes made with rare ingredients from the captive world.


No, when the secretary took a bite of the steak made of white-haired Cinderella beef, he immediately showed a happy expression, and then let out a happy groan: "How can the taste be so good ~ Sbarasi~"


Seeing the secretary's happy expression, the eldest lady couldn't help puffing up her mouth, but it was another person who made her feel even more aggrieved.

“Oh oh oh~ delicious~~”

Lin Qiong and Alu sat side by side, eating the food in the bowl with great gulp-whether it was beef stewed in red wine, steak, a large bowl of char siu ramen, pork chop rice, or lobster fish sashimi, Almond cabbage and Kabayaki marsh snake can't survive ten seconds in front of them, and they will disappear without a trace.

"so amazing--"

Xiao Song, who was called to the side, opened his mouth wide and exclaimed: "This is the first time I see someone who can match Mr. Alu in terms of food intake."

Yilong chuckled, and said, "It's a blessing to be able to eat! Feel free to eat, there are plenty of ingredients—"

Yoyo on the side looked at Lin Qiong with some concern, and said, "But, but, normally, Nissan doesn't eat that much."

Although Lin Qiong usually eats a lot, it is at most equivalent to three to four people's meals, but now?I'm afraid there are more than thirty or forty people.

"Don't worry~" Yilong's mouth curled into a smile: "The more Lin Qiong eats, the better it will be for him."

"Say, you're right—"

A Lu swallowed the barbecue in his mouth, and then sneakily said: "Ordinary people don't get this kind of treatment, so let's have fun secretly."

The secretary looked at Lin Qiong's flat stomach with some concern, and couldn't help asking: "Mr. Yilong, Mr. Erlang, Mr. Alu, what is the situation with my young master..."

"He is frantically absorbing the gourmet cells in the food, and evolving his own life essence—"

Erlang took a sip of the wine and said drunkenly: "Hey, this is the first time I've seen this kind of situation, it's so interesting—"

Because Lin Qiong is not a resident of the captive world, the content of gourmet cells in his body (for the residents of this world) is inconceivably "zero"!

So, after he ate the first bite of ingredients containing gourmet cells, his body first noticed gourmet cells, a substance that can allow itself to evolve, and then began to absorb and evolve crazily—it just so happened that Yilong and Erlang provided the ingredients from The dishes made of various ingredients from capture level one to capture level hundreds allow Lin Qiong to fully absorb the gourmet cells.

The most wonderful point is that Lin Qiong's own strength is strong enough and his foundation is good enough, so he absorbs the gourmet cells at an astonishingly fast speed. In just ten minutes, the concentration of gourmet cells in his body has exceeded The accumulation of ordinary people in this world over the years.

Time passed by, under the worried gazes of the eldest lady, the secretary and Yoyo, Lin Qiong was still eating—he had been eating like this for more than half an hour!All the food that entered his stomach was quickly eliminated by the extremely hungry body, and then the food cells were swallowed up.


Suddenly, with a low shout from Alu, Lin Qiong, who was eating crazily, seemed to have been pressed the pause button abruptly, maintaining the posture of sending the spaghetti with his right hand into his mouth, and stopped there.

The secretary looked at Lin Qiong at this time and couldn't help but asked worriedly: "Master, what is this..."

"Don't be nervous, brother Lin Qiong just absorbed enough gourmet cells and ushered in the first flowering of his ability."

Alu crossed his arms and showed an excited smile: "What kind of ability will be awakened? I'm really looking forward to it!"

Chapter 0245 Food Demon


To be honest, Lin Qiong was also a little confused at this time.

In fact, before deciding to taste the food of the captive world, Lin Qiong consulted Yilong, Erlang and Alu about "gourmet cells" and "gourmet demons" in detail.

First of all, gourmet cells can be simply understood as "upgrades" of ordinary cells, just like upgrading from "Earthlings" to "Saiyans", with the ability to completely crush ordinary cells, and the concentration of gourmet cells in your body The higher it is, the more exaggerated the buff it will give you.

If you want to increase the concentration of cells in your body, you must gradually increase the level of ingredients you catch. It is purely dreaming to increase the concentration by eating a lot of low-level ingredients.

Secondly, the moment you eat food containing gourmet cells, the gourmet demons living in another plane will sense it and turn their eyes on you. Interest will parasitize in the gourmet cells in your body, and when the concentration of gourmet cells in your body rises to a certain concentration, the gourmet demon will awaken.

Every gourmet devil has a different personality, and when a gourmet devil with a different personality meets a host with a different personality, it will give birth to a different way of getting along—some are friends, some are family members, some are enemies, some are kings and mounts, and some are friends. Different modes of getting along will also make the difficulty of the host's test different.

If the relationship between you and the food demon is too bad, then every time your ability blossoms, the food demon will deliberately amplify your appetite, and if you are unable to satisfy that soaring appetite, the food cells in your body will go berserk—— If it accidentally cheats you to death, the food demon will just slap its butt and leave, looking for another host to play with.

Of course, if your relationship with the food demon is good enough, then all you need to face is the natural increase in appetite due to the increase in strength every time your ability blossoms - unless the host is a waste, you will not even have the naturally increased appetite. Can't control it.

It is precisely because the risk of gourmet cells is not as great as imagined, so Lin Qiong decided to ingest gourmet cells, but he never thought that the first time he ate, he ushered in the first bloom of ability—food The host of the cell will usher in multiple ability blooms, just like the first turn, second turn, third turn, and fourth turn in the game, and each blooming is a comprehensive enhancement and test.

'Could it be that this is my test? '

Lin Qiong stood there and touched his chin, then looked around and muttered: "If I had known that I would awaken so quickly, I should have asked Mr. Yilong in advance about the content of the test."

"Meow hahaha~ You awakened so quickly because your own foundation is good enough, and the two food hunters provided you with enough high-quality ingredients-"

Just as Lin Qiong was talking to himself, a Kansai accent full of smiles sounded from the shadow in front of him.

"Huh? This voice—"

Lin Qiong froze for a moment, folded his hands on his chest, and said thoughtfully, "So my food devil's voice actor is Kana Ueda? Hey, Sajia's life is worth it!"

"Hahaha, this reaction is so interesting!" The other party was obviously very satisfied with Lin Qiong's reaction, "It's true that I specially changed my voice like this - our host, why do you have such an expression? "


Lin Qiong looked at the "Gourmet Demon" gradually coming out of the shadows, and couldn't help opening his mouth wide, and then covered his heart with his hands and screamed: "Ah, I'm dead!"

Appearing in front of Lin Qiong was a cat-eared girl about 1.6 meters tall, with white hair, golden eyes, a giant meow, and a pure appearance—she was only wearing an unpretentious white dress, with naked eyes Her feet were on the ground and she was looking at him with smiling eyes.

"Oh, it seems that our appearance is very suitable for you?"

There was a slight smile on the face of the cat-eared lady. She opened her hands and gently spun around in place. The hem of the dress bloomed like a flower, revealing the...

Really, really... white, white... steamed, steamed...

Lin Qiong felt like he was afraid of pills. How could this food demon have a special attack on labor?How could there be such targeted restraint? ?

"Na na na, host——"

The cat-eared girl gourmet devil walked in front of Lin Qiong with a smile, then bent down, revealing the bottomless abyss at the collar, and said: "For the shape we created based on the XP in your memory, you still don't know what to do." satisfied?"


Hearing this, Lin Qiong screamed strangely and got up from the ground, then put on a defensive posture, and said, "Zhuo! I mean how can there be such a girl who just grows on the XP of labor and capital! It turns out that she is a Fake--"

"It's too much to tell a lie—"

The cat-eared girl puffed up her mouth in dissatisfaction. She lowered her head and let the cat ears on the top of her head tremble, then pouted her buttocks and let the cat's tail behind her flick, and said: "We are real white-haired people now. Girl with golden eyes and cat ears—meow!"


Lin Qiong uttered a mournful cry again, he took two steps back, and said precariously, "But, damn it! What's the purpose of your being like this!"

"Well, our purpose is probably to make it easier for the host to accept our existence?"

The cat-eared girl pointed her finger on her lips, and then said with a smile: "After all, we have to live together all the time in the future. It's impossible not to have a good relationship~"


Lin Qiong couldn't help knocking out a big question mark.

He folded his hands on his chest, frowned, and said with a puzzled look: "No, did we make a mistake? In terms of general rationality, shouldn't it be a host like me who pleases the gourmet devil?"

"Oh my, your situation is different——"

The cat-eared lady approached Lin Qiong with a smile, and said, "In our eyes, you are the most special, the most special, the most special existence—more special than this world, even more special than any other universe! You are unique. It is rare in the world, and it is the supreme treasure!"


Lin Qiong couldn't help covering his face, and said, "I've never been praised like this in my life! To be fair, the most evaluation I get is..."

""You're smart, you just haven't put your smarts to work—""

The exact same words spit out from Lin Qiong and Maoerniang, the difference is that Lin Qiong looked stunned, while Maoerniang smiled.

"what's going on?"

Lin Qiong took two steps back vigilantly, and said, "Mind reading? Or memory reading?"

"It's not a one-way memory reading—" the cat-eared girl pursed her mouth aggrievedly, and the cat ears on the top of her head softened listlessly, "It's a two-way memory exchange, and you got our memory too! "

"You fart! I have absolutely no relevant knowledge in my brain!"

"That's because we sealed the passage!"

"Isn't that still one-way?!"

"We are doing it for your own good!" Mao Er Niang flicked her tail in dissatisfaction, and said, "Our memory is too large for you, if you let it pour into your brain directly, your own will and Intellectuality will be washed away in an instant - at that time, you will become the second one, don't you want that?"

"No no no—"

Lin Qiong shook his head vigorously, and said with a face of resistance: "Although it is tempting to acquire a lot of knowledge, it will not be good if the personality becomes another person."

"So it's not that we don't show you the memory, but that we're worried that you'll become a fool—" Mao Erniang's ears trembled slightly, and said, "You can treat us as your exclusive siri now? If you have any questions, just ask directly.”

"Wait, did you say siri?"

"Eh? I see you're using an iPhone to say that—could it be that you like classmate Xiao Ai more? Or Xiao Yi? Xiao Du?"

"No, what I want to say is..." Lin Qiong opened his mouth, then covered his forehead suddenly, and said, "Yeah, she read my memory, so she knew it for granted hehe—"

"You mean the identity of a person from another world? Hehe~" Maoer Niang playfully raised her right hand and made a (<ゝω·) Qi Luoxing~☆ gesture next to her eyes, and said, "To be precise, we It is because of your identity as a person from another world that I possess you~"


"Hmph, back then there were a few miscellaneous fish who wanted to possess us together—but those guys were all torn apart by us!"

"Where are you from Diavolo?"

"Hmmmm! Do you want us to be loyal to you just like Diablo is loyal to the King of Meng?"

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