"No, no, I didn't mean that!"



"What we mean is, yes—"

The cat-eared lady smiled and raised her fingers, and said, "In our eyes, the value of the whole world is not as valuable as you alone!"

"Wow, what you said is a bit sickly..." Lin Qiong couldn't help shivering, and he said with a strange expression: "Is this the first time I've met you? You're so sickly—hiss , Could it be that the old-fashioned time travel appeared on me, and I met you tens of thousands of years ago?"

"Hahahaha, we don't have that kind of experience—"

The cat-eared lady laughed, she waved her right hand, and said, "We are a bit like Echidna in your memory—but we're not that crazy."

"When you say that, I suddenly understand—"

Lin Qiong twitched the corner of his mouth, and said to himself: "If Echidna knows that I can travel through different worlds, she will definitely give up everything and follow me, right?"

"Bingo! So here we go—"

The cat-eared girl looked excited—Lin Qiong could even see the blush on her face—opened her hands, and said frantically: "As long as I follow you, it means that we can see countless strange things." In the world, you can gain countless new knowledge and witness countless new scenery!"

After finishing speaking, the cat-eared lady turned her head 45 degrees to the new house, and said softly with a gentle smile on her face: "So, let's use all of ourselves—soul, body, knowledge, skills—in exchange for following you The opportunity! We can even swear with our souls that we will never hurt you, so - our host, are you willing to establish this eternal bond with us?"

Chapter 0246 Miss Know-It-All

Lin Qiong scratched his face with his fingers subtly, and said, "I'm a little flattered by your attitude, I haven't seen any gourmet devil say such a thing to the host before,"

He has never seen any food demon be so humble to his host. This is almost like a licking dog (dense fog).

"Hmph, because the death of the host will not have any impact on the gourmet demon, so most gourmet demons don't need to care about the life and death of the host." The cat-eared lady nodded and replied: "But you are different! I don't know how many years I have lived alone in the gourmet universe before I finally met a special existence like you——for me, you are unique and the most precious treasure!"


Second time!

This gourmet devil hits a straight ball like this for the second time!

Lin Qiong waved his hands in deep discomfort, and said, "I got it, I got it! Don't say any more—damn it, don't you guys know how to be shy?"

"That emotion was lost long ago—"

Mao Erniang said calmly: "And if you hesitate, you will lose, and if you are shy, you will lose - how many childhood sweethearts and Tsundere died on the road of shyness? I will not repeat the same mistakes!"

Too, too strong!

The fighting power of this gourmet demon is too strong!

"Uh, well, well—"

Lin Qiong sat on the ground dumbfounded, and said, "Anyway, you are possessed by me, so I can't drive you out, can I?"

The cat-eared lady smiled and said: "But if we have a good relationship, you will be more willing to help me satisfy some curiosity, right?"


Lin Qiong nodded, then blinked, and said, "Speaking of which, you basically know all about my information, but I don't know anything about yours—do you have to tell me your name first?"

"Well, no."


"Before we met you, we always used 'I' to call ourselves, while others called me by titles like 'that guy', 'that existence', 'the omniscient one'—"

"Wait, wait a minute, among the nicknames you just gave, is there one that people particularly care about?"

"You mean 'the omniscient'?"


"Most gourmet demons have a strong appetite, but I am a little different—my desire is more reflected in the desire for knowledge." The cat-eared lady squatted in front of Lin Qiong, then held her face in her hands, and looked at it with a smile Looking at him, he said: "I am curious about all kinds of things, and in order to satisfy my curiosity, I became what I am now without knowing it."

Qiong couldn't help but twitched the corner of his mouth, and said: "What kind of script is this by the peerless genius Long Aotian?"

"It's just that this world is always limited." Maoer Niang showed a somewhat lonely and disappointed expression, and murmured: "We haven't acquired new knowledge for nearly a hundred years--not satisfied, our curiosity is not enough. Satisfied wow!"


She raised her head again, looked at Lin Qiong with an expression of "people in the dark have seen the light", stood up frantically and excitedly, then opened her hands happily and said, "Your appearance made us see the light." A brand new world—ah, so many different worlds, so many landscapes, so much knowledge! Our thirst for knowledge has been throbbing for a long time, and it’s been a long time since we have throbbed like this!!”

You could tell she was really excited.

Feeling a little sweaty, Lin Qiong raised his hands, comforted the over-excited cat-eared girl, and said, "Calm down, calm down first!"

One thing to say, if this was in the QQ group, he would post a picture of a turtle with a barbershop logo on its back——

Turtle carrying the barber shop!

Don't go crazy here!

However, considering that this is the first time I met Maoerniang, and Maoerniang herself is a (self-proclaimed) "monster" standing at the apex of gourmet demons...

Ahem, this is definitely not cowardice, but to impress future partners (serious face).

"How can this kind of thing calm down?"

The cat-eared lady kicked her legs and said, "Our mood now is the same as when you waited for the mobile game to launch and pick up a new wife—then calm down?"


Lin Qiong pulled out a disdainful sneer: "Have you forgotten my miserable situation back then? 260 years, three crooked, one Xingxiong, one Chen, and one Shining - then I abandoned the pit .”

"Ahem, strictly speaking, according to the average probability of one six-star in sixty, you have issued six six-stars at 260, which is very European."

"But I didn't have it for a year. Instead, I missed three Ah and one Chen——I, Xingxiong and Shining, fully dived 800 years ago."

"Well, this is indeed a regrettable thing."

"Forget it, let's not talk about this—"

Lin Qiong waved his hand helplessly: "Compared to this, let's give you a nickname or something first? Do you have any ideas?"

"Hmm, indeed! If we have a nickname, it can bring us closer together——"

The cat-eared lady shook her ears, put her hands behind her back, and walked around Lin Qiong with cheerful steps: "Let's think about it—do you want to call us the squad leader or the great sage? Or Du Niang?"

"Du Niang is so fucking—"

Lin Qiong twitched the corner of his own mouth: "As for the squad leader—well, I admit that Tsubasa Yukawa did poke my XP a little bit, that's right! And your character design is indeed a reference to Tsubasa Yukawa in a sense, but ..."


"If I call you squad leader, I always feel that I will subconsciously regard you as Hanekawa Tsubasa's replacement - I don't like this."

"Oh my, is this the otaku's Asasi?" The cat-eared lady raised her palm to cover her mouth, and then showed a teasing expression: "We don't hate such a host——"

"Ahem! Why don't you marry me! Don't tease me——"

Lin Qiong coughed dryly twice, and then said solemnly: "As for the great sage, I think you are not so much the great sage, but the king of wisdom!"

"Oh~ Raphael? Or do you want to call me Charles?"

"To be honest, calling you Shire reminds me of a demon master."

"32 and 384?"

"That's right, that's right—"

Lin Qiong crossed his legs subconsciously, and then said with a weird face: "Wow! It feels like you can catch whatever I say."


Mao Er Niang proudly puffed out her chest, shook it, and said, "After all, in this world——"


"than me--"

"Know better—"

"Lin Qiong—"

(Please add emoji by yourself)

Lin Qiong looked at the cat-eared lady who was talking and waving her hands wildly, and couldn't help laughing: "Hahaha, I feel the feeling of chatting with sand sculpture netizens back then—how about calling you sand sculpture?"


The cat's tail of the cat-eared girl directly bent into a question mark, and she couldn't help but said: "Although we know you very well, we really didn't think of this brain circuit—hey, host, can you tell me why you What kind of mentality did you decide to call a beautiful girl like me a sand sculpture?"

"I mainly thought about the future——"


"Although I don't want to admit it, it seems that as long as I get along with me for a long time, and the guy who is close to me will become very sandy—"

"For example, King Feng and Jian Yulei?"

"That's right! So instead of waiting for you to become a sand sculpture, why don't I take the initiative?"

"You're right—a ghost!"

Catwoman turned around angrily, slapped Lin Qiong's face twice with her tail piapia, and said angrily, "Don't call me Sand Sculpture!"

"How about I call you 'Miss Know-It-All'?"

"Although, I personally don't think Hermione is a cat girl—although she did become a cat girl in the play, but it's not so much a furry as a beast ear girl."

"I see, you actually picked up this stalk?"

"Hmph, no one—"

"Stop, stop, stop!"

Lin Qiong was sweating profusely and stopped the cat-eared girl from playing again, and then said in a dumbfounded voice: "Calling you Raphael is a bit difficult to pronounce, so I'll call you Raffi? As for the nickname, I'm sure it's Miss Know-It-All. !How about it?"

"as you wish--"

Miss Wanshitong bowed with a smile, and said, "Everything belongs to the host, so as long as the host is happy, he can call us anything—"

"That sand sculpture..."

"turn down!"





After Lin Qiong's body stuffed the pasta into his mouth according to the inertia of thinking, he subconsciously chewed a few mouthfuls, and then swallowed it into his stomach.

"Oh, it seems that I have woken up!"

Alu leaned over and said curiously: "Brother Lin Qiong, what is the ability you acquired for the first time?"

"Well, in the words of 'her', the ability I acquire is knowledge—" Lin Qiong pointed to his head, and said, "I can obtain endless knowledge from 'her'."


Yilong on the side raised his eyebrows, and said curiously: "That is to say, the first time your ability blossomed, did your gourmet demon come to you on its own initiative—hahaha, it seems that she likes you very much. "

"That's true, that's right—"

Lin Qiong scratched his face and said, "She seems to like my appearance very much."

The secretary on the side asked curiously: "But, Master, what is the form of this 'knowledge' you are talking about? Does it mean that you have gained extra memory? Or..."

"Well, to put it simply, you can understand that I have obtained a super intelligent search engine or something like that." Lin Qiong put his hands on his hips, then looked the secretary up and down, and said, "For example, I can see at a glance now Come out, your height is 165cm, your measurements are B88, W58, H83, and your weight is..."

"Wow ah ah-"

The secretary jumped on Lin Qiong in a panic, then covered his mouth with both hands, and said, "Master, it's okay! Don't say any more!!"

The weight of a beautiful girl is a secret!

Chapter 0247 you just want to beat me

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