Looking at Lin Qiong whose mouth was being covered, Jian Yulei stroked his chin and said, "That is to say, the method of expressing knowledge is identification, or identification?"

"Well, it's kind of like saying—"

Lin Qiong nodded, pointed to his eyes, and said, "I can actively analyze something I see—whether it's a living thing or a non-living thing—and then obtain the information I need."

After hearing what Lin Qiong said, the eldest lady's eyes lit up and said, "Does that mean we can also know the correct way to cook certain ingredients?"

"Well, in theory?"

Lin Qiong stretched out his hand and scratched his head, and said, "I should be able to know the division method of a certain ingredient through analysis, as well as how many seasonings to marinate, what temperature to use, how long to cook, etc. - not If there is an accident, it is the best solution."

Xiao Song at the side said with bright eyes: "That's amazing! If you have this kind of ability, wouldn't you be able to deal with any ingredients with ease?"

Yilong said with a smile: "That's what I said, but knowing how to deal with it and being able to deal with it perfectly are two different things—"

Lin Qiong nodded and said with emotion: "That's true! And I feel that the dishes made this way belong to Mo's soul!"


Yilong is obviously interested in this topic, "Then what kind of cuisine do you think has a soul?"

"It must be feelings! As the saying goes, no matter how delicious the food is, it can't compare to the taste of mother—" Lin Qiong put his hands on his chest, nodding his head seriously, and said: "Actually, mother's taste is not necessarily the most delicious. Yes, but it is definitely a dish that contains a lot of love for you!"

"Mama's taste..."

Hearing these words, Yilong and Erlang beside him fell into a brief silence—they couldn't help but uttered the words of the woman who influenced their lives.

The wife of the gourmet god Acacia, and the biological mother of the captive protagonist of gourmet food, Floser, who is known as "the strongest chef in history".


Yilong suddenly broke out into hearty laughter, and said in a firm tone: "That's right! Mom's taste is the best in the world!"

Erlang took a big gulp of the wine and sighed: "Cooking with emotions should be the most delicious."

"That's right!"

Lin Qiong nodded vigorously, expressing his views with joy.

"I'm not bragging! I eat food from outside, and I eat food cooked by Erina..." At this point, he slapped his thigh fiercely, then waved his right hand horizontally, and shouted with full momentum: " That feeling is different, you know? From Erina’s cooking, I can feel her deep love for her—do you know what a wife bento is?”

"Puff cough cough—"

The eldest lady who was eating a sandwich couldn't help coughing, she took out the paper towel on the table and wiped the corner of her mouth in embarrassment - when she looked up, she found that one dragon and two wolves, Alu and Xiaosong, were using aunt looked at her with a smile.

Ahhhhh! !! !!

The eldest lady jumped up from her seat angrily, and then rushed to Lin Qiong with her face flushed, raised her hand to cover his mouth, and said in a low voice, "You idiot! Are you going crazy again?"

Lin Qiong shook his head innocently, then gently pulled away the Missy's hand covering his mouth, and said with a smile: "Aren't I sharing the love between me and Erina? This is called love." The world is full of great battles—how is it, is it full of love and justice?"

The eldest lady looked at Lin Qiong with a dark look on her face and said, "I just think you are spreading dog food - are you really not afraid that these bachelors will join forces and beat you up?"

"Probably not?"

Lin Qiong secretly glanced at Xiaosong, a dragon and two tigers over there, and muttered: "They are not the ultimate single dogs like Jian Yulei, who have been single for hundreds of millions of years, so it is impossible."


Jian Yulei, who was enjoying the delicious food, paused, a question mark visible to the naked eye appeared on his head, and then looked at Lin Qiong beside him in astonishment.

Brother Qiong, my dear brother Qiong! ?

What do you mean by paws?What is the ultimate single dog?

No, I have seen Digimon up and down, and I know what the ultimate body means!

I admit that I have been single for a long time, but I...

Forget it.

After he twitched the corners of his mouth, he lowered his head again, buried his head and ate the sushi in front of him - he decided not to forget the villain's mistakes, and not to be as knowledgeable as this stinky brother.

Of course, it's not that I'm worried that he won't bring me to play if he has fun in the future, never!

"Keep your voice down, Ah Jian glanced at you just now—"

"It's okay! His eyes are jealous—Ajian, a single dog, envies my girlfriend for being so nice!"


Jian Yulei's right hand squeezed tightly, making a mess of the sushi in his palm.

Hi, I'm so angry!

As the saying goes, if you take a step back, the sea and the sky will be brighter, and the more you think about it, the more angry you will be!

I can't bear it, I really can't bear it!

"Speaking of which, Brother Qiong——"

Jian Yulei put his hands on his knees, slowly stood up from his seat, then looked at Lin Qiong with a smile on his face, and said, "Would you like to practice duel with me who has liberated my divine power? You can attack with all your strength. -"


Lin Qiong glanced at Jian Yulei, and said with a question mark on his face: "Jian, you are a martial god with thick eyebrows and big eyes, and you have learned to play dirty tricks? Are you trying to practice against me? Bah, you want to beat me up I!"

Jian Yulei didn't refute, but smiled "hehe" and asked, "You just said whether to practice or not?"

"Practice! Of course you have to practice!"

Lin Qiong moved his shoulders, and said eagerly: "It happens that the progress has been a little bit during this period, so I have to get familiar with my current body."

It's not that Lin Qiong is talking nonsense for the sake of face, but his sincere thoughts.

The first is the feedback brought by the monster hunter's level-up, and then the growth brought about by the first flowering of gourmet cells-under the double irrigation, Lin Qiong's control over his body has indeed decreased a lot.

"Then I won't be polite—"

A smile appeared on the corner of Jian Yulei's mouth, he twisted his neck handsomely, and said, "If you get beaten up and cry later, don't blame brother."

"Then I won't blame you." Lin Qiong smiled and said, "But if you fucking do it on purpose, don't blame me for throwing firecrackers into the toilet while you're shitting."


How can this dude be so vicious?

The elders of Longlang and Wolf on the side all showed expressions that couldn't bear to look directly at them. They have lived for most of their lives, and they have never seen such a shameless guy as Lin Qiong-the key is that this guy is not that kind of shameless, but a bad move. Level shameless!

"All right, all right, as long as it's not a deliberate black hand, right?"

Jian Yulei nodded his head while licking his lips, and said, "Don't worry, it's definitely an aboveboard move!"

What's the matter, I'm a Valkyrie who has lived for hundreds of millions of years, if I want to beat you up, I have to do something wrong?Hey, I'm a direct technical KO!

Do you understand the gold content of Valkyrie (Tactical back.

"Wait a minute—"

Lin Qiong waved his hand, and then shouted at Mr. Yilong next to him: "Master! Do you have a suitable venue here? A Jian is a martial god from another world, and his movements are very loud. It will be bad if the flowers and plants in the garden are squashed."


Jian Yulei felt something was wrong with his mentality.

No, you look into my eyes and tell me loudly, who am I?

I'm a fucking god of war!Valkyrie, do you know what it means?Meaning I can punch your balls and leave your balls bag unscathed! !

What do you mean by "the movements are especially loud when you move your hands"! ?Your words are not sorry for me, but your mother looks down on me! !

It's hard, Jian Yulei's fist is hard!

"Hahaha, of course—" Mr. Yilong let out a hearty laugh, and said loudly, "I will move my body occasionally! Come with me!"



15 minute later.

Yilong's "Training Island".

"This was originally a mountain—"

Standing on the island, Yilong introduced with a smile: "It's just that after years of training, the ground has been compacted little by little, and now it has become an island!"

Lin Qiong twitched the corner of his mouth, what else could he say?He can only sigh with emotion that the boss is indeed a boss, and the practice places have such cool background stories.

Jian Yulei squatted on the ground, then tapped the ground with his right finger bone, and smacked his tongue: "The strength of this ground is even more exaggerated than the training ground I used for training in the God Realm."

"Isn't that right?"

Lin Qiong took off twice on the spot, and then said with a smile on his face: "At least you don't have to worry about accidentally collapsing the venue, right?"

"Indeed, a solid venue helps to better display—"

Jian Yulei walked to the center of the field with a chuckle, then hooked his hands towards Lin Qiong, and said, "Brother Qiong, let's start!"

"it is good!"

Lin Qiong nodded gently, moved his hands forward and back, up and down in a fighting posture, and said: "Ajian, please give me some advice!"

"Go all out, Brother Qiong!"

Jian Yulei took a deep breath, the golden divine power flowed in his eyes, and the aura that belonged to the gods emanated from his body, making Yilong and Erlang, who were watching, raised their eyebrows involuntarily.


Just when Jian Yulei was about to make a move, he suddenly frowned and narrowed his eyes, looked at Lin Qiong's eyes that had turned into golden vertical pupils, and said softly, "Brother Qiong, what's the matter with your eyes? ?”

"You said this?"

Lin Qiong pointed to his eyes, and said with a smile: "This is a dominant change after the gourmet cell is activated—don't worry about it, just treat it as a special skill."

"I understand, then Brother Qiong..."

Jian Yulei, who gradually understood everything, nodded his head lightly. He tapped his right foot lightly on the ground, and in an instant he came behind Lin Qiong and punched him on the back of the head.

Chapter 0248 "Calling"

When the wind from Jian Yulei's right fist had almost touched the back of Lin Qiong's head, the second half of his words sounded in Lin Qiong's ears as if belatedly.

"...Don't blame me for the sneak attack!"

'This punch is steady—'

The corner of Jian Yulei's mouth curled up into a smile, but he knew very well that with Lin Qiong's current strength, he should be unable to respond... ↗↑!

Grass, what did he see! ?Lin Qiong reacted! ?

It was too late to say that, at the moment when Jian Yulei swung his right fist, Lin Qiong suddenly turned his body 180 degrees with his right foot as the center of the circle. The leg kicked towards his flank.


Jian Yulei raised his other arm to block Lin Qiong's attack, and then asked with a surprised look on his face: "Brother Qiong, did you react because your strength improved, or was it the reminder given to you by these eyes."


Lin Qiong blinked, and replied: "I can react when my own strength improves, and the eyes give hints."

"Hey, it seems that your strength has grown far beyond my imagination——"

Jian Yulei's eyes lit up, and he said with a lot of emotion: "So the children in the lower realm are too prone to change, and they are completely different from the unchanging God Realm..."

Why does this sentence sound so familiar?

Lin Qiong recalled it for a while, and then found that in the original book, the blue ribbon seemed to express the same opinion on Bell's change!


Why is it that White Rabbit is lamented by the child-like giant cat's blue ribbon, while I am lamented by A Jian, the stinky little brother with a bad look on his face! ?

The more you think, the more angry you are!

Without saying a word, Lin Qiong waved his fists to bully Jian Yulei's body, and then launched attacks one after another.

"Hey, hey, what's wrong with me?"

While raising his hands to defend against Lin Qiong's attack, Jian Yulei said in a daze, "Why did your attitude suddenly become so bad?"

"Stop talking!" Lin Qiong yelled angrily, "I don't want you, a poor god with a poor face, to comment on my teeth! Replace me with a young, beautiful, petite, but giant-meowing beautiful girl god, which is almost the same!"

"Ah-ah-you said it! You said the taboo that cannot be said!"

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