Jian Yulei's eyes widened: "I heard it! You said the last thing you should say - you dare to say that I am the God of Poverty. This is too much. I want..."

"You still owe me money."

"Yes! I am poor and desu!"

Jian Yulei said that those who know current affairs are heroes!

I am the God of fucking poverty, what’s wrong! ?If you have any opinions, just talk to me!

"Ah da da da—"

Lin Qiong continued to bury his head in the attack, as if he was only focused on fighting Jian Yulei, and he didn't hear anything outside the window, but Jian Yulei, who had been defending all the time, was keenly aware of something wrong.

'Is it an illusion...?No!Brother Qiong's movements are indeed changing...'

Jian Yulei fed the move intimately, while carefully observing Lin Qiong's movements, and then his eyebrows twitched, "I'm a tortoise, what happened to Brother Qiong?" '

If we compare Lin Qiong to a program, then his program is running in a loop at this time, and each time it runs, some bugs will be reduced and some sentences will be simplified-this program is changing at a speed visible to the naked eye. more perfect.

This sounds like a very good thing at first glance, but isn't the speed of progress a bit too fast? ?

Normally speaking, after training for ten days and a half, Jian Yulei would say with emotion that he is worthy of being Qiong Geer to achieve the current progress, which is amazing!It’s you who are making progress every minute and every second now...

Fuck, you little Bizai juice, did you secretly open it? ?

Shutting down Brother Qiong is boring!Really boring!



Although the bottom of my heart kept complaining about Lin Qiong, complaining that something was wrong with Lin Qiong, and complaining about Lin Qiong's petty tricks, but Jian Yulei's feeding tricks never stopped. Great pressure on Lin Qiong.

I have to say that a good brother is a good brother. It is really a trick when it is cheated, but it is also really reliable when it is reliable.

'Cool, this is too cool--'

While fine-tuning his offensive line, Lin Qiong said to Miss Wanshitong in his mind: "My Miss Wanshitong, you are too powerful, right?" '

With her hands on her knees, Lafite squatting in Lin Qiong's soul sea narrowed her eyes happily, and she said with a smile: "Our host, you can praise us more exaggeratedly, more happily, and more enthusiastically!"Hum--'

'Oh oh oh!Then I will give you 82 points...'

'Give me the rest in the form of 666? '


After Lin Qiong praised Miss Wanshitong according to the established routine, he refocused on the discussion and said seriously in his mind: "Next, I will also count on you, Miss Wanshitong!" '

Miss Know-It-All stood up, put her hands on her hips, and said enthusiastically: "Hey, please rely on us as much as you like!" '

The moment when Lin Qiong and Jian Yulei started to exchange ideas, he really realized how powerful the gourmet demon he was living in was—disregarding the combat effectiveness of Miss Wanshitong herself, the huge knowledge reserve alone is enough Lin Qiong has benefited a lot.

For example, at this moment, Miss Wanshitong is optimizing and fine-tuning every attack of Lin Qiong, and will also give advice on how to better use the strength of her body.

"Hiss, maybe Miss Know-it-all is better than Ah Jian? '

When Lin Qiong broke through Jian Yulei's line of defense twice according to Miss Wanshitong's instructions, which made him frantically burst out with a force far superior to Lin Qiong's to successfully defend, such a cognition appeared in his mind.

Fuck me, Miss Know-It-All, you are too amazing! !

It's a pity that Miss Wanshitong can only give theoretical advice to Lin Qiong at present, and Lin Qiong can only find Jian Yulei to discuss with him in terms of actual combat experience-to be reasonable, Xiangxiang's cat girl on the one hand, and Poor Valkyrie, who do you want to train with?

Except for Nan Tong, Jian Yulei has no temptation at all, right?



"Tsk tsk, it seems that little friend Lin Qiong has acquired an incredible gourmet devil—"

Sitting on the chair, Yilong looked at Lin Qiong who was making rapid progress, and couldn't help but said with some distress: "In this case, I'm going to show you many things to thank him, but I won't be able to take them out."

As the small group of people in the top of the food world pyramid, Yilong has naturally mastered a lot of knowledge and profound meanings. Originally, he planned to teach Lin Qiong some special skills to thank him for his dedication to the two. Wolf's help, but now...

What's wrong with this!

"We'll just have to provide him with enough food—"

Erlang smiled and said: "With his current physical fitness, I'm afraid he can quickly overcome the second flowering."

Yilong nodded, expressing his agreement with Erlang's analysis: "However, rather than blooming, I'm more curious about what he will look like after his gourmet cells are awakened?"

This kind of unknown is really heart-pounding!



After this writing duel and the discussion of reading and writing, Lin Qiong sat beside the eldest lady, raised his head and complained: "I knew that guy A Jian had no good intentions! Grandma is a hairy leg, and finally Give me a moment at this moment—it’s so cruel, just break my face."

"It's okay, it's okay, it's not disfigured—"

The eldest lady knelt beside Lin Qiong, carefully took a boiled egg and applied it to his bruised left eye frame, and comforted him, "It's still that handsome Qiong!"

"Come on, I'm also called handsome?" Lin Qiong waved his hands angrily, and said, "I'm just a man of wealth at best! If you really want to say that you are handsome, you have to look at the readers, all of them are talents. They are very nice to speak, and I like them very much.”

The eldest lady deeply agreed: "That's true, my family is better than anyone else, except that it is inferior to the reader."

Secretary: "?"

Miss, master, what are you talking about!Don't just break the dimensional wall!Otherwise readers will find that this book is not a fictional mouthpiece!

While covering Lin Qiong's eyes, the eldest lady said with emotion: "It's just that the current Qiong has suddenly become so powerful. If we go deeper into the dungeon, I'm afraid we can easily break through the [-]th floor, right?"

It is no exaggeration to say that Lin Qiong at this moment, if he went back half a day ago, with his own solo who had just obtained the gourmet cells, he would probably be able to fight two with one, no, three?Hey, if you work hard, maybe you can hit four?

As for the solo with myself who didn't get the gourmet cells, I'm a little embarrassed——I want to make ten!

"Hey, this is all because of the food cells——"

Lin Qiong waved his hand and said, "Don't worry, after the problem with your tongue is resolved, you can taste the food of this world with confidence - with your food luck, you will definitely be able to awaken your gourmet cells very quickly, and then you will be able to eat food." Invincible all over the world!"

Please, the eldest lady is a proper heroine, so do you need to worry about her food luck?Even without Lin Qiong, if she accidentally crossed into the gourmet world by herself, she would probably be able to survive easily.

"Tongue again—"

The eldest lady couldn't help but sigh and said: "Sometimes I even think about whether I should just give up the God's Tongue and follow Master Abe's experience to cultivate super taste, but..."

However, the eldest lady felt a little unwilling to give up the God's Tongue like this without being desperate.

"Of course we can't give up! Have you forgotten our original ambition?" Lin Qiong hugged the eldest lady into his arms, and then said confidently: "On the basis of retaining the talent of God's Tongue, cultivate a super Taste, and then combine the two magical skills of taste to create a divine taste! Phew, just thinking about it is exciting!"


The eldest lady recalled the oath she had made to Lin Qiong by patting her chest vigorously, and she couldn't help showing a shallow smile. She hugged Lin Qiong from behind and said, "Sorry, I have some self-doubt for a while. It's-"

"It's okay." Lin Qiong patted the young lady's arm lightly, and said, "The gourmet world is amazing! There are so many strange abilities emerging one after another, you will definitely find a way... huh?"

Speaking of this, Lin Qiong was stunned for a moment, and the eldest lady raised her head, and found that his originally black eyeballs had unknowingly turned into golden vertical pupils.

"Erina, wait a minute -" Lin Qiong scratched his head, "My food demon called me, I'll answer it."

Missy: "???"

Chapter 0249 such a simple answer

Missy: "???"

She looked blankly at Lin Qiong, who was still fondly recalling the past with him one second, and then went into a state of "calling" with the gourmet demon without moving a second.

no! ?I'm so...

For some reason, the eldest lady suddenly had a feeling of her original partner watching her husband and mistress talking on the phone.

Hi, so angry!



"Hey, she's so angry—"

Although at this time Miss Know-It-All cannot be realized, but with her ability, she can already use the waveguide power emanating from the gourmet cells in Lin Qiong's body to capture the scenery within a 20-meter radius of Lin Qiong into her eyes.

So of course she saw the scene of the eldest lady stomping her feet angrily after Lin Qiong gave her response.

This little girl is so cute, does our host like her so much, hehe~

"I'm coming--"

The next moment, Lin Qiong's figure appeared in the dark space. He looked at the kitten in front of him in a daze, and asked strangely, "What's the matter? He called me in suddenly."

"Oh, isn't it because I was too excited and accidentally forgot something important~"

Miss Know-It-All tapped her head gently, and then stuck out her tongue playfully - I don’t know why, if someone did this action in real life, Lin Qiong would probably find it boring and artificial, but Miss Know-How did it It gave Lin Qiong the right feeling.

It's like a textbook show of cuteness.

After recovering from a brief absence, Lin Qiong hurriedly asked: "Important matter? What is it?"

"Ahem, it's about your girlfriend—"

Miss Know-It-All blinked her eyes, and she said with some embarrassment: "Actually, it is really easy to solve her problem in our world, very easy."


A big question mark popped up on Lin Qiong's head: "No! Miss Know-it-All, don't mess with my mentality! You've read my memory, you should know that I asked Yang Jiang first, and Zheng Zheng Jiang again, but the answer It’s not very good, why did you come here…”

"There are specialties in the arts—"

Ms. Know-It-All said as a matter of course: "It's like you asked a doctor of biology to help you pass the level. If you are a sheep, people will be stunned for a few seconds, right?"

"Hiss, does it make sense?"

Lin Qiong sucked his teeth and said, "In your opinion, how to solve Erina's tongue problem?"

"Of course we know the answer—" Miss Wanshitong walked in front of Lin Qiong with playful steps, then opened her hands and twirled around happily, and said, "But, our host, how do you repay us? ?”

Lin Qiong was silent for a few seconds, and then said with a heartbroken face: "I have no other choice, I can only present you the great secret treasure I have treasured - this is a real great secret treasure that even the gods are greedy for! "


Miss Know-It-All tilted her head, pointed at her face with a green-white finger, and said, "Dear Mr. Host, have you forgotten that I watched you?"


"If I'm not mistaken, the big secret treasure in your mouth should refer to the NAS that is full of young ladies and consists of four Seagate 18T enterprise disks?" "Qiong" looked at him, and said: "As for the 'greedy' god in your mouth, it must be some Loki who doesn't want to be named, right?"

"Guah! But, damn it, you saw through it!"

Lin Qiong clutched his chest and took two steps back, then showed a distressed expression, and said, "I started downloading and organizing that NAS since high school, and then transferred it bit by bit, and finally developed to this scale! Isn't that enough treasure!"

"It seems precious to hear you say that, but we're not a hamster gang like you..." Ms. Know-it-all squatted in front of Lin Qiong with her legs together, her hands supporting her chin in a calyx shape, staring at a pair of dead fish. Looking at him, he said, "If you give it to us, we'll turn around and throw it into a bathtub full of water—and it's still powered on!"

"Wow! It's too much, too much!"

Lin Qiong covered his chest with his hands, and said in disbelief, "How did you say such cold words with a body temperature of 37 degrees?"

"Hmph, who told you to use this kind of compensation to fool us?"

Miss Know-It-All fell back, sat lightly on the ground, then tapped her tender toes, and said with a whimper, "We are not happy now! If you don't coax me well, I will be better than you." It was even more difficult to coax just now!"

"What, what!"

Lin Qiong widened his eyes and said, "How can this be done? My lovely Miss Know-it-all, please tell me the strategy to clear the level!"

He put his palms together in front of him and made a "please" gesture.

"Hmph, then please ask the host to comb our hair -"

Miss Wanshitong raised her right hand, and with the white light, a peachwood comb that was ordinary to the extreme appeared in her palm: "Although we are only a spiritual body now, let's take it as an early experience. "

"Comb, comb your hair?"

Lin Qiong stared dumbfounded at the mahogany comb in Miss Wanshitong's hand, and then said delicately: "This has really touched my blind spot of knowledge - I really haven't combed my hair too much!"

"Isn't that just right?"

Miss Wanshitong raised the comb in her hand with a smile, and said, "Just use me to practice your hands! Don't you want to comb Kirina's hair?"

Lin Qiong looked at the wooden comb held by the plain white hands, and then his heart moved shamefully——I said something like combing my girlfriend's hair with my own hands, it sounds so delicious!

"Then come and try~"

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