Miss Wanshitong quickly put the wooden comb in Lin Qiong's hand, then turned around impatiently and urged: "Hurry up, hurry up! We can't wait to enjoy the host's service -"

Lin Qiong walked in front of Miss Wanshitong, dumbfounded. He didn't rush to start combing his hair, but stretched out his left hand first, spread five fingers, and let his hand run through Miss Wanshitong's hair.

'It's as smooth as the finest satin...'

Feeling the smooth feeling coming from between his fingers, Lin Qiong couldn't help muttering: "Your hair is too good! It feels so comfortable."

"Oh, does the host like it very much?"

Miss Passionate let out a shallow laugh, then lowered her head docilely, and said softly: "Then let the host be more greedy to touch our head!"

Hearing what Ms. Know-It-All said, Lin Qiong subconsciously put her gaze on the top of her head—to be precise, it was the pair of fluffy cat ears that were trembling slightly.


Miss Know-It-All seems to have noticed something, she let out a shallow laugh, and said: "Oh, so you are not only interested in our hair, but also in 'them'?"

She shook her ears lightly, and then said in a seductive voice: "Want to touch? If it's the host, you can—"


Lin Qiong uttered a mournful cry. He looked at the ear that was trembling, as if saying to him, "Come and touch me! You see I'm so lively, come and touch me!", and couldn't help swallowing. saliva.

Although there are many beast-eared girls in the maid group of Sky City, if Lin Qiong opens his mouth, they will definitely express their happiness, "They can actually make the Supreme Rua ears, the Sa family's life is worth it, it doesn't matter if they die like this." expression, and then stretched his head over...

To be reasonable, the pressure on Lin Qiong was a little bit greater like that.

And now...

Lin Qiong felt that two little people appeared beside his ears——

Devil: This is a real cat ear girl, don't you want to rua her fragrant, soft ears?

Angel: Yes, but...

The devil pinned the angel down on the bed, and after a mishap, took a puff of an afterthought.

Devil: This is a real cat ear girl, don't you want to rua her fragrant, soft ears?

Angel: Evil, the devil is right.

This devil, walk away!

listen to her!

Lin Qiong's heart skipped a beat, and then he reached out to the cat's ears in front of him.



outside world.

After about three seconds.


Lin Qiong came back to his senses, raised his hands and rubbed his face, then turned his head to look at the eldest lady, raised his thumbs up with a proud look, and said: "Erina, there is good news here and A piece of bad news, which one do you want to hear?”

The eldest lady thought for a while: "Bad news."

Lin Qiong immediately looked at the eldest lady with a pitiful expression on the verge of coming out.

The eldest lady raised her head helplessly: "Okay, let's hear the good news first."


Lin Qiong immediately cheered happily. He shook his upper body in awe and said, "You still remember the ability of my gourmet devil? It's 'knowledge', and she told me just now that she wants to improve your ability. God’s tongue, you only need to ingest gourmet cells like me—”


After a few seconds of silence, the eldest lady made a surprised voice: "Wait, wait, can you tell me the solution again?"

"It's about taking in gourmet cells."


The eldest lady felt that her brain seemed to be hurting, she raised her hand and rubbed her head, then said, "Is it that simple?"

Lin Qiong nodded weakly, and said: "In her words, the defect of God's Tongue is a defect at the cellular level - when the tongue's taste cells raise the upper limit of taste, they simultaneously raise the lower limit of taste, resulting in a lower limit of taste. All foods will be resisted by the taste cells..."

However, such a problem does not occur with the acquired super taste, so Liu Pleiades can distinguish the origin of salt and tolerate the poor taste of certain dishes.

"...So, you only need to start consuming the food cells normally, and then use the food skills she taught to let the food cells make up for the defects of God's Tongue from the genetic level, and you can naturally cure it." Lin Qiong scratched his face and said with some embarrassment: "And because it is completed at the genetic level, even if we have a child, he/she will inherit the perfect tongue of God, not the defective one. "

Chapter 0250 Did You Discuss It?

After hearing Lin Qiong's words, the eldest lady just stayed in front of him like this, staring at him blankly.

'Why no response? '

Lin Qiong shook his hand in front of the young lady suspiciously, but when he found no response, he shrugged his shoulders helplessly, then propped his chin and waited for the young lady to recover.

Hard work pays off (?), after a long wait of 11.4514 seconds, the eldest lady came back to her senses and stared blankly at Lin Qiong.

"Can it be completely repaired?"

'Hey, have you been stuck since this place? '

Lin Qiong suppressed a smile and nodded.


"Repair at the genetic level?"


"Even if you have children in the future, won't you be troubled by the tongue of God?"



The eldest lady immediately slammed into Lin Qiong's arms, then hugged his waist tightly, and said happily: "Great, great! Qiong, thank you, thank you so much, thank you so much You... thank you..."

"Hey, what's the relationship between us? You're looking down on me by saying that—" Lin Qiong complained, "Besides, what's the use of verbal thanks? Why don't you give me a whole set of JK?"

Originally, he just wanted to act stupid and let the young lady complain about him so as to liven up the atmosphere, but he didn't expect that the young lady buried her face in her arms and nodded slightly.


Lin Qiong was taken aback for a moment, and then his eyes widened: "You agree?"

"Look, for the sake of your hard work, just, just satisfy you a little..."

The eldest lady seems to be very shy... no, it doesn't seem to be, she is just very shy, okay?Lin Qiong could even see her ears that had already been smudged with a layer of bright red.


"Then I want to see Totsuki's school uniform version of Erina——"

Lin Qiong's actions at this time fully proved the man's pushy nature - the so-called I only hug but not touch, I only touch but not rub, I only rub but don't move, I only move...

After all, men are all big liars!All Jimei beauties must be careful!

"Yes, but..."

The eldest lady gently pulled Lin Qiong's clothes, signaling him to lower his head, while she tiptoed to Lin Qiong's ear, and said shyly, "The previous school uniform doesn't fit anymore... ..."

The young lady wearing that school uniform was only 161cm tall, but at this time the young lady has grown to a height of 167cm, and the original clothes obviously did not fit well - more importantly, the young lady's measurements have also undergone a gratifying change .

"Cough cough..."

Lin Qiong obviously also thought about why, his eyes rolled away, and then he bit the young lady's ear, and said, "Let's go to the school secretly to order a set—according to your current figure."

"Okay, okay..."

The eldest lady hesitated for a few seconds, then nodded—it's her own school anyway, so it shouldn't be a problem, right?

At this time, the two of them still didn't know that when their request for custom-made school uniforms reached the ears of Nakiri Magi, who had replaced the old man as the commander-in-chief of Yuanyue, the mother with bean eyebrows would take this as soon as she saw her. Something laughed at her: "Whew, JK pinch ~ fun pinch ~ affectionate pinch ~"



The next day, when Mr. Yilong sat at the dining table, he saw the eldest lady who was eating white-haired Cinderella beef.

Grandpa: Σ( ° △ °|||)

"Wait, wait!"

The old man blinked and said, "Little friend! I remember little Erina..."

"Hey, old man, we found a way to treat her-"

After Lin Qiong repeated what he said to the eldest lady last night, he immediately made Mr. Yilong and Mr. Erlang fall into emo.

Yilong glanced at Erlang: "I feel that this kindness is not enough."

Erlang scratched his face and said, "That's true, it seems that they really don't need our help anymore?"

Yilong thought for a while: "How about we teach them some food skills?"

Erlang rubbed his chin: "My acupressure is quite good."

After hearing their conversation, Miss Wanshitong, who was in Lin Qiong's spiritual sea, immediately covered her stomach and let out a meowing laugh: "Meowhaha, I don't know what food skills in this world? What martial arts skills I don't know? Meowhaha , you should compensate our host from other places!"

Jiejie, one dragon and two wolves, you don't want to repay this kindness, do you?



Thanks to the same configuration as Lin Qiong, after the eldest lady, the secretary and Yoyo let go of their bellies and began to consume gourmet cells, they also quickly started their first "ability blooming".

Missy's ability to awaken is the spiritual tentacles, combined with her super power, today's young lady can split more than 100 hair-thick spiritual tentacles, and each one has several tons of power;

The awakening ability of the secretary is emotional influence. With her power of perpetual power, she can simply affect the target's emotion, or further gain or debuff it;

Yoyo's awakening ability is energy splitting, which can use energy to create an indefinite number of clones. These clones will only disappear when the energy in the body is exhausted or Yoyo actively disarms the ability, otherwise it is equivalent to an immortal body (clones only).

"so good--"

Ah Lu squatted aside, looked at Lin Qiong and the others enviously, and said, "Everyone has awakened the ability to look so cool!"

In comparison, his abilities are too simple - if you don't actively display your sense of smell, you won't be able to see it at all!

"You stupid boy, your ability is not determined by your handsomeness."

Yilong knocked Alu on the head angrily, and then muttered: "But these little guys are indeed more handsome than you."

"Old man!!"

Hey, Alu is so angry!

Wait, old man!When I become more powerful than you, I will definitely hunt super, super super, super super super rare ingredients that you have never eaten before, and then tie you to a chair and eat it in front of your face Lose!

Jie Jie!

Just when Aru made the oath, Lin Qiong couldn't help but looked at the eldest lady and the others. As we all know, after ingesting gourmet cells and developing their abilities, whenever the ability of gourmet demons is used, "alienation" will appear in the body. "The phenomenon.

For example, Lin Qiong's alienation phenomenon is a pair of golden cat's eyes with vertical pupils, and Alu's arm can turn into a gourmet demon's arm. As for the eldest lady and the others——

The eldest lady's ears turned into pointed ears like elves, the secretary's forehead had two tentacles like a piccolo big devil, and Yoyo's body emitted a faint fluorescent light, which was particularly eye-catching.

"Hahahaha, this is pretty good—"

Lin Qiong put his hands on his hips and said cheerfully: "At least you are still a normal person—oh, it would be strange if you have extra arms and long legs."


The eldest lady immediately looked at Lin Qiong with disgust and said, "Can't you say something nice? Idiot!"

"Say something nice? Okay-"

Lin Qiong tilted his head and thought for a while, then said: "Oh, maybe you will have smooth, beautiful and colorful hair. When you shake your head, you can see your hair shining beautifully in the sun... "

"Pfft hahaha-"

Lin Qiong hadn't finished speaking when Alu burst into laughter: "Hahahaha, flirtatious, colorful hair, hahahaha——"

"Mr. Aru..."

Xiaosong looked at Alu with sweat on his head. As a good friend who traveled with Alu, he certainly knew who Alu was laughing at - Sani, who was also one of the Four Heavenly Kings of Food with Alu.

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