Who made him have white, blue, light blue, green and pink hair?

"Next time I see Sani, I will definitely use this topic to laugh at him, hahaha——"

Aru made a standard hurt friend speech, which made Xiao Song sigh.



"how do you feel?"

Lin Qiong looked at the eldest lady who was jumping in place, adapting to the strengthening of the body by the gourmet cells, and asked.

"I feel that this gourmet cell is too strong..."

The eldest lady clenched her fists and said delicately: "My strength has increased by at least [-]% compared to before, and this is only the first time I have eaten."

The secretary on the side said: "After all, it is the source of power in the gourmet world. In theory, it has the same high growth potential as the 'qi' in the Dragon Ball world."

Lin Qiong shrugged his shoulders and said, "Stop reasoning, have you forgotten those gourmet demons who use the planet as a vegetarian meal? The guy in me is at this level."


The secretary widened his eyes and said, "Is the food demon in the young master so powerful? Isn't it on the same level as the white ghost in Aru's body?"

"more or less?"

As soon as Lin Qiong finished speaking, his eyes suddenly turned golden, and the golden light lasted for only half a second before going out again, and he also changed his words: "Well, according to her, the white ghost is worse than her." A little bit."

As for whether it is a little bit or a billion bit, Lin Qiong can't tell for sure-although the tone of Miss Wanshitong's mention of the white ghost is a bit indifferent, but the white ghost is the biggest cheat of Alu after all, and it should be the top gourmet demon.

"Miss Know-It-All is too strong!"

The secretary said with admiration, "Only a gourmet devil like her is worthy of the young master!"

"Hey, that's an exaggeration."

Lin Qiong waved his hands, and said dumbfoundedly: "I should be the one who is worthy of Miss Know-it-all—oh, why are you only talking about me? Aren't you three the protagonists here? Here, what is your gourmet devil?" What does it look like?"

The eldest lady, the secretary and Yoyo looked at each other, and all three showed very subtle expressions.

Missy: "A very troublesome guy."

Secretary: "A very troublesome guy."

Yoyo: "A particularly troublesome guy!"

Lin Qiong: "Ah, ah?"

Did you agree on this uniform answer?

Chapter 0251 She's So Good

One is troublesome.

a super trouble

One is particularly troublesome.

"Hey, you guys have a date, right?"

Lin Qiong was happy. He tilted his head and said with a smile: "What a troublesome way?"

The eldest lady showed a disgusted expression, and said: "It's a black-bellied gourmet devil who likes to watch others eat up—"

The secretary covered his forehead and said, "It's a lazy dog ​​food devil who is so lazy that he just wants to bask in the sun—"

You Yousheng turned his head sideways with no love, and said, "He is a food demon who is more socially fearful than me before——"

"Good guy, I call it good guy!"

Lin Qiong widened his eyes, then couldn't help but clapped his hands, and said, "What should I say? Crouching dragon and phoenix chick together? Or did the ship C event meet an ancient battlefield?"

The tsundere young lady meets a black-bellied type;

A hard-working secretary meets a lazy dog;

The socially fearful Yoyo meets a more socially fearful type.

will play!

At this moment, Lin Qiong's eyes suddenly lit up golden.



"Why did you call me here again?"

Lin Qiong appeared in front of Lafite and looked at Lafite who was moving his body strangely: "What's the matter?"

Lafite's movements paused, and then he pursed his mouth a little aggrieved, and fell to the ground "weakly", weeping, "You're annoying me! You're killing me! You're tired of me!" !"

Lin Qiong: "?"

Lafite let out a sob that couldn't be more fake, and cried: "I knew it, I knew that men are like this - I just got the method to save your girlfriend from me yesterday, today you are not good to me. Impatient!"

Lin Qiong: "??"

Lafite picked up the handkerchief and wiped the tears from the corners of his eyes, and said with a choked voice, "That's right! Men are such creatures, ah, they don't cherish me after they get me! Sure enough, I'm already a yellow flower from yesterday, and my glory is gone... "

Lin Qiong: "???"

Lafite stood up, gently patted the non-existent dust on his pure white skirt, then raised his head pretending to be "pretending to be okay", and said, "I can't lower my head, or the crown will fall off! Abandoned by you, I also want to be a woman in the new era..."

"You can pull you down!"

Seeing that the know-it-all lady was getting more and more outrageous, Lin Qiong couldn't help but interrupted her acting with black lines on her head, and said: "That's it, don't make me sweat soybeans!"


Miss Know-it-all covered her stomach and laughed, and said, "Your speechless expression just now was so funny! Hahaha——"

Lin Qiong viciously stretched out his hands and pulled Miss Wanshitong's face, and said angrily, "Damn it! Believe it or not, I'll give you an ugly nickname?"

"I don't believe it, you don't want to~"

Miss Know-It-All showed a cheerful expression, and said, "I don't believe you are willing to call me an ugly nickname!""

"Hmph, that's not sure—"

Lin Qiong let go of Miss Wanshitong's tender face, put his hands on his hips, and said, "Uncle, I am sometimes a man with a heart of stone!"

"For example, in order to get out that guard with a knife who worked in the police station, he hardened his heart and made three orders and ate instant noodles for a month?"

"No Road Race!" Lin Qiong said sharply: "Don't mention that sad past! It's all a trap, it's a trap!"

His grandma, when Lin Qiong entered the mobile game, the novice pool’s tenth company directly released two six-stars, namely the powerful halo shooter and the invincible snow leopard swordsman, and in the first round of the daily-built pool Here, a group of milk with a birdcage was created with the label that six stars must be produced...

To be fair, start with three six-stars!

This is exactly the same wonderful start as Kamen Rider Levis!

So Lin Qiong waved his hand, and Xiao Krypton made a wave. In just 180 draws, there were ghost sisters using shields, nurses playing swords, sheep girls who set fire, killer whales digging ground, and rolling lions. .

This is simply a more wonderful start than Kamen Rider Levis!

Then there is the nightmare of guaranteed bottom in every pool, and the nightmare of 260 in the New Year mixed pool with six six-stars drawn incorrectly - Xi Ba!They're all traps, they're all fucking traps! !

"Puff puff puff—"

Miss Know-It-All covered her mouth, and then let out a giggling laugh, which caused Lin Qiong's blood pressure to rise immediately.

"I'm angry!"

Lin Qiong folded his hands on his chest, turned his head with a "hmph", and said, "The kind that doesn't relieve your anger without Mao Maotou rua!"


Miss Wanshitong looked at Lin Qiong innocently, then leaned in front of him, and said, "Aren't you wondering why I called you here this time?"


Lin Qiong felt that he was being manipulated, so he angrily ruaed Miss Know-it-All's cat ears a few times, and then reluctantly said: "For the sake of letting me rua cat ears, I forgive you!"


Miss Wanshitong was amused by Lin Qiong's reaction, she sat down in front of Lin Qiong with a smile on her face, then stepped on Lin Qiong's instep wickedly, humming: "Punish you, step on your jiojio~"

"You're not heavy, so you can step on it as you please." Lin Qiong showed no resistance and even exclaimed: "I recommend wearing stockings to step on! Thank you Eggplant——"


Miss Know-It-All squinted her eyes and rubbed her arms, then put her hand to her mouth with a teasing smirk like a little devil on her face, and said in a sweet and greasy voice: "hentai foot control!"


Lin Qiong fell to the ground with a cry of grief, then clutched his chest, twisted his body like a maggot, and said, "Ah Wei is dead! You killed him!"


Miss Wanshitong squatted in front of Lin Qiong with a smile, then stretched out her hand to poke his face, and said, "What kind of stockings do you want to see now?"

Lin Qiong was taken aback, then lay on his side on the ground, looked at Miss Wanshitong's white legs that dazzled his eyes with his hands on his head, and said, "Are you really wearing it?"

"Hmph, after all, this is your interest, so I have no choice but to satisfy you—" Miss Wanshitong kept squatting, making her ten toes up and down playfully: "Is it black silk? White silk Gray silk? Knee socks? Lace knee socks? Lace suspenders? Pantyhose?"

"Hey, first the whole black pantyhose! Not too thick, just the right thickness. It looks impermeable black at first glance, but when the legs are moved, the tight parts will reveal the color of flesh. -"

"As expected of you—" Know-it-all smiled slightly, she stood up, and then spun around on the spot, and when she stopped spinning, a pair of black pantyhose had already appeared on her legs .

"Is that right?"

Miss Know-It-All raised her left leg with a smile and asked.

"Oh oh oh!"

The standing right leg is wrapped in pure black, but the buttocks, knees and thighs of the raised left leg are thinned due to tight socks, revealing the gleaming white thigh below...

"Ultra Good Job!"

Lin Qiong couldn't help giving a thumbs up, and said, "I can kill a goodjob who is at the level of a super giant pill in one move!"

It has to be said that after reading Lin Qiong's memories, Ms. Pass-Dance almost tap-danced on Lin Qiong's XP! !

Everything can only be summed up in one sentence - she is really good at it.


Miss Know-It-All smiled playfully. She stood up nimbly, then closed her eyes and spun around again. This time when she stopped, her outfit was no longer the white dress. , but changed into a set of JK clothing for the spring and autumn seasons.

The upper body is a white long-sleeved shirt with a sleeveless beige sweater, the lower body is a dark blue pleated skirt, and the feet are a pair of small black leather boots with round toes. accessories and decorations, which is very in line with the student status of "no extra accessories are allowed".


Miss Know-It-All put her body sideways in a posture that emphasized her figure, then turned her head, closed one eye in a playful way, and finally drew a scissors hand on the side of her face with her right hand: "How is it? Now it's the female high school student version Miss know-it-all—do you have a very pure and intellectual feeling?"


Lin Qiong clamped his right hand under his left armpit, then rubbed his chin with his left hand, and looked at Miss Know-it-all in front of him thoughtfully—that appearance, people who don’t know it would think it was some big name The director is selecting actors, not some lsp is looking at JK.

A few seconds later, Lin Qiong thought about it, snapped his fingers, and said, "I still need a pair of glasses, and then try changing the hairstyle from white long straight to double braid?"

"It's so obvious—"

Miss Know-It-All showed a see-through smile, then opened her hand and turned in a circle again - this time, she not only put on a pair of eyes, changed her hairstyle into double braids, but also changed her JK uniform into a double braid. It became a short-sleeved school uniform mainly in purple.

"Oh oh oh!"

Lin Qiong couldn't help puffing up his hands and said, "Like, it's so similar!"

"After all, when I decided on the appearance, I used her appearance as a reference——"

Miss Wanshitong put her hands on her hips, and said with a smile: "It's just that our character is not suitable for imitating her, so I probably can't play Tsubasa Yukawa in your mind."

Lin Qiong shook his head seriously, and said, "Forget what I said before? You are not Tsubasa Yukawa, but my gourmet devil, Lafite, also known as Miss Know-It-All—"

"Oh, the answer just now has a high score~"

Miss Know-It-All's eyes were bent into beautiful crescent moons, she put her hands behind her back and leaned in front of Lin Qiong, and said girlishly: "Then, as a reward, let me teach you the food skills that can cure your girlfriend's genetic defects." Here you go-"

"Oh, thank you so much!"

Lin Qiong put his hands together and made a gesture of worshiping the Great Ming God, and then said with great anticipation: "Okay~ My Miss Know-It-All, how do we teach food skills? Is it the magic book from the Earth World? Or is it the Little Shouyi from the Suqing World? Hui? Or maybe he is the Jade Card Professor from the Xianxia world?"

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