
Miss Wanshitong shook her finger with a smile, she pointed her index finger at her lips with a smile, and said cunningly in her eyes: "It's the kiss method of the godslayer world——"

Chapter 0252 Sweet Love


Thanks to Lin Qiong not drinking water at this time, otherwise he would probably become the first protagonist in history who was choked to death because of drinking water and who has the fighting power to destroy a city - shameful, as shameful as Sato Kazuma.

Closer to home——

According to the setting of the Godslayer World, the magic resistance on the surface of the Godslayer is too high, so the normal "knowledge teaching" magic does not work on them, so they can only use "internal contact" by kissing. Teach magic.

and so……

"So you're joking?"

Lin Qiong looked at Miss Wanshitong with an uneasy face, and said, "You are so much stronger than me, and you still need to use the kiss method to impart knowledge? I don't believe it!"

"Oh, I didn't fool the host—"

Miss Passionate showed a regretful expression. She put her hands behind her back, tilted her upper body slightly, and looked at him with a bright smile on her face: "I'm going to flick you viciously when you close your eyes and wait for a kiss." your brow, and laugh at you thinking about peaches—”

This is a lie.

If Lin Qiong really believed the nonsense of Miss Wanshitong, then she would never be stingy about exchanging a kiss for the behavior of increasing Lin Qiong's favorability.



She once said that she was a bit like Echidna, which is by no means an exaggeration.

Normally, a gourmet demon of her level has an extremely large appetite, and even the planet is nothing more than a Melissa in their eyes—but Miss Know-It-All is abnormal, her desire is compared to " "Appetite" is more mentioned in "knowledge".

It's a pity that the size of the gourmet world is only so big. After a long period of time, Miss Passionate has recorded all the knowledge she can learn in her brain.

And then?

Then, Miss Know-It-All, whose thirst for knowledge could not be satisfied, thought of a way, and she began to wander in the food universe, and whenever she met a food demon, she would force him to tell something she didn't know ——If the other party speaks out, she will answer a question from the other party as a reward, and if the other party cannot speak out, she will beat him up.

In this way, in just a few hundred years, Miss Know-It-All created "The Omniscient", "The Man Who Can't Even Mention Her Name", "The Mysterious Man", "You Know Who She Is" in the gourmet universe. "Wait for the nickname - she even held the white ghost and beat his ass, this incident has also become the psychological shadow and black history of the white ghost's life.

Later, Miss Know-It-All realized that her behavior was inefficient and unreasonable, and finally found a place with a good view at random, and forced herself to fall into a deep sleep—this universe is so boring and boring .

The black and white world like a silent film was broken one day by a strange intruder - he was like a pebble falling into the calm water, bringing this lifeless world (in the eyes of Miss Know-It-All) Bringing ripples of hustle and bustle.

So, she opened her eyes and looked at Lin Qiong, who had obtained the gourmet cells, and it was precisely this glance that the "strange" and "unknown" aura lingering on Lin Qiong's body was domineering and unreasonable. Gone from Miss Know-it-all's sight.

Ah, ah-ah!

The moment she saw Lin Qiong, Miss Know-it-All seemed...as if...yes, she seemed to be Freya who had seen Bell's shining soul, holding her head with both hands, and let out a fascinated look. shouted.

That is the endless unknown, that is the endless knowledge! !

As a result, Ms. Know-it-all tore up all the gourmet demons that flocked to Lin Qiong as if she was crazy, and then greedily took this treasure into her own arms.

This is hers, no one (referring to the food devil) can get involved!

In order to learn more about Lin Qiong's preferences, Miss Wanshitong decisively exchanged memories with the other party, and then reshaped her body according to the other party's preferences.

Everything is just to make Lin Qiong like her more.




Lin Qiong subconsciously covered his forehead, and then said viciously: "You bad woman, you actually want to deceive me, a pure girl...uh... an otaku!"

I almost forgot, I am no longer at home, hehe!

"Oh, let me make it up to you?"

Miss Know-It-All tilted her head, and she jumped up and down playfully, a boss's table appeared under her buttocks, catching her firmly.

After sitting firmly, Miss Passionate elegantly folded her right leg on top of her left leg, then raised her toes lightly, and said, "How about letting you touch your leg?"

Lin Qiong took a look at Miss Wanshitong's plump and bloated, curvy and long, alluring legs wrapped in pantyhose, couldn't help swallowing, and said, "Wow, you are really Yes... It seems that Zhou Xun really didn't lie to me, the more beautiful the woman is, the more she is dating a lie!"

"Wait, wait—"

Miss Wanshitong was a little dumbfounded, and she couldn't help asking: "Didn't Mr. Jin write this sentence in Yitian Tulongji? How did it become Zhou Xun's? Isn't she a singer and an actor?"


Seeing Miss Wanshitong's reaction, Lin Qiong couldn't help but let out a chuckle: "It seems that our Miss Wanshitong also has something she doesn't know--a friendly reminder, what is Xun, also known as Zhou?"

Miss Wanshitong opened her mouth, then fell into silence for several seconds, and finally burst out laughing: "Hahaha, I'm sure, Lu Xun never said that!"


Lin Qiong put his hands on his hips and said confidently: "Lu Shuren once said - students, I can write famous quotes for your composition, so anything you say can be said by me!"

"That's weird!"

Miss Know-It-All laughed: "You can talk nonsense!"

"Oh, you're a good talker!"

"No way, you are a locomotive!"

"That's right, what you said just now has a strong smell of motorcycles!"


Miss Wanshitong laughed happily, and when she was satisfied with her smile, she gently raised her right hand, tapped Lin Qiong's forehead with her index finger, and said, "Bad host, remember to come in more often to chat with us—— We are afraid of being lonely~"



Lin Qiong came back to his senses, then looked at the eldest lady, and said, "Erina, just now Miss Wanshitong has taught me the food skills you need, and you can start practicing now."

"Is it possible now?" The eldest lady showed a surprised expression. For her, the sooner she can solve the defect of God's Tongue, it means that her obsession can be eliminated sooner - at that time, Only then can she truly wander around with Lin Qiong without any worries, instead of having to run around in order to heal God's Tongue like this now?

"Well, this doesn't need to be done in a pinch." Lin Qiong smiled and said, "You can do it bit by bit——according to the degree of completion of your genes, the 'lower limit of taste' of God's Tongue will gradually increase. lower, and your acceptance of food becomes higher and higher."

Lin Qiong once consulted Nakiri Mannagi and Nakiri Erina: For you, what kind of feeling is it to eat unpalatable food?

After all, in Lin Qiong's view, no matter how unpalatable the food is, it doesn't mean that he can't swallow it so much that he has to rely on glucose to maintain his life?The man was very hungry, couldn't he just eat it without salt?

Faced with Lin Qiong's doubts, Nagi Nakiri gave the answer: "Your subjective consciousness has no effect on the rejection of God's Tongue! Even if you know that you will die if you don't eat it, and then force yourself to bite the bullet and eat it, You will also be so nauseous the moment you eat your mouth that you will spit it out."




When the "salvation" really arrived, the secretary threw herself into the arms of the eldest lady with tears in her eyes, and then made a wailing voice: "The young lady is saved, and so is the madam... Eh? What should I do, madam? "

This sentence reminded Lin Qiong and the eldest lady, they couldn't help but look at each other, and then took a breath of air.

"Hiss! That's right! We can't let our mother also take gourmet cells, right? Let's not say that her physical fitness can't withstand the erosion of gourmet cells, just the intake of gourmet cells is a problem—"

Lin Qiong felt a little numb, he smiled wryly, and said, "How about bringing our mother to the gourmet world? With her cooking skills and food fortune, I guess she will be one of the four great gourmet kings in a few years. "

"Oh wow-"

Aru came over curiously, squeezed in front of Lin Qiong with bright eyes, and said, "Brother Lin Qiong, do you mean that aunt's cooking skills are very good?"

"If you ask me this, it is beyond the scope of my knowledge."

Lin Qiong laughed sarcastically and said: "I am the type who is particularly easy to make a living, and the upper limit of my knowledge of cooking skills is one hundred points, so cooking skills of one thousand and cooking skills of ten thousand are both troubles for me. "

Xiao Song on the side heard Lin Qiong's words and couldn't help opening his mouth.

He glanced at the eldest lady whose cooking skills were not inferior to his, and then at Lin Qiong, who claimed to be "easy to support", and couldn't help but fell into deep thought—why would a girl with such excellent cooking skills fall in love with a girl who is so good at cooking? What about boys who know how to cook?Isn't this completely uncommon topic?

Could it be that the introduction is love?

The eldest lady glanced at Lin Qiong helplessly, sighed and said, "Seeing your reaction, I don't know whether I should be envious of your appetite, or ashamed that my craftsmanship didn't make your appetite tricky." stand up……"

"Who said that? I have a tricky mouth now!" Lin Qiong put his hands on his hips, and said confidently: "Let me tell you, I won't eat food that doesn't have a seasoning of Erina's sweet love! "

Hearing Lin Qiong's speech, the secretary on the side raised his hand weakly, and said, "But isn't the food prepared by Senior Xiaosong these days? Could it be that the young master can also feel the sweetness of the young lady from him?" sweet love?"

Lin Qiong: "?"

The eldest lady: "?"


One dragon & two wolves & Alu: "?"

Komatsu: "???!!!?!?!?!"

Chapter 0253 Ajian, kisama!

I have to say, the secretary is really a damn talent!

What she just said directly raised this issue to a level that it didn't belong to, okay?

Just, quite suddenly.

Lin Qiong pondered for a few seconds, then looked at the eldest lady and said softly: "Erina, if you have time, check the secretary's belongings to see if there are any books in that field."

For example, Longyang is good, for example, Ollie gives it, for example yooooo~

Anyway, you know everything you know, and you don’t understand what you don’t understand. You can only say that the interests are related, and it involves too much, so hide it.

The eldest lady didn't say anything else, but nodded with a serious expression, and said, "I will check it carefully."


After realizing the problem with his speech, the secretary hurriedly waved his hands and said, "I, I, I, I don't mean that! I'm just curious! Because the young master's speech...cough cough..."

Lin Qiong crossed his arms and looked at the secretary sideways like Tong Nao, and said, "Secretary, do you know what your behavior is called? It's called rotten eyes!"


The secretary let out a mournful sound as if her face was blurred by the M78 light, she took two steps back in embarrassment, then looked at the eldest lady pitifully, and said, "Missy, you believe me, right? I have a chance!"

"How can I give you a chance?"

"I had no choice before, I want to be a good person now!"

"Okay, tell Lin Qiong and see if he allows you to be a good person."

The secretary immediately looked at Lin Qiong with tears in his eyes: "Master, master, you know me, right? Give me a chance!"

Lin Qiong thought for a while and said, "So you mean, I don't believe you, Erina doesn't understand you?"


The secretary was confused by this question. She blinked her glasses blankly, not knowing how to answer this question.

"Ha ha ha ha--"

Seeing the stunned look of the secretary, the eldest lady immediately supported Lin Qiong's shoulders, and let out a series of crisp and lively laughter, and the secretary who heard this burst of laughter realized that she was fooled by Lin Qiong .


The secretary stomped her foot coquettishly, then looked at Lin Qiong angrily, gritted her teeth and said, "Young Master is so evil, I'm going to hit your chest with a hammer!"

"Hi, Cricket Hammer..."

Before Lin Qiong finished speaking, she saw the secretary take out her super giant secretary's hammer with her backhand, and then rushed towards Lin Qiong with the hammer in hand.

Without saying a word, Lin Qiong turned around and ran to the side.

"Master, why are you running? Didn't you mean Cricket Little Hammer?"

"You're not a little hammer, hey—"

"It's a small hammer that a weak woman like me can lift with one hand!"


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