Lin Qiong took the time to look back, and then saw the secretary holding a metal sledgehammer in his right hand and waving it in the air with ease.


Lin Qiong cursed secretly, then buried his head and rushed towards Alu, shouting: "Alu, help, help..."

Aru: Σ( ° △ °|||)

Just when he didn't know what to do, Jian Yulei beside him was shining with golden light, entangled with thunder and appeared on Lin Qiong's only way, and said sharply, "I'll help you!!"

Lin Qiong was overjoyed, laughed and ran past A Jian, shouting: "A Jian, you are indeed my best brother...A Jian, what are you doing, A Jian!"

The moment Lin Qiong and Jian Yulei passed each other, Jian Yulei suddenly stretched out his sinful right hand, grabbed Lin Qiong's wrist in an instant, then shook, pulled, and pulled, He bent Lin Qiong's right hand behind his back and held him in front of him.

Jian Yulei ignored Lin Qiong's questioning, but said loudly: "Miss Fei Shazi! I caught Lin Qiong for you, remember to give me an extra meal tonight-I want a Japanese-style dinner! Please! !"

"Ajian, ksiama!"

Lin Qiong's expression at this time was like that of Pikachu when he saw Xiaozhi and Serena kissing, full of grief and indignation at being betrayed: "Have you forgotten the vow we made under the moon? You called me daddy affectionately. I call you son gently..."


Three question marks appeared on Jian Yulei's head, he let go of Lin Qiong without hesitation, then opened his hands in a posture of a white crane spreading its wings, and said sharply: "Evil! You don't need Miss Fei Shazi to do it, I will do it myself to teach you—"

"That's my line, you traitor!"

Lin Qiong made a gesture like a black tiger tearing out his heart and said loudly: "From the moment you betrayed me, there is no place for you in this family!"

"Hey! It's not you, a stinky brother who can't even cook, who is in charge of the house!" Jian Yulei's movements changed from a white crane spreading its wings to a poisonous snake coming out of its hole: "It's Erina and Fei Shazi. The one who holds the power in the kitchen!"

"Bah, you're just greedy for their craftsmanship, you're a scumbag!"

"Aren't you greedy for their craftsmanship?"

"I'm hungry for Erina's body!"

Listening to Lin Qiong's resounding declaration, Jian Yulei was silent for a few seconds, then stood up straight, melancholy watching his good brother being chased by the angry eldest lady.

Yeah, yeah, it's another peaceful day to fight thieves!




Another day after lunch, Lin Qiong, the eldest lady, the secretary, and Yoyo leaned side by side on the back of the seat, and then burped loudly in unison.


Alu on the side glanced at the four of them, then took a deep breath, brewed for a while, and hiccupped even louder, deafening, earth-shattering, and weeping ghosts and gods.


After the ten-second hiccup ended, he winked at Lin Qiong with a proud look on his face, and received Lin Qiong's disdainful middle finger in return.

Lin Qiong scorned: "Childish."

Alu proudly said, "You lost."

Lin Qiong disdained: "It's better than someone being thrown in the first game - it's still a [-]-point start, shame on me!"

Alu was speechless because Lin Qiong chatted to death.

In order to bond with each other and pass the time, Lin Qiong taught Alu and others how to play Japanese mahjong. Since it was a game played by Sama's friends, he set the initial points to [-] points to start the game - after all, it was easy for Sama to fool big names. Ten thousand points can avoid being flown quickly.

The results of it?No one expected that in the first round of the East, when Lin Qiong was on the manor, Alu fired a four times full cannon for Lin Qiong, and directly came to an interstellar flight.

The shocked Alu gave up his position to Xiaosong, and he sat behind Yilong to advise him, and called himself a gold medal strategist - ah, by the way, Yilong's three-shot rate last night was 80.00%.


Facing Lin Qiong's ridicule, Alu showed a painful expression. He lay on the table and hammered the table angrily.Said: "No matter what, it's because the old man is too lucky!"


Yilong was so angry that he immediately rolled up his sleeves and was about to beat up Alu, but fortunately, the second wolf next to him stopped him and said, "Forget it, the guests are here! We will settle the score after they leave."

Only then did Yilong reluctantly nodded.



The death penalty is acquitted, but the living sin cannot escape.

Mr. Yilong let his leather boots kiss Aru's ass a few times, and then sat across the table amidst the smiling faces of Lin Qiong and others, and sighed heavily: "Hey— —”

Lin Qiong supported his chin and felt that his stomach had digested some of the food that had just been full. He picked up the chopsticks again and picked up a piece of fish and put it into his mouth. While chewing, he said: "Old man, if you sigh casually, , you will get hemorrhoids——"

Yilong almost choked to death.

"Under normal circumstances, shouldn't you say to me lines like - if you sigh casually, happiness will slip away - and so on? Why does it have something to do with constipation?"

"Well, I just want to tell the old man that life is full of surprises and accidents, don't think that things will develop as you expected—"

"Sounds very philosophical, but don't you think talking about hemorrhoids during the meal will make everyone eat?"

Lin Qiong was silent for a few seconds, and then said thoughtfully: "Although but—Old man, don't you think that if everyone can't eat, it's equivalent to me being able to make up all the dishes?"

This answer was something Yilong didn't expect, and he was so shocked that the sunglasses in his hand fell off. Fortunately, the old man reacted quickly and quickly caught the sunglasses in his hand the moment they fell.

"Your brain circuit is indeed different from that of normal people." Yilong tugged at the corner of his mouth, then waved his hands helplessly, and said, "To be honest, I am now worried about going along with repaying your kindness—after all, we The content of the agreement is that you will fix Erlang's injury, and we will find a way to fix your girlfriend's tongue defect."

But it turned out that the body of the second wolf was indeed solved by the fairy beans provided by Lin Qiong, but the tongue of the eldest lady was solved by the method provided by Miss Know-it-all-although Yilong and Erlang who insisted on providing food also participated in this There was no problem with the matter, but the two old men obviously couldn't bear this face to claim credit.

Facing the worried old man, the eldest lady said softly: "It's all right! Didn't the old man provide a lot of high-quality ingredients for us to absorb the gourmet cells? This has saved us a lot of effort."

Lin Qiong also raised his head from the pot of beef brisket, wiped his mouth with a napkin, and said, "Erina is right! The dishes provided by the old man have already saved us a lot of trouble."

"The importance of these two things cannot be confused—" the old man shook his head, and said stubbornly: "For you, as long as you are willing to spend time and effort, you can hunt these ingredients; but for us, no matter No matter what, it is impossible to cross the world to obtain the healing sacred object of fairy beans."

Lin Qiong raised his hand and scratched his face, then said helplessly, "So what the old man means is that he hopes we can come up with that you can repay us?"

"Yes, that's what it means-"

The old man nodded happily, patted his chest and said, "Despite my age, I still have some strength, so feel free to use my old bones!"

Chapter 0254 as a mortal, shocking the gods

Now that the honest and honest Mr. Yilong has made a request, then Lin Qiong and the eldest lady will no longer be polite to him——

First of all, in the next period of time, Yilong and Erlang will be responsible for the food consumption of Lin Qiong and the others;

Secondly, Yilong needs someone to teach the young lady and the secretary how to cook;

Finally, Yilong is responsible for instructing Lin Qiong, the eldest lady and the secretary in martial arts - together with Jian Yulei.

"That's it?"

Old Man Yilong frowned. Obviously, in his opinion, the three requests made by Lin Qiong were far less than the kindness brought by rescuing Erlang.


Lin Qiong looked at the old man cheerfully, and said, "Old man, we are the kind of professors who let you show off all the skills at the bottom of the box!"

"How could the old man keep it private?"

Mr. Yilong snorted softly, stood up from his chair, and muttered, "Let's do this for now!"

It seems that the old man's "heart of repaying kindness" will not change?




Lin Qiong circled around Geng Gui who was scratching his head in embarrassment with a strange expression, and said, "Why are you so greedy?"

"Mouth, mouth Jie—"

Geng Gui lowered his head guiltily, and then rubbed his toes on the ground a few times—I, I just ate a small piece because I saw that the steak was so delicious, yes, it should be fine, right?

"You asked me if something was wrong, I really don't know..."

Lin Qiong pinched his chin with his right hand, and said with a strange face: "It's okay if it's the wind speed dog or the fairy Ibrahimovic who ate it, but Geng Gui—by the way, can Geng Gui absorb gourmet cells?"

The eldest lady said with a look of uncertainty: "It should be possible? After all, this little guy has a body——"

Speaking of this, the eldest lady poked Gengar's round belly with her finger, causing the little fat man to laugh "Hee hee hee -": Oh, the master is not angry, he is very pretty.

"It should be absorbable—"

At this time, Jian Yulei walked over. He was rubbing his chin with his hand thoughtfully, then circled around Gengar and said: "If I calculated it correctly, its comprehensive energy level, It is 0.073% stronger than before eating steak."


Lin Qiong twitched the corner of his mouth and said, "Let's not talk about how you calculated this number—Geng Gui, can you really absorb gourmet cells? Absolutely!"

Are you from the ghost department?

"Kou, Kou Jie!"

Geng Gui touched his body with his small short hands a little uneasy: It's broken, won't it grow a brain?

"I'm also worried!" Lin Qiong couldn't help reaching out and touching Geng Guibing's cold body, and said, "Will Pokémon awaken the gourmet demon?"


Geng Gui touched his head.

"Actually, awakening the gourmet demon is not a big deal. What I'm worried about is that you have a bad relationship with the gourmet demon—"

Lin Qiong worriedly poked Gengar's belly and said: "If the relationship between the host and the food demon is not good, the food demon will deliberately amplify the host's appetite every time it blooms. If the host is overwhelmed by appetite, If it does, it will become a monster that only knows how to eat——"

"Kou, Kou Jie!"

Geng Gui covered his mouth with his hands in fright, and then looked at Lin Qiong for help: Master, what, what should I do!

At this time, Gengar really wanted to go back in time and give himself a big bag.

Why can't you control your mouth?

"it should be no problem?"

Jian Yulei touched his chin and said, "How about I use my divine power to kill Geng Gui? Remove the gourmet cells?"

Lin Qiong ate a pound of beef: "I'm sorry, you still have this book... No, can divine power still do this?"

Jian Yulei glanced at him in confusion, and said, "Otherwise? You might as well guess why I eat the same food as you these days, whether I lack food cells, and I am not possessed by food demons." ?”


Lin Qiong came to a sudden: "It was cleared by you with divine power?"

Jian Yulei nodded, and said: "Although the gourmet cell has a very high upper limit, my identity and Olali's rules make it impossible for me to let it attach to me."

"Sparrow food."

Lin Qiong nodded and said, "Then please help Geng Gui..."



"Idiot, idiot, idiot, idiot—"

Miss Wanshitong pinched Lin Qiong's face angrily, and said, "The host is an idiot~"

"Why is it a series of attacks by idiots?"

"Because you're an idiot!"

"Whoever calls others stupid is himself stupid?"

"You are an idiot!"

"the stupid one is you!"

"You are!"

"You are what you are!"

"Too childish——"

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