Miss Know-It-All wrinkled her nose towards Lin Qiong, and said, "There's no need for your god friend to purge the gourmet cells in that little thing—there won't be a gourmet demon possessing it."

 "Eh? Why?"

"Because only human beings are possessed by gourmet demons—" Miss Wanshitong put her hands on her hips and said with a smile: "It also has gourmet cells. Have you ever seen a gourmet demon possessed by food materials?"

"...Gengar is not food."

"It's the same in the eyes of food fiends."

Miss Know-It-All shrugged her shoulders and said, "After all, human beings are the creatures at the top of the food chain."



"...It seems that there is no need."

Lin Qiong reached out and grabbed the wrist of Jian Yulei, who was about to do a "general cleaning" for Geng Gui, and said: "Gengar Gui is not a human being and will not be possessed by the food demon."


Jian Yulei looked at Lin Qiong's eyes that gradually turned black and asked curiously: "Is this what your food demon told you?"


Lin Qiong smiled and nodded: "Miss Know-It-All said that food demons can only possess humans."

Jian Yulei was taken aback for a moment, then touched his chin, and said cheerfully: "If you say that, don't I need to worry about the possession of food demons?"

Lin Qiong glanced at him sideways and said, "The so-called gods are just humans who have mastered some powers. Thinking about it this way, do you feel that you need to worry again?"

Jian Yulei stroked his chin thoughtfully, and said: "Gods are just humans who have mastered some powers——hmm, it is indeed a very novel point of view, so to say that, divine power only involves some rules The magic power also makes sense..."

Looking at Jian Yulei who suddenly entered a research state, Lin Qiong and the eldest lady looked at each other, then shrugged.

"Let's leave him alone."

"I think so."

"However, since Pokémon doesn't have to worry about being possessed by food demons, then Fairy Eevee and the others can eat the ingredients of this world together."

"That's right! It's just that Krahe and Kuailong feel a little lost because their combat effectiveness can't keep up with the current battle."

"I just have to work hard on you again."

"I won't find it hard! Rather, if there are more people eating, I will have to handle more ingredients and cook more dishes, which can effectively train my cooking skills."




"Oh oh oh-"

Looking at the wide sea in front of him, Loki suddenly let out a monkey-like cry.

"Choo Choo Choo--"

Looking at the vast blue sky in front of him, Feng Wang suddenly let out a cry like a sparrow.


The next moment, the two of them looked at each other, then looked at Lin Qiong in unison, and said in unison: "Who is this sand sculpture?"


A question mark popped up on Lin Qiong's head, and he couldn't help but complain: "Why do you two have the nerve to call others idiots? Don't you know your own virtues? Can you be reasonable? I don't even know. Who did you write this for? It’s all nonsense.”


After hearing Lin Qiong's extremely shameless speech, a big question mark appeared on the heads of Arceus' clones, flightless, hooked, Hephaestus and other "gods".

"Can you show some face?"

"I don't need to say more about who among us is the most shaky?"

"I can only say that I understand everything, and those who don't understand are definitely pretending not to understand."

"Let's talk about it, Chick!"

Lin Qiong was unhappy at the time. He patted the table and said, "Uno! Don't forget, I am the organizer of this party. Be careful, I will pat my ass and leave, and you will not be able to go home if you stay here." Already!!"

Yes, this is a gathering—to be precise, it is a meeting that brings together the Pokémon World, the Halberd Eater Spirit World, the Land Encounter World, and the Yiyi World.

As for the gods in Suqing's world, they were too noisy. Lin Qiong felt that he couldn't control it, so he simply didn't invite them - oh, God, this is definitely not discrimination, you have to believe me!

"So, let's all be more harmonious."

Lin Qiong straightened his clothes, then grabbed Feng Wang and put it on his head, and said confidently: "You must face the fact that I am a handsome, smart and good young man."

Everyone didn't speak, mainly because they were worried that if they opened their mouths, they would not be able to help but spit it out.

Loki was a little worried, and she said to Hephaestus: "I'm numb, isn't Lin Qiong's level of shamelessness proportional to his combat effectiveness?"

Hephaestus thought for a few seconds, then nodded: "I think it's very possible - his shameless confidence may be his fighting power!"

After all, as long as no one can beat him, he can continue to be shameless.

"Bah, bah, bah, you guys are shameless—"

Lin Qiong pretended to spit, then waved his hands gruntingly, and said, "Okay, okay, let me say a few words first, and then everyone can move freely, okay?"

"Really just to say a few words?"

"If you don't want to talk about writing for a few words, you can talk about reading for an afternoon, right?"

"Are you the principal?"


Lin Qiong screamed fiercely and said: "Whoever makes more noise will not get dinner! I said, even if Arceus and Uranus come, they won't be able to save it - I won't even spit in it for you to eat!"

At this moment, Lin Qiong completed the diamond-level achievement——

Use your mortal body to shock the gods!

——Just listen carefully.

Chapter 0255: Easy to deceive, Mr. Que.

Lin Qiong sat on the recliner, leaned back on the back happily, threw a bean on top of his head, and said, "This is the meaning of life! Beautiful, beautiful!"

Feng Wang opened his mouth to catch the milky white bean, then immediately widened his eyes and exclaimed, "I see, what kind of bean is this, why is it so delicious?"

"Popcorn beans."

Lin Qiong chuckled and said, "It is one of the special ingredients in this world. It tastes like buttered popcorn while retaining the taste of beans. Not bad, right?"

"This is too delicious⑧!"

The Phoenix King flapped his wings excitedly, and urged impatiently: "Quick, give me two more!"

"You are the God of Life after all, so why can't you pursue it?"

Lin Qiong curled his lips. He took a bean from the bowl and pinched it on his fingertips. Then he flicked it forward maliciously. The bean turned into a bullet and flew out from Lin Qiong's fingertips, but there was something there. Faster than that——

Is that Superman?Is it a plane?No, it’s the Phoenix King!

A second later, King Feng landed on top of Lin Qiong's head again, and said triumphantly, "I knew you were dishonest, and I was already prepared, hum!"


Lin Qiong fell into silence, thinking to himself: "Do I have succeeded in domesticating Phoenix King?" '

Forget it, don't ask, or I will be designated to have my hair pecked by this stinky brother - if I become bald someday, it will probably be done by Feng Wang!

"Do you feel anything after eating beans?"

Lin Qiong propped his chin and asked casually.

"Impressions? It's delicious, how about another one?"

Lin Qiong twitched the corners of his lips and said, "That's not what I asked... Forget it, I'll give you another one."

The level of popcorn beans is the same as that of White Haired Cinderella Beef, which can be regarded as the lowest-end ingredients. Gengar only increased his strength by 0.073% after eating a large piece of Cinderella Beef, and his strength is far stronger than Gengar. The Phoenix King has only eaten a few beans, and it is estimated that there will not be any big changes.

'I was too impatient--'

Lin Qiong smacked his lips. He originally thought that after Feng Wang ate the beans, he exclaimed, "Oh, my strength has become stronger", and then he said about the gourmet cells with a proud face...

'Hey, the ingredients are not strong, and I can't even pretend to be a wave. Lin Qiong smacked his lips in disappointment, then stretched out his right hand, took the bowl of beans on the low table next to him into his arms, and stretched out his left hand to grab Feng Wang on top of his head to the side of the bowl, and said generously : "I'm in a good mood today, I allow you to eat buffet."


Feng Wang subconsciously flapped his wings twice, then looked at Lin Qiong with eyes full of shock and suspicion, and began to analyze to himself: "This person let me eat it by myself? Impossible, absolutely impossible! There must be a fraud in it! Could it be that this is not popcorn beans, but barley beans? He deliberately fed me two popcorn flavored ones to lure me into the bait, and then he can laugh when I taste the smell of earwax or snot Me?"

Lin Qiong twitched the corners of his mouth, and then said with a black face: "Is Nong out of his mind? If these are Baiwei beans, how did I accurately find out two popcorn-flavored ones and throw them to you?"

King Feng said matter-of-factly: "You have been in this world for a while, maybe you have learned a little trick to distinguish the taste of beans?"

Lin Qiong pinched King Feng, then raised her in front of him and said, "Are you criticizing me? Then I just touch two boogers and throw them to you. Is it necessary to go around in such a big circle?" "


Lin Qiong swore that he definitely saw the expression of "dumbness" on Feng Wang's bird head, which made him cover his face sadly, and said dumbfoundedly: "I'm afraid you are not a stupid bird."

"No Road Race!"

After reacting, Feng Wang flew in front of Lin Qiong angrily, and threatened: "Don't tell what happened just now, or I will peck out the hair on the top of your head one by one!"

"You thief bird is so vicious! I still feed you beans!"

"No Road Race!"

Feng Wang snorted and shouted: "Do you agree?"

"All right, all right, who is bored and publicizes your embarrassing stories all day long?"

Lin Qiong waved his hands with a speechless face, and said, "My lord doesn't remember the little bird's fault, so I don't want to be as knowledgeable as you."


The Phoenix King is like a rooster that has won a battle... That's not right. She is a hen after all. Then she should be like a hen that laid a particularly big egg. Lin Qiong put the porcelain bowl on his belly, then deliberately pointed his butt towards Lin Qiong, and pecked the beans one by one.


Lin Qiong's expression was that of an old man on the subway. The main reason was that the neck of Feng Wang, a stupid bird like a rocket sparrow, was a little short, so she had to stick her butt up every time she lowered her head to peck beans. Lin Qiong was lucky enough to appreciate life again and again. The x-shaped skin swallow of God.

You fight, why?

'There are only three things! '

Finally, after seeing Pi Yanzi for the third time, Lin Qiong couldn't help but said, "Can't you eat it in another fucking direction? Look directly at me, you bastard!"

"I do not!"

Feng Wang holds her head high, she is a proud bird with her own will, she can't do what others want her to do, "Don't even try to appreciate my beautiful face!"


Lin Qiong stretched out his hands and pinched Feng Wang's head, then brought the struggling "Jiu Jiu" Feng Wang in front of him, and said with big eyes and small eyes: "Look at my eyes, and say what you just said again? "

Although Feng Wang's current posture is not handsome at all, she feels that she cannot lose her momentum!Then he said confidently: "Did you know? The word bird-headed is generally used to describe people with empty heads and poor memories-"

Lin Qiong: "So? What do you want to express?"

Feng Wang snorted, and said proudly and confidently: "I am a veritable bird head, so I have forgotten what I just said!"

Lin Qiong twitched the corner of his mouth unobtrusively, took a deep breath, put the bowl on his stomach back on the low table, then stood up, posing like a pitcher.

"Wait, what do you want to do!"

Feng Wang, who was held in the palm of Lin Qiong, began to struggle: "You are disrespectful! Don't..."

Before he finished speaking, Lin Qiong roared: "Burn the fighting spirit! Boil the magic ball! Throw it at supersonic speed——"

Then he threw the Phoenix King with his right hand vigorously, and the Phoenix King turned into a red comet and disappeared into the sky, leaving only a round of "Damn Lin Qiong, remember for me--stay-stay-" The voice echoed in the sky.


The three Gouzi of Fire, Water, and Thunder lying on the ground looked unbearable and covered their faces with their paws.

Lord Feng Wang, woo woo woo, my Lord Feng Wang, what made you look like this?Is it realistic?Is it society?or beans?

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