Oh beans, that's all right.

Suicune in fishtail form lowered his hands, meditated for half a second, closed his eyes and lowered his head slightly, and whispered in a magnetic voice: "Emperor Yan, Lei Gong, I'm thinking about something very important."

Hearing this, Emperor Yan turned his head in the form of the only king, and asked suspiciously: "How did Lord Fengwang surpass Rogia in prestige, and let the three of us surpass Flamebird in status?"

Lei Gong Bristle Form shook his head, and said in a slightly electronic voice: "Emperor Yan, I don't think Suicune would think about such an obvious thing, and it should be a more meaningful goal."

Emperor Yan was taken aback for a moment, then nodded thoughtfully, and said, "You're right! It's a matter of course for Lord Fengwang to surpass Rogia—then, Suicune, what are you thinking?"

Suicune slowly opened his eyes, focused his gaze on the small table next to Lin Qiong, and said in an unshakable voice: "I was thinking, what is the taste of that food called popcorn beans! "

Yandi: Σ( ° △ °|||)

Lei Gong nodded slowly, and said: "Indeed! This is a food that even Lord Fengwang praises. If I can taste a little bit, then I will be able to get closer to Lord Fengwang—as expected of Sui-kun, actually can take that into consideration.”

Emperor Yan: Is that so?Why do I think he is just greedy?

The only king feels that he and Lei Gong are out of place, obviously it wasn't like this before?

What he didn't know was that what Lei Gong was thinking at this time was: "Give Pac-Man a high-ranking title first, and then he will have face when he rubs against him later!" '

All I can say is that poor Emperor Yan is too upright.

Yandi, who was contemplating, suddenly felt two sharp gazes. He couldn't help turning his head in doubt, and found that Suicune and Raikou were both staring at him at this moment. , turned around and found that two models were staring at him.


Yandi's hair was blown up suddenly, he said in a trembling voice: "You, what are you doing? Why are you looking at me like this?"

Shui Jun said solemnly: "Emperor Yan, we have a glorious and arduous task for you."

Emperor Yan showed a puzzled expression: "Huh?"

Lei Gong chimed in and said, "Among the three of us, this is a difficult and glorious task that only you can complete!"

Emperor Yan's expression also became serious: "Speak!"

Suicune and Lei Gong looked at each other, they nodded lightly, and then said in unison: "Go and give Master Lin Qiong a rua, and then come back with some beans!"

Emperor Yan: "?"

Emperor Yan: "Damn it, are you sick?"

Suicune: "Emperor Yan, Suizumi's body surface is made of scales and mucus, which will definitely make him feel sick, so I can't go on it."

Lei Gong: "Emperor Yan, there are sharp bristles on Lei Bu's body, which will definitely pierce his palm, so I can't go on it."

The two said in unison: "But Hoeb is different! You are the only one with enviable, fluffy and warm hair!"

Emperor Yan was slightly taken aback, and stammered, "Yes, is that so?"

Shui Jun nodded, and said seriously: "Emperor Yan, the only one who can do this is you!"

Lei Gong nodded, and said seriously: "Emperor Yan, you are the leader of the three holy beasts, it's up to you!"

Hearing the two brothers say such words, Emperor Yan only felt his heart shake.

He stood up from the ground, then shook his head slightly, shook his body, walked towards Lin Qiong with his head held high, and turned his head handsomely, and said, "Leave it to me! This is Big brother's responsibility!"

Seeing Emperor Yan's reassuring back, Suicune and Lei Gong met each other again.

Suicune said softly, "It's easy to lie."

Lei Gong nodded and said, "Que."

Chapter 0256: The Three Holy Beasts Turn Their Eyes Back

Emperor Yan strode past with his head held high, and came back with messy steps.

When he passed by, the hair on his body was fluffy and soft.

When he came back, the hair on his body was disheveled.

"I, I'm back."

Emperor Yan staggered up to Shui Jun and Lei Gong, then sniffed, put the bowl in his mouth on the ground, and said, "He gave me half a bowl of beans."

"Well done! It is worthy of being the head of the three holy beasts!"

Suicune was not stingy with his praise.

"I'm trash! The three holy beasts all depend on the Emperor Yan"

Lei Gong quickly flattered Emperor Yan.

"No, no, everyone is a good brother! A good sister!"

Emperor Yan shook his head modestly: "I'll tidy up my hair first, and you share the beans."

Water Dog and Thunder Dog looked at each other, they waited until Emperor Yan had gone away, and then lay down next to the bowl again, staring at the half bowl of beans inside.

"It smells so good."

"A smell of buttercream."

"It must be very sweet to eat."

"No wonder Lord Feng Wang couldn't resist its temptation."

"Devil's Ingredients!"


Suicune still has a bit of conscience, so he suggested: "There are 22 beans here, we each have seven, let Yandi eight."

Lei Gong nodded, indicating that it was brought back by Emperor Yan, and it was only natural for him to take an extra one.

"After all, let him take a little more, so he will be motivated to continue next time—" Suicune and Raikou thought at the same time.



"Your mother's—"

Just when the three dogs were enjoying the beans together, accompanied by a crimson light, Feng Wang flew back angrily, and cursed: "Lin Qiong, you'd better take turns keeping watch with your left and right eyes when you sleep at night, otherwise I will A sacred fire is assigned to you!"

"I have a question--"

Lin Qiong completely ignored Feng Wang's threat, then twisted his buttocks, then threw a bean into his mouth, and asked strangely: "5 minutes - from when I threw you out to when you flew back, the total time passed It took 5 minutes."

"and then?"

"Are you ashamed to ask and then what? This is 5 minutes! With your Feng Wang's speed, I'm afraid you can fly back in less than 5 seconds, but you didn't come back until [-] minutes later!"

Lin Qiong looked at King Feng suspiciously, and said, "Could it be that you secretly laid an egg? That won't work, if there is a little Phoenix King, you must raise it for me..."

"Go to hell!"

Huang Hua's eldest daughter, Feng Wang, was ready to peck Lin Qiong's hair root angrily: "I just strolled around in the air a few times, and then went to the sea to have a look - I am very impressed with this world where popcorn beans were born. Other ingredients are of great interest."

"Then you are really brave—"

Lin Qiong couldn't help but praise.

"Are you pissing me off?"

Feng Wang is very keen.

"No no."

Lin Qiong shook his head: "I just want to tell you that the water in the gourmet world is very deep, and the upper limit of power in this world belongs to the kind that can eat planets as beans."


Feng Wang felt that her wings were a little weak, she followed her inner thoughts and landed on Lin Qiong's knee, then tilted her head, looked at him and asked, "Are you trying to scare me on purpose?"


Lin Qiong shook his head. He pointed to Erlang, who was in the center of the island, who was discussing cooking skills with Master Abei and Mr. Senzaemon with a smile on his face, and said, "That one, he can kill you with one punch. Kill a planet."



King Feng's frightened eyes almost popped out. She looked at Erlang not far away who was drinking a small wine with a smile, and said, "That drunken old man who seems to have no combat power?"

"You can feel the power in his body."

Lin Qiong reminded.

About three seconds later, Lin Qiong saw Erlang glanced in this direction, and then Feng Wang got into his clothes with a whoosh, shaking like a sieve.

"Ha ha--"

The second wolf showed a friendly smile, then raised the jug in his hand towards Lin Qiong, and Lin Qiong picked up the drink on the table, and after having a drink with him, he lowered his head and patted Feng on his chest. Wang, complained: "You are too cowardly, aren't you?"

"You know a hammer!"

Feng Wang poked out half of his head from the collar, and said angrily: "That person's body is completely a monster! A super-standard monster!"


Lin Qiong smiled and said, "But if you want to talk about it, that monster is Erlang himself. It is a monster who has a family, a family, feelings, and restraints."

However, if this monster is allowed to choose his own life again, he will definitely choose the current path again without hesitation, right?

As if aware of Lin Qiong's thoughts, Er Lang showed a smile at the corner of his mouth.



"Is there really no danger?"

After being comforted by Lin Qiong, Feng Wang, who finally got out of his collar, still looked terrified.

Mainly in Feng Wang's perception, if she fights Erlang, that drunk-looking homeless old skinny old man may be able to wring her head off in a second, and then turn her into a chicken for nothing.

Woo, it's too scary, it scared the baby to death.

By the way, at this moment, King Feng was neither standing on Lin Qiong's chest nor on top of his head, but on his left shoulder—because Erlang was sitting on Lin Qiong's right side. , so separating one head from another would give Feng Wang a little sense of security.

"You are too cowardly." Lin Qiong couldn't help complaining: "Erlang is a good man, okay? Don't be afraid of this just because of the power in his body."

"You do not understand!"

Feng Wang kicked Lin Qiong with his paw angrily, and said, "It's not just a simple difference in strength, but a deeper feeling similar to... similar to... the feeling of being suppressed by the food chain!"

It's like a green caterpillar will definitely commit suicide on the spot when it meets Bi Diao, but if you evolve mega into a cracked seat, then you don't need to worry about this problem at all.

"Food chain suppression?"

When Lin Qiong heard this statement, he showed a thoughtful expression on the contrary: "Maybe it is really possible."

Feng Wang was taken aback: "I thought you would laugh at me."

Lin Qiong shook his head: "The Second Wolf used to have the nickname 'Violent Beast Erlang', and it is well-deserved, the top predator."

Feng Wang trembled, and then muttered: "This is too scary."

What's even more frightening is that I just strolled leisurely in this world for a few minutes just now. If I accidentally ran into a wild animal of Erlang's level, wouldn't it be sent on the spot! ?


Lin Qiong glanced at Feng Wang, who was about to turn into a quail, and couldn't help turning his head to show a gloating expression - of course he was deliberately scaring Feng Wang.

The island where Yilong lives in seclusion is located in a relatively safe area, so even if King Feng walks around, he will not encounter those monsters that can eat her in one bite.

"Okay, okay, don't think too much, have some snacks—"

Lin Qiong brought the bowl in front of Feng Wang with a smile, and said, "But to be honest, you guys will have a good night—hehe, there are super, super, super chefs gathered here!"

"Chirp!" Feng Wang, who was still trembling and uneasy before, cheered up at that moment. She flapped her wings and landed on the edge of the bowl, then lowered her head and pecked a bean into her mouth: "Worse than your girlfriend!" ?"

"This one……"

Lin Qiong scratched his head and said with a smile: "Although I really want to boast that Erina's cooking skills are invincible, but compared with some people, she is still a little immature."

Low EQ: Picking your feet

High EQ: slightly immature

"That's a good relationship! I want to let go of my stomach and eat—" Feng Wang happily flapped his wings, then looked at the beans in the bowl again, and couldn't help feeling a little puzzled: "Wait, why are there so few beans?" A lot? Did you steal it while I was walking around just now?"

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