How can this be suspected on my head?

Lin Qiong squeezed Feng Wang angrily, pointed her in the direction of the three dogs, and said, "The three of them ate half of it, if you don't accept it, you can kill the three of them, and eat dog meat tonight!"


The three dogs looked at Feng Wang in unison.

Feng Wang pondered for a few seconds, and then asked, "Are there any beans left?"

Shaking their heads in unison.

"Sinister! Didn't know to secretly leave some for me!"

Shui Jun quickly said: "Master Feng Wang, I only ate seven, but Emperor Yan ate eight!"

Lei Gong came to his senses: "Master Feng Wang, I only ate seven, and Emperor Yan ate eight!"

The two said in unison: "That one was originally reserved for you!"

Emperor Yan: "?"

Lin Qiong, who witnessed the rebellion of the three holy beasts (dense fog), couldn't help but take a sip of the soothing scented tea, and then said with emotion: "Emma, ​​eating melons is really interesting."



That night.

“Tsk, tsk, I’m really blessed today——”

Lin Qiong sighed as he sat in his seat, then looked around at the other guests at the banquet——

Ah Lu, who was sitting not far away, was rubbing his little hands excitedly, shouting: "Today I will let go of my stomach and eat!"

Loki on the other side also looked extremely expectant, making Riveria, Finn, and Grace on the side shake their heads helplessly.

As for Phoenix King...

She was standing majestically in front of Sangou at this time, and said sharply: "You three, each of you will give me at least one dish later - this is compensation for you taking half of my beans, understand? "

"Yes—" x3

Tsk, Feng Wang who only squeezes his subordinates is a scum!

The flightless and hooked Pokémon were now sitting face to face, with a solemn aura exuding between the two Pokémon.

"Whoever eats less is a pig!"

"Then you must be a pig."

"Oh, I really want to record your expression when you say this, and then play it on a loop in front of you after you lose."

Really, you know the noise every day, what's the use of being noisy?

You won't be divided into superior and inferior, but also divided into male and female, right?Whoever wins will cry the loser!There won't be so many things in the future!

Lin Qiong shook his head and sighed, just when he was about to continue to observe other people, an intoxicating fragrance like a breeze blowing on his face, accompanied by a burst of light from the sky, spread to the entire island——Obviously, dinner Already prepared.

Alright, here comes the little flying stick!

Chapter 0257 The first day without time to post

"Uh oh oh-"

Loki, who was a little restless in the last second, seemed to be transformed into Zeus who had successfully mated in the next second, and uttered a shout that did not fit her god status: "What kind of smell is this! It smells so good—"

Hephaestus and Astria on the side also gently closed their eyes, sniffing the intoxicating fragrance that permeated the air - they seemed to be invisible one by one Like the hand of a fairy, it gently scratches the tip of your heart, making your heart itchy.

Feng Wang, who was already greedy, jumped up and down on Lin Qiong's head, yelling: "I love this taste! I must ask San Gouzi to share this dish with me later—Lin Qiong, please Why don't you give me a little too?"

Lin Qiong stretched out his hand speechlessly and brought the greedy Phoenix King in front of her, and then whispered carefully in her ear: "Little idiot! Have you forgotten that Erlang's previous nickname was 'Violent Beast? Wolves'? Just imagine, what would a beast in nature do if it encountered a creature that coveted its own food?"

Erlang, who was drinking on the side, moved his ears, and then looked at Lin Qiong with a dumbfounding face—knowing his past image, he was not only not afraid at all, but also used it to scare the little birds again and again , Do you really think he has a good temper?

Well, he does have a good temper, hahaha.

Thinking of this, Erlang pretended to be angry and gave Feng Wang a warning look.


Feng Wang was so frightened that he fell stiffly into Lin Qiong's palm, and then quietly used his wings to break Lin Qiong's ten fingers into claws, forming a "finger barrier", trying to use it to block the two fingers. The wolf's eyes are the same as that of a wolf's.

After the completion of the "Ultimate Invincible Defense Barrier Ver Lin Qiong Finger", Feng Wang climbed up carefully, and then said angrily: "You bastard, don't scare me!"

"I didn't scare you, you were scaring yourself."

Lin Qiong spoke the truth.

"I didn't!"

Feng Wang stomped Lin Qiong's palm with his bird's claws angrily, and the sharp claws made Lin Qiong's palm itch: "You don't know how fierce his eyes are just now! I feel that I will be killed in the next second." He was wrapped in mud and lotus leaves, and then cooked!"


Lin Qiong showed a dazed expression, and said, "So, do you want to eat beggar's chicken?"

"Yeah, I don't really want to eat—"

Feng Wang, who was touched by Lin Qiong, lowered his head in embarrassment, and said: "It's just a little nostalgia—just a little—even if I don't eat it, I won't be disappointed—really, you believe me! "

For the sake of your several turning points, I will reluctantly believe you——that’s no wonder!

"Hungry to death!"

Lin Qiong pinched Feng Wang's beak with his fingertips angrily, then pulled it out, complaining, "Why didn't you get fat to death?"

Feng Wang glared at Lin Qiong angrily, this bastard is disrespectful!

When Lin Qiong and Feng Wang were bickering, Alu, who had been calmly waiting for the delicious food to be served, opened his eyes immediately after smelling the scent.

"This smell is..." He said to himself: "I seem to have smelled it somewhere, but it's a smell that I haven't tasted before. Wait, could it be that..."

A dish that he had encountered not long ago but had never tasted flashed in Alu's mind. He immediately showed an expectant expression and murmured: "Xiao Song, have you succeeded?"



In the midst of everyone's anticipation, the dining car was pushed by the eldest lady and the secretary, and came out of the open-air kitchen.

With a soft smile on her face, the eldest lady said loudly: "Guests, because we are in the food world, our chef team unanimously decided that this banquet will be served in the order of the 'Life Menu' in the food world. .”

The secretary standing next to the eldest lady had a decent smile on her face, and introduced the first dish: "First of all, the first dish, the appetizer-crispy sesame fried slices of clover!"

Upon hearing this unheard-of dish name, visitors from other worlds all showed expressions of anticipation, but a certain Mr. Beast took a sip of his wine with a smile on his face.

Oh, what a nostalgic dish.

"It looks delicious!"

Looking at the dishes on the plate in front of him, Loki first showed an expression of anticipation, but soon pouted his mouth and said, "It's just that the amount is too small—this amount, wouldn't it be enough to finish it in a few bites?"

"Loki, this is just an appetizer."

Riveria, who had done her homework in advance, sighed, and said, "There will be soup, fish, meat, main course, salad, dessert, and drinks in the follow-up—if you're full after the appetizer, so what?" Taste the following dishes."

"Oh, that's how it is! As expected of Rivilia's mother, Arigado~"

Loki licked his lips, then excitedly stretched out his hand to pinch the fried piece in front of him, and said loudly: "I'm starting—"

Almost at the same moment, other guests also picked up the fried chips in front of them, put them in their mouths, and started chewing them with happy faces.


“Super delicious!”

"This smell, Sbarasi..."

The guests sitting in the seats, whether they are gods, humans, or Pokémon, all showed happy expressions at this moment.

While everyone was tasting the appetizers, the secretary began to introduce the dish with a smile on his face - such as what its raw materials are, and the cooking techniques, etc., which can be regarded as satisfying the curiosity of the group of diners.



After tasting a small amount of appetizers, even a creation god like Arceus couldn't help but raise expectations for the next dishes, and at the same time, he also sighed in his heart about the unique ingredients in the gourmet world.

Soon, under the expectant eyes of everyone (especially Alu), the secretary and the eldest lady walked out pushing the second dining cart.

"The next thing is the second dish, the soup——Century Thick Soup!"

"Oh oh, sure enough—"

Hearing Tang Pin's name, Aru immediately cheered: "Xiao Song, have you succeeded?"


Komatsu with a big nose nodded his head tearfully, he sniffed his nose, and said in an excited tone: "Ever since I tasted the thick soup of the century, I have been trying to reproduce her taste, and today I finally found it in Ms. With the help of Ms. , Ms. Managi, and Ms. Abe, I perfected it... no, it was reproduced even more deliciously!"

Hearing Komatsu's words, even Lin Qiong couldn't help raising his eyebrows, and thought in his heart: "Good guy, the combination of Komatsu x Erina x Mana x Abe is a re-enacted enhanced version of Century Soup, I’m afraid it’s even more delicious than the original—”

Lin Qiong looked at the clear soup in front of him, and immediately felt his tongue salivate, and then, under the explanation of the secretary, he sent a spoonful of thick soup into his mouth with a spoon.


The next moment, all the guests, including Lin Qiong, couldn't help showing rather silly smiles—if someone took a camera to take pictures of everyone's expressions at this moment, they would definitely receive an excellent black history record.

It's a pity that everyone was indulging in the deliciousness of the thick soup of the century, showing expressions of extreme happiness.



With the third fish course, the fourth meat course, and the fifth main course being served on the table one after another, the culinary feast that made the gods so enamored gradually came to an end.

"The seventh dish, dessert, is cooked by Akakubo Momo, and the name of the dish is——Special-made All-encompassing Fairy Tale Cake!"


Standing in the cooking area, Taozijiang covered her chest and took several deep breaths. Master Abe gently held her in his arms and whispered: "Don't worry, little Taozi has used all the skills he has learned so far. , it must be no problem.”


Akakubo Momo nodded vigorously, but her tightly clenched fists completely betrayed her inner anxiety-look at who was cooking before her?

It's the festival that is Granny, Komatsu, Saiba Seiichiro, Liu Maoxing, Abe Master, Dojima Gin and others! !The rest—even Kojiro Shinomiya, Ren, Missy, etc.—can only serve as assistants to these top chefs!

But only when it comes to desserts, everyone unanimously chose her as the head chef, which made Senior Taozi feel uneasy—although her dessert level is ranked first in the food world, but in In front of these real great gods, she is still a little immature.

If——if, after the desserts she made were tasted by other people, they were evaluated as "feeling a bit off" or "somewhat unworthy of the previous dishes", then regardless of the blow to her confidence Well, she couldn't forgive herself just for ruining this gourmet feast.

However, just when she was about to give up, Master Abei gently held her hand and said, "Little Taozi, don't worry! Everyone will help you—"


Taozi turned her head and found that her partners were standing behind her.

"Peach Academy."

The eldest lady crossed her arms and said calmly, "Isn't your goal to become the world's leading pastry chef? Then why did you give up such a good stage?"

"But if my level is insufficient and this party is flawed..."

"Senior Peach! This is just a very ordinary gathering of friends organized by Qiong on a whim! Not just today, but every day, the day after tomorrow, and the day after tomorrow!"

"If you don't get everyone's praise today, make more delicious cakes every day to conquer them—"

"If tomorrow's cake also fails, then the day after tomorrow, the day after tomorrow—"

"Or, sister Taozi doesn't even have the courage to fail?"

After a few seconds of silence, under the gaze of everyone, Akakubomomo raised his head, glanced at the chefs in front of him with eyes burning with fighting spirit, then bent down, and said seriously: "Everyone, I want to Give it a try, so please help me!"

This "dessert trial" for Momoko-senpai is finally about to come to a conclusion.

Can the cake she made conquer the tongues of these diners?

the answer is……

Chapter 0258 help me——

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