"Oh oh, this is delicious!"

Alu grabbed a piece of cake with his left and right hands respectively, then stuffed it into his mouth with excitement on his face, shouting: "Xiaosong! Try this cake quickly, it has a taste that I have never tasted before!"

This is the truth. After all, this cake uses eggs from Geely Eggs and milk from a large milk tank. Its nutritional value and taste are not inferior to some ingredients in the gourmet world.



"It's really delicious—"

Hephaestus held his face with a smile, and said to Astoria beside him: "Cake and fruit really are a wonderful match."

Astraea nodded slightly, then chuckled and said, "However, it is true that girls like desserts - even Hephaestus cannot escape this law."

"what the hell--"

Hephaestus looked at Astoria dissatisfied, and said, "What kind of image do I have in your heart?"


Astoria pondered for a few seconds and said, "A blacksmith?"

Hephaestus puffed up his mouth angrily, and then stared at Astraea with an unkind expression. She did not give up this behavior until the goddess of justice couldn't help but raise her hands to beg for mercy.




After King Feng showed off five pieces of cake in one breath, he lay on the table with a big belly, burped, and said happily: "Beautiful, so beautiful! Help me up quickly, I can show off again." Three dollars!”


Lin Qiong looked at this greedy and insatiable Huo Fei with contempt, and under San Gouzi's horrified gaze, he stretched out his index finger and pressed on Feng Wang's bulging stomach.


King Feng screamed, and then his face turned red with anger - even though it couldn't be seen - he struggled out from under Lin Qiong's fingers and screamed: "Bastard, do you want to murder!? I'm so scared. You squeezed me out!"


Lin Qiong's expression was very disgusting, so disgusting that it almost spilled out of the screen.

"Why are you looking at me like that?"

"I was just thinking, why does the noble and elegant Feng Wang, who is full of style in the theater version, look like a bird in reality?"

"First of all, I'm a bird, so is there anything wrong with being a bird?"

Feng Wang looked at Lin Qiong puzzled, and then continued: "Secondly, you can't have a fan filter! Although I am a beast, I am also a young girl in essence, so I am a little naughty... No, you choke your own throat What are you doing?"

Lin Qiong looked at King Feng and said, "I'm trying to strangle myself who heard this. I feel like this will become a nightmare that will haunt me for the next ten days."


Feng Wang flapped his wings angrily and flew up, shouting: "Say what you just said again!"

"No, you have the nerve to dance with me now that you are so virtuous?"

Lin Qiong stretched out his hand in disbelief and grabbed Feng Wang, then raised her in front of him and said, "I feel like if I grab you like this, and then squeeze it so hard, I can squeeze all the shit out of you."


Feng Wang put his wings on Lin Qiong's hand with a melancholy look on his face, and said angrily: "Can't you say something elegant when facing a noble and elegant beautiful girl like me?"


Lin Qiong stretched out his hands to clean his ears, then turned his head sideways and approached Feng Wang, and said, "I'll listen to what you said just now?"

As if he didn't hear Lin Qiong's sarcasm at all, Feng Wang said confidently: "When you face a noble and elegant beautiful girl like me, don't keep talking about daddy and other topics, okay?"

Do you want to look back and see who the hell told me that shit was about to be squeezed out by me just now?

What the hell is getting angrier the more you think about it?

Lin Qiong became angrier the more he thought about it!

He looked at Feng Wang who was blinking at him expressionlessly, and then gradually increased the strength on his palm.

"Wait, wait, wait!"

Realizing that "Despair! The image of the beautiful girl has collapsed! The most powerful undressed beautiful girl in history" incident may occur, Ho-oh hurriedly screamed: "We have something to talk about! The world is so wonderful, don't be so irritable!"

Lin Qiong thought about it, and felt that what Feng Wang said made sense, so he slightly shrugged his palm, which made Feng Wang heave a sigh of relief.

The next second, Lin Qiong suddenly clenched his fists, causing King Feng to let out a scream of "Ouch", and what followed was an unbearable chase.

He runs, she flies, but he has no wings to fly.



"The cake is all eaten up."

Looking at the empty plate, Akakubo Momo showed an expression of not knowing whether to cry or laugh.

"Doesn't this prove that everyone likes your cooking?"

Xiaosong on the side stammered to comfort Senior Taozi and said, "Look, Alu ate a large portion of cake by himself."

"Mr. Komatsu, you don't need to comfort me like this."

Senior Taozi took a deep breath, then patted her face hard, and said: "I know there is a gap between your own level and everyone else! I will continue to improve the formula and strive to make more delicious cakes every night... "

Definitely, it will definitely make everyone show the happy expression when they eat other dishes!And, after they have tasted it, they will discuss with their friends how delicious this dish is!

Most definitely!

Little Taozi, my fighting spirit has been ignited!



That night, at eleven o'clock.



Lin Qiong let out a sigh of emotion, then lay down on the bed in big characters, and said: "After we have traveled a few more worlds, let's hold another party like this!"

"That will definitely be more lively than this time."

Wearing a bathrobe and coming out of the bathroom, the eldest lady wiped her wet long hair with a towel, and said with a chuckle: "The number of participants may reach hundreds or even thousands. "

"Wow! If it reaches that scale, you must prepare a large enough venue, right?" Lin Qiong waved to the eldest lady, took the towel she handed over, and gently sat down on him The eldest lady in front of her wiped her hair, "Such a small island probably won't fit."

"As for the venue, how about asking Arceus to help expand the Sky City?" the eldest lady suggested, "The current Sky City can only be said to be a Castle in the Sky, let's turn it into a City in the Sky!"

"Oh! It sounds very good!" Lin Qiong's eyes lit up, and then he said enthusiastically: "However, if the number of participants reaches hundreds or thousands, it would be too monotonous to simply hold a food party—— We can use the whole city for all kinds of fun events!"

"For example, a concert, a magic show, etc.?" The eldest lady thought for a moment, then frowned and shook her head, and said, "No, no! If it is an event held by ordinary people, there are other things like singing and dancing. Attractive, but if there are guests from the fantasy world among the guests, then these are not enough..."

Lin Qiong coughed dryly and said, "Not necessarily! If the person singing and dancing is a young and energetic girl, someone like Loki will definitely be very happy."

The eldest lady suddenly showed a complicated and subtle expression, and said, "If it's Loki..."

To be honest, she even felt that she could make up the same smile as Loki's Moori Kogoro when he saw the girl group dancing.

"Ahem! But your concerns also have a certain meaning. If you want to hold such a grand event, you must take into account the characteristics of the fantasy world-" Lin Qiong coughed twice and changed the subject: "For example, the sale can be allowed Amulets, or divination, etc. These should be quite attractive to residents of the daily world."


The eldest lady of the resident's eyes lit up and said: "As expected of Qiong, he put forward a very useful proposal all at once!"

"Ahaha, but it's too early to say—"

Lin Qiong dissipated the power of the waveguide in his hand, then combed the hair that had been dried with a warm waveguide that does not damage the hair quality, and said: "We have to stay in a world for at least half a year before we can take it with us. The residents of that world travel through—two worlds are one year, four worlds are two years, and it will take at least ten years to gather more than a dozen worlds!"

The eldest lady fell back, then lay in Lin Qiong's arms, and said with a light smile: "It sounds like a long time, but when I think that Qiong and I have known each other for five years, it seems that it is not so long time--"

"Ah, indeed, it has been five years..."

Lin Qiong showed a look of surprise and said to himself: "Speaking of which, I'm already 28, and I'm going to have a three-year career soon."


The eldest lady let out a cry of grief, covered her face with her hands, and said, "Thinking about it, I'm almost 21 now, so after ten years, won't I be a 31-year-old Obasan? Yada, Yada!"

Lin Qiong looked at the eldest lady who covered her face with her hands and curled up on his lap with a face full of tears: "No way! Even if Erina is 31 years old, she won't belong to Obasan!"

"Even if the appearance is beautiful, 31 years old is already Obasan in terms of age, right?" There is an urge to not want to continue growing."

"Although I can see the extremely rare infant-type coquettish Erina, whose rarity is as high as UTR level, but the content of this coquettishness makes me don't know how to comfort..." Lin Qiong showed a distressed expression, and then gave up on himself. Raising your head activates the gourmet cells in your body.




Lin Qiongfei threw herself into Miss Wanshitong's arms, and said loudly, "Help me! Lafite Ameng!!!"

Miss Wanshitong, who watched the whole process, showed a sweaty expression.

Chapter 0259 Miss know-it-all request


Miss Wanshitong looked at Lin Qiong, who was lying on her lap with her arms around her waist, and screamed in distress, and said a little bit uncontrollably: "Our host, can you explain why there is such a thing? A man asking another woman for help when he doesn't know how to comfort his girlfriend?"

"Eh? Because..."

Lin Qiong hesitated for a while, then looked away, and said, "Because Lafite Ameng is too reliable?"

Has Miss Know-it-all stopped shouting?Our nickname directly became Raphael A Dream?

Miss Wanshitong twitched the corners of her mouth, then sighed helplessly, and said, "Although it is true that you trust us so much, it is true that we are very happy, but to be entrusted with this kind of matter, let us I don't know what kind of expression to show, meow."

After all, we are also women.


Lin Qiong lowered his head dejectedly, and said, "Well, since Miss Wanshitong won't help me, I'll find a way myself—"


Miss Wanshitong stretched out her hand and grabbed Lin Qiong's wrist who was about to "offline", then she rolled her eyes and said, "Actually, it's not that we can't help you..."


Lin Qiong stretched out his hands and grabbed Miss Wanshitong's wrist, and said seriously: "Only you can help me! Lafite Ameng!"

'It's changed back to Rafi Ameng...'

Ms. Know-it-All pulled out her hand helplessly, then crossed her arms, and said with a moaning voice: "It's not impossible to help you, but host, do you still remember that one, a certain character reincarnated over and over again?" drama?"

"Summer reappears? Shen Ping yyds."

"No!" Miss Know-It-All reminded again: "This character was reincarnated to save the heroine!"

"Steins Gate? To save Mayuri and her assistants!"

"No!!" Miss Know-It-All continued to give a reminder: "There are powers like magic in that world!"

"Madoka Magica? Homura reincarnated to save Madoka, and how can a magical girl not have magic?"

"No!!!" Miss Wanshitong stomped the jiojio on the spot angrily, and said, "Zero! I said ZERO! You didn't guess it on purpose, right?"

"Ahem, it's not me! It's none of Qiongqiong's business—"

Lin Qiong averted his eyes, because the way Miss Wan Shitong's cat ears twitched when she was angry was so cute, so he deliberately teased her or something.

Can't say, absolutely can't say!If you say it, you will definitely be scratched by the cat's paws by the annoyed Miss Know-it-all!


Miss Know-It-All glared at Lin Qiong angrily, then crossed her arms, snorted, and said: "Anyway, in Zero's King's Selection, the protagonist 486 only lowered his head to ask for help in order to save Emilia, so Being rejected by other King Chosen——Host, do you know what this means?"

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