
Lin Qiong pondered for a few seconds, and said, "It means, if 486 is the male protagonist of the harem series, if he conquers all five king candidates in one go, this kind of thing will not happen!"

"Yes... yes, that's right!"

Miss Wanshitong stretched out her fingers to grab Lin Qiong's ears with a dark look on her face, and said, "You! Yes! On purpose!"


Lin Qiong knocked himself on the head, then looked at Miss Wanshitong, and said, "It's because he only knows how to ask, but doesn't know how to give, right?"

This is the so-called "pig's desire".

"correct answer--"

Miss Wanshitong let go of Lin Qiong's ears, then snorted lightly, and said, "In that case, our host, you should know what we mean, right?"

"I see."

Lin Qiong nodded with a heavy expression. He gently stretched out his hands and pulled off his collar, showing a humiliated expression, and said, "For the sake of being a delicate flower, please take pity on me—"

Miss Know-It-All was silent for a few seconds, and complained, "We want to stomp your face with our feet now."

"This kind of thing is considered a reward in our industry—"

Lin Qiong gave a thumbs up, and said enthusiastically: "If you can use it, please replace me with Balenciaga, thank you eggplant!"

"hentai foot control!"

here we go again!This little devil-like voice, daba~~

Lin Qiong clutched his chest and fell to the ground, and said, "The real injury with full armor penetration plus critical strike plus special attack effects—Sajia is worth it in this life!"

"Is this worth it?"

Miss Passionate smiled and raised her fingers, and said, "Don't the host want us to wear JK clothes and lift up the skirt to reveal the white panties under the black pantyhose, and then say to you with a smirk: 'Senior hentai——' ?"

"Please do this!" Lin Qiong shouted: "This is my lifelong request!"

"The life of the host is really cheap."

"Please do this!" Lin Qiong changed his voice and shouted: "This is my lifelong request in this second!"

"It's even cheaper than before, hey!"

"Hahahaha hiccup!" Facing Miss Wanshitong's sharp complaints, Lin Qiong let out a hearty laugh: "Okay, okay, I'm not kidding anymore——Miss Wanshitong, I don't know how I can help you? "

"Hmph, actually our request is very simple." Miss Wanshitong snorted twice, expressing her dissatisfaction with Lin Qiong who clearly understood her meaning, but intentionally teased her: "We hope to build a library!"


"That's right!"

There was a longing in Miss Know-It-All's voice.

"In the zero world, there is a forbidden library—"

"In Nanoha's world, there are infinite libraries—"

"In the eastern world, there is the Scarlet Devil Mansion Library—"

Speaking of this, Miss Wanshitong opened her hands and said excitedly: "Then why can't I build a library that belongs to me and belongs to us? I want to collect all the knowledge of all worlds into this library. !"


Lin Qiong widened his eyes: "The library of the heavens and the world?"

"How about it, isn't this ideal great?"

"Queshi——" Lin Qiong nodded, he nodded without hesitation, and said, "No problem at all! When I return to the world of elves, I will ask Arceus to expand the city of the sky, and I will give it to you directly when the time comes." A huge library!"

"Okay meow!" Miss Wanshitong clenched her fists excitedly, and then threw a wink at Lin Qiong: "Then, let's solve your girlfriend's problem meow!"

Ah, because I was too happy, my tongue reappeared again.



After three seconds of disconnection, Lin Qiong reconnected to the network.

He glanced at the eldest lady who was still covering her face with her hands, couldn't help but smiled and stroked her hair, and said, "Don't say you are 30 years old, even if you are three hundred years old, three thousand years old, you are not beautiful." Missy?"

The eldest lady let go of her hands, dumbfounded, and said angrily: "What are you talking about? Are you still three hundred years old, three thousand years old? Then it will be turned into ashes, and there will be no bones left!"

"Little fool—" Lin Qiong lowered his head and pinched her face, dumbfounded, and said, "You don't think our lifespan can only last a short hundred years, do you?"


"Even the thing of crossing the world has appeared, how can there be no means to prolong life?"

"Okay, it seems like this..."

After realizing this problem, the eldest lady, who had not thought about it at all, suddenly sat up from Lin Qiong's arms, then looked at him blankly and said, "Then we will be immortal in the future?"

"Well—theoretically, that's right." Lin Qiong blinked, and said with a smile: "Just the gourmet cells can make human life span hundreds or even thousands of years."


The eldest lady twitched the corners of her lips, and then said with a strange expression: "Suddenly, the life span has become too long, which makes me feel unreal."

"It's okay~ Just accept this kind of thing slowly." Lin Qiong hugged the young lady's waist and said softly: "Actually, immortality or something, I also feel a little unreal—although it is said to live longer It is indeed a great thing, but if you continue to live, your life may become very scary."


The eldest lady leaned into Lin Qiong's arms, then raised her head to look at the ceiling, and murmured: "However, if I have Qiong by my side, even if it is an immortal life, I will have the courage to go on with you. "

"Me too--"

Lin Qiong smiled and held the hand of the eldest lady, then looked into her eyes and lowered his head slightly.


At the same time, in the spiritual sea.

"There are so many ways ~ so many ways~"

Sitting cross-legged on the boss chair, Ms. Wanshitong recorded in her notebook thoughtfully, and murmured: "So you like this posture? Humph, it really is foot control, even... I like it..."



A week later.

"Excuse me, let's take our leave first."

Finn bowed to Lin Qiong, and then took Loki's arm with Grace, and dragged the flat-chested god who was unwilling to leave into the world-transmitting gate.

"Then let's take our leave." Astoria looked at Lin Qiong and said with a chuckle, "Remember to go back to Olalie when you have time! I will keep your room forever."

"My side too..." Hephaestus just opened his mouth, and then his expression became subtle: "No, it's better for you to come to me less - it will be no good if you look for me!"

Either forging equipment or repairing equipment, anyway, it must be a coolie!

"Then what if I'm giving you a novel prop from another world?"

"Welcome to be a guest!"

"It's too realistic!"

"No road race! Last time I repaired your equipment, I didn't have a good rest for another week!" Hephaestus said angrily: "If this continues, I'm afraid I will become the first person in history who almost died suddenly due to overtime work." And return to the gods of the heavens!"

"It's not a big problem—"

Lin Qiong waved his hand and said, "I can take you to other worlds, so that even if you release your divine power due to a near-death, you will not return to the heaven! Isn't it great?"


Hephaestus couldn't help looking around a few times, and shouted, "Where's my knife? Where's my knife! Give me the knife! I'm going to hack this soul to death!!"

You can be a fucking human being!The framers of the Geneva Prisoners of War Convention are more humane than you!

Chapter 0260 Lin Qiong and Fengwang ≈ Kazuma and Akuya

"They're all gone——"

Lin Qiong stood at the entrance of the world with emotion on his face, then put it away with a melancholy face, and sighed: "Let's go, let's go! We're all busy, please be busy!"


Feng Wang couldn't help but jumped up and pecked Lin Qiong's calf with his bird's beak, and couldn't help but said, "You put a hammer here to hurt the spring and the autumn? I didn't leave!"

After finishing speaking, she still had a look on her face—don’t ask me why Lin Qiong can read the expression from a bird’s head—and danced a few times proudly on the spot, as if she was showing herself.


Lin Qiong held his guarded calf and jumped twice on the spot. Then he looked at the Rocket Phoenix Phoenix King in front of him with disgust and said, "Why didn't you leave?"


Second time!

In just half a minute, Feng Wang raised a question mark for the second time!

This day is over!

"I didn't think you were too lonely, so I reluctantly stayed with you!"

Feng Wang flapped his wings and flew up to the height of Lin Qiong's head, and then said angrily: "I'll give you a chance to organize the language, don't force me to use the divine bird—"

"Welcome welcome, warm welcome!"

Lin Qiong swallowed the words that came to his lips, then clapped his hands happily, and said, "Fengwang Sauce is so kind! Your heart is so warm!"

"Mouth area—"

Feng Wang couldn't help but vomited a little, and said, "It's kind of disgusting, to be honest."


This time it was Lin Qiong's turn to ask questions.

While rolling up his sleeves, he rushed towards Phoenix King and said sternly: "Hey, you mutated shining big-billed bird! You are obviously greedy and that's why you stayed here to eat and drink——"

"Ah, ah! Did you say it? Did you say a very taboo word!!" Feng Wang, who was deeply hurt by the flashing toucan, suddenly became furious, and she shouted: "Unforgivable! Even Lin Qiong It is absolutely unforgivable to say such a thing——suffer to die!!”


Seeing Lin Qiong and Feng Wang huddled together, the eldest lady beside her couldn't help but sighed, and said, "I always feel as if I'm living in Suqing's studio."

She first pointed at Lin Qiong: "Here, He Zhen."

She pointed at Phoenix King again: "Here, Aqua."


Although the secretary wanted to laugh, she had undergone special training, so she coughed to cover up her smile, and said, "This is also a sign of good feelings, right? At least I haven't seen Lord Feng Wang and No. Two people show that relationship."


The eldest lady showed the expression of an old man in the subway, and said, "I don't think anyone would dare to try to pick on Feng Wang..."

I'm sorry, Missy is still Missy after all, you made her say the word "Skin Swallow" really embarrassing her a bit.

But it's not a big problem, because the secretary also understands what she means.


It is not difficult to judge from the coughing sound that the secretary did understand what the eldest lady said - mainly because he could understand it even if he didn't understand it. After all, Lord Feng Wang was screaming miserably at this time.

"How dare you, how dare you!!"

Feng Wang screamed in shame and indignation: "I'm going to kill you, I'm going to kill you——"

"Smoothly, really smoothly—"

Lin Qiong covered his head to avoid the sacred fire of Feng Wang, and explained: "The main reason is that the leather swallow was dangling in front of me just now! You know, people are creatures that owe you - it's like putting a swallow in front of you." button, and it is written that you must never press it, someone will definitely press it!”

"It's useless to talk!"

Phoenix King's whole body was burning with blazing white flames, and he said sternly: "You are dead today. Even if Arceus comes, I can't protect you. What I said -"

Lin Qiong couldn't help but ponder for a few seconds as he looked at the Phoenix King, who was burning with flames all over his body, like a phoenix with lust.

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