To be honest, if King Feng really wants to kill me, why should he just say his lines here?So she must be giving me a chance to persuade her!

So, there is only one answer——

Lin Qiong raised his right hand and said, "How about I give you the dessert tonight to calm down?"

"That's fine—"

With a "boom" sound, Feng Wang changed back to the appearance of a rocket sparrow, then sat on Lin Qiong's head happily, patted his head with his wings, and said, "The ones at noon are mine too."

"Just a mouthful."



The gods of the earth encounter world (except Jian Yulei) and the beasts of the elf world (except Feng Wang) have all returned to their own world, but the chefs in the Yiyi world and Shiji world, except for Master Abei and Xian Zuowei Outside the old man, but they all chose to stay.

As for the reason why they stayed, it was also very simple-this group of bigwigs who had already stood at the pinnacle of their culinary skills in the world decided to hold a competition that, in Lin Qiong's opinion, was completely a "fighting of gods".

The content of the competition is very simple - these top chefs, with the help of Yilong, won a restaurant located in the gourmet city with the most traffic in the human world, either belonging to individuals (such as Liu Maoxing), or belonging to the team (such as Al Dini Brothers) shop, and they need to operate this shop of their own within a limited time, to see who has the highest net profit in the end.

The live-action business simulator belongs to yes.

Just when Lin Qiong was enjoying himself, he suddenly realized a very important and cruel thing.

Fuck, the eldest lady is also one of them. She and Nakiri Mana opened a store together, and the address is directly opposite the Yukihei family's store. They are determined to make the Yukihei family restaurant bankrupt in the first month, and then Being the first to be eliminated in despair.

"Xi Ba—"

Lin Qiong was lying on the sofa with his eyes blank, as if he was Hinata who hadn't had close contact with Meowth for a week, and above his head was the Pokémon Aidulu and Ho-oh who were resting with their eyes closed. Sauce.

By the way, the introduction above was strongly requested by Feng Wang—according to her, every beautiful girl has a heart that loves to show off.


Yoyo, who opened the door and walked in, looked at Lin Qiong, who was lying on the sofa almost moldy, and couldn't help complaining, "Qionisan! Erina-chan has only been away for two days, and you are almost useless."


Lin Qiong made a voice like a B-grade movie zombie, then turned his head in a daze, looked at Yoyo in front of him, and said, "The days without Erina are like mobile phones without the Internet."

"Yes Yes Yes--"

Youyou put his hands on his hips and looked helplessly at his Nissan, then looked at the Phoenix King above him, and said: "Master Phoenix, please take care of him after all! After eating in the morning, he lay on the sofa and got moldy——"

"Don't worry, there will be no mold!"

Phoenix King looked at Yuyou with a confident face. The confident expression on his face was exactly the same as the face of the heroine in Asagi comics before she fell over: "I am the god of life, in charge of life and fire. If there are any signs of mold on his body, , I will use the sacred fire immediately, and then use my exquisite control to purify the bad luck on him without harming him at all!"


For a moment, Yunyun had a disrespectful thought in her heart, "No wonder Erina-chan called Ho-oh-sama Aqua of the spirit world".


"Master Fengwang, it's not the bad luck in the body, but in the soul!" Youyou blinked her big watery eyes, and said, "Now Nissan's eyes don't even have any anger!"

Feng Wang lowered his head to look at Lin Qiong, and then said with a little surprise: "Really, this look is the same as after Emperor Yan gave him rua."

Yoyo: Σ( ° △ °|||)

Originally, it turns out that after Mr./Ms. Yandi was raped by Nissan, would he show such a look?

Nissan is amazing!

"Got to find something for him to do."

Feng Wang thought for a while, patted Lin Qiong with his wings, and said, "Looking for your girlfriend to cut down?"

The next moment, Youyou's eyes blurred, and Lin Qiong's energetic voice came from behind: "Elbow! Let's set off now!"


She couldn't help but sweat soy beans—Nisan, if you want to see Nai Jiang so much, why do you wait for us to ask you to go? ?

If Miss Wanshitong heard Yoyo's heartfelt feelings, she would probably sigh and explain: "Yuyo, this is the pathetic self-esteem of a man!"



The world, the gourmet capital!

In the human world, the status of the gourmet capital in everyone's hearts is as important as Tifa is to the 3D area, Jerusalem is to the West, and Bachi-sama is to Biochemical 8.

"Wow, this is almost comparable to Baijing in a traffic jam."

Lin Qiong clicked his tongue and said, "Speaking of which, I still remember that Erina's store address is at..."

He took out a map from his pocket, and said with a distorted expression, "Ah Lu, this map can be clearly seen by ghosts."

This level of hand-painting is almost comparable to Lin Qiong's own - his hand-painting level back then was so-called that no one would recognize it if you painted it!


Feng Wang said with contempt: "Don't you know the power of waveguide? You should be more familiar with the fluctuations in your girlfriend's body than anyone else?"

"That is--"

Lin Qiong nodded. He is not only familiar with the fluctuations in Missy's body, but also understands every wrinkle in Missy's body... Ah bah, this is a topic that cannot be discussed.

"Daga, Kudovaru!" Lin Qiong made a JOJO pose with a serious face and said: "I, Lin Liang Qiongying, like most is to say NO to those who give me advice——"

Open the Eyes of the Emperor!

Lin Qiong looked at the map in front of him, and then used Ms. Wanshitong's understanding of the world to compare the terrain of the entire gourmet city from a high altitude, and accurately found out the corresponding location on the map.

"Hmph, the wisdom of mortals."

Lin Qiong shook his head gracefully, and made a proud voice: "The third-rate hand-painted map of crickets can't trouble me at all!"

Then, because he accidentally threw King Feng off his head, he was chased and pecked all the way by the angry King Feng.

But please rest assured, Lin Qiong has well protected the top of his head, so he will definitely not become the first bald male protagonist in history-oh, Mr. Saitama does not count, he is not bald, he is bald.

Chapter 0261 unreasonable privilege

"Yo, Uncle Seiichiro—"

After Lin Qiong opened the sliding door of the restaurant, he waved to Seiichiro who was reading the newspaper behind the counter, and said, "I'm here to take care of your business—the whole snacks to pass the afternoon tea time?"

"Oh, isn't this young master——" Seiichiro seemed in a good mood, and actually joked about Lin Qiong's nickname, "What kind of dim sum do you want? Salty? Or sweet?"

“The whole fried chicken bar!”

"Fried what?"


Lin Qiong took a deep breath, then gave Chengichiro a thumbs up, and said, "Fried Phoenix King."

"you wanna die!"

Feng Wang, who just calmed down (because Lin Qiong promised to give her two pieces of fried chicken), suddenly flew up angrily, and then circled the field in the air, flying towards Lin Qiong with flames all over his body, shouting: " The ultimate invincible Phoenix King rocket head hammer!"

"Don't make trouble—"

Lin Qiong picked up Feng Wang's powerless special effects with one hand, and then put it back on the top of his head, and said, "Do you still want to eat fried chicken? This is Uncle Seiichiro's all-out, whole-hearted, all-out effort." Soul burning, the highest quality, unique, super invincible and delicious fried chicken, right?"


Seiichiro put the newspaper back under the counter dumbfoundingly, then tapped Lin Qiong a few times with his fingers, and said angrily: "Okay, okay, I will do my best for you, with all my heart and soul, and make it Super invincible and delicious fried chicken!"

"Fortunately, you said one of the highest quality."

"And of the highest quality!"

"As expected of Uncle Seiichiro, open-minded!"

Lin Qiong cheerfully gave him a thumbs up, then pulled aside the stool beside him and sat down, looked around the empty restaurant, and said, "Why are there no customers? It shouldn't be——"

Seiichiro took out the chicken from the freezer, and said helplessly: "Please, master, the time is now after three o'clock in the afternoon. The normal business hours of our restaurant are from eleven o'clock in the noon to two o'clock in the afternoon, and from five o'clock in the evening to two o'clock in the evening. o'clock—who's coming after three o'clock?"

"Oh, yes."

Lin Qiong nodded, and unconsciously said in a somewhat pity tone: "I thought your business was not good, and you were about to go bankrupt."

Seiichiro staggered, he supported the counter next to him, and said dumbfoundingly: "It's fake that you came here to eat fried chicken, is it true that you came here to find out information?"

"By the way, just by the way! It's true to eat fried chicken."

Lin Qiong chuckled and said, "After all, uncle's craftsmanship is still vast!"

"It's just a lot of money?"

"That's pretty awesome!"

"It's almost there."

Seiichiro cheered up the pot and said, "However, now I have to sigh with emotion. Only after leaving my own world can I understand how wide the world outside is."

"Huo, this emotion—"

Lin Qiong raised his head in surprise, then shook Feng Wang, who was holding his finger between his beaks, and said, "Are you deflated or what? Is the water so deep in the gourmet capital? Even the famous Shura has deflated? "

"It's not enough to be deflated, but there are indeed many, many... um..." Seiichiro thought for a while, then raised his fingers, and said, "Inspiration and new discoveries make me feel like I went back to the time when I traveled around the world." .”

Lin Qiong nodded. He could understand Seiichiro's words very well - when he was writing novels, sometimes he would get stuck and he would watch some animations similar to what he was writing to draw inspiration from them.

For example, for fighting scenes, I would go to see Hokage or Dragon Ball;

For example, in funny scenes, I would go to see Monkey King or Suqing.

"Jingle Bell--"

At this moment, the bell at the door rang loudly, which meant that a new guest came in.

It was Yoyo carrying a cardboard box.

After the little girl got into the shop, she smiled and raised the paper box in her hand to Lin Qiong, and said, "Qionisang, the desserts have been bought."


After hearing a certain keyword, Seiichiro poked his head out of the kitchen to have a look, and muttered, "I thought you came here to patronize my business, but I didn't expect you to visit Xiao Taozi's." Is it business?"

"The rain and dew are both wet, isn't this——" Lin Qiong waved to Youyou with a smile, and said, "Come on, come on, I've been waiting for a long time!"

"Excuse me, Uncle Seiichiro." Youyou bowed to Seiichiro first, then trotted and sat opposite Lin Qiong, opening the paper box in his hand expectantly, revealing the goods inside.

"It's so cute——"

Seiichiro couldn't help but smacked his lips. He thought about his 20-year-old son who hadn't even kissed a girl's mouth, and couldn't help showing a distorted expression: "Why don't you practice another trumpet with the child's mother?" ?Hope this time it's a girl—'

What?Didn't you say that Seiichiro's wife has been dead for a long time?

Well this...

Lin Qiong (raised his right hand): Clang clang clang clang, a secret prop from another world——

got it?


Lin Qiong looked at the several desserts placed on the table with disgust, and muttered dissatisfiedly: "Isn't this too small? I can eat ten of these desserts by myself without hiccups."

"Nissan! High-end dim sum is like this!" Yoyo explained, and then said gossipingly: "Nissan, sister Taozi's shop is doing very well! When I went there, the line was all outside. went!"

"Good guy, so many patrons?" Lin Qiong raised his eyebrows, and he asked curiously, "How about the price of these cakes?"

Yoyo immediately lowered her voice, then pointed to the cakes and quoted their prices one by one.

Lin Qiong calculated the selling price in his heart, and then discovered——

Colorful macarons (set of seven), 129 yuan/set;

Black forest cake (palm size), 79 yuan/piece;

Strawberry cake (palm-sized), 69 yuan/piece;

Snow skin mooncakes (29 cm in diameter), [-] yuan each.

Lin Qiong smacked his tongue at this high price, and muttered, "Tuigui, it's really easy to make money for a woman who pursues a small qualification - if she sells coffee or something along the way, she won't be able to easily make a small goal? "

"Yes! Sister Taozi's shop also sells coffee—" Yoyo stuck out her tongue lightly, and said, "But I don't like drinking it, so I didn't buy it, hehe."

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