"Mr. Que, I don't like drinking coffee either." Lin Qiongji nodded, then remembered something and shouted to the back of the kitchen: "Uncle Seiichiro, how much does a super large portion of fried chicken cost?"

After hearing the price that Seiichiro shouted loudly because he was worried that he wouldn't hear, Lin Qiong smacked his lips again.

How does this compare?

So, women's money is really easy to earn!



"Senior Momoko's dessert can be finished in just a few bites, but it's so expensive that I'm scared to death——"

It's like an Internet celebrity who charges [-], serves for half an hour, and can only kiss and talk.

"Uncle Seiichiro's fried chicken is a big plate, but the price is really affordable——"

Just like a KTV princess who charges [-] yuan, serves you all night, and plays as you please.

"So, knowing how to package is really important! I bet that Sister Taozi's dessert shop is definitely the development model of an internet celebrity store - I guess a few famous store visitors were hired in advance to do advertising or something like that. of!"

The point is that most online celebrity shops are more gimmicks than quality, but the quality of desserts at Senior Taozi’s is really good—it’s just that there are too few.

"Yes Yes Yes--"

The eldest lady crossed her arms and looked at her boyfriend who was sitting on the sofa chatting with helplessness, and said: "So when you came to the city of gourmet food, you didn't come to me as soon as possible. Instead, you ran to teach Sister Taozi After contributing a portion of the turnover, you then contributed a portion of the turnover to Uncle Seiichiro?"

"I, I'm investigating the enemy's situation! I'm doing something right!" Lin Qiong defended his actions, "According to the normal situation, you should still reimburse me for consumption!"

"I'll pay you back?"

The eldest lady's voice rose a few degrees. She quickly ran to Lin Qiong, then spread her legs and straddled his lap. She angrily rubbed Lin Qiong's face with her hands and said, "Let me see who it is." Are you so thick-skinned? Hoho, it turns out he’s from my family——”


Lin Qiong smiled, then stretched out his hands to support the young lady's waist, and said innocently: "Oh, it's all right! At worst, I'll find Alu, Xiaosong, Yilong, and Erlang tomorrow. Consumption here, hehe!"

"Go, I don't mind that—"

The eldest lady stroked Lin Qiong's eyebrows and eyes, and said dissatisfiedly: "I just think that you didn't come to me immediately after landing, which made me doubt my own charm."

"Erina-chan, what you said is a bit excessive."

Lin Qiong couldn't help complaining: "To be honest, if I went to Roumei, Alice or Miyoko's store to spend money, and then came to you after eating and drinking, you wouldn't be right to say this. It makes sense, but I went to the Yukihira restaurant right across from your restaurant - you are more or less bullying when comparing your charm with an uncle who has a wife."

"Puff haha——"

The eldest lady who was pretending to be angry couldn't help laughing, she patted Lin Qiong on the shoulder, then wrinkled her nose and said, "Hey, you mentioned the names of Roumei, Alice and Miyoko, that is to say Do you think they are the ones who can compete with me in charm?"

"Hiss! And this angle?"

Lin Qiong was startled. He looked at the eldest lady who was covering her mouth and giggling, and said, "Erina, you can't be unreasonable, okay?"

"Hmph~" The eldest lady snorted twice, and then said proudly: "Qiong, don't you know that being unreasonable with your boyfriend is a girlfriend's prerogative?"


Lin Qiong stroked his chin thoughtfully, then smiled, and said, "Since that's the case, then I have to exercise my boyfriend's privilege!"

Missy: "Eh?? Wait, wait a minute, hey——"

Lin Qiong: Heh heh, as long as it makes you lose your mind and be unreasonable!I'm so witty and tongue-in-cheek!

Chapter 0262 Miss Know-It-All’s New Research

Yilong's secret island.


Jian Yulei's right fist focused hard on Lin Qiong's arm. With the sound of bones cracking slightly, Lin Qiong's body flew backwards like a cannonball. However, before he could adjust his balance, Jian Yulei struck. Already appeared behind him.

"The balance is adjusted too slowly!"

Jian Yulei shouted low, and slapped Lin Qiong's back with his right leg mercilessly, sending Lin Qiong flying away like a football, causing him to fall to the ground and roll over a dozen times before he could stop.


Lin Qiong pulled his face, then got up from the ground with sweat profusely, panting and said: "I want to adjust my fucking balance, you have to give me a chance—"

"Can I give you a chance, will your enemies give you a chance?"

Jian Yulei, who was surrounded by golden divine power, looked at Lin Qiong seriously and said, "If it were a real enemy, the kick just now wouldn't have been on your back, but on your neck. Even on the back of the head!”

"You're right—"

Lin Qiong sat down on the ground, and then said breathlessly: "But I still think you are taking the opportunity to retaliate against me, otherwise why are you becoming more cruel every day?"

"Being ruthless will make your memory last—" Jian Yulei's thunder gradually extinguished, he sat cross-legged in front of Lin Qiong, and said with a smile: "But Brother Qiong's progress is really scary, if I don't synchronize If you improve your own strength, you will have surpassed it long ago."

"Come on--"

Lin Qiong waved his hands angrily, and said, "That's what you said after the first day of training, and you still say that now, are you fooling me?"

"No no."

Jian Yulei smiled wryly: "I'm a warrior, how can I fool people in this regard?"

Lin Qiong now eats dishes made of high-quality ingredients hunted by Yilong and Erlang every day, which causes his physical fitness to increase every day; and he himself will pass the high-intensity training with Jian Yulei, Quickly grasp the body after becoming stronger.

In other words, Lin Qiong is making real progress every day!If Jian Yulei was still using the strength he had during the initial training, he would have been overturned by Lin Qiong long ago.

"real or fake?"

"More real than pearls!"

"Then I'm pretty good." Lin Qiong smiled, then shook his fist, and found that the bone fracture just now had healed, then stood up and said to Jian Yulei: "A Jian, come again !"

"it is good."

Jian Yulei nodded, his body was entwined with golden thunder again, then his face sank slightly, and he rushed towards Lin Qiong.





Lin Qiong was lying on the sofa, enjoying the massage from the big milk jug, and said hummingly: "A little to the left, a little to the left - yes, yes, yes - oh, it feels good!"

"Tsk, he looks like a landlord."

Feng Wang looked at Lin Qiong with disdain, and said, "If it weren't for my fire of life, how could you be so leisurely?"

"Oh, so isn't this thanks to our Phoenix King?"

Lin Qiong smiled and stretched out his hand to hold Feng Wang in front of him, then winked at her and said with a smile: "I really want to thank Feng Jiang for this time!"


King Feng took two steps back in fright, then looked at Lin Qiong with a vigilant face, and said, "Why is your grandson suddenly becoming sensational? Is there some kind of conspiracy? Hey, you must have secretly returned to the elves. The world, and then subdued a Rogia, right?"

How much resentment do you have for Rogia!

Lin Qiong couldn't help but wipe the cold sweat from his forehead, and then said in a dumbfounded voice: "Please, let's not talk about whether I can catch a legendary Pokémon like Lugia. Even if I can catch it, I won't catch it." She."

Feng Wang raised his eyebrows, then squinted at Lin Qiong, and hummed: "Then if you were given a chance to capture a legendary Pokémon at will, who would you choose to capture?"


Lin Qiong pondered for a few seconds, and said, "If I could choose freely, then I would definitely choose that Pokémon—yes, it is a legendary Pokémon with dual attributes, and one of its attributes is fire. .”


Feng Wang involuntarily puffed up his chest, then turned the bird's head, used the bird's beak to arrange the feathers on his body, and even found time to burn the dust on his body with the sacred fire, creating the most perfect pair The posture greets Lin Qiong's answer.

"That's right! It has two immunity, five quadruple resistance, four double resistance, four normal resistance, and only two double weak, one quadruple weak fire steel!"

Lin Qiong shouted excitedly, how could there be such a handsome Pokémon as Huogang?Do you understand that indescribable sense of security?

As for Phoenix King?Unfamiliar, really unfamiliar!


When Lin Qiong said "two immunities", Feng Wang, who was already stunned, couldn't help but stop his movements, and then looked at Lin Qiong in front of him with a question mark on his face.


Fire steel?who?

Oh, Sea Dolan?Just that ugly thing that looks like a mutated red bean with orange spots on its body?That's it, that's it! ?

"You choose Fire Steel but not me!?"

Feng Wang frowned, she flapped her wings and flew to the roof, and said sharply: "In the past six months, who used the fire of life to heal you when you were covered with scars after training! You heartless man! "

"No, your words are a bit ambiguous."

Lin Qiong raised his hand to interrupt King Feng's speech, and then said with some confusion: "Just listening to your description makes me seem like a heartless man who is ruthless and takes advantage of the innocent temperament of the little girl."

"Is not it?"

"But the question is, why do I remember that someone flew over to me and said to me when I was about to use Xiandou for treatment—"

Lin Qiong cleared his throat, then imitated Feng Wang's voice, and said: "Oh, fairy beans are such a good thing, wouldn't it be too wasteful to use them up casually for training? Hmph, let the great The God of Life will heal you—but, the god’s healing is not free, eh? Jie Jie, I’m not welcome with your dessert for dinner!”


Feng Wang, who was suddenly wronged, fell down, and then said with a low eyebrow, "Do you still remember?"


Lin Qiong laughed: "Look at what you said, if I don't remember, are you going to turn black and white today?"

"You're talking nonsense!"

Feng Wang was not happy, "I am the god of life, the majestic and upright Feng Wang, how can I turn black and white?"

"Oh, what did you mean just now?"

"That's right, that's—"

King Feng glanced at the big milk can guiltily, then his eyes lit up and said, "It's all what the big milk can taught me!"


The big milk jug was stunned for a moment, the light in her eyes quickly disappeared, then she cursed and threw the towel on her hand to the ground, turned around and walked towards the kitchen.

"Your mother sells batches every day, and my mother pours out the milk and won't give it to you!"

"Oh, you are miserable."

Lin Qiong smacked his lips and said, "It seems that your daily milk supply is gone."

"Wait, wait!"

Feng Wang hurriedly flew towards Da Naiguang and said: "Grandma, I just said it casually! Grandma, don't be angry! Grandma -"

Looking at this scene, Lin Qiong shook his head, and then activated the gourmet cells in his body.




After Lin Qiong appeared in the Sea of ​​Souls, he was immediately shocked by the changes here - when he came before, the Sea of ​​Souls was still a dark place of nothingness, but at this moment it turned into a giant library with brilliant lights. .

"With so many books, how much knowledge have you recorded?"

Lin Qiong walked behind Ms. Know-It-All who was arranging the books, watched as one book after another appeared out of thin air in her hands, and then put them on the bookshelf.

“Do you remember how many grains of rice you have eaten in your life?”

"Oh, if it was DIO, he would answer zero because he is a Westerner and doesn't eat rice."

"Playing tricks again."

Miss Wanshitong smiled, crossed her fingers with her hands and crossed her head, stretched out wildly, and let out a seductive moan of "Hmm~~~". As her body stretched, her curvy figure Become more eye-catching.

"Currently, there are about [-] books of all kinds of knowledge in this library."

"Is this number a joke?"

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