"It's just a coincidence—"

Miss Know-it-All raised her right hand, and a book with a blue cover appeared in her hand, and she smoothly stuffed it into the bookshelf: "Okay, now there are one hundred and three thousand and one books."

"How long has it been? There are only [-] copies?"

Lin Qiong raised his head, looked around these bookshelves that could not be seen at a glance, and couldn't help but said, "What kind of knowledge is it?"

Miss Passionate thought for a while: "There are all kinds of things, such as a hundred ways to make egg fried rice."

Lin Qiong: "Hmm? No, why are there a hundred ways to make egg fried rice?"

Miss Wanshitong chuckled lightly and said, "It's a gimmick! For example, simple fried rice with oil and salt is one kind, with green onion alone, ham slices alone, shredded pork alone, corn alone..."

"Okay, I get it."

Lin Qiong couldn't help complaining: "It's just that those four-in-one super red and white computer cassettes are a piss, aren't they?"

"Almost, haha—"

Lin Qiong shook his head helplessly, and then asked: "By the way, if you've been sorting out these books, aren't you going to study 'yuanli'?"

The so-called "origin force" is the inspiration of Miss Wanshitong based on the "Little Wuxiang Gong" in martial arts novels.

Just like in martial arts novels, different sects have their own minds and moves, different worlds also have their own unique power systems!Normally, the power systems of different worlds cannot be used in common - at least a ninja with chakra should not be able to release dragon slaying magic.

When he first heard this idea, Lin Qiong said euphemistically: "Well, in fact, as long as I touch the world-transmitting gate with my permission, I can convert the energy in my body into the energy you mentioned—"

Miss Know-it-all chuckled and said: "I have read your memories, so of course I know this kind of thing! Then if I tell you, according to my plan, the cultivation method I created can not only transform the power in the body, but also The body operates automatically, enhancing the quality of magic power and physical fitness all the time, and it can also accelerate the recovery of magic power and physical strength during battles?"

Chapter 0263 Naive host


Not only can it passively increase physical fitness and magic power, but also increase the recovery of magic power and physical power in battle?

Is there such a good thing?

If you say this, I won't be sleepy anymore!

Therefore, Lin Qiong immediately cooperated with Ms. Passenger, and started a series of experiments——

Including but not limited to release the magic power in the body to let Miss Passport check the nature, watch Miss Passport reproduce the magic power of the same nature in a daze, comb Miss Passport's hair to help her relieve stress and then watch her reproduce the magic power of the same nature.

Lin Qiong: Miss Know-It-All, it’s really amazing that we get together!He must be able to create the source force cultivation method!

Miss Know-It-All smiled and said nothing.



"The research on Yuanli has temporarily hit a bottleneck."

Miss Know-It-All shrugged her shoulders innocently, and said, "Now we lack a... test subject! Or a guinea pig."

"Can't Aru?"

"No, the white ghost in that guy's body is a bit troublesome." Miss Passionate showed a helpless expression, and said, "That guy and I have a little, a little, a little, a little bit of conflict, so I shouldn't be allowed to use his host as a test product. .”

Although Wanshitong used three consecutive "slightly" to describe the conflict between her and the white ghost is very small, Lin Qiong asked carefully out of concern (or curiosity).

"It's not a big deal, it's just a long, long time ago—" Miss Wanshitong stretched out the thumb and index finger of her right hand, emphasizing: "It's really just a little bit of time."

"Understood, [-] points!" Lin Qiong nodded, and said, "The universe at your fingertips, you know everything!"

"Oh, can't you pretend you don't know?" Miss Wanshitong showed an unhappy expression, she looked at Lin Qiong angrily, and said, "Don't you know that girls are very sensitive to things like age? ?”

"Eh? It's not like you don't know, I don't care about these things." Lin Qiong waved his hand and said confidently: "It's better to say that the beautiful witch is one of my cute spots!"

Come on, the year-old big sister is awesome, okay?Who can refuse the all-inclusive, gentle big sister?

"Of course I know. To use the words you are familiar with, it is..." Miss Wanshitong pondered for a few seconds, and then said cheerfully, "Brother, your operating system is so weird!"


Lin Qiong covered his face, and said dumbfoundedly: "One thing to say, this sentence comes out of your mouth, it is really a monster!"

It felt like the voice actor of Shirai Heizi had turned into Li Yunlong, and he shouted, "Damn it, where is Laozi's electromagnetic gun? Put it up for me!"

Then Miss Pao was carried up with a dazed expression, and a game token was stuffed into her hand.

Lin Qiong touched his chin delicately, and thought: "But if you think about it carefully, this setting is actually quite interesting——"

"You must be thinking strange things again!"

"Oh, how are you so sure?"


"than me--"

Seeing that a cat-eared girl was about to start working again, Lin Qiong hurriedly interrupted her spellcasting and said, "Okay, okay, I know that no one in this world knows me better than you! Let's bring the topic back—wait Now, where did the topic go?"

It is not good to chat with sand sculpture netizens who are too familiar. The topic of chat will often drift to the direction of the world without knowing it.

"The topic just now..." Miss Wanshitong's ears trembled, and she said, "Oh yes, it's about my lack of a qualified guinea pig!"

Even Miss Wanshitong, there is no way to create a source force cultivation method out of thin air while relying entirely on imagination.

"Isn't it good to directly call the other party a guinea pig?" Lin Qiong touched his nose with some guilt, and said, "Well, maybe we can call them...the pioneers who explored the way forward?"

"Essentially there is no difference, right?"

"Well, that's true." Lin Qiong shrugged his shoulders, and then asked: "But you have to tell me first, whether the little white mouse you are talking about will be life-threatening or irreversible."

"Do you still remember that we once told you that no one understands you better than us?" Miss Wanshitong bent down, lightly poked Lin Qiong's forehead with her fingers, and said coquettishly, "We will not do anything against you." A decision of principle!"

Hearing what Miss Wanshitong said, Lin Qiong couldn't help showing an embarrassed and apologetic expression, and said, "Well, Lafite sauce, I..."

"If you are going to apologize, you don't need to say any more—" Miss Wanshitong pressed the pad of her index finger on Lin Qiong's lips with a smile, and then said softly: "We said that we know you very well, so we naturally know what is in your heart." Concerns—just, we also hope that you can trust us more, can you?"

What else can Lin Qiong say?He could only nod his head vigorously to express his determination: "Don't worry! Ms. Wanshitong, from today onwards we will be good brothers on the same front. I will never doubt you!"

"Oh, we're so happy when you say that~" Miss Wanshitong stretched out her hands to hug Lin Qiong with a smile, and said, "The host must remember what I said today—"


"Our host is really naive——"

"Condition one, that world has a lot of new knowledge."

"Condition two, the target has a huge amount of energy in his body."

"Condition three, the target is younger, so it's easy to fool."

"Condition four, it is best to have multiple eligible targets."

"Put these four conditions together, and with a little inducement, it will be very simple for you to take the initiative to tell us about the world we have chosen."



"It's just a little bit of acting, but it actually showed that expression, it's too naive, too immature, too innocent—"

Miss Know-It-All who was sitting on the chair stood up slowly, then stretched gracefully, walked towards the bookshelf with a smile, and said to herself.

"There's really nothing to do with a host like this."

"We have to suffer, and I will give you more hands in the future~"

"Well, how do you say that?"

"Behind every successful man is a woman who supports him?"

"Hmm, obviously, it's me~"



Soon, Lin Qiong had been in the gourmet world for more than half a year—because the "commercial competition" in the gourmet capital lasted half a year, so Lin Qiong stayed for an extra month or so, allowing them to Finish this game.

By the way, neither the eldest lady nor Uncle Seiichiro won the first place, but the youngest super chef in history who did not want to be named.

"It's a pity, I thought you would win." Lin Qiong said to the young lady next to him with his luggage on his back, "But it's still in the top five, which is pretty good."

"Well, I'm not reconciled!"

The eldest lady frowned, then grabbed Lin Qiong's clothes with her hands a little unhappy, and said, "I thought I could at least win the runner-up."

"I can't help it, the chefs in the world are fighting like gods." Lin Qiong smiled, then brushed off the eldest lady's bangs, kissed her on the forehead, and said, "But, at least in my heart, drawing Rina is number one."


Just as Lin Qiong said the words, he heard the booing sounds from the bad guys around him.

He blushed, then looked around angrily, and yelled: "Who is it? Who yelled just now!? You have the ability to make a fuss, and you have the ability to stand up! I'll beat your shit out!"

You're dying of laughter, you've said it like this, who would stand up?

At this time, the big milk pot suddenly straightened its legs, then raised its hands, and said loudly: "Moo Moo!"

Boss, I want to report!Lord Feng Wang yelled the loudest just now!

Phoenix King: "???"



The big milk tank glanced at Feng Wang, and then showed a sinister and cunning smile——Master Feng Wang, the heifer will take revenge, and it will not be too late to speak in ten years!

"Nah, Nani!? When did I mess with her?"

At this moment, Fengwang's brain began to think from the Big Bang, and she thought from the origin of life to last night's dinner, but she didn't recall where she messed with the big milk pot.

"You are so forgetful."

Lin Qiong reminded with a smile: "After you were exposed by me last time, you dumped the blame on the big milk pot, have you forgotten?"

Feng Wang thought for a while, then shook his head with sweat on his forehead, and said, "I, I, I don't remember."

Lin Qiong and the eldest lady nodded in unison.

Well, she definitely remembered, but she didn't want to admit it.

"Anyway, King Feng, the bully, one less dish for dinner today!"

Lin Qiong waved his hand and said coldly.

"Do not--"

Feng Wang let out a mournful cry of Feng Wang's blood, but the ruthless Lin Qiong didn't have the slightest thought of softening his heart - he was soft-hearted with a hammer, the dog Feng Wang tried to grab food from my bowl every day, and he gained three catties in half a year!



After sending the chefs from Yiyi World and Halberd Eater World back to his own world, Lin Qiong took another trip to Earth Encounter World and brought Antiline and the guardians, who were still working hard, back to the world of elves. .

"came back!"

After Feng Wang returned to the fairy world, he changed back to his real body without hesitation, and then gracefully turned around in front of Lin Qiong, and said, "Look, I said I'm not fat! Look at me Her figure is simply synonymous with perfection!"

Lin Qiong glanced perfunctorily at King Feng, then nodded his head a few times with "hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm" and said, "It's really hard for a sheep to be a sheep! Speaking of which, Arceus?"


Arceus, who came out of the space tunnel, was silent for a few seconds, and then said with a complicated expression: "Why don't you call me an alpaca, your blunt change of words is really too uncomfortable."

Lin Qiong scratched his head embarrassingly, and said, "Oh, how embarrassing is this? Say yes, alpaca sauce!"

You can't even see the slightest bit of embarrassment!Do you think Guangming has been yelling at me alpaca for a long time?I fucking spit on you!I really vomit! !


0264 - Heathcliff's Frenzy

Probably due to the inexplicable self-esteem of the Creator God (probably), Alpaca Sauce did not spit at Lin Qiong in the end-he felt that if he really did, he might lose something very important.

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