"Feng Wang, long time no see."

Arceus glanced at Feng Wang, decided to change the subject a bit, and asked, "How is your life in another world?"

"pretty good."

King Feng landed on the ground reservedly, and then couldn't help complaining: "I'm just a little tired - you don't know how crazy Lin Qiong is in training, I have to use sacred fire to treat him almost every day. "

Arceus' expression was a little subtle, he looked at Lin Qiong with some concern, and said: "Only for me, I hope you should pay attention to your own safety - if something happens to you, I can't go across the world save you."

"Hey, don't listen to Feng Wang putting it here to scare people—" Lin Qiong waved his hands, and said dumbfoundedly: "The one who trained me is a martial god from another world, and he has a sense of proportion! Besides, I am always on hand now. With a large amount of celestial beans, even if my heart is pierced, as long as I still have a breath, I can recover."

"You're good to know."

Arceus nodded lightly, and then condensed a shot of rock-type sanctioning light, which precisely hit Feng Wang on the head. The pain made her almost roll on the ground with her head covered—but just as she was about to act, At that moment, Feng Wang suddenly realized that it was not Lin Qiong who hit him, but Arceus, so the great Feng Wang could only be wronged like a little daughter-in-law.

Happy heart belongs to yes.

"Are you coming back this time to bring back the gods from other worlds?" Arceus asked softly, "They have already participated in a conference and successfully won the championship."

"Well, there are plans in this regard."

Lin Qiong nodded, then scratched the back of his head, and said, "Actually, there are other things I'm looking for you—oh, so why do you always have the feeling that you are a scumbag?"

Arceus smiled and said, "Because you only think of me when something happens?"

"Sparrow food."

Arceus shook his head: "I don't mind this kind of thing - well, tell me, what do you want from me?"

Lin Qiong nodded: "First thing first, can you try to reproduce the ingredients of the gourmet world? Such as Cinderella beef, BB popcorn, popcorn beans, rainbow fruit, etc., but you must keep At the same time, remove the gourmet cells!"

The ingredients in the gourmet world are really nothing to say in terms of taste, but gourmet cells are indeed a headache.After all, ingredients from the ordinary world can’t satisfy the desires of gourmet cells—this makes Lin Qiong dare not entertain ordinary guests with ingredients from the gourmet world.

Arceus nodded lightly: "I understand what you mean, I will give it a try."

Lin Qiong smiled and continued: "Then the second thing is, can you help expand the Sky City? Looking at it from the current point of view, it is still somewhat small."

Arceus chuckled: "Compared with the last one, this request is much easier."

Lin Qiong showed a sly expression: "Oh, alpaca sauce, do you really think so?"

Arceus tilted his head, and said: "For a Creator God who created the world, it is very simple to just expand the inorganic matter—even if he can't...cough, Gulardo has the ability to create land. ability, let alone me?"

You blurted out just now that you can’t fly, right?Absolutely can't fly, right?

Gulardo is crying, he is crying, even the god who created him called it flightless, he is really crying!

"Hahahaha quack quack goose goose-"

Feng Wang on the side was already convulsing on the ground with laughter, and Arceus' veins burst out of laughter, and he stomped her feet and teleported her to the flightless who was taking a bath in the magma.

Smile slowly!snort!

After sending Feng Wang away, Arceus looked at Lin Qiong again and said, "Even if you want to expand the city of the sky to a city or even a country, it will not be difficult for me."

"This is..."

Lin Qiong looked away with some guilt, and said, "Before that, can you help me summon my companion? It's that handsome guy with silver hair."


Arceus' eyes lit up with a blue light, and he deliberately used the power of transcendence to contact Heathcliff who was training Pokémon, and then teleported him and his luggage.

"Rotom, 3D Dragon, Hu Di, Stupid King, Aiguanshi...Huh? The Golden Monster—" Lin Qiong looked at the Pokémon next to Heathcliff, and couldn't help saying: "You Where did you get the giant golden monster?"

Heathcliff showed a slight smile, then stretched out his hand and stroked the head of the giant gold monster, and said: "I helped Devon Company deal with a network extortion case, and helped them improve the network firewall and strengthen the The database, that's what they paid me for."

Lin Qiong couldn't help giving a thumbs up: "Niu Pi."

Everyone knows that the cyber extortion case that allowed the Zvokki family to pay quasi-god cubs must not be a trivial matter. It can only be said that Heathcliff has excellent skills.

"I don't need to talk about flattery." Heathcliff tidied up his white coat smugly, and said in a pretentious manner: "You asked Arceus to contact me, is there something urgent?"

Lin Qiong nodded and said with a smile, "I'm looking for you for something—I think you must be interested!"

Seeing Lin Qiong's ecstatic look, Heathcliff couldn't help raising his eyebrows, and said, "Small—"



After Lin Qiong made his thoughts clear, Heathcliff expressed his dissatisfaction at that time: "Why didn't you tell me about such an important matter earlier?"

Lin Qiong felt a little speechless: "How sooner should I tell you? Didn't Arceus pull you here not long after I returned to this world?"

Heathcliff continued to be dissatisfied: "You should have conveyed this idea to me with your mind at the moment you made this decision."

Lin Qiong held his forehead: "Don't be so unreasonable as a woman! If you keep having sex again, I'll find someone else."

Heathcliff was not unreasonable: "You must entrust me with this task, only I can restore the glory of Aincrad!"

Lin Qiong nodded in satisfaction, and said, "Should I send you to the Sword World first? For example, to extract the data from the Sword Art Online server—"

Heathcliff waved his hand, and said: "No need! Only mediocre people need to reproduce, a genius like me optimizes on the basis of the original - don't worry, I will turn Sky Castle into a bigger version of the original." The original Aincrad is a more perfect neo Aincrad!"

Lin Qiong's expression was very subtle, and he said, "Calm down, I can't believe how crazy you are now."

Heathcliff took two deep breaths, then pushed his mirror, and said: "Facing the things I care about, even I will inevitably develop some excitement."

Lin Qiong thought for a while, this fierce man took the risk to upload his consciousness into artificial intelligence in order to save half a year of time.

So he nodded understandingly: "I understand! You are just a little impulsive, and you don't like it."

Heathcliff also nodded in satisfaction: "It's good that you understand—then, when shall we start work?"

Lin Qiong looked at Heathcliff dumbfounded, and said, "You are the chief person in charge, when do you ask me to start work? Anyway, you can start work when you feel confident - with the strength of alpaca sauce, even if something goes wrong halfway, you should Can it be saved too?"

Arceus saw that the topic was brought up to him, so he couldn't help puffing out his chest, showing a proud expression, and said proudly: "Of course! I am the God of Creation, even if you are going to build a country, it is very important to me. It comes at your fingertips!"

"it is good!"

Lin Qiong shouted loudly, then gave a thumbs up to Arceus and said: "As expected of the creator god of the elf world, the almighty god with supreme power, the great god Arceus! He must have this kind of momentum!"

Arceus nodded reservedly, and said, "That's true! It's just a matter of little effort!"

Lin Qiong continued to flatter, Arceus continued to be reserved, and the eldest lady next to him shook her head endlessly.

Alpaca sauce, you still don't understand Lin Qiong, and you don't understand Heathcliff either!

Don't underestimate a top-level paranoid who transformed the game into a death game in order to make the game closer to the "different world" of his dreams, and directly killed himself in order to go to the different world quickly!

Now that this paranoid has the chance to reproduce his dream Aincrad in the real world, do you think he will incarnate as the most terrifying Party A in the world and make you, Party B, crazy?

Miserable Arceus Miserable!



Now that the charter of the "Sky City Expansion Plan (also known as: Aincrad Recovery Plan)" has been finalized, Lin Qiong handed over all matters to Heathcliff and arranged for him a gentle and virtuous assistant .

Its name is Antiline, death!


Heathcliff silently took a look at the black and white maid outfit, with white silk on his left leg and black silk on his right leg, with his hands folded in front of his lower abdomen, and he looked at his deadly (Antiline) with a smile , and then took off the glasses on his face with trembling hands, and said, "What's going on?"

"Did you say socks? This is a half-dimensional meow planet..."

Heathcliff interrupted Lin Qiong expressionlessly, and said, "I'm not you, I don't have much interest in socks! What I'm asking is, why did she appear here?"

Lin Qiong raised his thumbs up and said, "Isn't this obvious? After all, our next operation is to take the entire Sky City and all the maids with us. You can't do without anyone around you!"

Rebuilding Aincrad does not actually need to be centered on the Sky City. It only needs to leave enough space for the Sky City on the top floor, and when it comes back, it can be installed in the appropriate position with a "click".

Heathcliff gritted his teeth and said, "Then I really thank you!"

Lin Qiong touched the back of his head in embarrassment, and said, "Hey hey, I'm not as good as you say!"

Heathcliff clenched his fists. Where did this guy come from Crayon Shin-chan?

Damn, if I can't beat you...

Chapter 0265 Fighting wits and courage

Magic Cannon World.

Before the start of the plot, half a year.

Some deserted world not far from Earth.

The Sky City slowly stopped above a certain desert, and immediately after that, more than a dozen streamers of various colors scattered from the Sky City in all directions.

"Attention everyone——"

Kyle pressed his right finger against his temple, and said, "If you find a monster beyond your ability to deal with it, just mark it and then retreat! Don't forget that there are no casualties, otherwise the young master will be sad."

"Don't worry." Morgana's lazy voice came from the communication channel: "I'm looking forward to the snacks made by the lady, and it won't be so easy to have an accident."

"So is Nicole! Nicole wants to eat a lot!"

"Nicole, it's a big meal."

"Big mix! Big mix!"

"never mind."

"Hahaha, everyone, hurry up and finish your work, and then enjoy the time with the young master and young lady—"



"It's all gone."

Lin Qiong lowered his right hand from his forehead, and said worriedly, "It should be fine, right? The guardians' current strength should not be worse than the Four Knights of the Book of Night Sky."

The eldest lady shook her head helplessly, and said, "Why are you like the parents whose children are away from home for the first time?"

Lin Qiong smiled and said, "Aren't I worried about them? After all, the water in this world seems to be very deep."

The secretary said helplessly at the side: "But the guardians are not going to other planets to perform tasks, they are just cleaning up the surrounding monsters! Besides, even if you really provoke some terrible monsters, there are still... "

The eldest lady followed the secretary's line of sight and looked over: "And..."

Lin Qiong also turned his gaze away: "And..."


Although he looks like a rocket sparrow, Lord Feng Wang, who is only the size of a small arrow sparrow, proudly puffed out his chest, and said confidently: "Don't worry! As long as I am here, there will be no danger!"

Lin Qiong said thoughtfully: "Even if it was an enemy of A Jian's level who came here? Or was it the old man Yilong who shot the Great Desolate Prisoner Sky Finger?"

"This, this..."

Feng Wang, who was still flamboyant just now, couldn't help shrinking her neck. She stammered and said, "Block, I can still block it! Don't underestimate my defense!"

Lin Qiong said angrily: "You can pull it down, your defense is only 90, the higher one is special defense."

Feng Wang immediately forced Lai to say something like "special defense is also defense", "my HP is still 106", "I still have the regenerative characteristic", which filled the scene with a happy atmosphere.

"Okay, okay, I know you are amazing."

Lin Qiong glanced helplessly at Feng Wang who was squatting on his shoulder, and couldn't help but said, "But you're so embarrassed, you actually followed me here again."

"Arzeus didn't object, hum." Phoenix King raised her head proudly, and she said confidently: "This can only mean that your status in Arceus' heart has increased - if you take the initiative, he I’m afraid we can’t arrange for all the three origin dragons to be your bodyguards.”

"forget it."

Lin Qiong showed a disgusted expression, and said: "These three will fight when they meet, and I'm not in the mood to be a nanny all day long to appease the three of them - no matter what you think, Feng Wang is easier to get along with, right?"

"That's it!"

Feng Wang nodded his head, showing an expression of "You guys, you still understand it very well": "I have the nickname of the legendary Pokémon that is closest to people!"


A question mark popped up in Lin Qiong's head, and he couldn't help asking: "Are you sure? How do I remember that King Feng hasn't appeared in front of humans for hundreds of years after being betrayed by humans?"

"You are very smart!"

Feng Wang couldn't help but pecked Lin Qiong's earlobe with his beak, and said angrily, "Don't you need to do anything? Didn't you say that you want to ask your gourmet demon to adjust the parameters of Sky City?"

"Yes, yes, here and now—"

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