Lin Qiong shook his head helplessly, and his eyes turned golden in an instant.

The Eye of the Emperor of Heaven · Open!



When Lin Qiong appeared in the big library, what he saw was not the figure who was walking in the library, turning the knowledge in his mind into books and stuffing them into the bookshelf, but a picture in the center of the hall. The big bed, and Miss Know-It-All leaning against the head of the bed, wrapped in a quilt, holding a book and reading with great interest.

"Oh, don't I want you to have a good rest?"

Lin Qiong walked quickly to the front of the hospital bed, and then took out the "Cultivation Method of Tree Fruits" in Miss Wanshitong's eyes with reluctance, put it upside down on the bedside table, and said: "I'm not feeling well and it takes energy." What about reading?"

"Oh, I'm fine-"

Miss Wanshitong sniffed, and then said helplessly: "I have told you, the reason why I am weak now is just because most of my strength has been sealed, and I cannot adapt to such a weak body for a while. That’s all.”


After spending half a year in the food world, Lin Qiong took Miss Know-It-All across time for the first time——

stop, wait a minute! ?Since Lin Qiong has only been in the gourmet world for half a year, how did he invite gods from other worlds to visit him?

Isn't it simple?Lin Qiong opened the door, then squatted at the door, beckoned to Astoria, and said, "Asteria, I'm going to treat guests to dinner, you go and contact the handsome guy, Hephaestus and Loki, I'll come to you in an hour!"

Understand?Doors are dead, but people are alive!

——After Lin Qiong took Miss Wanshitong through the portal for the first time, two options emerged in his mind.

Option [-], travel through with the "foreign body" in the body, but the "foreign body" will obtain several layers of seals according to the strength of the host;

Option two is to refuse to carry "foreign objects" in your body through time. The foreign objects will stay in the original world.

When seeing option [-], Lin Qiong couldn't help raising his eyebrows.

There are pros and cons to this option -

Li Shi, if the possessed gourmet demon has a bad personality, you can use this method to get rid of the other party's influence;

The disadvantage is that if the gourmet demon is driven away, then the gourmet cell will not be able to bring the special ability of the gourmet demon to the host.

'However, even without the special ability of the Gourmet Demon, the amplifying effect of the Gourmet Cells on the body is enough to make up for the cost. Lin Qiong thought like this before being pulled into the library by Miss Know-It-All.

The cat-eared lady looked at Lin Qiong with tears in her eyes, and asked anxiously: "Host, you won't abandon us, will you? No, won't you? No way!"

Looking at the pitiful expression of the cat-eared girl and her drooped ears, Lin Qiong hurriedly comforted him: "Don't worry! You're not that kind of food demon with a bad personality. How could I leave you alone? Don't worry. Bar!"

"Really, really?" Miss Wanshitong looked at Lin Qiong pitifully like a kitten in a cardboard box, and said, "Red bean paste red bean?"

Lin Qiong nodded helplessly and said: "Really! If you don't believe me, let me pierce your ears. I promise I won't lie to you!"


Miss Know-It-All hurriedly stretched her head over, the cat ears on top of her head twitching, urging: "Hurry up, hurry up!"

Then, when Lin Qiong took Miss Wanshitong through the world-transmitting gate, Miss Wanshitong, who could easily poke stars with a single finger, was immediately sealed by the world-transmitting gate—in her words, He said that now he can only display about twice the combat power of Lin Qiong, woo woo woo, I'm good.

Lin Qiong: That’s strange. It’s obviously a cat, but why is it barking?


"I've said it all, I'm just weak, not sick."

Miss Wanshitong leaned on the head of the bed, not knowing whether to laugh or cry, and said: "The current stuffy nose, coughing and other phenomena are just a manifestation of weakness."

"Obviously you said it yourself—" Lin Qiong put his hands on his hips, and said confidently: "You can recover after a good rest for a while! Do you call this a good rest?"

"For me, as long as I don't overuse my strength, it's considered rest!"

Miss Know-It-All argued with reason: "Don't just read a book, I can control your body and fight the enemy for [-] rounds now!"

"I do not believe!"

"To be honest, even if the 3080ti has been mining for two years, it will still be no problem to bring a minesweeper."

"Fuck, you mean I'm a minesweeper?"

"Maybe it's a TXT document."

"It's too much—"

"Who told you not to even let me read the book? It's just my life!"

"I don't care if you hide and watch secretly, but you can't watch in front of me!"

"Eh - domineering! Stingy! Bald!"

"I recognize the first two, but what the hell is the one at the back?"


Looking at Miss Know-It-All, who looked sluggish but still energetic, Lin Qiong sat helplessly by the bed and said, "Don't forget, you still have to try to convert the magic power in Naye's body into source power, and You also need to read the books in the infinite library, and record all kinds of magic in this world—do you have the energy to do this when you are not in good health?"

"Yes, of course there is!"

Miss Passerby immediately sat up from the bed, then raised her hands, tried to make a strong movement, and said, "Now I can work all night, ten days and ten nights without blinking an eye!"

"Am I a human street lamp that should be hung on the street lamp?" Lin Qiong pressed his finger against Miss Wanshitong's forehead lightly, and said, dumbfounded, "But based on what I know about you, even if I prohibit you from working now, Surely you will too..."


Miss Know-It-All tapped her forehead lightly and said, "It feels like when I was a child, I secretly watched TV, played on the computer, and then battled wits with my parents~"

Lin Qiong: "Then do you know what will happen to the children who lose in this game of wits and courage?"

Chapter 0266 You Are Really Talented

What happens to children who fail?

Miss Know-It-All blinked her eyes, then showed a stunned expression, and said with a hint of teasing: "Oh my, I didn't expect the host to actually like this kind of gameplay~"

Lin Qiong: Huh?

Then he saw Miss Wan Shitong holding up the edge of the quilt to cover her face with a shy look on her face, and said: "You actually want others to do such and such things, host, H~"

Lin Qiong: Huh? ?

No, is there something wrong with the enemy?

Lin Qiong pondered for a few seconds, and asked: "In our communication, or pre-language, are there any words that have different meanings? For example, if I say hello, it may mean to you that you eat Is it gone?"

"Puff haha——"

Miss Know-It-All covered her belly and laughed, until Lin Qiong's expression gradually turned ferocious, she stopped her laughter by stepping on the edge of Rua, and said solemnly (laughing): "Hmm, maybe it's There is such a possibility! From our understanding, the meaning of the host’s speech just now is——You want to physically collide with me, and make a collision sound of ‘啪~啪~啪~’!”

Lin Qiong: Huh? ? ?

Why the hell does this sound so weird?

He thought for a few seconds with a question mark on his face, and then said, "No, wait for me to respond."

Miss Know-It-All had a funny look on her face: "The pig brain is overloaded."

Lin Qiong retorted: "You fart! Give me another word!"

Miss Know-It-All blinked: "The CPU almost burned out."

Lin Qiong nodded: "That's about the same."

'Where is it almost?The meaning of the expression is the same...'

Seeming to see Miss Wanshitong's doubts, Lin Qiong explained: "How much is a pig's brain? But the CPU is different - if I were a CPU, I would specify that, that..."

Lin Qiong stuttered for a long time but didn't have anything to say, making Ms. Wanshitong put a question mark on her face: "Go on."

Lin Qiong covered his face: "I forgot the model of that CPU! I just remember watching the video at Station B before, and it was the CPU used by President Wang's top servers in the world."

Miss Know-it-all suddenly said: "Ouch! You mean the AMD EPYC 7763, right? The one with 6.5 yuan -"

Lin Qiong nodded at first, and soon became confused: "Hmm... wait, why do you remember it better than me?"

Miss Wanshitong said as a matter of course: "We said that no one understands you better than us! We remember very clearly, the first time you look at sex..."

"Shut up!" Lin Qiong interrupted Miss Wanshitong's revelation without hesitation, and he hurriedly said: "Is this the time to talk about this!? Now we are discussing your business—explain it to me quickly, you What do you mean by that bang bang you just said?"

Miss Know-It-All showed a confused expression. She tilted her head and asked strangely: "Didn't you say it yourself? What kind of punishment will a child who loses in a game of wits and courage receive? So let me answer you You’re going to get spanked.”

Lin Qiong: "Huh? Huh? Wait, eh? Hit, spank?"

Miss Know-It-All nodded innocently. She even raised her right hand to make an inciting gesture and said, "That's it, slap, slap, slap, spank. Did we say something wrong?"

#Query Lin Qiong's mental state#

Lin Qiong's mood: confident → suddenly guilty.

He stuck his jaws in the middle of his own body, then covered his mouth with his palm, and stammered: "Ah, oh, you, you are talking about spanking... um... that's true... "

Seeing Lin Qiong's shaken and guilty appearance, Miss Wanshitong couldn't help showing a little devil's smile—she covered her face with the quilt, and said in a muffled voice: "Host, big pervert——"


Today's winner.

Lin Qiong's defeat was completely out of control.




Lin Qiong opened his eyes, and then let out a mournful cry.

Feng Wang was taken aback for a moment, and then said dissatisfiedly: "How do you talk like Doudouge? Do you like pigeons and not me?"

Lin Qiong twitched the corners of his lips and said, "Normally, shouldn't you be concerned about why I make such a sound now?"

Feng Wang tilted his head and said, "Then why do you make such a sound?"

Lin Qiong raised his right hand and played Feng Wang's head. He said angrily: "I ask about other people's affairs, be careful."


Feng Wang covered his head with his wings in a daze, and then said angrily, "Nie Zhan, I—"

Lin Qiong said unhurriedly, "I'll give you a share of the tonkatsu tonight—"

Phoenix King continued: "——I love you!"

Lin Qiong paused, then couldn't help giving his thumbs up to Feng Wang on his shoulder, and said, "As expected of Lord Feng Wang, the speed of changing faces is probably comparable to that of Morubeke."

Feng Wang was puzzled: "Are you praising me or hurting me?"

Lin Qiong explained: "Of course I'm complimenting you! You know, in my world, Sichuan Opera Face Changing is one of the quintessences of the country, and most people can't play it."

King Feng suddenly understood, then he puffed up his chest and showed a proud expression, and said: "That's true! I'm amazing!"


The eldest lady who has studied Chinese culture couldn't help but covered her face. She couldn't bear to see Lin Qiong continue to deceive the ignorant King Akufeng, and she said, "Qiong, have you asked Miss Wanshitong? How do we modify it? The parameters of the magic circle in Sky City?"

Lin Qiong nodded and said, "I've already asked, don't worry! I'll modify it now—"

There are two sources of power for Sky City -

The first is the free magic power in the atmosphere. Through the cycle of absorption, emission, and re-absorption, the Sky City can achieve perfect self-circulation in daily use, and even use the excess magic power to deal with The super large magic storage crystal at the core is charged;

The second one is the magic storage crystal mentioned just now. When the Sky City enters combat mode, or enters an environment with low magic or even no magic, the magic absorbed from the atmosphere can no longer meet the needs of the Sky City. , the Sky City will extract the magic power from the magic storage crystal.

This kind of setting is very good, but when the city of the sky came to other worlds, Lin Qiong and others discovered a difficult problem-just like the voltage provided by each country, the magic power of each world is different. The composition is also different!

If Sky Castle ignores the difference in the composition of magic power and forcibly absorbs it, it is equivalent to directly connecting an electrical appliance that needs to use 110v to a 220v socket without a transformer.

Electrical appliances: Already, almost broken, too, too big (referring to the voltage).

It is for this reason that when Sky City comes to a new environment, it is necessary to cut off the magic circle it uses to absorb magic power, temporarily use the magic power in the magic storage crystal, and then adjust the parameters of the magic circle .



control room.

"nailed it."

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