Lin Qiong patted his hands and watched the blue light refill the magic circle in the control room. He couldn't help but nodded in satisfaction and said, "What, I'm still very good!"

[Hmph, if it wasn't for our help——]

Miss Wanshitong's voice rang in Lin Qiong's ear: [I'm afraid the host can't understand this kind of thing at all, right? 】

Lin Qiong blushed, and then said stiffly: "How could it be impossible to understand? My uncle is a genius, the cricket magic circle, isn't it easy to grasp?"

【you sure? 】Miss Know-It-All’s tone rose a bit, and she joked happily: 【Don’t forget, we have all your memories?For example, someone hasn’t figured out the redstone circuit yet...]

"Wow, you are really..."

Lin Qiong couldn't help but cover his face, and then complained: "Miss Wan Shitong, I suggest you be kind! Don't provoke me again and again, otherwise you will be responsible for the consequences!"

[Oops, what are you going to do to me, the cute one? 】

"Hmph, don't forget, you are planning to use magic incarnation skills to condense a body in reality—"

Lin Qiong showed an evil expression, he opened his hands, and shouted like a Dark Lord who wanted to conquer the world: "Jie Jie, I want to bury my face in your stomach and suck cats desperately!!"


Even Miss Know-it-All, there is such a moment of suffocation.

She couldn't help asking: [Well, let's not talk about whether we mind this kind of thing, aren't you afraid that Ibrahimovic will be jealous?She'll be jealous if you even suck the wind speed dog. 】

Lin Qiong was silent for a few seconds, then gave a thumbs up chicly, and said, "Hey, God knows this, you know it, I know it, so let's not talk about it?"

[You want to suck me with your Eevee behind your back, and then you want me to help you hide it? 】

Miss Wanshitong couldn't help raising her voice a little higher, and said: [In a sense, you are really a talent! 】

This feeling is like when you sat in a cat cafe for a while, in order to tease the cats in the cat cafe, you bought a can of expensive canned cat food that you usually reluctantly bought, but found that the cat in the cat cafe had already eaten it. Tired of this kind of canned food, I don't like it at all.So you took the can back home and poured it into the rice bowl of the cat at home. It ate very happily and rubbed its head against your trousers after eating.

This is too scumbag!This is simply like the mistress who doesn’t like the gift you bought, but takes it home and gives it to your lousy wife!

Wait, then am I that mistress?

Suddenly, Miss Know-It-All fell into a brief silence, and then said: [How about I just transform into the fairy Eevee and let you suck it? 】

Lin Qiong asked with a confused face: "Why did you change into the appearance of Ren Ibrahimovic? Are you still employing human trainers?"

Miss Wanshitong showed a slight smile, and said: [Since you want to pursue excitement, you should follow through to the end. 】

Lin Qiong showed a half-smile expression, and couldn't help saying, "Hello, Sword Art Online—"

Chapter 0267 Cute and pinched

When the guardians finished their tasks and returned to Sky City, what they saw were Lin Qiong, Missy, Secretary and Yoyo, as well as Pokémon such as Fairy Eevee, Kuailong, Tropical Dragon, etc., all surrounded A pure white Maine Coon cat with no variegation all over its body.

"Oh, are you back?"

Seeing the returning guardians, the secretary immediately stood up and asked, "Is anyone injured?"

"Even idiot Nico doesn't have any hands, so it must be fine——"

Zoe crossed her legs, her head and feet were floating in mid-air, and said with a smile, "Master Fei Shazi is too worried! These monsters can't do anything to us!"

"That's it!"

Nicole put her hands on her hips, and said proudly: "Hmph! Nicole is annoying! You can beat those monsters to pieces!"

It's messy...

Lin Qiong touched Nicole's head and said, "Okay, okay, Nicole is amazing!"


Nico raised her hands and cheered: "Niko is offended by compliments!"


Zoe on the side leaned in front of Lin Qiong with her mouth puffed up, and said like a child losing her temper: "Young master! Young master!! I want to praise you too! Also! Yes! Praise! Award!"

"Good good-"

Lin Qiong said helplessly: "Zoe is also amazing~"


Zooey wrinkled her nose, then put her head in front of Lin Qiong, and said, "There is still a pat on the head!"


Lin Qiong raised his other hand, touched Zoe's head, and said: "Zoe is amazing~amazing~"

"Hey hey!"

Zooey showed a happy expression, she covered the place touched by Lin Qiong with her hands, and swayed her body happily in mid-air.

"Oh oh oh-"

At this moment, accompanied by a ridiculing and teasing voice, the guardians discovered that the pure white Maine Coon cat was walking over with elegant cat steps: "Host, it seems that your children are very I like you."

"Hmph, of course!"

Nicole opened her hands, trying to draw a big circle with her hands, and said, "Nicole is so, so fond of the young master!"

Lin Qiong opened his hands with a smile on his face, drew a circle like Nicole, and said, "Oh? Then I also like Nicole so much——"

"No no no no!!"

Nicole happily stomped her little feet on the ground, then spread her limbs and flew towards Lin Qiong like a facehugger, shouting: "Niko is so happy! Ta~no~xi~"


Lin Qiong laughed, and the Maine Coon cat beside him scratched Lin Qiong's thigh with his paws dissatisfiedly, and said: "Host! You should introduce our identity to them now! They are all here Look at us with very curious eyes~"


Lin Qiong stretched out his right hand to hold Nicole in his arms, then stretched out his left hand to touch the head of the Maine Coon cat, and said, "This is the gourmet demon possessing me, you can call her Lafite, or know-it-all Miss - this cat is a 'possession body' she made using my magic power."

By the way, the essence of Miss Wanshitong's "cat clone" is actually Yoyo's "clone" skill, the difference is that the consciousness in this clone is not Lin Qiong's "branch", but Lafite's— For a know-it-all who has mastered most of the knowledge in the gourmet world, it is not difficult to imitate a similar skill.

By the way, at the beginning, Miss Know-It-All was really planning to pinch a blue fairy Eevee to tease Fairy Eevee, but she was stopped by Lin Qiong who was dumbfounded - don't dance in the minefield. Miss Know-it-all!I don't want to make the chickens and dogs restless!

'So, theoretically, the food demon in Youyou can also do this. Lin Qiong glanced at Yuyou beside him and twitched his lips: "But according to what Yuyou said, that gourmet demon is a top social terrorist who is more social than her, so...ahaha——"

Lin Qiong can imagine a figure crouching with his head in Yoyo's soul sea, murmuring, "Don't see people, woo, I don't want to see people——".

Yes, it's cute.

"That's right, it's you..."

Kyle took two steps back, looked at Miss Know-It-All with envious eyes, and said: "Not only can I be one with the young master, but I can also turn into a cat and let the young master stroke me. How enviable... Bah, this is something that is despicable!"

Lin Qiong opened his mouth: "Wow, I didn't expect that Kyle, who looks serious on the surface, actually has a side that wants to be coquettish?" '

"You, what's that look in your eyes!"

Kyle took half a step back with his face flushed, and said loudly: "I, I just accidentally said the wrong thing!"

"Is it meow?"

Miss Know-It-All tilted her head, she showed a cute smile, and said: "Don't you want Miss Kyle to let our host touch your head and praise you for doing a great job - well, meow, just like just now Treat those two kids the same way."


Kyle let out a cry of grief, and she took two steps back again, and then said with a pinched neck: "This, this, this, this kind of thing, I, I, I, not at all... no..."

"You have to think carefully before answering, my stupid sister——"

Morgana looked at Kyle's desperate face, she couldn't help shaking her head helplessly, and said, "If the young master takes it seriously, you won't be able to enjoy this kind of reward anymore, okay?"


Kyle let out a more intense mourning sound than before, she took two steps back, and then looked at the ground in front of her with extremely shaken eyes—and again, can't she enjoy this kind of reward anymore?That, that is too desperate! !

Let me tell you something, if this was the Magic Circle studio, with just this sentence, Kyle could turn into a witch on the spot?

Lin Qiong helplessly glanced at Kyle who was about to cry as he stood there, then looked at the eldest lady beside him, and blinked at her - Dear Erina, now is the time to show off your charm as a young lady. ah!

The eldest lady chuckled and nodded, then moved lightly and walked slowly in front of Kyle.

"Little, miss..."

Kyle looked at the eldest lady who was getting closer and closer at a loss.

"Kyle, squat down a little bit."

The eldest lady raised her right hand, blinked at her, and said, "Don't get me wrong! Every guardian has contributed to the extermination of monsters this time, so we can't just reward Nicole and Zoe—I understand Is it? Everyone has a pat on the head as a reward!"

'Oh oh oh, you are indeed the eldest lady (Miss)! '

Seeing the eldest lady's operation, everyone couldn't help but applaud in their hearts - she must have considered Kyle's overly serious character, so she used the excuse of "everyone will be rewarded together".

Sure enough, after hearing "it's not a reward for her alone", but "rewards for all members", Kyle, who was desperate for face and suffering, couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief, then bent down with a blushing face, and said : "Thank you miss!"

Lin Qiong shook his head helplessly: "If Kyle's race was set to be a dog-eared girl, her tail should have almost left an afterimage, right?"But then again, if Kyle was a dog-eared girl, would she still be so rigid and hard-spoken? '

Maybe Zhang will be the same as Nicole at this time?

Lin Qiong looked at Nicole who was hugging his chest tightly like a gecko, pinched her face, and then watched the eldest lady pat the heads of these guardians one by one.

Hey, how fresh!



In the blink of an eye, three and a half months passed.

During these three and a half months, Lin Qiong and others did not rush to the earth or contact the infinite library in advance. Instead, all members dispersed to different planets and used various methods to obtain various and recorded magical knowledge. books, and then summarized them here.

"Tsk tsk, there are so many books circulating in the market alone—"

Lin Qiong walked into the room, looked at the books piled up in a hill around him, and couldn't help complaining: "I feel that the author of the Bird. Beast Duke series, a certain unscrupulous mian king (shou) The library of the number one handmaiden is almost at the current level."

Maomao, who was lying on her stomach reading a book, suddenly laughed. She turned her head, shook the cat on her body, and said, "The magic technology in this world is very advanced, but the development of magic is... hard to describe."

Lin Qiong lay down on the lazy sofa next to him, and then adjusted his sitting posture: "How do you say?"

"The magic in this world is actually simply treating magic as fuel, then compressing it and bombarding it--" The know-it-all cat jumped onto Lin Qiong's stomach and stepped on his chest with its front paws, feeling a little disappointed. He raised the cat's paw and looked at it, "In other words, most of the fighting methods in this world are head-on confrontation, and the use of strategies and various magic combinations is rare."

Lin Qiong stretched out his hand and touched the unbelievably soft hair of Know-it-All Cat: "Indeed, it seems that there is no 'elemental magic' in this world. Well, maybe there is, but it is too little."

Lin Qiong thought of Signor, one of the four knights of the Book of Night Sky, her weapon seemed to be able to release flames to attack - but more of them were ordinary magic power cuts.

Know-it-all Maomao yawned, and said a little boringly: "Most of the magic in this world has already been finalized. Even if there is a slight gap, it is just a fine-tuning of the magic structure."

As if he heard the disdain in Know-It-All Maomao's tone, Lin Qiong couldn't help but smile and said: "So, you have completely learned the magic of this world?"

"I don't bother to learn this kind of magic with a simple structure! After I understand the magic principles of this world, I started from the bottom structure and completely rewritten a set of magic in this world." Know-it-all Mao Mao looked proud He raised his head and said, "Whether it is the efficiency of magic power utilization, the speed of magic power absorption, the speed of magic release, the stability of magic structure, etc., they are all better than the magic of this world. Huh~"

The last "huh~" can be said to be very proud of cats.jpg.

Lin Qiong couldn't help but stretched out his hands to lift the Know-It-All Cat, and then covered his face. He took a deep breath and said with emotion: "The Know-It-All Cat is so cute~"

Chapter 0268 is too mysterious, too elegant

The world of Erina, the world of Magic Cannon.

Time, half a month after the know-it-all cat developed the cat-style magic.

Coordinates, Earth·Haiming City.


In an apartment in Haiming City, Lin Qiong opened the curtains, squinted at the morning scenery outside the window, couldn't help stretching, and said, "It's another brand new day—ah, it's so peaceful daily life!"

"This kind of peace will last for another two months or so?"

The know-it-all cat walked in from the living room with silent steps, and said, "If there is no accident, there will be an accident."

Lin Qiong couldn't help but complain: "What you said is as if you said these words."

"Puff quack—"

Feng Wang on the side couldn't help but burst out laughing: "How about the two of you talking about cross talk here? Don't be funny in the early morning, okay?"

Lin Qiong twitched the corner of his mouth: "Let me declare, I didn't want to be funny, thank you eggplant!"

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