Feng Wang couldn't help giving his thumbs up—don't ask me how a bird got up—and said: "As expected of you, you can be so funny if you don't want to be funny!"

'Is this complimenting me, or hurting me? '

Lin Qiong rolled his eyes, then took the T-shirt piled up next to the pillow, put it on himself, and said, "Where's Erina? Why didn't I see anyone——"

"Final adjustments to the magic circle of Sky City—"

Maomao nimbly jumped onto the bed, then squatted obediently at the end of the bed, and said, "If the test passes, the city of the sky can be docked in the different space of the earth in the future."

"Since you made it, it must be fine."

Lin Qiong put on his trousers, brushed his hair on his forehead with his fingers, and said, "I'm going for a morning run, do you want to follow?"

"I'll go, I'll—"

Feng Wang flapped his wings and landed on Lin Qiong's shoulder, saying, "The sandwich yesterday tasted good, and the mung bean cake was also good, on the whole."


Lin Qiong twitched the corner of his mouth and said, "Are you going for a morning run? You are going to eat and drink!"

Feng Wang snorted: "It's reasonable, if I go back to the Pokémon World and reveal my real body in the Bell Tower, I can eat and drink for hundreds of years!"

Lin Qiong rolled his eyes: "Then you go, go now, I will open the door for you—"

Ho-oh shook his head: "I'm not stupid! You can't have Erina's feast over there, hey!"


Lin Qiong cast a contemptuous glance at the triumphant Feng Wang, then looked at the know-it-all cat who was looking at him with golden eyes, and said, "What about you? Do you want to go out for a stroll?"


Know-it-all Maomao nodded, and said softly, "Walking with you is a novel experience for us."

"It's not a walk, it's a morning jog." Lin Qiong emphasized.

The jack-of-all-trades cat tilted its head: "Is that kind of running speed different from walking for you?"


It is true.



After Lin Qiong finished washing and put on a sportswear over a T-shirt, he took the Know-It-All Cat and the Phoenix King Parrot to a nearby park.

"Run ten laps first, then go to eat something, come back and run five laps."

Lin Qiong moved his limbs and said to himself, "I don't know if I can touch that guy."


Feng Wang rolled his eyes and complained: I just said why you are so diligent, so you want to create encounters?


Lin Qiong took a deep breath and said, "Squeeze it, don't use such an ambiguous word like encounter, okay? I'm not waiting for a girl."


Feng Wang suppressed a smile: To be reasonable, it would be even more strange to wait for a boy.


Wow, what you said makes sense.

Lin Qiong could only keep a dark face, and started a lonely morning run in the park where there was no one in the early morning. It was just that when this man was running in the morning, he was accompanied by a one-meter-long Maine Coon cat with a thorn on his shoulder. Wearing a small parrot, so strange!


Sure enough, when Lin Qiong ran to the third lap, a magnetic and angry voice came from the side: "Mr. Lin, good morning!"

Lin Qiong turned his head, looked at the young man who followed him, and said with a smile: "Good morning, Kyouya."

Gao Dinggong also followed Lin Qiong's footsteps, then glanced sideways at Feng Wang who was standing firmly on Lin Qiong's shoulder, and couldn't help saying: "Mr. Lin is really amazing."


Lin Qiong glanced at him strangely, and said, "Why do you say such things all of a sudden?"

Kyoko Takamachi said with an apologetic face: "I'm sorry, I just observed Mr. Lin's running movement from behind - your center of gravity is very, very stable, so that the bird didn't feel too much on your shoulders. bumps."

Lin Qiong smiled casually, and said, "It's just been practicing for a while—you're talking about me, hasn't Gong also practiced swordsmanship?"

Of course, Lin Qiong was cleared, and what Takamachi Kyoya learned was not simple kendo, but the actual combat swordsmanship called "Kodachi Erdao Yugami-ryu"-in other words, a murder sword.

Takamachi Kyouko was also slightly taken aback, and said in surprise, "Did you see it?"

Lin Qiong smiled, he suddenly stretched out his hand and grabbed Takamachi Kyoya's wrist, then flipped it lightly, and said, "The calluses on your hands can't fool anyone—it seems that you have not only practiced, but also practiced For a long time."

Lin Qiong didn't know how much psychological shadow this 19-year-old Takamachi Kyoya had brought to Takamachi Kyoya with his big pussy... ah bah, a random grab and flip.

'Anyway, I can't react...'

Takamachi Kyouya's pupils were shocked as he looked at his wrist held by Lin Qiong, and stammered: "I see, that's it! Can you tell from the calluses on your hands? I'm ashamed to say it. I can’t tell what Mr. Lin is practicing.”

Ask yourself, Takamachi Kyouya still has some confidence in his own strength - you know, his sister, Takamachi Miyuki's swordsmanship is guided by him!In other words, Kyo Takamachi is also a "teacher" in terms of swordsmanship!

However, with Lin Qiong's seemingly random grab just now, he didn't react until his wrist was turned over!This means that if Lin Qiong wanted to harm him just now, the knife might have already pierced his heart.

"Me? Hahaha, I haven't studied systematically." Lin Qiong waved his hands with a smile, and said, "If I have to say it, it's probably the self-improved Lin School boxing method after absorbing various schools of martial arts? "

After hearing Lin Qiong's words, Takamachi Kyouya was also filled with shock: "So Mr. Lin is already a master of the sect at such a young age?"No wonder I couldn't react to the actions just now—"

Lin Qiong glanced at Kyoya Takamachi, who was full of thoughts, and said with a smile: "Okay, let's continue to run in the morning! Such a good weather, we can't waste it——"

"Yes, I see—" Gong Ye, who came back to his senses, hurriedly followed, and then started jogging obediently behind Lin Qiong—but compared to him at the beginning, Gong Ye at this time It is also obviously much more silent.

"Host, you are so bad meow—"

Through the soul link, Maomao, the know-it-all, made complaints: "I completely fooled this kid meow~ He is probably thinking about your strength now, how is it?" '

Lin Qiong glanced at the big cats and cats who seemed to be scattered around him: "In my opinion, you are the only one who has no right to complain about me!"After all, this plan was made by you from beginning to end!Who was it that asked me to strike him down just now? '

'Don't care about the cats——'

Know-it-all Maomao looked away, and said briskly: "What bad thoughts can Maomao have? '

Lin Qiong laughed.

"Maomao has a lot of bad thoughts~"

'Huh, bad guy host——'

'Hmph, badass cat--'

'The host is the bad one! '

'Cats are worse! '



One person and one cat are like children, arguing at the elementary school (or kindergarten) level in their minds while running in the morning.



Soon, the ten laps of the morning jog around the park officially ended.

In fact, when Lin Qiong entered the second half of the tenth lap, he began to slow down. When the tenth lap was over, he had already stopped with his usual face, and then put his left hand on his hip, looking at the back who was panting heavily. Gong Ye teased and said, "I've followed you to the end today, it's really amazing!"

"Ha ha……"

Kyo Takamachi also waved his hands, he put his hands on his knees, lowered his head and panted heavily, sweat dripping down his forehead: "I, today, I didn't start from the beginning, from the beginning! So, so, no, it doesn’t count as having followed the entire—”

"What's the matter today? So hard?"

Lin Qiong took out a bottle of drink from his pocket with a smile on his face, handed it over and said, "Have some sports drinks, it will help your condition."

"Many, thank you."

Kyouya took it subconsciously, and when he unscrewed the bottle cap, he was suddenly stunned for a moment, and then looked at Lin Qiong with extremely shocked eyes: "Not only did Mr. Lin not sweat or pant, he finished the run extremely easily." Ten laps and carrying a bottle of drink with you? '

"What's wrong?" Lin Qiong glanced at Gong Ye strangely, and then pretended to be stunned and said, "Oh, don't worry, there is no poison."

"No, no, that's not what I meant—"

Gong also thought that Lin Qiong had misunderstood, so he unscrewed the bottle cap in a hurry, raised his head and took a big sip, and hurriedly said, "I don't think you...huh?"

Kyouya, who was about to explain, was suddenly stunned - he only felt that after he drank the drink, a warm current surged from his stomach to his limbs, the feeling of fatigue and dry mouth after running. He disappeared without a trace under the caress of the warm current, as if the fatigue just now was just his own illusion.

"This this……"

He looked at the drink in his hand in astonishment, then looked at Lin Qiong who was smiling in front of him, and couldn't help thinking blankly: "Mr. Lin Qiong, who is it?" '

Mysterious, so mysterious!Extremely mysterious——

Elegant, so elegant!Extremely elegant——

Chapter 0269

'Hooked on—'

Looking at Takamachi Kyoya's staring eyes, Lin Qiong said to the know-it-all cat and cat through the soul link: "He should not be able to bear it anymore—"

The big cat squatted on the seat next to it, and said in his heart: "Then why don't you take advantage of the victory and pursue it?" '

Lin Qiong knew it in his heart, but on the surface he asked calmly: "What's wrong? Mr. Gong Ye, are you looking at me like this?"


Takamachi Kyouko also came back to his senses, he hurriedly shook his head and said, "No, I'm just... um... just thinking about something."

"I see, then I won't ask any more questions." Lin Qiong nodded and said with a smile: "After a little exercise, I feel a little hungry - Kyouya, would you like to have breakfast together? I'll treat you."

Takamachi Kyouya also hurriedly said, "Why is this so embarrassing?"

"Hahaha, you're still a student, and I'm a reliable social person—why don't you invite me?"

Lin Qiong laughed, he waved his hand casually, and said, "Let's go! There is a shop selling meat buns on the commercial street. The meat buns are big, juicy, and full of ingredients. They are very delicious!"



"Eat it while it's hot."

Lin Qiong put the paper bag on the table, then sat down with a smile and said, "The taste of this store will definitely not disappoint you."

Takamachi Kyo also nodded lightly, and said in a low voice, "Then I'm not going to be polite——I'm starting!"

After he gently took a bite of the meat bun, he seemed to be scalded by the hot soup inside. He opened his mouth and breathed "ha~ha~" twice before swallowing the contents in his mouth.

Seeing this scene, Lin Qiong handed over the ice water he had just bought and said, "Eat slowly, no one will grab you, be careful of burning."

"Feel sorry--"

Kyo Takamachi also showed an embarrassed expression. He took the mineral water handed over by Lin Qiong, unscrewed the lid and took a sip. After the ice water entered his mouth, he tamely appeased the hot soup. Juicy and looming mouth.

Lin Qiong picked up a bun, broke it open, and placed it in front of the know-it-all cat, then picked up a pack of sandwiches, tore a small piece and handed it to King Feng.


Phoenix King took a bite of the sandwich and said, "That human boy didn't say much during the whole journey——"


The know-it-all cat glanced at Kyouya, who was blowing the buns to cool them down, and said: He is in a mess right now, and he definitely has no time to chat.

Lin Qiong smiled and said: But the frequency with which he looks at me has been shortening, and it may be fast.


In the occasional silence with only a "chirp" or "meow", Lin Qiong and Gong also finished this not-so-rich but delicious breakfast.

'Time to give him a whip--'

Lin Qiong thought about this, and said to Gong Ye with a smile on his face: "Then let's say goodbye again! See you tomorrow, Gong Ye."

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