"Ming, see you tomorrow—"

The preoccupied Gao Dinggong also nodded, and he clenched his fists as he watched Lin Qiong's receding figure.

"Lin, Mr. Lin!"

Suddenly, he took a step forward and said loudly, "Please stay!"

Lin Qiong paused slightly, turned around, and asked strangely: "What's wrong, Kyouya-kun?"

"I, I haven't known Mr. Lin for a long time, so it's really rude to make such a request hastily, but, but—" Takamachi Kyoya pressed his hands to the seam of his trousers, bowed cleanly, Said: "But, Mr. Lin, please give me some pointers!"


Lin Qiong walked back to Kyouye and asked, knowingly: "What does Kyouye mean?"

Gong also raised his head and said seriously: "I hope Mr. Lin can have a pointing battle with me!"


Lin Qiong touched his chin and said, "Isn't today Saturday?"


"That's your luck." Lin Qiong smiled and said, "It just so happens that today is a rest day—do you have a suitable venue?"

"Yes, yes!"

Realizing that Lin Qiong agreed, Gong Ye immediately showed a joyful expression, and he hurriedly said, "There is a dojo in my house! Mr. Lin, please come with me—"

Lin Qiong nodded with a smile and said, "Let's go~"



The distance between Takamachi's house and the park and commercial street is not too far, so Lin Qiong followed Gongya for about 10 minutes, and came to a mansion.

"Kyoya? And this one is—"

Takamachi Shiro, who was cleaning at the door of the house, looked at his son and the strange man who was following him, and asked with a puzzled expression.

"Father, this is Mr. Lin -" Kyouya introduced with a chuckle: "He is a master I met during my morning jog, so I specially invited him for a coaching battle."

"Morning run? Master? Guidance battle?"

Takamachi Shirou showed a surprised expression. He wiped his hands with his apron, then stretched out his right hand towards Lin Qiong and said, "Hello, I am Kyouya's father, Takamachi Shirou."

"Hello, Mr. Takamachi." Lin Qiong shook hands with the other party, and said softly: "I am Lin Qiong, and because I saw that Kyouya-kun had some eyes, I agreed to his request. I hope that Mr. Takamachi will not think that I Too presumptuous."

"No way."

Takamachi Shiro shook his head hastily, he glared at his sneering son, and said, "Kyoya is too presumptuous, if you find it troublesome..."

"No, no!" Lin Qiong smiled and said in the calmest tone: "It's just a battle of guidance, it shouldn't take too much effort."

Takamachi Shiro couldn't help raising his eyebrows, he didn't say anything more, but leaned the broom against the door, and said, "Then come with me! At this time, Miyuki should be using the dojo—Lin Mr. Qiong doesn't mind talking to a few audience members, right?"

"It seems that you are a little angry because you belittled his son--"

The know-it-all Maomao glanced at Lin Qiong and joked with a smile: "Maybe there will be a classic 'beat the young and the old' plot -"

"Of course I don't mind."

Lin Qiong followed him with a smile, and then replied: "Even if their whole family is tied together, they are still no match for me——"


In the spacious dojo, Takamachi Shirou and Takamachi Miyuki sat on their knees at the edge, staring intently at the two people who were making preparations.

"Mr. Lin—"

Takamachi Kyouya looked at Lin Qiong standing in front of him and said, "Do you need to put the bird on your shoulder aside?"


Ho-Wang glanced at Takamachi Kyoya with disdain: "I stand here for you to hit, can you hit me?"you can not!snort! '

That small tone is so proud!

Lin Qiong stretched out his right hand helplessly, gently stroked Feng Wang's body twice with his index finger and middle finger, and then said to Gong Ye: "Well, it probably doesn't need it—let's start."

Although it was Gong Ye who took the initiative to invite Lin Qiong to participate in the pointing battle, seeing Lin Qiong "belittle" him so much, Gong Ye felt a little bit unconvinced in his heart.

Holding the handle of the knife, he made a move like the small sword Tai Erdao Yu Shenliu, and then said in a deep voice, "Then Mr. Lin, I'm going to make a move!"

Since you don't think it is necessary, then I will use my strength to prove to you that it is necessary!

"bring it on."

Lin Qiong chuckled, he glanced at Gong Ye, then slowly raised his right hand, and said with a chuckle, "Mr. Gong Ye, because there is a bird standing on my left shoulder, it is not convenient to move around." , so I will use my right hand to compete with you - if you can let me use my left hand, it will be considered your victory, how about it?"

'Too underestimated people! 'x3

The three members of the Takamachi family thought in unison.


Takamachi Kyouko also took a deep breath to subdue the anger in his heart, his eyes returned to the state of Gujing Wubo, and said: "If I can let Mr. Lin use his left hand, please ask Mr. Lin to put the bird on the ground." On the side, seriously compete with me."

"Well, all right."

Seeing that the "provocation" was almost done, Lin Qiong nodded and said with a light smile, "Mr. Gong Ye, please attack."


As soon as he finished speaking, Takamachi Kyoya stepped on the floor and sprinted towards Lin Qiong with swords in both hands - he had decided to use a thunder blow to force Lin Qiong to use his left hand, and then...

"The speed is average and the strength is acceptable——"

Lin Qiong stood gracefully on the spot, while Takamachi Kyoya's sword blade stopped in front of his forehead.

It seems that Lin Qiong has been "spare his life", but it did not make the Takamachi family happy, but made the three of them show a horrified expression - the reason is very simple, the wooden knife stopped in front of Lin Qiong's forehead, It wasn't out of Takamachi Kyoya's will, but because Lin Qiong pinched the back of Takamachi Kyoya's sword with his backhand, firmly imprisoning him in midair.

"Ju...it's actually a backhand..."

Takamachi Kyouya looked at Lin Qiong's movements at this time and felt a sense of dizziness all over his body.

Lin Qiong was able to pinch the back of his sword with his backhand, which meant that the opponent not only raised his hand faster than he could swing the sword, but also meant that the opponent's fingers could even pinch the wooden sword he swung vigorously.

"You, how did you do it..."

Takamachi Kyouya asked with difficulty in an unbelievable voice.

"Because I am stronger than you."

Lin Qiong loosened his grip on Takamachi Kyoya's wooden sword and said with a smile: "It's a very simple truth, isn't it?"

"indeed so……"

Takamachi Kyouya took a deep breath. He took two steps back and assumed an attacking posture again. However, when he looked at Lin Qiong, who was just standing leisurely and not even assuming a fighting posture, he looked confused. expression.

How to attack this?

The backhand of the opponent's backhand pinched the back of the knife without any warning, so does he still have a chance of winning?

"What are you doing in a daze?"

Looking at Kyouya who was in a daze, Lin Qiong's voice seemed to ring directly in his ears: "Isn't this a point-and-shoot battle? What you need to consider is not how to defeat me, but to attack and attack again, and then let I pointed out your shortcomings, didn't I?"


Gong Ye raised his head as if he was in a daze, and his eyes that had lost focus refocused again, and then he said loudly in a voice full of fighting spirit: "Yes! I understand—please give me your advice, Mr. Lin!"

This time, his voice was full of respect.

Lin Qiong smiled in satisfaction, then hooked his right hand towards Gong Ye, and said, "Let the horse come over, Mr. Gong Ye!"


After the words fell, Gong also rushed towards Lin Qiong again.

Chapter 0270 The elderly also accept new things


Like his son and daughter, Takamachi Shiro lay exhausted on the floor, panting heavily.

"It seems that the three of them have no strength."

Lin Qiong put down his right hand, kept his left hand in his pocket, and said with a smile: "Then this pointing battle will end here?"

It would be impolite to fight any further.

"Lin, Mr. Lin..."

Takamachi Shiro sat up propped up on the floor, and then said with a look of disbelief: "Mr. Lin, who are you? This is too amazing!"

After seeing Kyouya and Miyuki being deflated one after another, Takamachi Shiro couldn't hold back the urge to itch, picked up the wooden knife on the ground, and then applied for a sparring—in his opinion, his own skills On top of the two children, so it shouldn't be a problem to bring back some face to my own school, right?

Not a hammer!

I was tortured to death!

I do not ring spicy!

"I didn't notice it when I was watching the game, but I could feel the pressure of Mr. Lin after I played—" Shiro Takamachi stretched his sore arm, and said with a wry smile: "It seems that all the time, It was me who was watching the sky from a well.”

"What the hell! Don't belittle yourself, Mr. Shirou." Lin Qiong waved his hand and said softly: "For ordinary people, their skills are already very good."

"Mr. Lin, what you said is really weird." Meiyuxi sat up and said with a face full of tears and laughter: "What does it mean to be an ordinary person? Are there any extraordinary people?"

"The world is so big, why wouldn't it be there?" Lin Qiong smiled, he used his toes to jump up the wooden sword on the ground, then held it accurately with his right hand, and said: "Kyouya-kun, Mr. Shirou, this Does it matter if the wooden sword is damaged?"


Takamachi Shirou stammered: "This, this is just an ordinary wooden sword, nothing precious! But, Mr. Lin, are you prepared to..."

"It's very simple, keep an eye on it."

Lin Qiong casually threw the wooden knife in his hand into the sky, then pointed his right hand together to form a sword, and swung it upwards.

"Clang clang clang---"

The wooden knife that was broken in two fell to the floor, making a crisp collision sound, and the three onlookers next to him had almost changed to the same expression of Enilo.

Miyuki: "Break, break!?"

Kyoya and Shirou ran over to pick up the wooden knife on the ground, and then the two of them looked at the section, and found that the section was extremely smooth - they thought it was "cut" rather than "smashed" of.

Lang felt a little dry mouth, he stared at Lin Qiong with wide eyes, and said, "Lin, Mr. Lin...how did you do it?"

His tone was unconsciously filled with respect, and his address to Lin Qiong changed from "you" to "you".


Lin Qiong tapped his forehead in distress, and looking at his appearance, Shirou hurriedly said: "Sorry, sorry, if there is something that is inconvenient to disclose, then—"

"no no."

Lin Qiong waved his hand and said, "I'm just thinking about how to explain this problem to you in a simple and easy-to-understand way—do you know? In this world, there are a large number of things that cannot be seen by human eyes, but can also be detected by machines. Unbelievable mysterious energy."

Of course, the so-called inability to be detected by machines is just that the technology of humans on the earth cannot persist—for example, Lin Qiong’s Sky City and the Space-Time Management Bureau all have the means of observing magic.


The three shook their heads blankly.

"This energy is called 'magic'." Lin Qiong raised his right hand, and the embodied blue magic was wrapped around his arm. "Magic has many uses, and the simplest way to use it is Strengthen one's body - even the strengthening magic that has just been introduced is enough for the user to withstand small-caliber bullets."


If it is said that Lin Qiong's strength just made the three of them stand upright, then what Lin Qiong showed at this time has shocked the three views of the three, and even adding a title to the book can be used as the name of a light novel it's -

"I practiced swordsmanship in the daily episode, and I learned that this is a magical world. Did I make a mistake? "

pretty good.

"Also, that means..."

Miyuki adjusted the glasses on her face tremblingly, and said, "The reason why Mr. Lin is so powerful is because..."

"Ah, that's not—"

Lin Qiong blinked and said, "I'm really good."

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