What you said, let us not know what to reply for a while.

"Well, Mr. Lin, I have a question—" After a while, Gong Ye raised his hand and said with some doubts: "Why have we never heard of the existence of magic power? It is because there is a 'can't Is it the rule to disclose the existence of magic power to those who don't know? If so, why did Mr. Lin tell us?"

"Well, because I'm not from this planet, I don't know if your planet has such rules." Lin Qiong scratched his head pretending to be confused, and said, "I'd like to tell you three, It’s because I noticed that you have the aptitude to awaken the acquired magic power, so I wanted to ask you if you would like to practice with me—”

"Wait, wait, wait..."

All three of the Takamachi family felt dizzy.

Meiyuxi clasped the back of her head with her hands, and mournfully said, "Ahhhh, I have received too much information, so I don't know where to complain for a while!"

Gong Ye opened his mouth for a long time, then stumbled and said, "Lin, what Mr. Lin means is that you are an alien?"

"Oh, it's okay for you to treat me as a foreigner!" Lin Qiong waved his hands with a smile and said, "If I take a bus from Osaka to Tokyo, I am a foreigner to Tokyo, right?"

"Indeed..." x3

What a ghost!

How could it be the same!

Aliens, this is an alien!

Can aliens and outsiders be the same?

"This matter is really..."

Shirou rubbed his head, trying to keep his emotions calm: "Well, it's really, it's an incredible thing to think."

"Haha! In fact, for the inhabitants of many planets, going from one planet to another is really similar to taking a train from Osaka to Tokyo." Lin Qiong waved his hand with a smile and said, "It's just that the earth is too remote. And backward, that's why I think Star Trek is incredible."

Miyuki looked at the ceiling unfeelingly, and said, "Hearing what you said, I suddenly had a feeling that young people from big cities came to remote mountain villages and showed off their smartphones."

Hearing Miyuki's analogy, Lin Qiong couldn't help laughing: "Hahahahaha! It seems to be the same thing? But magic power is not something as common as smartphones!"

Gong also asked curiously: "Mr. Lin, don't people with magical powers not be common in other more developed planets?"

"Instead of saying 'people with magic power are uncommon', it would be more appropriate to say 'people with magic power powerful enough to assist in combat are uncommon'." Lin Qiong shrugged and said: "In most cases, The aptitude for magic power is predestined, even if it can grow the day after tomorrow, it will not be too exaggerated."

For example, Takamachi Naha, who has the titles of White Tyrant, No. 1, King of Magic Cannon, and ordinary elementary school girl, was already a AAA-level magister in Muji and AS chapters, and It was not until the SS chapter that it progressed to the S+ level——this shows that most magicians in this world rely on their talents for a living, and there is no concept of "cultivation" at all.

Takamachi Kyouko also showed a puzzled expression, and he couldn't help asking: "The aptitude for magic power is determined innately? But Mr. Lin just said clearly that we have the aptitude to acquire magic power the day after tomorrow..."

Lin Qiong emphasized: "Note that what I just said is 'in most cases'. In very few cases, some people have the possibility of acquiring magic power."

"So that's how it is..." The three of them showed stunned expressions, and Takamachi Shiro continued to ask: "Mr. Lin, it's okay if you don't want to answer this question—I can ask, you said very little Circumstances, what exactly are the circumstances?"

After all, he is the father of two children. Faced with such an unknown and mysterious matter, of course he has to ask clearly before he can feel at ease.

"This is more complicated, and there are many factors involved." Lin Qiong shrugged helplessly, and said: "For example, living in a place with a high concentration of magic power for a long time, or having the talent to awaken magic power but because of various The reason is that Mei has awakened, or because of some chance to obtain a mysterious secret treasure or the like—it’s hard to say exactly what the reason is.”

"Is that so..."

Takamachi Shiro was silent for a few seconds. He glanced at the children beside him, and asked again: "Then I have one last question—may I ask if the awakened magic power in your mouth is dangerous?"

Lin Qiong shook his head and said: "Although the awakening of magic power and subsequent practice will not cause harm to the body, if you take the initiative to participate in some relatively dangerous things after awakening the magic power, then you are not sure. gone."

"I understand--"

After getting Lin Qiong's clear answer, Takamachi Shiro turned around, looked at his son and daughter, and said, "Kyoya, Miyuki! I've already asked you clearly, so do you want to follow Mr. Lin?" Studying depends on your own choice."

Kyoya looked at Takamachi Shirou's expression and couldn't help but said, "Father, aren't you going to..."

Takamachi Shiro waved his hand and said, "I'm an old man, I don't understand these new things anymore!"

"It can't be said that it's useless——" Lin Qiong touched his chin and said: "After learning magic power, you can greatly enhance your physical fitness, so that you can run and dance at the age of 50 just like you were at the age of 25. It can also make my daughter-in-law scream, and..."

"do not talk--"

Takamachi Shiro waved his hand, and said with a serious face: "What's wrong with the elderly? The elderly should also actively accept new things, I will learn!"

Kyoya and Miyuki: "..."

Chapter 0271 This is Hell

At Takamachi's dining table, the atmosphere was a little bit different from usual.

In addition to the extra "outsider" Lin Qiong, Takamachi Kyoya and Takamachi Miyuki looked at Takamachi Shiro with subtle eyes, while Takamachi Shiro looked at Takamachi Momo with a heavy heart, as if Hesitate what the same.

The only one who can see through the truth is the one who looks like a primary school student, but loves sex (this hobby has not yet awakened)...

"My name is Takamachi Naha, and I'm an ordinary third-grade elementary school student—"

'This morning, after I got up and washed up as usual, I found that the atmosphere at home was very different from usual! '

'And what brought about this—'

Takamachi Nanoha looked at Lin Qiong curiously, then nodded vigorously, thinking: 'Yes, the bird on this big brother must be so cute! '

King Feng: "?"


After looking at the time on the wall, Takamachi Kyouko also looked at his sister, and said softly, "It's getting late, if you don't go out, you will be late."


After recovering from the "beautiful bird", Takamachi Naoye hurriedly glanced at the wall clock, and then exclaimed "wow" in confusion and surprise: "teeth, teeth white!"

Really going to be late!

Naye hurriedly picked up the sandwich in front of her, and stuffed it into her mouth indiscriminately. After chewing it a few times, she took a big mouthful of milk to soften the bread in her mouth, and swallowed it into her stomach.

"Nanoha, slow down!"

Tao Zi looked at her daughter's posture, and said worriedly: "Be careful not to choke!"

"No, it's okay, Mom!" Naye patted her chest, then stuffed the rest of the sandwich into her mouth, and finally drank the rest of the milk.

"Don't eat the rest—"

Nanoha jumped off the chair, then ran towards the door and said, "Mom, I'm going to school!"

"Wait, wait—"

Tao Zi hurriedly picked up the bento box on the coffee table, and shouted, "Bento! Naye, you forgot your bento—"


So, the white tyrant who had already run to the door screamed and ran back in a hurry. After taking the bento from Tao Zi's hand, he rushed towards the door - even jumping a few times because his feet slipped when he turned the corner. Street dance.

Looking at Naye's back, Taozi said helplessly, "Oh, be careful..."

"It's really messy—"

Takamachi Shiro shook his head helplessly, and then said to Lin Qiong, "Master Lin, I made you laugh."

"No, it's nothing! Naye-chan is very lively and cute—" Lin Qiong smiled, propped his chin, looked in the direction of Naye's departure, and said: "Besides, I seem to know that you will have qualifications The reason—at least one of the reasons—was."

"Huh?" x3

Shiro Takamachi looked at Lin Qiong's eyes, and couldn't help muttering: "Master Lin, what do you mean... Could it be because of Naye?"


Gong was also surprised and asked, "What does this have to do with Naye?"

"How should I describe it—"

Lin Qiong tapped his forehead with his fingers pretending to be confused, and said: "If you are said to be talented in magic power, you are the top students of Dongda, then Naye is at the level of Einstein."

"Huh?" x3

The three of them were a little complacent about being evaluated as a top student at Dongdae University, but when the conclusion that "Nanoye is an Einstein class" came out, the three of them couldn't hold back immediately.

"Lin, Master Lin, are you kidding me?"

Takamachi Shiro held his head in disbelief, and said, "Nanoha is only nine years old!"

Lin Qiong looked at him strangely, and said, "What does innate talent have to do with acquired age? Naye is born with magical powers beyond ordinary people."

The three of them looked at each other, and Tao Zi's mother said with a confused look: "Well, although it's impolite to interrupt your discussion, but the magic power you mentioned just now is a new buzzword?"

Ever since, the three members of the Takamachi family hastily explained to Mom Taozi what happened.


The pure housewife, Mom Taozi, made a very confused voice, saying, "I'm not sure what to do.

"Mom~ There's no need to joke about this kind of thing——"

Meiyuxi looked at her mother dumbfounded, and said, "Just now, in front of us, Master Lin cut off the wooden knife with his fingers casually!"

"This..." Taozi's mother held her face in her hands, and said troubledly, "Could it be a trick or something?"

Lin Qiong said dumbfoundedly: "Ma'am! You have to do tricks in advance to hide your eyes, but that wooden knife is something in your dojo, and before it was cut off by me, Mr. Shiro, Kyouya-kun and Miyuki-chan all held it and I've sparred—if I do tricks, I can only pick up the wooden knife from the ground for just over a second, do you think it's possible?"

"This seems to be impossible..." Taozi's mother smiled sheepishly, and then whispered: "In other words, does it really have such a magical power?"

"Of course! Magic power can not only strengthen the body, but also keep men and women in adolescence for a long time—" Lin Qiong raised his fingers and said, "For example, he is 60 years old, but he looks like he is in his twenties. Like a [-]-year-old girl, very smooth and pretty!"

'here we go again--'

Kyouya and Miyuki looked at each other with twitching corners of their mouths. Lin Qiong's speech at this time was so familiar to the brothers and sisters—hey, wasn't his father killed by a single sentence?


Sure enough, after hearing this sentence, Takamachi Momoko showed a fanatical expression that belonged to women at that time: "Mr. Lin Qiong, is what you said true?"

"When did I lie to you?"

Lin Qiong opened his hands with a straight face, and said, "I have such a wonderful title as 'Honest and Reliable Young Master' in my hometown!"

"Then, do I also have the aptitude to practice magic?"

Mrs. Taozi looked at Lin Qiong with longing eyes—please, no woman can resist the temptation of youthful appearance, no!

"To be honest, Madam's talent is better than the three of them—" Lin Qiong glanced at the three people beside him, and said with a smile: "I think the reason why Naye's talent is so scary is probably because he inherited Madam's talent. blood relationship!"


Mrs. Taozi couldn't help showing a surprised expression. She put her hands together and put her fingers on her chest with a girlish look. She looked at Lin Qiong expectantly and asked, "Then can I let myself see what Master Lin said? Look young?"

"No, no, ma'am, it's not 'looks very young', but 'already very young'! The enhancement of magic power is not a pretentious beautification." Lin Qiong shook his finger and said, "Even if you go Go through the experience, and all the values ​​of your body will be the same as those of young people in their 20s—the only thing that can prove your age in the future may be your ID card.”

A moment of heartbeat, right now.



Takamachiya, Dojo.

At this time, the four members of the Takamachi family had already changed into casual clothes for easy activities, and squatted with wrinkled faces.

"This, this kind of training..." Mother Taozi, who was just an ordinary person, asked in distress: "Is, really, necessary?"

"It's a pity that if you want to awaken your magic power the day after tomorrow, you have to temper your body—" Lin Qiong showed a helpless expression. He circled the four of them with his hands crossed and said, "Then cooperate with the correct breathing method to perceive The magic power that was sucked into the body, so that it can stay in my body—”

Do you think it sounds like something like internal strength?That's right!After all, the inspiration for this set of cultivation methods was obtained by Mao Mao through martial arts novels, so it is naturally like internal strength.

After hearing Lin Qiong's explanation, the Takamachi family of four continued to squat with bitter faces, while Shirou's father said with some concern: "Master Lin, Taozi is just an ordinary person, and she suddenly behaved like this." Will high-intensity training affect her body?"

Lin Qiong waved his hand and said, "Don't worry, since I have proposed such training content, I have made corresponding preparations - I have some potions brewed with secret recipes, which can quickly repair the fatigue and damage of the body, So you can rest assured...well...as long as you can't die, practice to death!"


All of a sudden, the faces of the four of them turned pale—why does this sentence sound so disturbing?You don't really want to practice to death, do you? ?

Gong also asked tremblingly: "Lin, Master Lin, what you gave me to drink this morning is..."

Lin Qiong nodded, and said, "The dose given to you is a diluted dose. It's good for restoring physical strength, but it doesn't have the function of repairing damage."

Hearing this sentence, Kyoya's expression became even paler—the diluted dose is so strong, how much stronger is the full body? ?Then round it up, I'm afraid it's not really going to be practiced to death! !



That afternoon, when the white tyrant returned home, he saw four Ge You's family members lying on the sofa in disorder.

"Dad, mom, brother, sister, what's wrong with you?"

Naye walked to the edge of the sofa with a confused face, looked at the four people whose mouths were open, as if their souls were about to float out, and couldn't help asking: "Is it uncomfortable?"

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