"No, nothing..."

Gong also stood up unsteadily, then showed a miserable smile, and said in a disillusioned tone: "It's just that I saw hell."

"And the most disappointing thing is..."

Miyuki also got up, then leaned back on the sofa, looked at the ceiling with dull eyes, and murmured: "This kind of hell will come again tomorrow."


The next moment, Shirou's father, Momoko, and Kyouya's brother all fell into silence. A desolate aura emanated from the three of them, filling little Nanoha with great confusion.

Hey, hey, what on earth is going on! ?

Can you explain it to me!

Chapter 0272 Detective Nanoha!

Private Shengxiang University Affiliated Primary School.

Third grade, Class A.


The white tyrant sat on her seat with her arms folded across her chest, showing a distressed and troubled expression, which made the two friends sitting next to her - Alyssa Barnes and Rua Mura Suzuka - show confused expressions.

Erza quietly pulled Suzuka to the corner of the classroom, then glanced at Nanoha worriedly, and whispered: "Flashcard, what happened to Noha?"

Silently... Tsukimura Suzuka shook her head in confusion and said: "I don't know, Nanoha has been acting a little strange recently -"

The two looked at each other again, and then nodded in unison.

"Go and ask!" Alyssa took Suzuka's hand and said seriously: "What on earth is Nanoha worried about!"

"Well!" Suzuka also held Alisa's hand and followed her to the front of Nanoha - the two of them "bang" patted Nanoha's table, shocking Nanoye who was immersed in thinking. A jump.

Nanoha looked at her two good partners in a panic, and couldn't help asking: "Alisa, Suzuka, what's wrong with that?"

"Is this our line?"

Alyssa looked at Nanoye in front of her and asked angrily: "Naye, are we still friends?"

Naye replied without thinking: "Of course! Why do you ask such a question?"

Suzuka snorted twice, and said, "Nanoha, answer me—if you have trouble, shouldn't you ask a friend for help?"

Naye showed an awkward smile, she reached out and scratched her face, and said, "Have you all found out?"

Alisa turned her head with a "hum", and said, "Isn't it strange that you can't find it? Naye has been, has been very strange recently!"

"Eh? I thought I was covering up pretty well..."

Naye lay down on the table dejectedly, and said to the two friends: "Suzuka, Alyssa, I have some doubts. My family has been brainwashed by suspicious oblique sects!"

"What... what!?" x2



Hello everyone!I am Takamachi Nanoha, a girl in the third grade who looks like a primary school student but is actually an ordinary primary school student!

Well, it should be like this, but recently I found that something extraordinary happened in my home!

About a month ago, a strange uncle came to my house suddenly (although the uncle told me to call me brother, I still think I should call him uncle), and it was from that day that my family became strange stand up.

In the past, Dad would be very keen to tell about the JFC football team in Cuiwu, and Mom would also happily share interesting stories about making dim sum, but recently they are discussing some very strange topics at the dinner table-like what is the progress Very good, seems to have a feeling or something;

Not only that, but when I come home every day, my parents and brothers and sisters will lie on the sofa weakly, looking extremely tired!

It would have been fine if it was only for a day or two, but now it has lasted for a month! ?One with!

No matter how you look at it, this is too strange, right?

There must be something strange hidden in it, let my detective Nanuoha find out!



"……That's it."

Naiye was lying on the table, looking weak, "I was going to stay at home last weekend to figure out what happened, but I was kicked out by my father and mother, and asked me to go and play with you—"


Arisa and Suzuka glanced at each other, both showing serious expressions.

The so-called abnormality must have a demon, something must have happened to Naiye's house in Maji's dumb library!

"Wait, wait!"

Suddenly, a white light flashed across Tsukimura Suzuka's mind, she suddenly showed a panicked expression, and said, "Say, speaking of it, my sister's situation is also very strange recently!"

"Suzuka's older sister, is she Shinobu-sama, right?" Alyssa tilted her head and said, "What's wrong with Shinobi-sama?"

"In the past half a month, my sister has been coming back very late every day, and she seems very tired—" Suzuka said with a sad expression on his face, "I didn't suspect anything at first, but hearing Naye say so Let me just say..."

"Wait, what do you mean..." Alyssa seemed to realize something. She looked at Nanoye with wide eyes and said, "I remember, Sister Shinobu seems to be Brother Nanoye's girlfriend, right? Could it be that explain……"

"Suzuka, what do you mean...your sister's recent anomalies may be due to my brother?" Naye also widened her eyes, and said, "Could it be that my brother also made sister Shinobu..."

That's too bad!

"Nanoha, calm down—"

Suzuka hurriedly comforted his friend, saying: "This is just a speculation! Maybe my sister is just busy with other things—"

"Let's find out what's going on together!"

Nanoha reached out and grabbed the little hands of Suzuka and Alisa, and said seriously: "Suzuka, Alisa, I need your help!"

Unite, lolita!



Another weekend.

When Nanoha was once again driven out of the house by Shirou's father and Momoko with the excuse of "Let's go play with Alisa and Suzuka", Nanoha stood at the door and clenched her small breast fists.

"Hmph, 30 years at home, 30 years away from home, don't bully girls into poverty!"

"Today, you ignore me! Tomorrow, I will make you unable to climb high!"

"Don't bow your head, the crown will fall!"

Oh no, I took the wrong script book, sorry, sorry.

"Hmph, I knew it would be like this—"

With her hands on her hips, Naye hummed a few times towards the door of the house, and then trotted to the corner of the street.

"Moses Moses—"

Naye took out the phone, dialed Suzuka's cell phone number, and whispered, "I've been kicked out of the house!"

Suzuka's voice came from the microphone, also whispering in a lowered voice: "Naye, my sister also went out just now, I will follow her there, please inform Alisa."

Nanoye nodded and said, "I know!"

That's right, the three little ones have already made a careful plan, that is...


15 minute later.

San Xiaozhi was at the corner near Naye's house, watching Shinobu Tsukimura step into Takamachi's house, and looked at each other with serious expressions.

"Yabai, Suzuka's sister is really related to the situation of Naye's family!"

"It's okay, Suzuka-chan! We'll figure it out today!"

"Well, Naye is right, let's go -"

The three children only looked at each other, then carefully touched the wall, walked to the door of the house, and looked inside. After finding that there was no one in the yard, the three of them immediately touched in.

Three little ones, sneak into the big battle!

Officially begin!



"Shin, you're here—"

Looking at his girlfriend who walked into the dojo, Brother Gong Ye showed a smile and said, "Master Lin said that you have a slight sense of magic power, and you will be able to get started soon."


Tsukimura Shinobi nodded lightly, put her hands in front of her body, bowed to Lin Qiong, and said, "Master Lin, I'm going to trouble you today too!"

"It's alright~"

Lin Qiong waved his hand and said with a smile: "You have to be grateful that you have talent, otherwise even I wouldn't be able to change your destiny."

This is a lie. With Lin Qiong's ability at this time, he can easily make a good-for-nothing qualified to practice magic power-first pull Su Qing to get a seal, and then go to the world to encounter a wave of monsters, even a pig can do it. Become the Canopy Marshal.

Seeing that Shinobu Tsukimura seemed about to say something, Lin Qiong couldn't help but waved his hand and said, "Okay, okay! Every time you say thank you, I'll be annoyed if you don't bother me—if you really want to thank me I, just work hard, and let me master the magic power today! lest your boyfriend keep arguing in my ears all day long, hoping that I will give you a little something."

Kyouya blushed and said hurriedly: "Master Lin, what are you talking about!"

Shinobu Tsukimura lowered his head shyly, then gave Kyouya a sweet look, and said, "I, I see."

"Then why don't you hurry up and train?"

Lin Qiong smiled and said, "You only need to be close to the door now...huh?"

Lin Qiong suddenly closed his mouth, and then glanced in the direction of the window with a subtle expression.

"Master Lin, what's the matter?"

Shiro's father asked strangely.

Lin Qiong touched his chin and said with a smile: "It's nothing, it's just that we seem to have a few naughty little guests."

"Huh?" x5

Seeing the puzzled expressions of the five people, Lin Qiong smiled lightly, then made a silent gesture towards them, then quietly touched the door of the dojo, and squatted down with a smile on his face.

3, 2, 1—

As Lin Qiong counted down in his heart, the door of the gymnasium moved slightly. A gap two fingers wide appeared between the door frame and the door, and three big eyes appeared in the gap one by one. Behind him, Lin Qiong happened to catch his eye.


Just as Lin Qiong raised his hand to say hello, he heard the panicked screams of the three little ones coming from outside the door: "Ahhhhh-"

After all, anyone who secretly opened the door a crack, and then was about to peek inside, met someone else's eyes, and would be somewhat startled.

"This voice..."

Brother Gongye and sister-in-law Ninja looked at each other, and they ran to the door by coincidence, and then opened the door.



"Why are you here?" x2



After a few minutes.

Takamachiya, Dojo.

The three little ones who were peeping at the door just now were kneeling on the floor of the ashram in a normal manner, staring at the wooden floor in front of them with guilty and nervous faces.

The four members of the Takamachi family and Shinobu Tsukimura crossed their arms and looked at the three little ones surrounded by them like birds in a cage with scrutinizing eyes.

"So, can someone explain to me—"

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