Shirou's father tapped his arm with his fingers and asked, "You three, what do you want to do at the door?"

Chapter 0273 Uncle... Brother!

"So-so, so-so-"

Under Shirou's father's questioning, San Xiao only lowered his head and obediently told his plan——

Girl Detectives Big Battle (Fog).

"...That's it, that's it."

Naye raised her eyes, glanced at her father's darkened face, couldn't help but lowered her head guiltyly, then touched the back of her head, and let out a guilty laugh of "Hehehe——".

"Xie, Xiejiao?"

Lin Qiong on the side twitched the corner of his mouth and said, "Nanoye, why didn't I realize that your brain is so big?"

It's almost as good as Ken... Forget it, this joke has been told too many times, hell doesn't accept people who laugh because of this joke now.

"Yes, is there?"

Naye lowered her head guiltyly.

"In your eyes, I'm an oblique teacher, right?"

Lin Qiong covered his forehead, and then said with a face full of laughter and tears: "No, how come you don't suspect that I am a member of the oblique teaching staff when you eat the snacks I brought? At that time, you still called me brother sweetly—— "

"This, this..."

Old Naye blushed, and under the slanted gaze of the two friends, she shrank her neck in embarrassment, and said, "There is an irresistible factor, force majeure!"

"Nanoye, what you said is force majeure..."

With a "#" sign on her face, Alisa pointed to her stomach and said, "It's your stomach——"

He raised his finger and pointed at her mouth: "Is it your mouth?"


Nanoha screamed sadly, and then said in a self-deprecating tone: "Because, because! European chicken... the snacks Ni-chan brought here are really, really, really, really delicious!"

"Nanoye actually used four 'super' words to describe it!?" Alisa showed a shocked expression, and said, "This is the first time that four super super delicious, it's amazing!"

Suzuka also looked shocked: "Even Aunt Taozi's dim sum has only received two super delicious comments from Naha, this time it has risen to four in one go!"

Lin Qiong: "???"

Shinobu Tsukimura: "???"

Takamachi's family of four: "???"

What about You.TM.Say Nani jb?

Also two super and four super?What, the "Super" rating for gourmet Michelle, right?Only with the rating of "One Super" can it be regarded as a super restaurant, right?


"Original, it turns out..."

At this time, Aunt Taozi wiped the tears from the corners of her eyes with a sad look on her face and said, "So, in Nanoha's heart, aren't the snacks made by her mother the most delicious?"


Seeing his wife's sad expression, Shirou immediately hugged his wife with heartache, and then hurriedly comforted him: "How could it be? How old is Naye? What kind of dim sum does she know? Let me tell you, your favorite dim sum Absolutely the best - right!?"

The extra loud "Right" at the end immediately caused the other people to respond equally loudly——

Kyoya: "Ah, yes, yes! Mom's dim sum is number one in Haiming City!"

Miyuki: "Yeah! Mom's dim sum neon number one!"

Alisa: "That's right! Aunt Taozi's dim sum is the best in Asia!"

Suzuka: "Yeah! Aunt Taozi's dim sum is the best in the world!"

Shirou: "See? My dear, let me just say that your snacks are the best in the universe!"

Lin Qiong: "..."

Are you upgrading fast enough?In just five sentences, you have been upgraded to the number one in the universe, right?This upgrade speed is even better than Kakarot!

Naye looked at the sad mother Taozi, and then at the other people who were winking at her, and immediately ran to the mother Taozi in a fawning manner, and said, "Of course, Mommy's snacks are five super delicious! No , it's six!"

"Really, really?"

Mom Taozi looked at Naye with teary eyes.

Naye nodded vigorously and said, "Of course it's true! I like the dim sum made by my mother better than the dim sum brought by Uncle Lin Qiong!"

Mom Taozi nodded with a smile, and said, "Then the snacks that Master Lin brought over later, Naha's share will be given to Suzuka and Alyssa!"

Nanoha: "Huh?"

Suzuka: "Really? Thank you, aunt~"

Alisa: "It's just a matter of trying the super delicious snacks in Naye's mouth!"

Nanoha: "Huh?"

Lin Qiong: "Then why don't you go to the living room to eat snacks now? By the way, explain the matter clearly while eating snacks-it just happened that I brought the Supreme Fruit Egg that Naye likes to eat today... Oh yes, Naye's share today is If it’s for Suzuka and Arisa, then it’s fine.”

Nanoha: "Eh!?!"

Today's victory and defeat, Takamachi Naha's defeat.

The loss is a copy of the promaxplus version of the luxurious Supreme Fruit Cake made by Akanekubo Momo.



Takamachi house, living room.


When Lin Qiong brought the cake to the table, Tsukimura Suzuka and Alyssa, who saw Momo-senpai's handicraft for the first time, both exclaimed in amazement.

"Okay, amazing!"

"Okay, so luxurious!"

The two little ones fluttered and blinked their eyes, and exclaimed: "It looks delicious!"

Mother Taozi put her palms together and put her hands on the side of her face with a smile, and said, "It's not just 'looking delicious'! Every kind of dim sum brought by Master Lin is very, very delicious! I have benefited a lot from it. !"

On the side, Naoye looked at her mother sadly, tactfully and plaintively, and then reluctantly watched her cake being distributed to Alisa and Suzuka by her family, and finally ate the strawberry made by Mom Taozi with her mouth open. cake.

Naye: "Although the cake made by my mother is delicious, but, I still want to eat the cake brought back by brother Lin Qiong!" ! '

"I started—" x8

The eight people including Lin Qiong clapped their hands in unison, then cut a small piece of cake with a fork and put it in their mouths.


Accompanied by the elongated voice, Suzuka opened his eyes in surprise, and exclaimed: "Okay, it's delicious! It's delicious beyond imagination!!!"

Alisa also nodded her head desperately, and said in disbelief: "This is too delicious⑧?? It's even more delicious than what my parents bought specially!!!"

In the setting of Magic Cannon World, Alisa is the super daughter, so her evaluation is full of gold.

"Delicious, right?"

Lin Qiong squeezed his eyes, and said proudly: "I asked my acquaintances to make this for me—to tell you the truth, let alone Haiming City, even if you search the whole neon, no, You can’t find such a delicious cake in the whole world!”

Hearing Lin Qiong's words, Shirou's father, Momoko's mother, Kyoya's brother, Ninja's sister-in-law and Miyuki's sister suddenly realized that it is an alien cake, no wonder it is so delicious!

Kyouya looked at the cake in front of him and thought with complicated emotions: 'It's just that I didn't expect that one day I would be able to eat a cake made by aliens - this is the only honor on earth, right? '

If nothing else, Neon Prime Minister Anzi and Mr. Milu must have never eaten Kenzi, right?Even if they go to hell, they definitely haven’t eaten!

What is it called?cards face!Do you understand the cards?

Can anyone else have an alien cake?Do you understand what an interstellar superstar is? (Tactical back.


At this time, the forgotten white tyrant Takamachi Naha poked the cake in front of him with a fork (produced by Mama Peach) with a sad face, and said, "Did everyone forget something?"

What greeted Naye was the puzzled eyes of everyone, as if they were asking "what have we forgotten".


Naye showed an angry expression, and said, "Have you forgotten, our purpose is to find out what everyone is doing!!"


After being reminded by Nanoha, Suzuka and Alisa reacted, and they both let out short exclamations at that time.

"It seems that you have finally come to your senses—" Lin Qiong supported his face, and said dumbfoundedly: "I thought you would be addicted to dim sum."

"It's only talent, it's not!"

Alyssa straightened up with her face flushed, and said hurriedly: "We will never forget such an important thing! No way!"

"The more you say that, the more suspicious it becomes—"

Lin Qiong looked at Alisa delicately, then raised his finger and pointed to the corner of his mouth, and said, "The cream hasn't been wiped off yet."


Alyssa raised her hand to wipe the corner of her mouth randomly, and then said with embarrassment: "This, this is just an accident! Yes, it is an accident!"

"Yes, yes, it was an accident or an accident—"

Lin Qiong propped his side face up in tears, and said, "So, what do the three young ladies want to know? I promise to tell you everything, and I can say everything~"

The three little ones looked at each other, and then Suzuka said: "Let Nanoha ask first!"

Alisa also nodded and said, "Yes! That's right!"

The two looked at Nanoye with encouraging eyes, and Nanoye did not disappoint her friends' expectations. She bravely stood up and said loudly: "Uncle Lin——"

Lin Qiong: "Huh ↗?"

Lin Qiong used shock and awe, and the effect was outstanding. Naye's attack was interrupted, and Naye fell into a state of cowering.

Naye: "Lin, Brother Lin——"

Lin Qiong: "Well, what's the matter, tell me?"

"That's right..."

Naye pointed at her finger, then said with a smile, "Well, what are Mom and Dad doing with you every day?"

Alyssa interjected and said, "And Suzuka's sister!"

Suzuka nodded hurriedly and said, "Yeah! That's right!"

Amid the helpless expressions of the others, Lin Qiong propped his chin with a smile and said, "We are doing very~very~very amazing things!"


Listening to Lin Qiong's words, Naye suddenly exclaimed: "Such a statement is even more suspicious!"


Seeing Naye's confused look, Lin Qiong let out a very vicious laugh, which made Shirou's father beside him show a helpless expression.

He persuaded: "Master Lin, don't tease Naye."

"Good good-"

Lin Qiong suppressed a smile and nodded, and then under Naye's angry and vicious gaze, he said, "Okay, okay, then let me tell you, what are we doing—"

Chapter 0274 I'm Not Old

With Lin Qiong's explanation, the expressions of the three little ones changed from serious → curious → doubt → surprised → excited.

"Also, also, also, that is to say..."

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