Alisa put her hands on the table and leaned in front of Lin Qiong, blinking her eyes frantically, and said, "Is there really such a magical thing as magic power?"

"Hmph, I know you're going to ask this—"

Lin Qiong rubbed his fingers and said, "Actually, Mr. Shirou and Kyouya-kun, who are progressing the fastest, have initially mastered the magic power—"

"Wow—" x3

The three little ones immediately exclaimed, and then looked at the two men of the Takamachi family with the Loli Good Starlight Shock Wave. Those three pairs of eyes were no less lethal than "Brahma God, covering the earth", and Shirou's father and Shirou were immediately stunned. Brother Kyouya couldn't help raising his hand to block the dazzling gaze.

Wipe, rag suck—

"So, shall we demonstrate?"

Lin Qiong smiled and supported his chin, and said: "Just perform the simplest one - walking on the wall?"

Familiar?Just be familiar with it!

This is the tree-climbing training in Ninja Village Weapon Fighting Black Absolute Looking for Mom - why, you can climb with Chakra, but I can't with magic power?

"Apostle, walk the wall on foot?" x3

The three little ones have turned into very qualified fans. After repeating Lin Qiong's lines, they looked at Shirou's father and Kyoya brother with expectant and longing eyes.


Brother Kyouya let out a cry of grief, and then complained helplessly: "Master Lin, you really--you obviously have many other ways to express yourself, right?"

Lin Qiong took a sip of black tea gracefully, then pinched the handle of the teacup with his fingers, looked at Brother Gongye with a graceful (unbeaten) face, and said, "But this is the easiest and most convenient method, isn't it? "

Of course, it is not that there is no simpler method, such as asking Gong Ye to perform a bare-handed smashing of the table, but it will cause a small loss of money, so it was not adopted.

"That's true."

Gong also nodded helplessly. He moved around with his hands on his waist, then looked at the three little ones, and said, "Look, I'll only perform once!"


"Come on, Ni-chan!"

"Come on!"

The three little ones immediately expressed their joy and expectation with the warmest applause.


Kyouya took a breath, then walked straight to the wall of the living room, then stretched out five fingers and pressed on the wall like Spider-Man.

After getting ready, Kyouya gently closed his eyes.

'Magic Perception—'

The blue energy flowing in the body became clearly visible in Kyoya's perception.

'Mobilize the magic—'

Under Kyouya's control, the magic power flowed to his limbs like a stream.

'Strengthen the body—'

Although it was only the lowest level - too low level to be called strengthening magic - magic power filling and strengthening, it still gave Kyouya a feeling of being filled with tiles.

"it is good!"

But Kyouya opened his eyes, then gently exerted force on his wrist, and then with the stunned expressions of the three little ones, he climbed up to the ceiling with his hands intertwined.

"That's it--"

Gong, who only held up his right hand and glued his five fingers to the ceiling, smiled at the three little ones, and said, "It's even possible—"




Amidst the exclamation of the three little ones, Gong Ye let go of his fingers one by one, and only pressed his little finger against the ceiling, but still let his body hang from it.

"Good, good, amazing!!"

Alisa let out an unbelievable exclamation and said, "How the hell did this happen!?"

"Yeah! Oni-chan, I want to know too!"

Naye also looked at her brother with fluttering eyes, and said, "Please, please, please~"

"Didn't Master Lin say it all? This is just a simple use of magic power."

Kyouya interrupted the magic attack and fell from the ceiling, then gently patted the dust on his hands and said: "There are many, many uses for magic -"

"For example, covering the weapon to increase the sharpness and hardness of the weapon—"

This trick is called armed color magic power——

"For example, strengthen your body and make your actions faster——"

This is simple physical strengthening——

"For example, let yourself be able to walk on any terrain, and even walk on water—"

This trick is called Chakra magic——

"Walk on the water!"

Alisa said with bright eyes: "Doesn't that mean that you will never be afraid of drowning again?"

Gong also smiled helplessly, and said, "I shouldn't be afraid anymore."

"Ahem, actually, what Gong Ye said just now is just the foundation of the use of magic power—" Lin Qiong clenched his fist with his right hand, coughed twice in front of his mouth, and said, "If you want to compare it, it is probably a kindergarten or elementary school. grade-level use.”

There is one thing to say, it is indeed the case!The above method of using magic power is not even considered "magic", but just the most basic operation of magic power.

"This, is this just the foundation?"

Alisa's eyes widened, and she asked curiously, "Then, that, what does that more powerful use of magic power look like?"

"Let's take Mr. Gong Ye as an example!" Lin Qiong raised his finger and said, "In his behavior just now, he used magic power in two aspects—"

"First of all, let the magic power produce adsorption force, which is the basis for him to go up the wall, and it is also the basis for him not to fall—"

"Secondly, let the magic enhance his strength and physical strength, otherwise, it would be impossible to use the method of raising his fingers horizontally to let himself go up the wall—"

"oh oh--"

San Xiao only nodded, and the others listened very self-study - after all, Mr. Lin Qiong's class has started, who can not listen carefully?They can't wait to take out paper and pen to take notes!

"The first type doesn't make much sense, let's focus on the second type—"

"In the branch of magic, there is a category called 'Buff Magic', which can improve the user's strength, physical strength, speed, mental power, magic power, attack power, and defense power—"

"Kung Ye-kun's magic power enhancement just now, even if it is the ultimate, can only make Kyo Ye-kun's body resist the charge... No, or the bullets of the rifle." Lin Qiong shrugged and said: "But the simple If the magic power is strengthened, if it is converted into the use of strengthening magic, even a large-caliber sniper rifle, or even a head-on collision of a train can be unscathed."

The three little ones stared at Lin Qiong dumbfounded, and Suzuka asked in disbelief: "Is the gap so big?"

Lin Qiong nodded, and said, "The gap between magic is so big—and even if it is magic with the same effect, its magic power structure is different, and the effect it produces will be different."

The three little ones felt dizzy, and said, "Sense, I feel that magic is so complicated——"

Lin Qiong laughed and said, "Hahaha, magic is such a complicated thing!"

"That, that—"

At this moment, while jumping, Naye raised her right hand and said, "Brother Lin, I have a question!"

"Okay, Naye-san, may I ask you!"

"That's right, that's—" Naye said with some embarrassment: "Could it be that magic is used to strengthen oneself?"

Lin Qiong thought for a few seconds, then showed a dazed expression, and said, "You want to ask, is there any magic that looks cool in the animation?"

Naye, who had been exposed, nodded embarrassedly, and then said coquettishly, "Is there anything?"

Lin Qiong nodded as a matter of course, and said: "Yes? There are two types of magic, one is elemental magic, and the other is magical magic - the former is the magic caster in the fantasy world, manipulating flames, thunder and lightning , torrents, strong winds and rocks, and the latter is to maximize the power of magic itself, which is the most common shelling magic."

Yoyo is the most standard elemental magic, and the Magic Cannon World is called the Magic Cannon World. 99.99% of its magic casters use magic.

"Listen, it sounds amazing!"

Naye blinked her eyes flutteringly, and said, "Brother Lin, can you act..."


Shirou shook his head seriously, and said, "You can't bother Master Lin—"

In Shirou's view, Lin Qiong was an expert, and an expert was not an acrobat. How could he perform magic to please a little girl?

Naye held her small mouth and said pitifully, "Yes, I'm sorry—"

"It's all right." Lin Qiong reached out and touched Naye's head, then looked at Shirou's father and said, "Mr. Shirou, it's not just Naye who is interested."

Shirou's father was stunned for a moment. He looked at the others, and found that apart from the three little ones, even Taozi's mother showed an expectant expression—she was obviously a wife, but she was full of girlish hearts.

Shirou's father said helplessly: "I said, we can't provide a venue where Mr. Lin can perform magic—"

After hearing this, everyone reacted and showed pitiful expressions.


"Magic and the like, there must be a lot of movement, right?"

"No way."

"It can't be said that there is a lot of movement—" Lin Qiong raised his right hand. Amid the exclamation of everyone, elemental forces of different attributes entwined around his fingers, like a little snake winding between them. "However, I am more of a fighter, so magic power is just a means of strengthening for me—"

Shirou's father breathed a sigh of relief and said hurriedly: "See? It's not that Master Lin doesn't want to perform, it's that he's not good at magic either, so——"

Lin Qiong continued: "However, my teammate is a magic caster who uses elemental magic, and she is very powerful - if you want to see her, I can take you to find her!"

Shirou's father: "???"

No, Master Lin, you did it on purpose! ?

When Shi Lang's father's face was hurting, the three little ones were already excitedly approaching Lin Qiong.

Naye: "Going to go! Brother Lin, take us there!"

Alisa: "Me too! I also want to watch powerful magic!"

Suzuka: "Yeah! Me, me too!"

"Please! Please, please - promise us!" X3

Lin Qiong: 'Ah, a life surrounded by lolita - oh, Sa's life is worth it! '

The know-it-all Maomao who watched the whole process from the sidelines: "Host, you said you liked Nian Shang before, but now you're shouting Long Live Lolita?"So you don't control this or that at all, you're just a simple LSP, right? '

Lin Qiong: 'I must emphasize, I am not old!I am very young! '



I'm not old, how about you?

Chapter 0275 Arceus can't keep you when he comes——

The dimensional rift, the city in the sky.


When everyone passed through the gate of time and space and entered the garden of Sky City, the three most restless little ones immediately let out the exclamation of children who came to the amusement park for the first time.

Naye couldn't help but ran two steps forward, then looked up and turned around, and said excitedly: "Okay, so beautiful! Brother Lin, this garden is so beautiful!"


Alisa also looked at the garden of Sky City with sparkling eyes, and said excitedly: "It's really beautiful! Whether it's the architectural style or the matching of plants-wow, I used to like my own garden quite a lot Yes, comparing it now, I suddenly feel that I can't stand it!"

"Don't like the new and dislike the old—"

Lin Qiong patted Alisa on the head, then walked in front of everyone, opened his hands towards them, and said, "Welcome to Sky City!"

Shirou's father looked up blankly, and said, "Although I always thought that Master Lin was very powerful, this is too powerful!"

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