Lin Qiong showed a happy smile, and said: "Okay, everyone——if you want to visit, I will ask the members of the maid group to take you to the Sky City later, but for now..."

After Lin Qiong finished speaking, a red light fell from the sky, and then landed on his shoulder precisely, and said, "Lin Qiong, you are back—"

"The bird has spoken!" x8


Feng Wang tilted his head, then looked at several people with disdain, and said arrogantly: "Hmph, are you so surprised when you see me talking?"

"This, this is not..."

Gong Ye rubbed his eyes and said, "The bird that stands on Master Lin's shoulder every morning?"


Lin Qiong scratched Feng Wang's neck with his fingers with a smile on his face, then looked at Feng Wang's comfortable expression, and said with a smile: "Her name is Feng Wang, and she is from another world... um... Something like a god."


After a moment of silence, even Shirou's father couldn't help but open his mouth wide - a wide open mouth with a small tongue deep in his throat.

"God, god... is it the god we understand?"

Shirou's father couldn't help but ask.

"Well, it should be?"

Lin Qiong thought for a while and said, "After all, King Feng has the ability to revive the dead, and he can give someone a short-term blessing to make his luck better."


Feng Wang proudly puffed up his chest, and Lin Qiong had the urge to shave off her hair and make salted crispy chicken with that high-spirited appearance. The meat quality of Feng Wang must be great, right?

"Master Lin, I'm more surprised than being surprised that King Feng is a god..." Brother Gong Ye looked at Lin Qiong in front of him delicately, and he couldn't help but said, "You can actually keep gods as pets. Who are you?"

Why are you so awesome?

"I'm not a pet, you soulless—"

Feng Wang was in a hurry, she jumped up from Lin Qiong's shoulder, and said, "Believe it or not, I pulled out all the hair follicles on the top of your head, making you Mediterranean bald!"


Brother Gongye subconsciously covered his head, and even took half a step back—who wouldn't shudder when he heard this?

Oh, Saitama-sensei won't because he doesn't have hair (laughs).

"Forget it, Feng Jiang, forget it—" Lin Qiong quickly held Feng Wang in his palm and coaxed him, "There's no need to be angry! It's a big deal for afternoon tea later, let him give you his share! "


Feng Wang was stunned for a moment, and then shouted: "Who the hell do you think I am? Do you think I can be bought with a piece of dessert!?"

Hearing Ho-oh's roar, Kyoya's brother couldn't help but turn pale, and Shirou's father even subconsciously stood in front of Kyoya's brother, looking at Ho-oh in front of him with nervous eyes.

The three timid little ones had already shrunk into Mom Taozi's arms, looking at Feng Wang who was confronting Lin Qiong with panicked eyes, while Naye held onto her brother's hand with an expression that looked like she was about to cry. .

What to do? What to do? What to do?

Just when everyone was terrified, Lin Qiong, who was confronting Feng Wang, raised his finger unhurriedly, and said, "The dessert tomorrow morning is also yours—let me tell you in advance, every morning I prepare Looking for peach jam to make fruit tarts!"

"egg tart!"

Feng Wang jumped up excitedly, but soon regained his calm (pretentious) look, and said solemnly: "No! He slandered me as your pet!? Please, although I usually let you pet me , let you smooth your hair, and will ask you for snacks when you are hungry, but I am a god?"

Nanoha: 'This is a pet bird...'

Kyoya: "This is basically a pet bird..."

Shiro's father: 'This is not a pet, what is it? '

"You are not a pet, what is a pet?" Lin Qiong couldn't help complaining, "Please, Ah Feng, you live a more nourishing life than a pet, okay? Pets are usually for the owner to play with. When have I played with you? ?”

Feng Wang looked at Lin Qiong silently, and Lin Qiong also looked at Feng Wang sincerely.

"What do you see me doing?"

Feng Wang couldn't help but look down, and said: "You have been ruaing my feathers since just now, and you have never heard of it! Are you embarrassed to say that you are playing with me?"

Lin Qiong coughed dryly, then retracted his right hand as if nothing had happened, and said, "Sorry, I'm used to it."

'Get used to...what is used to...'

The trembling people were not so nervous now, but instead felt like a groove was stuck in their throats.

"Hey, I'm so angry... No, what do you mean?"

Feng Wang was just about to stomp her little paw to express his unhappiness, and needed to increase the dose (referring to delicious food) to coax her, when he found that Lin Qiong put the right hand that had touched her in front of his nose and sniffed, and was immediately ashamed and angry He said: "You, you, what are you doing smelling? You become..."

Before he could say the word "state" at the end, Lin Qiong put down his right hand with a smirk, and said, "Subconsciousness, really just subconsciousness—mainly because I used to have a dog in my hometown and didn't take a bath very often, so every time I touch it Afterwards, there will be a dog smell on your hands..."

King Feng: "?"

Oh, I fucking get it!

He wasn't sniffing my mother's body fragrance, but his mother was worried about my mother's body odor, right? ?

"Me! Meow me! I'll kill you——"

Feeling that her feminine side had been offended, Feng Wang was so angry that she changed back to her original shape on the spot. The white holy flame burned blazingly on her body, and the aura belonging to the gods spread: "Lin Qiong, you will definitely be punished today. My waist, as I said, Arceus can’t protect you when he comes!!!”

The whole group of Magic Cannon World, who couldn't keep up with the rhythm of the conversation between Lin Qiong and Feng Wang: "???"

What, what's wrong?Why are you going to fight all of a sudden? !Don't fight anymore, don't fight anymore! !

Facing Feng Wang who was burning with anger, Lin Qiong, who knew the other party's nature well, said unhurriedly: "Think carefully, if you lick my waist, Erina will definitely not make you any more snacks." ——Jie Jie, Feng Wang, you don’t want to be unable to eat dim sum in the future, do you?”


Feng Wang, who was still arrogant just now, suddenly let out a mournful cry, and the white holy flame on her body couldn't help being extinguished a little bit, and her expression changed from (pretentiously) angry to slightly hesitant.

King Feng thought to himself: 'Are we going to give in like this?That won't work. My original intention was to knock him out for dessert for a week, but now it shouldn't be a problem to keep him for three days! '

Feng Wang rolled his eyes, pretending to be serious and said: "Well, for Erina's sake, I won't care about it as much as you do, but starting today, the after-dinner desserts for the next three days, You have to make it up to me!"

Lin Qiong looked at Feng Wang with disdain, and said, "Feng Wang, I can hear the sound of your abacus even in Alola."


Feng Wang became angry and changed back to the rocket sparrow, and then yelled like a broken jar: "I don't care! Anyway, I want to eat two desserts from today!"

"Look at your ambition——" Lin Qiong said with a speechless face, "I asked Erina to prepare two desserts for you, isn't it enough?"

Feng Wang turned his head and said, "No! I will eat yours!"

Lin Qiong held his forehead: "Are you sick? Can my dessert be more fragrant?"

King Feng said confidently: "I think you don't understand at all! Do you understand what trophies are? It's the trophies that matter!"

Lin Qiong tugged at the corner of his mouth, then looked at Feng Wang with contempt and said, "How come you, the majestic God of Life, are like a child?"

Feng Wang showed the pride of the winner: "He who says others are children, is himself a child!"

Lin Qiong sneered: "A person who quarrels with others with such words is a real child, right?"

"You are you and you are—"

"You are the one who is-"



To be honest, for everyone who came to visit, what happened at this moment was more or was hard to accept anyway.

"Hey, young master and Lord Feng Wang have always gotten along like this—"

At this time, a lively voice came from behind the crowd. After Naye and the others turned around, they found that it was a girl in a white T-shirt and denim shorts. She was sitting cross-legged in the air, and she was friendly towards them. He waved his hand and said with a smile, "How are you all! My name is Zoe, and I am the young master's favorite guardian!"

"I don't want to mess with you!"

At this time, accompanied by a tongue-twisting voice, Nicole's figure came out from the side. She looked at Zooey with her mouth puffed up, and shouted, "Young Master's favorite edge is obviously me!"

"it's me!"

"it's me!"


Zoe and Nicole pressed their foreheads together, looking at each other angrily.


Alisa looked at Lin Qiong and Feng Wang delicately, then at Zoe and Nicole delicately, and couldn't help sighing: "This is exactly the same, a quarrel at the elementary school level——"

Chapter 0276 The unspeakable team name

After the initial fright, the guests seemed to understand the ultimate truth that would last through their future lives - around Master Lin, there were only funny people and people who were about to become funny.

"This guy scared you just now, I apologize to you on her behalf—"

Lin Qiong poked Feng Wang's belly standing in front of him with his hand, then showed an apologetic expression to Shirou's father and the others, and said, "I'm used to fighting with her, and I didn't consider other people's feelings .”

"No, there is no need to apologize—" Shirou's father hurriedly waved his hands, and said flatteredly: "It's just that we are not familiar with each other! Now that we know how you get along, we won't misunderstand you."

Naye also nodded happily, and said, "Enen! Dad is right!"

Suzuka and Alyssa on the side were also helping out, probably because they felt that this kind of apology would make the atmosphere awkward, so they wanted to get this topic out of the way as soon as possible.

"It's okay, it's okay, if you do something wrong, you have to apologize—" Lin Qiong waved his hand and said, "It's like when you accidentally bump into someone when you are fighting with your friends on the street, a normal person would say something I'm sorry, right?"

Only the gangster-level villains in classic urban novels would turn around and say, "Are you so blind? Can't you see?"

After finishing speaking, Lin Qiong lowered his head and looked at Feng Wang, who was twisting his head angrily and unwilling to apologize after making a mistake in front of the child who was trying to save face, poked her with his finger again dumbfounded. With a high chest, he said: "I remember you said that the characteristic of the Rocket Sparrow is the handsome Gale Wing, right? Then why are you raising your chest so high? To show that you are righteous?"

"Yes, is there a problem?"

Feng Wang kept turning his head, and while blowing a whistle that could not be heard at all, he faltered and said: "I, I, I, I am a weak, helpless and cute but especially edible little arrow bird? Little, The characteristic of the little arrow sparrow is strong chest muscles, it makes sense, right?"

Lin Qiong couldn't help showing the expression of an old man on the subway, and couldn't help poking Feng Wang's head with his hand, and said: "You have to show some face, you are Feng Wang!? Where did Feng Wang get his strong chest muscles? ? And as far as I know, there is no Huo Fei who has strong chest muscles—"

"I, I am the newly released Rocket Sparrow in the regional form -" Phoenix King looked away guiltily and said, "So I have strong chest muscles!"

"I admit that the Pokémon in the regional form will indeed have different characteristics from the original form..."


"But—" Lin Qiong looked at Feng Wang expressionlessly, and said, "But, the attributes of the Pokémon in the form of the region will be different from the original form, right?"


Feng Wang let out a mournful cry, she wrinkled her face and thought for a few seconds, then said, "Then that I am Bobo in the regional form! The attribute has changed from ordinary flying to fire flying!"

"How obsessed are you with Huofei!"

"Huo Fei is my life!"

"Then I'll ask you a question, and if you answer it well, I won't make you apologize—"

"you say!"

"If the dessert made of peach jam fell into the river, but if you went down to pick it up, it would lose its fire attribute and become a pure fly, what would you choose?"

"what? What……"

Phoenix King suddenly showed an extremely shaken expression, and was so troubled that his body began to tremble, and her performance naturally caused Nanoha and others to show subtle expressions.

'Speaking of which, were we frightened by this kind of bird just now? '

'What a shame! '

"I, I...I..."

Feng Wang's eyes began to become chaotic and indescribable, she yelled "Abaaaba" twice, then glared at Lin Qiong, jumped up and scolded: "Why is there such a disgusting question, don't you Deliberately making things difficult for King Feng?"

Lin Qiong showed a surprised expression, looked at Feng Wang in disbelief, and said, "Did you just find out now?"

"Evil, I—"

"Tonight's fried chicken nuggets will be divided between you—"

"--I love you to death!"

Feng Wang landed on Lin Qiong's finger with a happy face, and then bounced on it and said: "Fried chicken nuggets~fried~chicken nuggets! Two more fried chicken nuggets today~la la la~ la la la~"

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