
Shirou's father took a deep breath, and then covered his face with complicated emotions.

Ah, I really want to go back to ten minutes ago, and give a big bag to that scared self whose legs are trembling a little-open your dog eyes to see clearly, this is a joke!

"Okay, now that the misunderstanding has been resolved, um..."

Lin Qiong thought for a moment and said, "How about I introduce my companions to you first, and then show you the magic of the magic caster?"

"Okay, okay!"

Naye clapped her hands excitedly and said, "Brother Lin, thank you!"

"Call twice more—"

"Brother Lin—" This is Naye.

"Brother Lin!" This is Suzuka.

"Really, there is really no way! Lin, Brother Lin——" This is Alyssa.

Lin Qiong immediately showed a satisfied expression. He stood up and said, "Very good! Come with me~"


After briefly introducing the eldest lady, the secretary, and Yoyo to the Takamachi family, Lin Qiong led everyone back to the training ground in the backyard.

"The next thing that needs to be introduced is the super invincible giant team..."


The eldest lady interrupted Lin Qiong's speech with a black look on her face, and then said with a twitching corner of her mouth: "Qiong, can you explain to me, when did the name of our team become so strange?"

"This one……"

Lin Qiong looked away a little guilty, and said, "Probably, ten seconds ago?"

'Isn't that just a whim! '

"Change it for me!" The eldest lady put her hands on her hips, looked at Lin Qiong angrily, and said, "How can it be called such a name?"

Imagine meeting someone else in the future, and someone else's self-introduction——

"We are Black Moon Cavalry—"

"We are Goutei Division [-]—"

"We are the Vongola family——"

"We are Barbara—"

Then it's our turn, we introduce like this——

"We are the Super Invincible Giant Niubi Squad—"

Really, it's really unspeakable!

"Ahem, okay then -"

Lin Qiong coughed twice in embarrassment, and then said solemnly: "Well, very good, I already know what the name of the team should be!"

The eldest lady crossed her arms and said, "You said—"

Lin Qiong didn't answer right away, but looked at the secretary beside him.

Secretary: "?"

Lin Qiong still didn't speak, he just looked at the secretary quietly.

One second, two seconds, three seconds...

Suddenly, a white light flashed through the secretary's mind, and she suddenly opened her eyes wide, showing an expression of sudden realization.

Lin Qiong showed a gratified smile. He opened his hands and said loudly: "Call out the name of our team—"

"Oh!" The secretary stood up, and under the gaze of everyone, he shouted excitedly: "E·M·T team!"


The eldest lady who had just taken a sip of juice couldn't help but spit it out. She blushed, looked at the secretary with embarrassment, and said in a bad tone: "Feisha! Do you know what you are talking about?"

The secretary showed the fearless expression that I will go to hell if I don’t go to hell, and said: "Miss, even if I am dead and nailed in a coffin, I will shout loudly with a decayed voice—E·M·T !"

"Don't say it ahhh—"

The eldest lady flew over and covered the secretary's hand, and then said angrily: "I misread you! Fei Shazi, you are actually collaborating with Qionglang!"


Lin Qiong tapped his head.

The eldest lady complained helplessly: "Hey, what do you mean!"

"That, that—"

At this time, the lovely Mrs. Peach raised her hand and asked with some doubts: "May I ask, what does E·M·T mean?"

Just as the secretary was about to explain, the eldest lady gave her a vicious look and said, "Fei Shazi, don't say anything!"

The secretary could only nod painfully, and then gave Lin Qiong a thumbs up at an angle that the eldest lady couldn't see——Master, I will leave my Tamashi to you!

Lin Qiong nodded solemnly, then gave Mrs. Taozi a thumbs up, and said, "Erina Maji Tenshi!"


The eldest lady let out a cry of grief, while Mrs. Peach put her hands in front of her body and let out a "wow" exclamation-it seemed that this lady was hit.


The eldest lady let go of the secretary's mouth with a blushing face, and then flew in front of Lin Qiong, hammered his shoulder with her hand angrily, and said, "Idiot! What nonsense are you talking about!"

"I didn't talk nonsense—"

Lin Qiong put his hands on his hips and said, "Erina is not only an angel, but also the cutest in the world, a fairy, a goblin, a fairy—"


If these words were said at a special time, the eldest lady would be very happy, but if they were said in public, the eldest lady would feel shy and want to cover her face and roll on the ground, then use her toes to dig out The impulsiveness of the continent of Azeroth.


"No, that's the only thing I can't admit defeat—"

At this moment, Shirou's father stood up suddenly, his face was full of the dignity of a brave man facing the big devil: "Master Lin, the cutest thing in the world is obviously my peach!"

Mother Taozi: "Huhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh,

Lin Qiong stared, and said, "What did you say? How do you think I'm cuter as my Erina!?"

"Peaches are cuter!"

"Erina is so cute!"

So, with others watching, Shirou's father and Lin Qiong began to come up with evidence that their lovers were cuter——

"When Taozi was sweeping the floor last time, she subconsciously held the broom under her arm in order to get a dustpan, but when she turned around, she forgot where she put the broom—this little confused look, isn't it? Isn't it cute?"

Mother Taozi covered her face: "Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo

"Ha! Last time Erina made a lunch for me, she handed me the lunch box with a blushing face and hesitantly, and warned me not to open it in front of her! When I opened it after she left with full of doubts After opening the lid of the lunch box, I found that not only did it contain my favorite octopus sausage, but there was also pink rice arranged in the middle of the rice to form a heart pattern, and there were also apples cut into rabbits——"

The eldest lady covered her face and huddled in the secretary's arms: "Ah ah ah ah, you can kill me, you might as well kill me!" ! '

"On Peach—"

"Erina last time—"

Under the awkward and polite gaze of everyone, Lin Qiong and Shirou perfectly demonstrated what is called "I tried to show my lover, but I missed her" - social death is also a kind of death, Right?

Chapter 0277 lost in the cheers

After more than ten minutes, Lin Qiong and Shirou's father temporarily interrupted the duel amidst the unrequited expressions of Mama Taozi and Miss Erina.

"I was a little excited just now, please don't worry about it."

Lin Qiong tidied up his clothes, and then continued, "Where did I introduce you just now?"

The secretary reminded from the side: "Team name! Team name!"


Lin Qiong pondered for a few seconds, then squeezed his chin with his hands, and said thoughtfully: "So I said so much just now, and I haven't even introduced anyone yet?"

The eldest lady covered her face with her hands and said, "That's because what you said was arguing with others—"

Lin Qiong waved his hand and said, "It's not a big problem! Let's continue to introduce—"

The eldest lady opened her mouth, and then leaned into the secretary's arms with a look of lovelessness—forget it, E·M·T is E·M·T!Now, there is nothing to be ashamed of.

"First of all, the saint of our E.M.T religion, Nakiri Erina——"

"Wait for me!"

The eldest lady who had an expression of "you can tell me what you want when you're tired" just sat up and said, "Isn't it the team? It's the team!"


Lin Qiong smiled and nodded towards the eldest lady, and said, "Erina is my girlfriend, she is also the deputy leader and saint of the divine religion, and she is a super powerful swordsman!"

Missy: "No, so you just plan to change your mind at all, right?"

Lin Qiong stroked an OK gesture, and then continued: "Then there is the missionary captain of our Shinto religion, Shindo Hisako! She is Erina's assistant, and she is also a powerful sacred priest—"

Of course, if necessary, the secretary would also put on that set of heavy plate armor, then raise her pink ribbon hammer full of girlish hearts, rush into the monster pile, and shout "Ah! Po! Ke! Lie!".

The secretary said with some embarrassment: "Thank you for your praise——if you are interested in E·M·T God Religion, you can contact me, and I will tell you how cute Miss is!"

"Could you not beat yourself to death while comparing OK?" The eldest lady covered her face and said, "And Fei Shazi, what do you want to do!? Preaching? Are you really going to preach!?"

Lin Qiong gave a thumbs up to the eldest lady, and continued: "The last is the heretic interrogator in the divine religion, Yoyo, she is a mysterious and extremely powerful elemental magic caster!"

Do you understand the gold content of the starting hand over position?


Yoyo covered her face shyly, and said, "I'm not as powerful as Qiong Nisang said——"

The eldest lady had no strength to complain anymore, she lowered her head expressionlessly, writing and drawing in her notebook.

Lin Qiong asked curiously, "Erina, what are you writing?"

The eldest lady said without raising her head, "Tonight's menu."


Lin Qiong cheered and said, "Tell me what you want to eat?"

The eldest lady glanced at Lin Qiong, and said, "Scrambled eggs with celery, bitter gourd and fatty meat, as well as Zheer root and coriander bibimbap..."

"Sorry I was wrong!"

Lin Qiong apologized angrily, then turned his head and said loudly: "It's me in the end, I'm the captain of the Almighty Food Team, Lin Qiong, and I'm good at martial arts!"

The eldest lady shook her head helplessly when she heard Lin Qiong, who could bend and stretch in an instant, and then drew a few left and right strokes with a pen to cross out the menu on the paper, and then started to write again.

Lin Qiong took a look and found his favorite fried chicken nuggets and shredded fish-flavored pork, and immediately showed a satisfied expression.

"Finally, the non-staff member, my good friend -" Lin Qiong held up the Phoenix King in his hand and said in a solemn, solemn and passionate tone: "The God of Life and Fire in another world, the Phoenix King!"

"kono phoenix!"

Feng Wang put his wings on his waist, then puffed up his chest, and said: "Mortals, if you are willing to contribute part of your afternoon tea snacks and part of your dinner, it is not impossible for me Feng Wang to heal your body. Injury—such as bruises or something like that, or scar removal, beauty treatment, wrinkle removal, it’s all fine!”

Before anyone else could answer, Lin Qiong put Feng Wang back in front of him, and then said with a black face: "Feng Wang, what made you become like this? Is it Erina's craftsmanship?"

"No, it's not—"

Feng Wang blinked his eyes, and said proudly, "It's you!"


Lin Qiong stretched out his hand and pointed at himself with a puzzled expression.

Feng Wang nodded,

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