
Lin Qiong pointed at himself in doubt again.

Phoenix King continued to nod.


Lin Qiong continued to point at himself in disbelief.

Feng Wang said impatiently: "Don't point it, it's you - when you practiced with Ah Jian, after I helped you heal, you would give me some chicken nuggets, pork chops and so on, you Have you forgotten?"

Lin Qiong rolled his eyes and said, "So, you use this as inspiration?"

King Feng nodded proudly: "How about it, am I very smart?"

Lin Qiong couldn't help giving Feng Wang a thumbs up, and said, "I can only say that it is you! You are worthy of being the witty and intelligent Master Feng Wang—"

"That's right, I'm so smart!" King Feng flapped his wings proudly, and then said to Shirou's father and the others who were dumbfounded: "Anyway, if you need anything, just call me - of course, you can also get it if you have nothing to do. Offering these things to me can increase my favorability, do you understand?"

Taozi's mother raised her hand with some excitement and whispered: "Well, Mr. Feng Wang, can you really remove wrinkles?"

King Feng glanced at Lin Qiong proudly, and then said very calmly: "That's right! To put it bluntly, wrinkles are the result of loss of vitality, and I happen to be the God of Life - hum, do you understand what I mean?"

Tao Zi's mother showed a surprised expression, and she said happily: "Then can I ask Master Feng Wang to help me get rid of the crow's feet?"

Feng Wang showed an expectant expression, and said, "No problem, leave it to me!"

Lin Qiong shook his head helplessly, then looked at Shirou's father, who was also helpless, and said, "After King Feng removes Mrs. Peach's wrinkles, shall we watch Yunyun's magic?"

"Wow, that's great!" Nanoye cheered happily, then jumped down from the chair, ran quickly to Yuyou, raised her head and blinked at her, and said: "Sister Yuyou! You are a magical girl ?"

"Magic...Magic girl?"

Youyou's voice was even louder - I don't want to be in that kind of high-risk profession! QB go to hell!


Alyssa on the side also came over, then blinked her eyes flutteringly, and said: "It's the kind on TV, fighting evil monsters, when transforming, it will emit kirakira light to transform, and then The kind that wears pretty dresses full of ribbons—”

Youyou shook her head vigorously, wrinkled her face and said, "No, no, I, I'm just a very ordinary magic caster."

The three little ones looked at each other, and then got together.

"What should I do? Sister Youyou doesn't seem to be a magical girl?"

"But she can obviously use magic, right?"

"But she denied it herself?"

"I understand! Don't you remember? The magical girls on TV all have rules not to reveal their identity! So sister Youyou must be like this too -"

"So that's it! Damn, I'm going to ask Sister Youyou for an autograph, and then take a photo with her!"

"Whoa, I want to—"

"Hey, if only I could become a magical girl—"

"That's right—"

"If I can become a magical girl, I must wear a pink dress!"

"Then I want white!"

"I... I'll be black!"

The three little ones immersed in their own fantasies have teamed up to brainstorm a series of "Three Magical Girls Under the Moon" that will last for at least three seasons, with each season having at least 52 episodes.



Sky City, the training ground.

"Come on, Yoyo!"

Lin Qiong and the eldest lady cheered for Youyou who was about to appear. Youyou nodded vigorously, then clenched the staff in his hand and trotted to the center of the venue.

Nanoha put her hands in front of her face like trumpets and shouted to Yuyou: "Sister Yuyou, come on!"

Alyssa also shouted in a learned manner: "Come on!"

Suzuka also raised his right hand and waved, shouting: "Sister Yunyun, you are the best!"

Youyou showed a smile towards the three little ones, then held the staff with both hands, raised it above his head, and muttered: "To release a magic with good enough special effects..."

It's up to you--

"Magic Reprise·Elemental Harmony!"

The five basic elements began to fall from the sky under the control of Youyou. The scene that looked like a light show made the three little ones next to them scream "Wow!"


"so beautiful!"


Obviously, even Youyou would gradually lose herself in the cheers. After hearing the continuous cheers of the three little ones, she couldn't help but release another ice blast after the last magic. Department of magic.

"Extreme Ice Bloom!"




"Wings whirling—"


"Fengyi Tianxiang!"


One after another, the magic was not very powerful, but it was full of visual effects. Under the control of Youyou, it bloomed from the top of the staff, causing the three little ones watching nearby to clap their hands one after another.

Lin Qiong looked at the eldest lady helplessly.

"Yuyou looks very happy."

"Indeed, I gradually got lost in the cheers."

"Haha, what's wrong with this? It can also help her build some confidence -"

"Indeed, let her continue."

The two smiled, then held each other's hand, showed a discouraged smile towards each other, and continued to raise their heads to enjoy Yuyou's magic show.

The eldest lady thought to herself: "It feels like watching a fireworks show with Qiong——"

Lin Qiong thought: 'What should I do if I suddenly want to go to the bathroom? '

Chapter 0278 Strike

When Youyou's magic performance lasted for two and a half minutes, the slaps of the three little ones turned red.

"It's amazing, it's amazing!" Nanoha said to Alisa and Suzuka excitedly, "Sister Yoyo is much better than the magical girls on TV!"

"Yeah!" Alyssa excitedly nodded in agreement with Naye's point of view: "The magical girl on TV just tosses and turns just a few moves, it's not as good as Sister Yoyo!"

Suzuka also nodded excitedly, and said, "Elemental magic is so powerful!"

Lin Qiong, who was listening to the discussion of the three little ones, couldn't help but wiped his forehead and thought: 'Fuck, wouldn't it be that Naye, the Demonic Cannon King in the original book, is now going to become an elemental holy spirit? '

Lin Qiong imagined for a while, Nanoye held up the Heart of the Rising Sun and shouted: "The one who has been hit by my meteorite is my friend - the super-magic Tianzhu Zhenxing!"

——Imagining such a scene, he couldn't help shivering.

Wow, it's over, I made Nanoha go astray, what should I do?

During the time when Lin Qiong was suffocating, the three of Naiye had surrounded Yoyo.

"Sister Yoyo——"

Alyssa looked at Yoyo nervously, and asked, "Then, that, I, no, can we learn magic too?"


Youyou looked at the expectant eyes of the three little ones in front of her and said weakly: "Learning elemental magic is very troublesome, isn't it?"

"We are not afraid!"

Alyssa showed an expression of joy, and she said with great anticipation: "No matter how difficult it is, we still have to learn! Teach us, sister Youyou!"

"Teach us to—" Naye and Suzuka also started acting coquettishly, causing Yoyo, whose defense was not high to begin with, to be caught in seconds.

"I, I see—"

Yoyo nodded, and she said softly, "Wait a minute, I'll go get some textbooks."


The three little ones looked at Youyou's leaving figure and couldn't help but cheer.

"Can I also release such powerful magic?"

"Gufeng, listen to my orders!"

"Extreme Ice Bloom, ha—"

From the three little ones at this time, Lin Qiong seemed to see... well... the one who picked up a straight stick on the roadside after school, and then called it the "Dragon Climbing Sword", and then released a series of killing blows along the way. technical scene.

Kind of cute.


Lin Qiong showed a nasty smile, and then looked expectantly at the next expressions of the three little ones.



About 3 minutes later, Youyou ran back with several thick books in her hands, and then placed these books, which were basically comparable to dictionaries, on the table with a muffled "bang" sound.

Three little ones: Σ( ° △ °|||)

Nanoye couldn't help but ask: "Sister Youyou, what is this?"

Yoyo replied honestly: "The teaching material of elemental magic."

Alyssa opened her mouth wide and said, "This, so much?"

Yoyo nodded, she picked up the first book, and said with a serious face: "This is the elementary theory of elements. To learn elemental magic, the first thing to understand is the joint reaction between elements, so as to avoid the occurrence of magic. The situation of mutual influence-"

Take a simple example -

Naruto: "Look at the move, the art of water escape and great waterfall!"

Sasuke: "Look at the trick, Fire Escape·Great Fire Extinction!"

Narrator: Naruto's Water Release and Sasuke's Fire Release merged into one, turning into... water vapor!

Doesn't this hold you back?

Looking at the three little ones whose eyes had begun to circle, Lin Qiong suddenly showed an unscrupulous smile that took pleasure in others' misfortune.

So, is it really that difficult to learn elemental magic?

The answer is of course no!

Learning elemental magic is actually similar to learning mathematics in a sense.

If you simply learn the most basic elemental magic and allow yourself to light a fire, get some water, or charge your mobile phone when traveling, then the difficulty of learning is basically equivalent to learning one dollar a time. , the difficulty of linear equations of two variables;

If you are going to advance a bit and learn some elemental magic that is useful in actual combat, then you need to study the following spell models, magic structures, etc. The difficulty has risen to the level of calculus and functions.

If you are ready to develop further, or even take the path of mastery of all elements like Yoyo, the difficulty of learning will really start to increase - don't forget, there are a lot of conjectures behind mathematics, etc. Waiting for you to verify.



Probably because they realized the difficulty of learning elemental magic, the three little ones were not very interested. When Yunyu saw this, she didn't try to persuade them to say anything. Instead, she bit the straw with an innocent look on her face and sucked the milk from the bottle. .

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