Lin Qiong pondered for a few seconds, and said, "Then why in those fan novels, a young boy with only one protagonist can justifiably become Blast's uncle?"

Wanshitong yawned and said, "Novel, don't pursue rationality too much—rather than worrying about this, you might as well think about how to get in touch with Yagami Hayate seriously."

Lin Qiong scratched his head helplessly: "How about touching her openly?"

Know-it-all Maomao tilted her head and said: "What you said is fair and aboveboard, do you mean walking over to her and telling her—Hyaku Yagami, hello, I feel a special potential from you, I don't know if you Would you like to learn magic with me?"


"Our host, how stupid are you?"

Know-it-all Maomao couldn't help but sighed, she said helplessly: "Hayate is not a child like Naye who lives in a honeypot of a happy family? Do you think she will believe such inexplicable words?"

"I'm just talking casually—"

Lin Qiong scratched his head and said, "The main reason is that I really can't figure out how to get close to Yagami Hayate for a while."

'Isn't the easiest way to move to the opposite door of her house and approach her as a neighbor?It only takes a few more contacts to develop a good relationship. '

Although there is such a simple method, Maomao, who knows everything, is not ready to say it—she has to let Lin Qiong think for herself first, and if Lin Qiong gives up thinking on her own and seeks her help, she will give the answer.

"If you really can't figure it out, let it be. Why don't you solve Fett's problem first?"

"Alright, let's treat it as a change of mood—"

Lin Qiong said so, turned and walked into the bedroom, took a low-level resurrection scepter from the cabinet in his hand, then tossed it lightly, and said: "With this thing, it is easy to handle Precia. Just take it easy, okay?"

Madam, you don’t want your daughter to be resurrected, right?

Chapter 0280

Late that night.

Outside the Dimensional Mobile Fortress "Garden of Time".

"As expected of a jack-of-all-trades cat—"

Lin Qiong touched the cat in his arms, and said, "You can easily crack the firewall of the Garden of Time and lock its anchor point in the dimensional crack."

The eldest lady looked at the scenery of the Garden of Time in front of her, and murmured: "This Garden of Time is quite beautiful——"

The secretary said complicatedly: "Precia must hope that when Alicia is resurrected, she can be provided with a beautiful environment to grow up."

Lin Qiong smacked his lips and said, "Precia is a contradictory yuppie, do you know that? You say she has no love, but her love for Alicia can be learned from heaven; you say she has love, she I don't have any feelings for Feite at all."

The secretary shook his head helplessly, and said: "It can only be said that Precia's love is distorted, she gave all her love to Alicia, that's why a little bit, a little bit of love doesn't matter. Give it to Feite."

The eldest lady sighed, then gently took Lin Qiong's hand, shook her head and said, "What an excessive mother."

Lin Qiong took the eldest lady's hand backhand, and said, "Let us give Feite a happy future."

The eldest lady nodded lightly and said, "Yes!"

The secretary covered his mouth with both hands, then blinked his eyes and looked at Lin Qiong and the eldest lady in front of him, thinking: "Master and miss, at this moment, they are like idiot parents who are about to have their own children—"

Lin Qiong put his other hand on his temple, and said, "Violet, remove the position shield—tell Precia that we are coming."


The iridescent shield surrounding the Sky City in a ball shape gradually began to melt.


at the same time.

Inside the Dimensional Mobile Fortress "Garden of Time".

Accompanied by the ear-piercing siren, Prezia, who had been sitting in her seat with her eyes closed, recalling the daily life she had spent with her beloved daughter Alicia, suddenly opened her eyes, and then stood there with a gloomy expression. Standing up, he said, "Where did the mice come from, dare to invade the courtyard I prepared for Alicia?"

Precia stood up, and said to the familiar behind her, "Elf, call out Feite to me."

The orange-haired wolf girl backed away from the room silently, and then found Feite who was hanging in the room with bruises all over her body. Half an hour ago, Feite attracted Pu Lei because of a small mistake. She slapped Xi Ya's anger, and was hung in the room and whipped.

"Feite, the Garden of Time seems to have been invaded - it is very likely that the Space-Time Administration has discovered Precia's traces and came to arrest her!" Elf released the chains on Feite while using He said gloatingly, "She won't be able to run away this time! Why don't we just run away? Hmph, that black-hearted old witch still wants you to help her fight, really..."

Feite moved his numb limbs with a gloomy expression, then silently picked up the golden ball on the table, and said, "Lightning Tomahawk, SetUp!"

A line of golden text appeared inside the ball, and at the same time, an electronically synthesized voice sounded from the core of the Thunder Tomahawk: "StandByReady, SetUp——"

"Wait, Feit, what are you going to do?"

Looking at Feite who was wearing the cloak, Elf couldn't help asking anxiously.

Feite raised his head, looked at the familiar who grew up with him, and said softly, "For mother, fight."

Elf looked at Fett in disbelief, and she asked, "Fett, do you know what you're talking about?? Then, that woman treats you like this, why do you still help her?"

Elf knows best how Precia treats Feite—he never gives a good face, and if there is anything that doesn't go well, he just slaps him. If he still feels uneasy, he will immediately drag Feite into the room He was hung up and whipped severely.

But, but, why does Feite still...

"She is my mother." Feite showed a shallow smile towards Elf, and explained: "My mother lost sister Alicia, so the emotions are so extreme-if I can complete her Dream, if sister Alicia is resurrected, she will definitely..."

You will definitely show me a gentle smile.


Looking at the hope in Feite's eyes, her gradually brightening eyes, and her back as she turned away, Elf felt a tearing pain in her heart. She clasped her hands on her chest, powerlessly Kneeled on the ground.

'No, no!Feite, she, that woman, she doesn't love you at all..." Elf hit the ground feebly, lowered her head in pain, "No matter what you do, she won't... she won't be like you As expected...'

Will not……


When Fit stepped into the hall holding a thunder axe, he was greeted by Precia's cold and merciless slap.

She looked at Fate in front of her indifferently, and said, "Why did you come so slowly? What if the enemy is already attacking?"

Fate opened his mouth, then lowered his head, and whispered, "I'm sorry, Mom."

Precia turned around without any fluctuation in her heart, then walked towards the outside of the courtyard with a staff in hand, saying: "Follow me! Those intruders don't seem to have any intention of coming in - ha, what a bunch of cowards."

In Precia's view, the intruders did not dare to enter the Garden of Time because they were worried that there would be traps inside the courtyard, so they only dared to block time and space and surround the Garden of Time—cowards, a group of stinky cowards!

Oh, you ask why she would know that time and space are blocked?It's very simple, because when Elsa went to look for Feite, Precia planned to use Feite to contain the group of intruders, and then took the opportunity to use teleportation magic to escape—unfortunately, Precia did not She didn't escape successfully, so she could only bite the bullet and fight the enemy with Feite.


Standing at the entrance of Sky City, Lin Qiong looked at the two figures coming out of the courtyard in the distance, and said, "Is that Repsia and Feite sauce?"

Lying on his shoulders, the know-it-all cat who looked like a cat scarf squinted at Lin Qiong and said, "Although I know you hate Precia, at least you should call someone's name correctly, right?"

"What does it matter, anyway, she can't hear—"

Lin Qiong waved his hand indifferently, then raised his right hand and said, "Guardians, show her the glory of Sky City."

"Yes!" x16

The sixteen guardians raised their heads, and then turned into streamers and flew towards the Garden of Time.

"Let's take a break first."

Lin Qiong beckoned back, and several cat-eared maids immediately put the tables and chairs over, while the other dog-eared maids put the teapot, teacups, and trays containing cookies and small cakes on the table in good time. , and finally the squirrel girl maid with big ears and a big tail stood the parasol on the ground beside her.

In just three seconds, a temporary afternoon tea area was established.

The eldest lady sat on a chair, took a bite of a cookie, looked at Precia who was negotiating with the guardians, and said, "How long do you think they can last after a fight?"

Lin Qiong propped his chin and thought for a while, then said: "I don't think I can hold it for a minute, right? Prezia is considered an S-rank, and now Feite, like Naye, is AAA-rank—— Any one the guardian pulls out is at least SSS level, what are they going to fight with?"

The secretary complained: "The gap in strength is so big, the young master still sent out all sixteen guardians in one go?"

Lin Qiong picked up a piece of biscuit and fed it to the know-it-all cat on his shoulder, and then said: "Precia is a proud and arrogant person, and she is suspicious, stubborn, and paranoid by nature—if she doesn't show enough strength , even if we revive Alicia, she will suspect that it is a fake."

"I see, is there such a consideration?" The secretary nodded suddenly and said, "She is indeed a know-it-all."


Lin Qiong looked at the secretary suspiciously, and said, "Secretary, are you messing with my mentality on purpose? This sentence was clearly said by the handsome and wise Kono Lin Qiongda. Why do you praise Miss Know-it-All?"

When the secretary heard this sentence, she also showed a puzzled expression. She looked at Lin Qiong and said, "Master, can you do something more in your heart on March NO.12 every year? This is what you can do." Can you say it?"

"Meow ha ha ha—"

The know-it-all cat laughed immediately. She patted Lin Qiong's face with her little paw, and teased: "Host, let's just talk about it! They can't believe that this is your analysis, meow haha—— "

"Yes, damn it!"

Unwillingly, Lin Qiong threw a piece of chestnut cake into his mouth, then chewed his mouth like a hamster, and said, "*...!(#!#——"

The eldest lady covered her forehead, and said, "Qiong, swallow what's in your mouth before you talk—ah, it's time to fight!"

Lin Qiong suddenly raised his head and looked towards the Garden of Time, and then showed a disgusted expression.

Because the whole battle can be summarized like this——

Negotiations between Precia and the Guardians broke down;

Precia and Fate attack;

Precia and Fate fell.

1 minutes?

Don't make trouble!

The young master has already said that he wants to show off the glory of the Sky City, so why don't you try harder?Within three seconds, I successfully captured the mother and daughter of Priscia, because I am a member of the E·M·T cult!

"This is too good, it will hit the street in three seconds."

Lin Qiong swallowed the cake in his mouth, stood up while complaining, and said, "I thought they could last at least forty... No, thirty seconds."

The secretary reminded: "Master, what you said just now was 1 minute."

"Estimate! Do you understand the estimate? Rounding up 40 seconds, isn't it 1 minute?" Lin Qiong said that even if he died or was cremated, he would still have a mouth left.

"No, you just said 30 seconds."

"Hiss, you secretary!"

"A little bit—"

"Okay, you two stop making trouble!" The eldest lady smiled and shook her head, then stood up and said, "Let's hurry over there!"


Lin Qiong eagerly took out a loudspeaker from behind, and then turned on the switch with the eldest lady's puzzled expression.

"Miss is here, get out of the way——Missy is here, get out of the way—"

Missy: "You close it for me!!!"

Today's victory and defeat, Nakiri Erina's defeat.

'How can there be such a shameful thing! '

She said.

Chapter 0281 Riding face output

Time rewinds to three minutes and three seconds ago.

When Precia took Feit out of the hall, the two of them immediately saw the floating city floating in the dimensional rift - the City in the Sky.

"That is……"

Precia wrinkled her eyebrows, and she whispered: "It seems that he is not a guy from the Space-Time Administration?"

From Priscia's point of view, if she was a member of the Space-Time Administration, then what appeared in front of her at this moment should not be a floating island, but a large group of dimensional warships.

"Humph, it's not the Space-Time Administration, then it's a personal force?"

Precia, who was still a little frightened at first, suddenly became angry. She held her head high and sneered: "I guess I just happened to find the coordinates of the Garden of Time, and then moved over out of curiosity—hahahahaha, this rash This action will bring you destruction!"

At this moment, sixteen beams of light flew out of the floating city, and landed in the courtyard of the Garden of Time one after another.When the light dissipated, the figures of the guardians appeared in Precia's sight.


Precia raised her eyebrows, then said with a look of disdain: "How dare you only send out demons to fight? What a coward."

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