My heart said: Fuck, I am so envious of my old lady, if I have the money to make more than a dozen familiars, I will fucking do the same!

On the mouth: Spicy chicken, only dare to send demons, dare not to sala with me!Iron five!

"Follow me." Precia glanced at Feit beside her, and then said with a ferocious expression: "You must be very rich to be able to make so many familiars, right?"

She wanted to kill all the intruders who dared to break into the Garden of Time, and then take over the other party's property openly and aboveboard to resurrect Alicia.

With such thoughts in mind, Precia gracefully walked down the steps of the door, then looked proudly at the sixteen guardians in front of her, and said, "A mere familiar is not worthy of talking to me—go get your Call the master."

As soon as this remark came out, even Nicole showed an unhappy expression - such a person who is about to become a prisoner also wants to have the same right to talk to the young master?

Who the hell gave you the courage?Constancy or World Tree?

"To shut up!"

Kyle waved the long sword in his hand vigorously, looked at Precia with cold eyes, and said coldly: "Precia Testarossa, I am waiting for the guardian to come here under the order of the young master... "

Kyle suddenly turned his head, and a golden magic blade slid past her ear, but he didn't even cut off a single hair.

"I said it all—"

Precia put down her staff (magic device), and said with a cold look in her eyes: "Not even a kitten or dog is qualified to talk to me—let that young master you speak of come out!"

Originally, Precia guessed that Sky Castle accidentally discovered the coordinates of the Garden of Time, so she came here to find out!But after Kyle reported her name, she changed her mind—the owner of the sky city probably didn't find her deliberately, and then sent these familiars to show off her financial resources and seek her cooperation of.

Hmph, after all, she, Precia, still has a little bit of fame in the academic world, understand?

Thinking of this, her tone became even more impatient: "What are you still doing here? It's just a group of familiars—"

"Insulting me again and again..."

Kyle raised his head, looked at Precia with eyes full of anger, then raised the long sword in his hand, and said, "Let you see the glory of my sky city!"


Looking at the guardians rushing over, Precia said angrily, "It's really a familiar who doesn't know the so-called Fate, let's teach them a lesson!"


And then...then hit the street.



When Lin Qiong held the know-it-all cat in his arms, Feng Wang stood on his shoulders, followed by the eldest lady, the secretary, and Yoyo to the Garden of Time, Precia and Feite had already been put on the imprisoning magic power. handcuffs, and sat obediently in the gazebo in the courtyard.


The moment he saw Lin Qiong, Kyle immediately knelt on the ground on one knee, and then said in a deep voice: "Precia and Fit have been successfully captured!"

Lin Qiong smiled and nodded: "Good job."

The know-it-all cat glanced at him, then twitched his chin with its tail, and said through voice transmission: "Our stupid host, you forgot to reward!" '

'Oh, right! '

Lin Qiong reacted, he took a step forward, put his hand on the top of Kyle's head, who was a little lost because he hadn't been touched, stroked it lightly a few times, and said, "This is a reward for you."

"It can't be my fault—" he explained to the know-it-all cat in his heart: "The main thing is that Kyle is too serious, I always forget that she likes to be patted on the head. '

The know-it-all cat nodded silently, indeed!For example, who can imagine that an awe-inspiring general would hide under the blanket, whining, crying because he couldn't eat desserts or read novel updates?


Kyle lowered her head with a flushed face. She felt happy, and at the same time decided in her heart that the next task must be completed satisfactorily—that's right, it's not for the young master's reward!


At this time, Xiao Nicole came over dissatisfied, she put her head in front of Lin Qiong, and shouted: "Nico also wants to mess with the young master's reward!"

"Good good-"

Lin Qiong touched Nicole with her other hand, and Zooey, who was a little slower, sucked her finger in envy—but she soon showed a happy expression, because the eldest lady's hand had already placed on her head.

Seeing this scene, Feite who was sitting on the side showed envious eyes. She glanced at Precia quietly, then lowered her head a little disappointed.

Except for the time when Precia mistakenly thought "Alicia was resurrected", she never felt the slightest affection from Precia.

"Okay, it's time to get down to business."

Lin Qiong smiled, then raised his head and looked behind the stone pillar on the side, and said: "Miss Familiar who is hiding over there, can you please come out?"


After realizing that he was exposed, Elf suddenly stood up from his hiding place with a face of unwillingness.

"Elf..." Feite raised his head, looked at his familiar, and was about to speak when Precia, who was sitting next to her, spoke first: "It's really an incompetent master raising incompetent servants." Demon, can't you even do such a trivial thing as hiding your tracks?"


Just as Elf was about to refute, he heard the young master (referring to Lin Qiong) who kidnapped Feite said with a look of disgust: "Hiding traces in our perception, don't you look down on us too much? And you are too embarrassed Speaking of others, who exactly launched the attack with full confidence and then was rushed to the front with a magic cannon and threw an iron fist directly into the street?"

"you you you……"

Prezia flushed with anger.

"Don't you, you, yours! By the way, is there really someone who wears such revealing clothes as everyday clothes? Apart from you, there are only Fate and Elf in this courtyard, right? So who are you wearing them for?"


"Could it be me? I know, you can't be the kind. At twelve o'clock in the night, you will be alone in the room, turn on the light, then bathe in aromatherapy, and caress yourself in the mirror affectionately." , and then said intoxicatedly, 'The concubine is so beautiful, how can the concubine be so beautiful'?"


Precia, who was not good at talking at all, was so angry at Lin Qiong that she almost died on the spot after just a few words. She clutched her chest and gasped, trying to make her breathing easier.

'Late at night, alone in the room...'

Elf on the side made up the scene that Lin Qiong just said, and couldn't help but let out a suffocated laughter of "hangchihangchi".She quickly raised her hands to cover her mouth - no, no, you can't laugh at this kind of time, absolutely not!

Lin Qiong glanced at Elf, who was blushing, and said, "Laugh if you want. With us here, she can't hurt you even if she gets so angry that it explodes into fireworks. This... Uh…Miss Wolf?”

Hearing these words, the know-it-all cat who was lying in Lin Qiong's arms immediately raised his head and said angrily: "They are all dogs, right?"

Lin Qiong was taken aback, then looked at Elsa suspiciously, and said, "Isn't it? It should be a wolf, right? I remember her body is quite big, isn't she?"

Mao Mao retorted: "Size can be used as a criterion? She is a familiar, so she can make it as big as she wants?"

Lin Qiong frowned, then looked at Elsa and asked, "Then what, are you a wolf or a dog?"

Elsa hurriedly said: "Wolf!"

"Look, she even said she was a wolf!"

"Maybe it's to save face? After all, wolves sound more handsome than dogs, don't they?"

"You can't expect others to be dogs just because you are a cat, okay?"

"Huh? You mean I'm jealous of her?"

"I didn't say that!"

"That's what you mean!"

"I'm not, I'm not!"

"Tickle you!"

Lin Qiong quickly raised the jack-of-all-trades cat in his hand, and said triumphantly, "Your short legs can't reach me!"

The know-it-all cat was silent for a few seconds, and then said: "Then I advise you to take turns watching the whistle with your left and right eyes when you sleep -"

Don't get caught by me!

This time it was Lin Qiong who was silent. He hugged the know-it-all cat again, then looked at Elf, and said sincerely: "In order to save my face, can you be a dog for a while?"

Elf opened her mouth, then looked at Lin Qiong, then at Fate who was trembling next to her, and couldn't help but said, "For example, if you promise not to bully Fate, it's not right to be, to be a dog." Can't!"

"make a deal!"

Lin Qiong snapped his fingers, then looked down at the know-it-all cat in his arms, and said seriously, "It's a dog!"

"Let me just say, it's a dog!"

Know-it-all Mao Mao nodded contentedly, then glanced at Fate who was trembling even more, and sighed in his heart: "Our host, we really broke our hearts for you—"

Chapter 0282 How did you find out?

The jack-of-all-trades cat is not an unreasonable person (cat?), so why does she want to argue about whether Elf is a "wolf" or a "dog" at such a time, so disrespectful to Lin Qiong?

Is it really because you are a "cat" that you want others to be "dogs"?

Of course not!Be careful of cats scratching you!

The answer is simple, in order to make Lin Qiong's impression in Feite's heart more friendly - after all, this is a guy who can quarrel with cats and lose.

At least, when Lin Qiong first appeared, Feite, who was still showing fear and nervousness, had not only dispelled his fear at this time, but also secretly looked at Lin Qiong with curious eyes while holding back a smile.


The know-it-all cat yawned, and then said with a whimper, "My master, let's finish things early, we're sleepy, meow."


Lin Qiong nodded, then looked at Precia in front of him, and said with a serious face: "Ms. Precia, we are members of the space-time police! We received a report from the masses last month, saying that Ms. In the world numbered 114514, you have carried out a series of actions such as eating crepes without giving money, grabbing milk for elementary school students’ lunch, deliberately putting the dog bowl outside the range of the dog leash, and wiping booger on other people’s clothes. Excuse me Do you plead guilty?"

Lin Qiong's voice fell, and the entire pavilion was suddenly silent.


Precia only felt her blood pressure keep going up. She estimated it and felt that her blood pressure was estimated to be 10 or even 9. What made her blood pressure rise even more was that Feite and Elf looked at her. The look in her eyes, the look of astonishment, disbelief, and collapse of the character, made her want to vomit blood.

"I didn't do those things, no!" She looked at Lin Qiong angrily, and said, "You are slandering me, slandering me, and framing me!"

"it is good!"

Lin Qiong clapped his hands and said, "The suspect, Ms. Precia, you claim that you did not commit the above crimes, right?"

"Is not this nonsensical?"

Lin Qiong nodded, and said righteously: "We understand! Since this is the case, we hope you can assist us in our investigation to find out who is slandering and slandering you!"

Precia laughed angrily, and she said: "I need to cooperate with you in the investigation of such an unwarranted matter, are you kidding me?"


Lin Qiong glanced at Precia in shock, then looked at the secretary beside him solemnly, and said, "Secretary, my acting skills should be perfect, how did she find out that I was playing tricks on her?" of?"

The secretary pondered for a few seconds and said, "Maybe she is a cautious and analytical woman?"

The eldest lady also nodded and said: "It's terrible, she can tell at a glance that we are playing tricks on her!"

Feite quickly lowered his head again, and then squeezed his thigh with his hands to prevent himself from laughing - no, you can't laugh. If you laugh, you will be beaten by your mother.

Elf laughed outright, she pounded the floor laughing loudly, that sharp laughter further stimulated Precia's nerves.

"Elf, shut up!" Precia roared, then looked at Feite, and said sharply, "Fate, mind you..."

"No, no——" Lin Qiong interrupted Precia's outburst. He looked at her suspiciously and said, "Ma'am, did you get angry with the wrong person? Or do you just dare to fight in the nest?" ?”


Precia clenched her fists, and stared at Lin Qiong with the eyes of a goo-killing knight—if she hadn't been unable to beat Lin Qiong, she would have made this damn bastard ride on the ground again and again. on her head?

"Can't you just say something nice?"

Lin Qiong said sincerely: "The world is so beautiful, but you are so irritable, it's not good, it's not good—"


Elf nodded hurriedly, but the undisguised schadenfreude on her face and the wagging tail fully exposed her joyful heart.

The old hag is deflated, that's good!

Precia only felt that her brain was hurting from anger, and the blood vessels on her forehead were pulsating—if she had any cardiovascular disease, she would have been waiting peacefully for 120 at this time.

Oh, there is no 120 in the universe, is there?That's fine.

"you you……"

Precia supported the table next to her with her hands, and then said with a livid face: "Is the purpose of you appearing in the Garden of Time and ordering your subordinates to defeat me just to humiliate me?"

"That's only part of it." Lin Qiong didn't hide his malice at all, who would like an old hag with a tyrannical nature, "The other purpose is to make a deal with you."

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