
A disdainful sneer appeared at the corner of Precia's lips. She looked at Lin Qiong indifferently and said word by word: "I! Refuse! No!"


Lin Qiong showed disappointment, and he couldn't help but said, "Are you rejecting the deal without even listening to it?"

Precia looked at Lin Qiong with a happy look, and said sharply: "You tease me like this, and you still want me to cooperate with you? You! Are! Dreaming! Dream!"

She, Precia, is a woman of backbone!

"Really don't want to?"

"You don't need to say any more."


Lin Qiong sighed helplessly, he had no choice but to walk in front of Fei Te, then squatted in front of her, and said, "Then, Fei Te-chan, shall I make a deal with you?"

Watching this scene, Precia said sharply: "Fate, don't be with him...huh?Um! ?I, my voice...'

The "word" was only halfway through, and Precia raised her hands to touch her throat with a look of astonishment, and then tried to open her mouth, but found that she still couldn't make a sound.

'It's him, it must be him—'

Precia stared at Lin Qiong with resentful eyes. She could swear on her own life that if she was given a chance, she would not hesitate to use magic to kill this hateful intruder to ashes——

However, before that, Feite must be stopped—no matter what kind of deal Feite intends to make with him!She must let the other party return home in defeat!


Just when she raised her feet and was about to rush over and slap Feit, a red magic arrow sank into the floor at her feet, causing her to suddenly stop in place as she raised her feet.

Precia, whose scalp was numb, raised her head and found Xia standing not far away, retracting her long bow with an indifferent expression, then raised her chin towards her and said with her mouth: "Freeze," no bath--'

'The damn familiar... is just a familiar...'

If Precia was a Saiyan, she would have evolved into an incompetent and furious Saiyan because of the anger in her heart—huh?No one thought she could transform into a Speed ​​Party Saiyan, right?

"And, trade with me?"

Feite looked up blankly, then looked at Lin Qiong weakly, and asked with a pitiful, helpless and foodless expression: "I, I have nothing to trade."

"There are some."

Lin Qiong gave Fei Te a thumbs up with a smile on his face, and said, "Feite sauce, is there anyone you particularly like or miss?"

"I miss you so much..."

Feite's eyes were lost for a moment, and she thought of the person who had been with her, taught her, and given her the initial warmth since she was "born".

Convulsive pain swept through Feit's heart. She clutched the clothes on her chest with her hands and said in a painful voice: "But, but, Linis... is already... dead... no longer here... There’s no way I can come back…”


After hearing the name Linis, Elf rushed to Fei Te's side in a hurry, and then hugged the girl who was in pain tightly.

Linis was originally a lynx picked up by the child Alicia, and later died with Alicia in that accident.

After Precia created Fite, she conveniently created a new familiar based on the lynx, named it "Linis", and asked her to take care of and teach Fite - it can only be said that in this During this stage, Precia also regarded Feit as Alicia's resurrected body.

But because Fett is different from Alicia in terms of habits, personality, and magical talent, Precia soon lost patience and interest in this "fake", and Linis became Fett. The only ray of light in her childhood—unfortunately, this ray of light passed away after making the core of the Thunder Light Tomahawk for her.

When Precia heard Linis's name, her eyes fluctuated slightly - she thought of Alicia who had picked up Linis, but looked at Fate who had the same face as Alicia. After that, her eyes suddenly became disgusted: "I only know how to cry, this useless waste—"


"Hmm, Linice? Good!" Lin Qiong smiled and took out a short stick slightly longer than chopsticks from his pocket, and said to Feite, "Fate, raise your head."

Hearing Lin Qiong's call, Feite raised his head subconsciously, and Precia and Elf beside him couldn't help but cast their eyes on Lin Qiong.

"Next, is the moment to witness the miracle——"

He let go of his hand lightly, and the short staff in his hand, which gradually glowed with white light, fell slowly. When its lower end touched the ground, a white, huge magic circle quickly unfolded.

'Magic circle? '

Precia's eyes widened a few times in an instant. Her eyes quickly patrolled the magic circle, analyzing the function of the magic circle - but before she could make an analysis, she felt a sharp pain. He asked her to cover her forehead and close her eyes.

Seeing her movements, the know-it-all cat in Lin Qiong's arms couldn't help but show a mocking expression: "Gtx560 also wants to enable 4 with full special effects at 2077K resolution?"Why is your face so big? '

When Precia's headache gradually eased, she gasped and opened her eyes, then looked in the direction of the magic circle, and immediately stayed where she was, just like Feite and Elf.

In front of Feite, a cat-eared animal-eared woman with brown short hair was lying quietly on the ground with her hands folded on her lower abdomen, and her name was familiar to all three present.

Feite trembled and called out her name: "Li...Linis?"

Chapter 0283


The name that came out of Fit's mouth exploded in Precia's ears like thunder.She screamed subconsciously: "Impossible! This is impossible!"

Precia didn't even notice that she had regained her ability to speak, but stumbled to Fei Te's side, then grabbed Fei Te's shoulder mercilessly, pushed it roughly to the side, and cursed : "Don't get in the way!"


Feite fell into the arms of Elf, who had quick eyesight and quick hands, but all her heart was already attached to this person who was suspected of Lynis, and she didn't have any extra thoughts to feel sad because of her mother's bad attitude.

"This is impossible, this is absolutely impossible..."

Precia murmured the impossibility, and put her hand on Reinis's chest - a golden magic circle opened from her palm, quickly linking to Reinis's core.


The next moment, Precia felt as if she had been punched hard by someone, and she felt her brain go numb for a while, and she murmured in a daze, "How is this possible... Really, it's Reynice... ..."

The exact same core proves that this is indeed Lenis and not an imitation with the same appearance.

Hearing Precia's words, a glimmer of light appeared in Fit's always dark eyes. She looked at Lin Qiong excitedly and said: "This gentleman, could it be that Lenis, she, she... …”

"It's the last step—"

Lin Qiong looked down at Reinis lying on the ground, and said, "Her body stability is very poor, which is why she will die—if you leave it alone, her body sequence will collapse again at any time .”

Feite hurriedly crawled in front of Lin Qiong, then knelt on the ground, grabbed his trouser legs with both hands, and begged, "Please, help Reinis...please...let me do whatever... "

"Oh really?"

Lin Qiong raised his eyebrows, then squinted at Feite, and said, "If I let you pick up the magic weapon at this moment and attack Precia, is it okay? What's more, What if I asked you to kill her?"

"Ah I……"

When this question was posed in front of Feite, Feite, who was so excited just a second ago, froze like an eggplant beaten by frost, kneeling on the ground, speechless.


Seeing Feit's silent and lost look, Lin Qiong shook his head helplessly. He gently touched Feit's head and said, "I'm not sure whether I can fulfill the other party's request." Before, don’t say things like ‘I can do whatever you want’ easily.”

To be reasonable, if you are ten years older than me, I will have no bottom line, and then the book will start, you know?

"And, do you believe it?"

Lin Qiong glanced at Precia who was struggling on the ground by Kyle, and then said to Feite: "If I tell Precia now, as long as she kills you with her own hands, I can resurrect Alicia. Ya—do you think she'll say yes?"


Feite was taken aback, she looked at Precia subconsciously, trying to see even the slightest hesitation in her mother's eyes, but to her disappointment, Precia raised her voice without hesitation Shouted, "I can! I promise!"

"you shut up--"

Lin Qiong glared at Precia angrily, and the eyes of the know-it-all cat in his arms lit up slightly, and Precia once again lost her speech function.

Although Precia shut up, the damage she caused to Feite would not disappear—at this time the little guy stayed in place completely, his eyes full of painful emotions.


Elf hugged her master tightly, then glared at Precia, and said, "Anyway, Feite is your daughter, isn't she? Why do you treat her like this??"

Precia couldn't speak, but her mocking and disdainful eyes fully expressed what she meant: 'Daughter?She deserves it too?She is nothing but a failure! '

"You guy..."

Elf's expression became angry, and she glared at Precia like a raging mad dog, as if she was about to pounce on her and bite her in the next second.


Feite stretched out his hand to hold Elf's wrist with a pale face, then shook his head bitterly, and said, "I, I'm fine."

Elf straightened Feite, then looked at her painful eyes, and said emotionally: "Feite, you don't seem to be fine, you are obviously very sad!"

"Elf, stop talking—"

Feite clenched his teeth, and looked at Elf with pleading eyes. After a few seconds of silence, the puppy hammered his thigh angrily, and then hugged Feite in frustration.

She's too useless to help Fett at all.

"It really made me watch a good show—"

Lin Qiong glanced at Precia with a mocking look on his face, then crossed his arms and said, "Fite, resurrecting Linis is considered a deal, and then curing her body is considered another deal - no problem, right?" ?”


Feite raised his head hastily, and nodded his head hastily, lest Lin Qiong's displeasure would be caused if he moved a little slower.

"it is good."

Lin Qiong nodded and said.

"In exchange for reviving Linis, I want the ownership of you—Fitte Testolosa."

"In exchange for treating Linis, I want the ownership of your familiar—Elf—."

"If you agree, then from this moment on, the ownership of you and your familiar belongs to the Sky City."

"The answer is, yes, or, no?"


When Lin Qiong threw the price in front of Feit, the child Fete's breathing suddenly became rapid. She was trembling all over and looked at Precia beside her with pleading eyes - she didn't know it herself. Why did she look at the other person? At the same time, she didn't know what answer she wanted to get from the other person, but she just looked over subconsciously.

What she saw was the cold, mocking, disdainful and disgusting eyes of the other party, as if, it was like the expression of a woman who was about to join a wealthy family, watching her oil bottle was about to be hit to death by a car.

After realizing Precia's thoughts, Feite's eyes were like a pool of stagnant water.

The eldest lady's eyes wandered between Precia and Feit several times, and then she softly said helplessly: "Miss Know-It-All, let her speak; Kyle, let her go."

"Well, okay." The know-it-all cat raised its paw and lifted the blockade on Precia; while Kyle let go of his hand that was holding Precia, stood up and stood aside .


After regaining the ability to speak, Precia coughed, then struggled to stand up, flexed her wrist, and said in a mocking voice: "Are you actually interested in this kind of failure?"

"Failure..." Feite lowered her head, her little hands grasping the hem of her skirt, "Even if I work so hard, in the heart of my mother, I am just... a failure?" '

"What do you want to say?"

Lin Qiong looked at Precia and said in a bad tone: "Beforehand, I really, really dislike you—if you want to play the Riddler game with me, I advise you to think it through."


Precia sneered. She was not a fool like King Feng. Of course she could sense Lin Qiong's malice towards her from his attitude - if she were stronger, she would definitely use the Riddler's method to make people sick on purpose. , irritate the other party, but...

'I have to admit, you guys are stronger now—'

Precia took a deep breath, suppressed the unhappiness in her heart, and then showed a rather annoying twisted smile: "Whether it is this failed operation or her familiar, the ownership should belong to me——she I have no right to trade with you!"

Lin Qiong was silent for a few seconds, then looked at Feite who was on the side, and asked softly, "Fate, do you think so too?"

Under the watchful eyes of Precia and Elf, Feite lowered his head and fell into silence.


Elf couldn't help shouting: "What are you hesitating about? Think about how she treats you?! This is a good opportunity to escape from her!"

Hearing Elf's words, Precia's eyes became even more indifferent: "Damn familiar, you were born rebellious. You should have been reborn from the beginning!"

'I can't let her continue talking--' Precia took a breath, then looked at Fate who was slumped on the ground, squeezed out a gentle smile, and said, "Fate, have you forgotten?" I made you - you are my child, so you should listen to me... listen to your mother, right?"

"You guy..."

Elf understood what Precia was planning as soon as she heard it, and she roared: "How much do you still want to use Feit? You don't love her at all, you just want to use her to trade with this person for resurrection. Alicia’s chance, right?”

'Isn't that natural?How could I have any affection for this failed work? Precia glanced at Elf coldly, sneered silently, and then continued to say in a gentle voice: "Elf, what are you talking about? Fit, have you forgotten that when you just woke up? ,I……"

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