"Master, needless to say..."

Feite interrupted Precia's "speech" with a crying voice. She raised her head tremblingly, glanced at her with a tear-stained face, and tremblingly said: "From your judgment, I am not After Alicia was resurrected, this is the first time you have spoken to me with such a gentle voice, I am so happy..."


Listening to Fit's cry and looking at Fit's tears, Elf felt that her heart was about to break, and behind this burst of heartache, there was even more fiery anger directed at Precia - she To what extent do you have to hurt Feite before you are willing to be reconciled! !

Chapter 0284 a drop of oil and water gone

Hearing Feite's "affectionate confession", Precia's heart did not fluctuate, and she even wanted to laugh - in her eyes, Alicia is the only one worthy of her affection in this world, other than that...


She looked at Feite in front of her, filled with impatience, but still forced herself to say in a gentle voice: "Feite, what are you talking about, I..."

"My lord—"

Feite shook her head slightly, she grabbed the clothes on her chest with her hands, then looked at Lin Qiong, and asked in a slightly trembling voice: "Sir, please, I... can I use my , in exchange for Alicia’s resurrection?”


Hearing Fei Te's words, the corners of Precia's mouth turned up involuntarily, and then said in a suppressed joyful voice: "Feite, you are really a good daughter of mother... Hahahaha!!"

Lin Qiong looked at Feite in front of him and asked in a low voice: "Is this really worth it?"

Feite's eyes had lost focus, she shook her head gently, and murmured: "The purpose of her creation of me was to bring Alicia back to life, so now I have completed her task... Right?"

"Yes, yes!"

Precia's eyes were full of excitement and joy, she opened her hands, and said excitedly: "Fite! You useless waste, you finally came in handy, hahahaha! This is you For the first time, you did something that I praised - you are awesome!"

First time, right?

Feite felt the pain in her heart magnifying. She leaned weakly in the arms of Elf with a face of pain, raised her head to look at Lin Qiong, and said in a pleading voice: "Mr. Yes, even...even if Reynis..."

It seems that even if Feite gave up on resurrecting Reinis, he still hopes that Lin Qiong will fulfill Precia's wish to revive Alicia.

"Really, I don't even know what to say-"

Lin Qiong sighed, raised his right hand and scratched his head, complaining, "Didn't you make me look like a villain?"

Did you make a mistake!This development is too locomotive.

"No, it's not."

Feite shook her head hastily, she bit her lower lip, and whispered, "I know, you're not a bad person, it's just, just, I..."

"Okay, okay, don't say it if you can't say it."

Lin Qiong waved her hands with some disinterest, she raised her head and glanced at the young lady who was also not interested, and asked, "What do you say?"

"Let me do it."

The eldest lady took a step forward, and whispered to Lin Qiong, "It's better to let the woman do the trick when dealing with women——Qiong, I'm just like you, and I'm extremely unhappy right now!"

"Then leave it to you."

Lin Qiong sat on the ground very simply, and then pulled out a macaron from his palm like magic, squeezed it with his fingers and sent it to Fei Te with a smile, and said, "Feite sauce, do you want to try it?" Try it? It's delicious—”

Elf on the side looked at this macaron suspiciously, and whispered: "This is not poisonous, is it?"

Lin Qiong rolled his eyes angrily, flicked his right hand, and threw the macaron into Elf's mouth precisely, and said, "If you die, you die first!"

"Oh oh oh!"

Elf panicked and raised her hand to cover her throat, and let out a wailing cry: "Oops, I ate something unknown...Kacha Kacha...delicious!"

Fett: "Huh?"

Elf subconsciously chewed the macaron in her mouth, feeling the sweetness blooming from the tip of her tongue, and the expression on her face quickly softened: "Find a delicious one!"


Lin Qiong raised his hands and patted the side of his face gently. A cat-eared maid carrying a plate instantly appeared beside him. Then, with Elf's tail hair exploding in fright, she held it up with her tail. Put the plate on the grass, put it on the grass with a tablecloth, and then put the plate on the tablecloth.

"Thanks, chocolate-"

"Humph!" Chocolat glared at Lin Qiong, and said dissatisfiedly, "Master Meow! Meow, I hope Master will let Meow put the tablecloth for you before you sit down!"

When she saw Lin Qiong sitting down just now, she was already ready to rush over with the tablecloth in her arms, but she was still a step too late - Damn it, this is the dark history of Meow's maid career, Meow!

"Ahaha, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I will definitely next time!"

Lin Qiong smiled and apologized, then scratched Chocolate's chin, and said, "Hey, go back."


Chocolat happily ran back to the maid team, and immediately received the envious eyes of the surrounding maids——

"Hey hey, my chin was scratched by the young master!"

"Wooooow, I'm so envious, I also want to be scratched by the young master!"

"Me too!"

"I want the young master to sit on the boss chair with Erlang's legs crossed, while I sit sideways on the ground and lie on his lap, and then let the young master caress my head wantonly—"

"Ah, you guys really dare to think!"

"What are you doing! Don't you want this?"

"I think too, hehe—"

Well, let's ignore a group of spring cats and focus on others-

Seeing Lin Qiong apologizing to Chocolate, Feite and Elf couldn't help showing expressions of disbelief.

As the servant of a demon, how dare she blame her master?

As the master, Lin Qiong actually apologized to his maid?

This kind of situation has never happened to Precia, and her attitude towards Feite and Elf is so bad that people can't stand it.

"Okay, let's try it~"

With everyone watching, Lin Qiong opened the dust cover on the plate with a smile and said, "This is a macaron made by Peach Jam! It is a dessert that can bring happiness to people!"


Feite repeated the word, then slowly stretched out his right hand, took a Macron and put it in his mouth, muttering: "What is my happiness?"


"As expected of Qiong, he is good at coaxing children—"

The eldest lady glanced at Fate who had successfully calmed down his emotional breakdown, couldn't help but chuckled, and then set her sights on Precia.


The eldest lady flicked her right hand lightly, tossing her hair behind her head, then looked at Precia with indifferent eyes, and said, "Let me negotiate with you."

Precia subconsciously clenched the staff in her hand - she couldn't beat the opponent, which made her feel a little guilty.

"Qiong grew up in a safe and gentle country, so his personality is too kind and innocent, and his style of dealing with things is very gentle." The eldest lady chuckled lightly and said, "However, I am different from him——I am in a world full of You grew up in an environment of struggle, and personally ruined the futures of countless cooks! So, don't worry, I will take care of your surplus value and strip it clean."


Precia twitched the corners of her mouth, she really wanted to ask: How can you make me feel at ease when you say such things? ?



10 minute later.

"Qiao, it's done—"

The eldest lady trotted to Lin Qiong's side, then put her arms around his arm with a smile, looked at Feite who was crying while eating macarons, and said, "Is she still crying?"

Since she exploited... ah no, when she was negotiating with Precia, she heard Feite's cry, why are you still crying?

"Well, this kid started crying after eating the first macaron, and then eating while crying..." Lin Qiong showed a tangled expression, and said, "To be honest, I feel like I'm looking at Ido Ai flower."

By the way, Aihua Mukaido is from "From Tomorrow with Calm Seas", she contributed an emoticon package that has been circulated in various Q groups for a long time-yes, that is the little girl who took a bite of lemon (the original drama is a rice ball ), and then the gif that cried while eating.

"Actually started crying."

The eldest lady sighed, and said helplessly: "At least I can vent my inner emotions, so that I won't be stuck in my heart and feel aggrieved."

"That's true."

Lin Qiong touched the eldest lady's thigh and asked, "Speaking of which, what did you talk to that old woman about?"

"It's just a simple transaction."

The eldest lady curled her hair with her fingers, and said absently: "All the properties of the Garden of Time belong to Sky City now, and Precia needs to work for Sky City for 15 years, in order to exchange for Alicia chance of resurrection."


Lin Qiong twitched the corner of his mouth and said, "Does the 'all property of the Garden of Time' you mentioned include Feite and Elf?"

"It even includes Linis who is lying on the ground—" the eldest lady smiled and raised her fingers, and said, "Not only that, all the experimental equipment, experimental records and materials are all ours."


Lin Qiong let out a sigh of emotion, and said, "You have completely, completely, completely squeezed out Precia's oil and water! Hey! Even if she is pulled out to light the sky lantern now, she won't be able to light it, right? "

"Eh? I didn't go too far—"

The eldest lady puffed up her mouth in dissatisfaction, and said: "She is only 59 years old now? After working for 15 years, she is only 74 years old. According to the lifespan of a mage in this world, she can at least spend time with her daughter." More than 30 years of retirement life?"

"No no no..."

Lin Qiong felt a little shocked. He glanced at Precia, who was lying on the ground pale all over, and said in disbelief: "You said that woman who looks no more than 30 years old in terms of figure and appearance is already 59 years old this year. Is it? That is to say, she is an old woman who is on her sixth year and still wears a very revealing evening dress and stays in her room in the middle of the night admiring herself? What kind of hentai is this, hello! "

Precia: "..."

At this moment, Precia seemed to have lost something important.

Chapter 0285 I'm so Assassin

"Pfft hahaha-"

After the eldest lady heard Lin Qiong's complaints from the bottom of her heart, she immediately let out a burst of hearty laughter: "That's right! What Qiong said is right, she is still dressed very sexy at the age of 60. A woman wearing an evening dress and admiring herself in front of the mirror alone in a room late at night——"

'I'm not, I don't have you, don't talk nonsense——'

Precia retorted subconsciously, but the moment she opened her mouth, she realized this cruel question—yes, she was speechless again.

'here we go again! ! ! '

Precia on one side was furious, and Elf on the other side was already laughing out loud.

"Hahahaha hiccup, hahahaha—"

The little dog happily hammered the floor in front of him, and let out an undisguised gloat: "Hahaha, that woman also has today, hahaha!"

Not only has everything been poached by others, but I also have to work for others, hahaha, it's so cool, it's so cool! !


Seeing his familiar smiling like this, Feit glanced at Precia timidly, fearing that his mother would become angry and punish her and Elf with a whip.

"Do not worry."

The eldest lady stretched out her hand and touched Fei Te's head, and said softly: "She will never have the opportunity to beat you with a whip again."

Fett: "Huh?"

Elf said with a look of surprise: "Really?"

"Let me explain - from the moment the deal between Erina and the old woman was established, the ownership of the two of you has been transferred from her hands to ours!" Lin Qiong raised his finger and said: "Also That is to say, if she is still planning to attack you, it is equivalent to maliciously attacking the people of Sky City, understand? She doesn’t have the courage!"

Hearing Lin Qiong's explanation, Elf suddenly smiled overjoyed. She happily kept Feite, wagging her tail cheerfully, and said, "Great! Feite, great! You don't want to be so happy anymore!" I won't be bullied—"

"Hmph, it's not just such a simple matter—" The eldest lady smiled and raised her finger, and said, "Do you know? In fact, at this moment, your status level is higher than hers. !"

Fit: "Eh??"

Elf stared at the eldest lady dumbfounded: "Really?"

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