"Your current authority level is at the same level as that of the beast-eared maid over there, and her authority level is lower than that of the beast-eared maid—" Lin Qiong shrugged his shoulders and said with a relaxed expression: "So Strictly speaking, after she sees you, she still has to politely call out 'Master Feite' and 'Master Elf'!"


At this moment, Elf felt unprecedented refreshment, she couldn't help but turned her head to look at Precia who was not far away, and said tremblingly: "Also, also, also, that is to say , Rururu, if Guoguoguo..."

"Calm down first! You're stuttering from excitement!" Lin Qiong couldn't help calming Elf with the power of waveguide, and said, "Come on, follow me to take a deep breath—breathe, inhale, inhale , inhale..."

"Suck, suck, suck, suck..."

After taking several breaths, Elf discovered something was wrong - she blushed and looked at Lin Qiong, and asked with difficulty: "Huh, where are you exhaling?"

"Hahahaha, just breathe out if you can't hold it in anymore! Wait for me to say it?" Lin Qiong laughed and patted his knee, and said, "If I don't say exhale all the time, won't you be suffocated to death?" ?”

"That's not it! I just subconsciously followed your command!" Elf retorted, and muttered: "Who knew you were so wicked! Just inhaling without exhaling is nothing like taking a deep breath—"

"It's called taking a deep breath!"

"Huh! Huh is the most important thing, right?"

"Then follow, exhale, exhale, exhale..."

"Huh, huh, huh...yue...cough cough cough..."

"Ha ha ha ha--"

Looking at Elf who was retching after exhaling, Lin Qiong laughed again: "You are really an idiot!"


Ai Erfu, who realized that he had been tricked, squatted behind Feite, looked at Lin Qiong with grinning teeth, and said, "Feite! Be careful, this person's conscience is very bad!"

"Excessive! I am a good citizen!"

"Slightly! A good person will not lie to me to only exhale or only inhale!"

"Normal people know that after inhaling, they must exhale!"

"I'm not human!"

"Wow, this reason is very reasonable, I lost!"

"Hmph! This is Elf's big victory!"

Seeing the interaction between Lin Qiong and Elf, Feite couldn't help showing a faint smile, and Elf, who saw her smile, hugged Feite excitedly, and murmured: "Great! Feite, you smiled, that's great!"

Feite held Elf's hand and said softly, "I'm sorry, Elf, for making you worry."

Elf hugged Feite with tears in his eyes, and yelled, "Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo Tete!"

Looking at this scene, Lin Qiong couldn't help showing a gratified expression - that's right!Hmm, it’s not in vain that I’m acting stupid and bickering with Elf to make you happy!

Hey, I’m so Asasi!



Because under the negotiation of the eldest lady, the Sky City took over all of Precia's property, so in the following time, the sixteen guardians and dozens of maids were under the command of the secretary, and they worked quickly The things in the Garden of Time were emptied.


Lin Qiong sat in the gazebo, touched his chin and looked at Elf who was leading the way not far away, and couldn't help but said to Feite who was sitting next to Yoyo: "I said Fete, what is Elf's opinion of Pu Lei? How much hatred does Xi Ya have?"

The eldest lady added from the side: "To be honest, without Elf as the leading party, it would take at least twice as long to evacuate Shizhi's courtyard."

Feite lowered his head in embarrassment, and said, "Well, well, Elf doesn't like m... Precia very much."

She originally wanted to call her mother, but when she thought of Precia's attitude towards her just now, her eyes darkened and she silently changed her tune.

"Although I'm a failure in her mind—" Fate comforted himself: "However, I can be used to exchange for Alicia's resurrection, and I can be considered to have played a role, right? '

Looking at Feite who was a little lost again, Lin Qiong and the eldest lady glanced helplessly, then shook their heads—no way, the psychological shadow caused by Precia to Feite is too great, it is not easy Repaired, takes a long time to heal.


Lin Qiong thought of something and said to Feit: "Feit, do you want to be like Elf and deliberately hang out in front of Precia?"

Ever since Lin Qiong learned that Precia's rank was lower than her own, Elf would deliberately pass by Precia whenever she found an opportunity, and then squinted at her. She snorted, "Why, don't you know how to call someone?"

Then she would be satisfied to see Precia with a dark face, saying word by word: "I have met Mr. Elf!"

At this time, the silly dog ​​Elf would happily wag his tail, and then walk past Precia with a laugh of "Oh Ho Ho Ho Ho Ho Ho Ho Ho Ho Ho Ho Ho Ho Ho Ho Ho".

Hearing Lin Qiong's completely unreliable suggestion, Fei Te hurriedly shook his head and said, "No, no need!"

She really couldn't imagine the picture of herself deliberately walking in front of Precia, and then letting the other party call her Mrs. Fett - she felt uncomfortable just by imagining it.

Seeing Fei Te's appearance, Lin Qiong and the eldest lady looked at each other, and they couldn't help but smiled at each other, and said, "Then let's not go there—well, do you still want some snacks?"

"No, no need—" Fate waved her hands with a red face, and she said softly, "I, I'm not hungry."

This is a lie.

Who doesn't have the idea of ​​making another serving of Peach Butter after trying it for the first time!It's just that Feite's young mind feels this way at this time-if she behaves too greedy, Lin Qiong and the young lady may have a bad impression of her.

and so--

Mouth: I’m not hungry

Stomach: you fart


As if in protest, Fate's stomach growled, as if shouting "I want dessert".


Feite covered his stomach in panic, and then blushed and said, "This, this is... ah!"

Only halfway through her words, she let out a lovely exclamation all over her body - the little girl covered her waist on the right side, and at the same time looked in the direction of being attacked, and found that Lin Qiong was squatting at some point Beside her, and kept poking her side waist with his fingers, he said, "Mum, Feite-chan, you know? Feite Belly-sang is protesting!"

"Eh?" Feite blinked his eyes and said blankly: "The belly-sang refers to...ah!"

As if the scene had reappeared, Feite shuddered again, and then made a lovely voice again—this time, she covered her left waist, and looked to the left, and found that the eldest lady didn't know anything At that time, he was squatting beside her, and kept poking her side with his fingers, jokingly said, "My stomach is saying, I want to eat dessert, I really want to eat dessert—"


Fit's face turned red and he screamed, "I, I didn't..."

"Cuckoo -" x2

Lin Qiong and the eldest lady imitated the sound of Fei Te's stomach screaming at the same time, and what's more coincidentally, Fei Te's stomach actually just let out a "cuckoo" frog cry—as if being yelled by Lin Qiong and the eldest lady. It was as if the voice had been called out.


"Ha ha ha ha--"

Lin Qiong's loud laughter and Feite's mournful cry resounded in the yard at the same time, causing Elf who was not far away to snicker: "That's great, Feite!The new owner is a good person~'

Chapter 0286 Unlike Me, I Only Love Giegie

The next day, the city in the sky.

Fit's bedroom.

"Fate, Fate—"

"Wake up—"

'who is it--'

'Who is calling me——'

Feite, who fell asleep very late because of too many thoughts last night, opened her eyes with difficulty. When the vision of her eyes gradually became clear, the ceiling with the Cangjingui pattern came into her sight.


Feite stared blankly at the ceiling, at this moment, a voice that was once deep in her memory came from her right side: "Feite! What are you doing in a daze? Get up quickly, and have breakfast after washing up oh-"

'This voice is...'

Fate turned his head, looked at the cat-eared girl who was wearing a maid outfit and put her hands on her belly, and called out the other person's name in a daze: "Lynice?"

"It's me—"

"Is it really Lyonis?"

"This conversation seems to have happened last night."

"Because, I still have an unreal feeling." Feite sat up from the bed with support under her body. She lowered her head and looked at her palms, then clenched her fists hard and said, "There is a It feels like I’m in a dream.”

Reinice raised her right leg and knelt on Feite's bed. After eating, she held Feite in her arms with open arms, and said softly: "Feite, this is true——under the power of the young master Now, I am resurrected; with the help of Lord Feng Wang, the collapse of my body stopped."


"Yeah, true."

"Yeah, it's true—"

Feite slightly turned his head and leaned his head against Reinis' arms, then raised his left hand, gently grabbed the clothes on Reinis's chest, and said in a low voice: "Really resurrected, too OK, great..."

'Crying again—'

Reinis stroked Feite's long hair distressedly, thinking: 'After I died, how much pain did Feite suffer? '




"I'm sorry, master, miss—"

After Lainis took Feite's hand and walked into the dining room, she said apologetically to the people who were already enjoying breakfast at the dining table, "Maybe it's because Feite didn't sleep well last night. It was late, so I couldn't get up in the morning."

"Did you sleep late?"

The eldest lady raised her head, looked worriedly at Feite, who was holding Reynis's hand, and looked a little uneasy, and asked with concern: "Is it because you are not feeling well? Or do you feel a little uncomfortable?"

"No, it's not—"

Fit lowered his head and said with some embarrassment: "It just feels a little unreal, so I tossed and turned and couldn't sleep."

"Eh? Is there any?"

Elf widened her eyes, and said with an incredulous expression: "Obviously I fell asleep all of a sudden!"

Everyone present could not help but have a common thought: 'Because you are a stupid dog——'

"Okay, okay, it should be fine when Feite gets used to it—since you're up, let's sit down and eat."

Lin Qiong waved his hand: "Erina's craftsmanship is the best in the world!"

The eldest lady patted Lin Qiong with a smile on her face: "Come on! You obviously lost to Master A Xing not long ago."

Lin Qiong looked indifferent: "So what if Ah Xing wins? Isn't he still single?"

The secretary complained: "Master, Master Ah Xing obviously has a girlfriend like Zhou Meili, okay?"

Lin Qiong clicked his tongue: "Fuck, how old is he and he already has a girlfriend? This is puppy love, puppy love - Feite, you can't imitate him!"

Feite: "Huh? Ah, I, I see—"

Sitting in a chair, Fate, who was still somewhat reserved, was full of question marks—puppy love?What puppy love?Eh?Um?Eh?

"Hey hey, Feite, try to find someone—"

At this time, Elf came up to her with a smile, then put a sesame fried bun in front of Fit's mouth and said seriously: "This is so delicious! I ate three of them." Ten are not enough - I left this for you especially!"

Feite thought to himself: "It's specially reserved for me, why is there a gap on it..."

The know-it-all cat who was lying on the table and licking the bowl of Moo Moo milk raised his head and complained: "Stupid dog, do you want to see what nonsense you are talking about? This is obviously when you are having a good time eating, Suddenly saw Feite walking in, and then realized that maybe I should leave some food for Feite to show that I still miss her, so I took the half-bitten bun out of yours with great perseverance. Keep it in the dog's mouth, right?"

Lin Qiong: Okay, what a sharp complaint!

Elf's shy tail froze, she stood up grinning her teeth, and said, "You, you, what are you talking about! You stinky cat! Me, me, I've always missed Feite exist!"

Know-it-all Maomao sneered and said, "Obviously Feite was tossing and turning in bed until early in the morning and couldn't sleep, but someone who claims to be thinking about Feite ended up snoring while sleeping?"


Elf groaned, then lay down on the table, covered her face with her hands pitifully, and said to Feite: "Yes, I'm sorry, Feite, I, I'm so useless!"

Feite comforted: "It's okay."

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