So Elf got angry again.

She glanced at Know-It-All Cat and said, "Humph, silly cat! Fite said it's okay!"

The know-it-all cat stretched out its pink tongue and licked its lips, and then said contemptuously: "She's just used to it. What are you so proud of? What are you barking at?"


Elf let out another cry of grief, then fell pale on the table, unable to get up again.

Feite opened his mouth, and then looked at Lin Qiong as if asking for help—she didn't understand why Elf and the know-it-all cat would quarrel.

"The reason is very simple, because the enemy of cats is dogs -" Lin Qiong made a joke, but looking at Feite's confused explanation, he could only continue to explain: "Well, actually it was because he came to the restaurant in the morning When I was there, Elf saw me grooming the cat, so..."


"Bahaha, a pet cat is a pet cat, do you even need someone to help you groom it?"

"What do you want to say?"

"Look at my hair, it's so smooth and shiny, it's all the result of my own hard work!"

"So there's no one to bathe you, and no one to brush your hair?"

"You, what do you mean?"

"Woooooh, Lin Qiong! Elf is so scary, if she finds out, you bathe me with fragrant shampoo, dry my hair with a hair dryer, and comb my hair with a comb, won't she be angry? She is so scary, unlike me, she only loves giegie~"


"...In short, this is probably a struggle between a pet cat and a pet dog."

Lin Qiong summed it up and said, "It's not some nasty vicious quarrel, just let them quarrel."

"That's good."

Feite heaved a sigh of relief, then glanced at the fried buns on his mouth, and opened his small mouth to take a bite under Elf's expectant eyes.


After the pan fried buns entered, Feite's eyes widened immediately, she subconsciously covered her mouth with her hands, and then quickly chewed the food in her mouth.

A few seconds later, the pan fried bun was swallowed, and Fei Te said, "Really, it's delicious!"

"Right right!"

Seeing that the food he recommended was well received by Feite, Elf wagged her tail happily and said, "This is not the most delicious form! If you dip it in this sauce, it will be even more delicious. Doubling growth!"

"Then I'll try—"

Under Elf's impatient eyes, Feite dipped a fried bun into a little red sauce, and then took a bite—suddenly, a brand new taste surged to the tip of her tongue, and she couldn't help showing a happy expression. expression.

Seeing this scene, the eldest lady showed a proud expression towards Lin Qiong, and Lin Qiong didn't hesitate to give her his thumb, and said to her: "Erina, you are amazing!"

The eldest lady bent her eyes and said to Feite, "Feite, do you like sweet or salty?"


Feite thought for a while and whispered, "I like sweeter food."

The eldest lady nodded with a smile, and said to Linis: "Linis, help Fei Te get a basket of sesame fried buns, as well as a sweet tofu nao and two pieces of bean curd."

Linis bowed slightly and said, "I understand, miss."

After finishing speaking, Linis bent down and whispered in Feite's ear: "Feite-chan, please look forward to the breakfast later! It's absolutely delicious——"

Feite nodded obediently and said, "I understand."

Soon, Linis put the breakfast in front of Feite, and said softly, "Please take it slowly."

"Suck it-"

Elf on the side looked at the fried buns and bean curds in front of Feite, couldn't help sucking his saliva, then raised his hand, and said to Linis: "Senior Linis, give me another one! "

Lin Qiong covered his face and said, "Alf, you eat so much, aren't you afraid of ruining your stomach?"

"Hmph, it's okay!" Elf said proudly with her hands on her hips, "Although I'm weak and stupid, I'm really good at eating!"

Know-it-all Mao Mao raised her head and looked at her speechlessly: "So what is there to be proud of?"

"You don't want to be short! You stupid cat who has to be fed!"

"Oh, why do you have the courage to call others stupid?"

"Huh? What's your opinion!"

"My IQ is at least a thousand times, ten thousand times higher than yours! Where did you get the confidence to laugh at me?"

"Then my IQ is minus ten! Wahahahaha!"


Lin Qiong glanced at the stunned, know-it-all Mao Mao who stayed in place, and couldn't help but cover his mouth and look away—bad, bad, good, I really want to laugh, but I have to hold back, I have to hold back... …

If you laugh at this time, you will definitely, absolutely, definitely be scratched by the know-it-all cat a million times! ! !

Chapter 0287 Task: Play with Geng Gui

Know-it-all Maomao's expression at this time can be described as mourning for a concubine. She stood blankly on the table and looked at the table in front of her with disbelief.

I, the top gourmet devil in the gourmet world!

I am the one who has mastered all the knowledge about the food world!

Me, the one who can throw the Milky Way like a Frisbee!

At this moment, in this place, he was killed by a dog—and a stupid dog at that! ?

I was counter-killed! ?

"Puff puff--"

Although Lin Qiong tried very hard to hold back the laughter, the expression of the know-it-all cat with a confused face at this moment is really funny-mainly because usually, the know-it-all cat has a look of "everything in the world" It's all under my control" expression, but it turned out to be overturned by Elf - so he couldn't hold back in the end and laughed.


The know-it-all cat arched its back, and then "scared" and made a threatening voice: "Stupid host, you just laughed! You laughed!"

Lin Qiong quickly raised his hands and rubbed his face, saying with a sullen face: "I'm reporting to Know-It-All Cat, I'm not smiling!"


"More real than real gold!"

"Then you swear!"

"I swear, the Chinese will not lie to the Chinese!"

"First, I'm a food fiend in the food world, not Chinese at all; second, my current avatar is a Maine Coon, not an American cat! So you're fooling me, right?"

"Cough, no!"

"Then you read after me!"

"you say--"

"If I just laughed at Miss Know-It-All--"

"If I just laughed at Miss Know-It-All--"

"Just let me have mouth ulcers for the rest of my life—"

"Let me... I'm sorry I laughed at you just now!"

Lin Qiong apologized without hesitation.

How do you think this is impossible?Is this a mouth ulcer?And it's a lifetime of oral ulcers, huh?This degree of curse is too terrifying!

He is truly a know-it-all cat!

"Hey hey hey, sure enough—"

The know-it-all cat pounced on Lin Qiong angrily, and then slapped Lin Qiong's face with its own meat pad, shouting, "Stupid host, stupid host, egg host!"

"I can still understand idiots and idiots, what the hell are eggs!"

"That duck egg!"

"It's even weirder."

"Well, ostrich eggs!"

"So you can't get along with Dan, right?"

"Hmph, then call me Baldy!"

"Hey, my hair is very thick!"

"Be careful, after I let King Phoenix peck out the roots of your hair, I will scratch the top of your head with my cat claws!"

"What kind of bald attack duo is this, you guys are devils!"


The know-it-all Mao Mao bowed his back and stretched lazily, then raised his head in a high spirited manner, and said, "How about it, do you know the power of our combination of Mao and Feng?"


As if to increase his persuasion, King Phoenix unexpectedly gave up the beans on the plate, flapped his wings and landed on the head of the know-it-all cat, and chirped, "You know the power of our combination of Phoenix and Cat!"


A question mark appeared in Lin Qiong's head.

He pointed at Mao Mao: "Cat Feng?"

Then he pointed at the Phoenix King: "Phoenix cat?"

Lin Qiong asked with a strange face: "So, what is the name of your group?"

Know-it-all Maomao said without hesitation: "Do you even need to ask? Of course it's Mao Feng!"

Feng Wang flapped his wings and shouted: "You fart! It's obviously Feng Mao!"

"Cat first—"

"The phoenix is ​​in front—"



Then the combination fell apart.

'Are you children quarreling? '

Lin Qiong covered his forehead with a speechless face, looked at the back of the know-it-all cat and cat jumping off the table, and asked, "Isn't it because you lost in a quarrel that you are going to slip away?"

"What a psycho! I'm obviously going to find Precia and empty out the knowledge in her head -" the know-it-all Maomao turned his head and glanced at Lin Qiong, and said angrily: "Otherwise, how can I help Feite optimize her?" Magic and the core of the magic weapon?"

"Oh oh oh-"

Lin Qiong bent down, stretched out his hands and lifted the know-it-all cat and cat, and said with surprise: "As expected of the know-it-all cat and cat! It's so reliable!"



"Then you read loudly after me -"


"This phoenix king is inferior! It's useless to eat and drink mixed with food! It's more reliable and useful to know everything -"


"Say it!"

Lin Qiong opened his mouth, then turned his head, looked at Feng Wang who was squatting on the edge of the table, curled up slightly, staring at him, and said, "Feng Wang, can I ask, what are you going to do?"

"Gathering strength."

"I can see that you are accumulating energy. What I want to ask is, what are you accumulating energy for?"

"Waiting for you to say that."

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