"What if I said it?"

"Ultimate Impact!"

"Grass (a plant)!"

Lin Qiong did not hesitate to block the know-it-all Maomao in front of him and said, "Please, it was Maomao who said this, not me!"

"You are an accomplice!"

"No way! Don't involve me in your cat and bird war!"


The know-it-all cat made a cut, then struggled to jump out of Lin Qiong's hand, and said, "Let's go find Precia, stupid host!"

Seeing the "X" shaped swallow of Know-It-All Cat gradually moving away, King Feng immediately flapped his wings and flew to Lin Qiong's shoulder, then blinked and said, "This should be considered our victory, right? Right!" "

"Mmmm, yes yes."

Lin Qiong stretched out his hand and touched the down on King Feng's chest, and said, "By the way, neither Feng Mao nor Cat Feng sounds good, right?"

"This is not a question of whether it sounds good or not!" King Feng said confidently: "This is a question of whose name is in front. This is dignity!"

"For those who don't know, I thought you were pinching me." Lin Qiong stretched, and then said to the eldest lady: "Erina, are you going to go to the Food World for further training today?"


The eldest lady clenched her hands into fists and said with a serious face: "My God's Tongue has been cured, and I no longer need to worry about the sequelae, so now I can practice my cooking skills with peace of mind!"

"Oh! You're really motivated!" Lin Qiong gave a thumbs up to the eldest lady, then summoned the world-transmitting gate, and said, "Then work hard! I look forward to Erina cooking more delicious dishes!"

"Wrap it on me!"

The eldest lady patted herself on the chest, then seemed to remember something, covered her mouth with her hands, snickered, and said: "Speaking of which, Alu seemed to have said yesterday that he captured something very extraordinary. Oh—Qiong, you can look forward to today's dinner!"

"Wow! It's not good to tantalize your appetite!" Lin Qiong widened his eyes and said, "Just tell me what it is!"

"Da baa da baa~"

The eldest lady smiled, put her hands behind her back, and said: "The sense of anticipation will make the food more delicious——"

"But it's too much to look forward to a whole day!"

Lin Qiong opened the door helplessly, and said, "Erina has also learned it badly! Who did you learn it from?"

"Ha ha--"

The secretary squinted at Lin Qiong, raised his heels and followed the eldest lady into the gourmet world, then bowed slightly to Lin Qiong, and quickly closed the door.


Lin Qiong pointed at himself with a puzzled expression, and said, "Why do I feel what the secretary is implying just now?"

"That, that—"

At this time, Feite, who was holding a plate in his little hands, cautiously came to Lin Qiong's side, then timidly tugged at the hem of his clothes and said, "Master, do you have any tasks for me?"


Lin Qiong looked at Feite beside him and said, "Feite, the task you mentioned refers to..."

"Hunting monsters, collecting rare materials, etc." Feite lowered his head with a sad face, and said, "No, but my strength is not strong enough, and I can't compare with the guardians..."

Feite knew very well that when all her attacks hit the shield of the guardian named "Luo", it was like a mighty wind blowing on the giant rock. She couldn't even stop the opponent - and then she Luo, who was rushed in front of him, was knocked over with his shield without any expression on his face.

"I, I will work hard to become stronger!"

Holding the plate, Feite solemnly swore, "For the sake of the young master..."

"okay, I get it!"

Lin Qiong reached out and patted Fett's head, and said, "Then, your task today is to play with Geng Gui and Feng Suogou!"


Feite, who originally thought he would receive the task of "hunting a certain monster", suddenly blinked with a dull look on his face.


The next moment, the little purple fat man opened his hands, emerged from the shadow like a gymnast landing on the ground, landed firmly on the ground, and showed a proud smile.

"Her name is Geng Gui—"

Lin Qiong pinched Geng Gui's soft body, and said, "I have a naughty personality and like to play—it's just that I don't have much time to play with her recently because I have to teach students, so I leave the job of playing with her to is you!"

"Would you like to play with me?"

Fett asked stammeringly.

"Then, there's the Wind Speed ​​Dog——"

Lin Qiong smiled and put the poke ball containing the wind speed dog on Feite's vacant hand, then stretched out his thumb and index finger, squeezed a fried bun from Feite's plate like a villain and threw it into his mouth Li, said: "Your mission today, ahhhhhh, is to have a good time with the two of them, understand?"

"I, I know!"

Feite nodded nervously. She looked at Geng Gui who was waving towards her and stammered: "Geng, Sir Geng Gui, I'm asking for your advice today!"


Geng Gui tilted his head and looked at Feite in distress.

As the trainer said, he is a worrying child!

But no problem, let Ben Geng Gui take you to have a good time!

Chapter 0288 Forget it, it's all right.

After breakfast.

"That, that—"

Fei Te curiously glanced at Geng Gui who was swaggering in the corridor beside him, and said, "Master Geng Gui, what are we going to do next?"

"Talk and talk!"

Gengar stopped, then waved his hands and said to Fite: Oh, don't call me 'Sir'!I don’t like this title——

"Uh...yes, I'm sorry, Mr. Geng Gui, I don't understand your words..."

Feite showed a shameful expression, she lowered her head, and looked like she was always being bullied - stand up, Feite, you clearly... in the animation...

Well, it's always accepted in animation.

That's fine.

At this moment, Elf, who turned into an orange-red puppy and lay on the head of the wind speed dog, opened her mouth and said in a childish voice: "Fite Feite, what she means is, Just let you call her Geng Gui! No need to add 'adult', she doesn't like such a title."

"Eh? Can Elf understand what Geng Gui said...?"

"Well, I don't know why, but I understand it anyway!"

"It's amazing, I can't even understand it!"

"Hehe, I can help Feite anyway!"

"Elf has always been helping me—"

Feite gently stroked Elf's hair, and then said to Geng Gui who was watching her with an aunt's smile: "Well, if you don't like the name 'Master Geng Gui', I can call you 'Geng Gui'." Sister'?"


Gengar transformed into Matt Terrier, and raised his thumbs up valiantly, and his teeth flashed with white light.

"Sister Geng Gui, what are we going to do next?"

Fetter asked a question again.


With his hands on his hips, Geng Gui said as a matter of course.

Elf said: "Of course you have a good time - that's what she said."


Feite nodded obediently. She clenched her fist nervously and said, "Although, although I don't know how Sister Geng Gui will play, but, I will try my best to accompany you!"


Geng Gui waved his hand cheerfully: Elbow, come with me!Children just want to play video games, you know?Let me tell you, this video game is very healthy!




Lin Qiong withdrew his gaze subtly, then raised his hand and rubbed the bridge of his nose.

"what happened?"

Feng Wang looked at Lin Qiong worriedly, and asked with concern: "Are you going to die suddenly? Before you die, can you give me the chicken legs for the night?"


Lin Qiong glared at Feng Wang, who couldn't spit out ivory from his bird's beak, and said, "Do you believe I will send you to Erlang at night?"

"Fuck, how much hatred?"

Feng Wang said cursingly: "Have you forgotten, during the training period between you and Ah Jian, who fed you up with shit and urine?"

Lin Qiong was silent for a few seconds, and said, "I'm looking forward to it now. After you return to the elf world, you talk to the alpaca like this, and then he smashes all the hair on the tail bald with the sanctions stone."

"Just kidding, who do you think I am? I'm the Phoenix King—" Feng Wang spread his wings and said vigorously, "I'm very good at judging the situation! I won't be so skinny when facing alpaca brother!"

"it is good."

Lin Qiong nodded his head with satisfaction, then tapped the phone screen a few times and said, "I got something good."

Feng Wang came over, looked at the screen and said: "What? Whose picture is it again? Is it the Red File? Or is it Fang Shen? Or is it the fringe punk Cyberwalker?"


Lin Qiong showed a doting smile towards Feng Wang, then gently stroked the fluff on her chest with his hands, and then said with Feng Wang's expression narrowed in comfort: "It was you who just called Arceus Brother Alpaca recording - I'll play it to Arceus when I get a chance."


Phoenix King, who was snoozing comfortably one second, was so frightened that he turned into a creature on the set of Tom and Jerry the next.

"Lin Qiong, I always thought we were the best brothers——"

"we are not."

"Wait until I finish speaking!"

"Okay, you say."

"I've always felt that we are the best... Fuck, I can't go on!"

Feng Wang angrily pecked at Lin Qiong's earlobe with his bird's beak, and said, "Can you fucking be a human being? If you really want to broadcast this recording, the God of Life will have to be replaced, do you know that?"

"Who would it be, Xerneas? Or Mew?"

"Is this what you should care about?"


"Isn't the end of the old lady what you should be concerned about?"

"Woooooooooo, Feng Wangjiang, you died so badly!"


Feng Wang became anxious, she kicked Lin Qiong's face twice with her bird's claws, and said, "Your conscience is the same as Abe's, it's gone!!"

"You can't say that, haven't I told alpaca sauce yet?"

Lin Qiong raised his eyebrows, put the phone away, and said with a smile on his face: "Jie Jie, Feng Wang Jiang, don't you want Arceus to hear this recording?"


Feng Wang let out a mournful cry, then threw himself on Lin Qiong's shoulder, choking and saying: "It's over, it's over! My life will be gloomy from now on, and the sun will never rise again. I will be shrouded in your claws, You asked me to do this or that!"


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