Lin Qiong showed a disgusted expression, and said: "If you are a beautiful girl, I can understand that you have such worries, but you are a bird—tell me, what kind of things do I ask you to do? "

Feng Wang said straightforwardly: "For example, forcing me to produce holy ash for you in a small workshop—"

Lin Qiong showed a stunned expression, and then said with admiration: "As expected of the Phoenix King, you actually sent me the content that can threaten you personally—Jie Jie, Feng Wang, if you don't want to be heard by Arceus For this recording, just obediently produce holy ash for me!"


King Feng uttered a mournful cry, then limply lay on Lin Qiong's shoulder, and yelled, "I, I'm being manipulated, yip—"

"Tsk, you're a weirdo too, aren't you?"

Lin Qiong clicked twice, then put his hands behind his back, and said, "Go to the morning exercise first, and then go to see the progress of the know-it-all Maomao's research—"



Garden of Time.

Along with a burst of transmitted light, Lin Qiong's figure appeared in the Garden of Time.


The next moment, accompanied by a cheerful voice, a blond figure threw himself into Lin Qiong's arms: "Wow, Lin Qiongni sauce, you are here!"

"Oh, Alicia!"

Lin Qiong reached out to catch the five-year-old Alicia, then hugged her in his arms, and said with a smile: "Why are you playing in the yard alone? Precia didn't make a few familiars for you ?"


Alicia wrinkled her nose and said, "Mom doesn't have a dollar now, so she can't be a familiar!"

"Ah... yes."

Lin Qiong reacted, then smiled embarrassedly, and said, "It seems that we have confiscated all of Precia's property—sorry, sorry."

"There's no need to apologize!"

Alicia showed a cute and angry expression, and she said, "Brother Lin Qiong, take me to Sky City!"

"Eh? Why did you suddenly make such a request?"

Lin Qiong hugged Alicia and walked towards the courtyard of Time, and said, "You should know, right? Feite is in the Sky City, wouldn't it be strange for you to meet her?"

"Hmm, yes, it's a bit strange, but, but—" Alicia pouted, showing an unhappy expression, and said, "But obviously, Fett-chan is so obedient, so cute, and so obedient But my mother did such an excessive thing to her——I don't want to forgive her!"

"Ahaha, this..."

Lin Qiong showed a somewhat gloating expression. I'm afraid Precia has never thought that Alicia's soul has been lingering beside Feit and witnessed every move she made to Feit, so she was angry. Maybe?

Self-indulgence belongs to yes!

"It seems that she still has a long way to go to get Alicia to forgive herself—" Lin Qiong said to Alicia in a mood of watching a good show: "Do you want to be with Feite? play together?"


Alicia nodded her head, and said seriously: "I want to compensate Fei Te instead of my mother, and be a good sister!"

"That's it, well, it's not impossible -"

Lin Qiong thought for a while, then showed an expectant expression, and said, "Speaking of which, I remember that Alicia has no talent for magic, right?"

"Well... yes."

Alicia lowered her head a little dejectedly, and said, "On the contrary, Fei Te inherited her mother's talent—he's not reconciled!"

"Then, brother here has a non-dangerous experiment, do you want to participate?"

Lin Qiong smiled, and said in a bewitching tone: "If it succeeds, Alicia can learn magic!"


Alicia's eyes lit up, and she said with great anticipation: "I want to participate, I want to participate! Alicia also wants to learn magic, and I will fight side by side with Feite in the future!"

"very good!"

Lin Qiong chuckled and nodded, thinking: "If there is no accident, Naye's side should be the trio of Naye, Suzuka and Alyssa, so Fate's side becomes Fate, Elf and Alyssa." Alicia's trio, also makes sense, right? '

Oh, if that's the case, I need to strengthen Elf~

Things are getting more and more interesting~



When Lin Qiong walked into the laboratory of the Garden of Time with Alicia in his arms, he found that the jack-of-all-trades cat had turned back into a catwoman form, and was sitting in front of the screen with Precia, debugging something on the keyboard.

Lin Qiong walked in and asked, "Miss Wanshitong, what are you doing?"

Miss Know-it-all glanced at Lin Qiong who came in, then rolled her eyes full of coquettishness, and snorted: "You don't know how to read it yourself? You are adjusting the magic model stored in the core of the Thunder Light Tomahawk— —Pressie is too good, these spell models are so rough that cats can't bear to look at them!"

Precia couldn't help clenching her fists, pulling the corners of her eyes——

First of all, I am not a good person. From the classification point of view, I belong to the S-class magician, even if I am in...

Forget it, I am a mage who was dealt with by a big force.

never mind.

Chapter 0289 I'm not Lolicon!


Lin Qiong came to the screen curiously, looked at the modeling of the spell model on the projection screen, showed a painful expression, and said, "Wow, it's very complicated just by looking at it—hey, Lightning War Axe, do you think the new model works well?"


The golden core flickered slightly, and a mat synthesis sound came out of it: "After simulation calculations, even the optimization of the original version has successfully increased the magic power utilization rate by 40.00%, and the magic power intensity has also increased by 30.00% six."

"Oh, isn't this amazing—"

Lin Qiong sighed, and exaggeratedly said: "As expected of the almighty Lafite Ameng, it's really amazing!"

With a faint smile on the corner of Ms. Passionate's mouth, she said: "It's not so much that I'm too great, it's better to say that Plessy Asia Pacific is incompetent—the spell model she created for the Thunder Light Tomahawk was mixed with private goods, although the power It is stronger than the normal model, but the stability is too poor, and it is still an old product from 20 years ago... Tsk, it is really incompetent."


Precia on the side clenched her fists — okay, okay, I know you are awesome, so while showing yourself that you are awesome, you also want to step on me, right?is that so?

So hot!

But what made Precia furious the most was that she was completely unable to refute——

Miss Know-it-all handed over a document indifferently, and said, "You said you are not incompetent? Well, this is the revision of the first version that I made in 5 minutes after looking at your spell model. I will give you half Hours to study it, and then you tell me, why I made such a modification, what is its significance, can it be done?"

Precia sneered, then took it over confidently, sat on the table next to her, and said, "Although my strength is only an S-rank mage, I am a top-notch researcher! Don't underestimate me. I'm sick, brat—"

Just like that, half an hour later, Precia sat back in front of Miss Passionate and said, "I'm sorry, I'm a waste!"

What can she do?She is also desperate.


Lin Qiong glanced at Alicia in his arms, and found that the little girl was not angry at all because her mother was said to be incompetent, so she couldn't help sighing in her heart, "It's really a mother's kindness and filial piety", and then turned to the know-it-all The lady asked: "Speaking of which, I'm going to let Alicia practice Yuanli, what do you think?"


Hearing this sentence, before Miss Know-it-All could react, Precia stood up in shock, and said excitedly: "No, no! I will never allow you to be in Alicia's It is absolutely not allowed to conduct human experiments on the body!"

"sit down--"

Miss Know-It-All glared at Precia, and then said with a speechless expression: "You haven't even figured out what happened, what are you getting excited about? Human experimentation? Heh, the source force cultivation method I created, why? Could it be something so low-level?"

"Eh? Brother Lin Qiong said that the cultivation method was originally created by Sister Maomao?" Alicia looked at Miss Wanshitong curiously, and said, "Sister Maomao, thank you! Let Alicia do it too. Possess magical powers, and then fight with Feite-"

Hearing Alicia's words, Miss Passionate raised her eyebrows, and said, "You seem to completely believe in the fact that the source force cultivation method mentioned by Qiongkou can allow you to cultivate magic power?"

If you have any doubts, you should ask her to verify the authenticity of Lin Qiong's statement, right?

Alicia said embarrassingly: "Because, Brother Lin Qiong and Sister Maomao can even do things like resurrect me, so it's not incredible for me to cultivate magic power... right? ?”

"Very good answer, I like it—" A smile appeared on the corner of Miss Know-It-All's mouth, she glanced at Precia next to her, and said: "In this regard, you are much smarter than your mother—— Not only is she incompetent and ignorant, but she also likes to speculate on others with her narrow vision, which is ridiculous!"


Precia showed a humiliated expression, but she couldn't refute at all in the face of the ridicule from Miss Passionate.


Alicia makes the same, troubled sound - she's mad at her mother for what she did to Fate, but she's also really happy that her mother was being put down like this stand up.

After seeing Alicia's distress, Lin Qiong said, "If there is no accident, Suzuka and Alisa on Naye's side should become her teammates, so Feite also needs to strengthen it. .”

"Fate and Alicia?"

"And Elf, the total is exactly three to three."

"You seem to have forgotten the existence of a certain ferret, so it's still four against three—Fett's side is still at a disadvantage."


Lin Qiong immediately showed a distressed expression, and said, "This is such a headache! Where can I find another teammate for Feite?"

"Hahaha, you need to worry about it yourself." The know-it-all cat showed a gloating expression, and she said, "Who made you so greedy and want everything?"


Lin Qiong sat on the sofa helplessly, then put Alicia beside him, and said distressedly, "Oh, I really can't squeeze it."

Alicia raised her head and asked curiously, "Brother Lin wants me to form a team with Feite and compete with others?"

"Almost so."

Lin Qiong nodded, and said with a smile: "It's not a vicious competition! Well, after all, both parties should be considered my disciples—it's better to understand it as a competition with the school's thought!"

It's like taking a test in school!

"Well, I see!"

Alicia nodded seriously, then clenched her fists and cheered herself up: "Then I have to work hard, and I can't let Feite lose to others!"


Lin Qiong couldn't help sighing, the children's competition is also very strong!but……

"However, if we do this, do we still have to prepare some equipment for them?"

Lin Qiong said with some distress: "Suzuka, Alisa, and Alicia—at least three magic tools must be prepared!"

Hearing Lin Qiong's words, Miss Wanshitong glanced at him angrily, and said, "Yes, yes, yes! My lord! Thanks to you, you still know that you need to prepare magic tools for them?"

"Eh? Eh?"

Lin Qiong made a troubled voice, and asked: "Why did I hear a deep resentment from Miss Passenger's voice? It's as if I bought a necklace for Xiao San outside, but Xiao San thought it was too dirty, so I brought it back. Give it to the original partner, and the original partner is very happy to cry like a scumbag?"

Miss Wanshitong showed a surprised expression, and she said, "Although it's not very accurate, it's the same thing—I didn't expect you to be very self-aware!"


"Can you make magic tools?"

"Uh, no."

"Then do you know how to build magical spell models?"

"Uh, no."

"Then do you know how to program magic devices?"

"Well, no."

"You see, you can't answer the question! So in the end, I will do all the work—" Miss Wanshitong looked at Lin Qiong angrily, and said, "You old man only needs to open and close your lips. I'm going to work overtime here until I die!"

"Wow!" Lin Qiong let out a wailing cry, he looked at Miss Wanshitong with a distressed expression, and said, "Miss Wanshitong said such a thing, which made me feel very guilty——Damn it, what can I do to help? A place? Anything is fine!"

"Is anything ok?"


"Well, what should I ask you to do?" Miss Wanshitong thought for a moment and said, "I always feel that I have to give you a good command before I am willing to do it!"

"Hey, is it really okay for you to say these things directly in front of my face?"

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