"You can't refuse anyway, right? This will relieve your anger-"

"Your answer is too wicked."

"Thank you for the compliment."

"Really, who did Miss Know-it-All learn to become such a villain?" Lin Qiong sighed, then looked at Alicia beside him worriedly, and said, "Don't learn from Alicia. Miss Know-It-All? You must become a kind little angel in the future!"

"Hmm, I'll try my best!"

Alicia clenched her small fists and said seriously.

Miss Know-It-All clicked her tongue twice, and then said to Precia: "Pay attention, he seems to be planning to attack Alicia—Madam, you don't want your daughter to be private with others when she is only five years old." Set for life, right?"

"Eh, eh? Private, private for life?"

Alicia widened her eyes, then covered her face shyly, and said, "This, this kind of thing, daba, daba daba, daba—"

Precia's reaction was even more exaggerated, her eyes were bloodshot - Lin Qiong was a little worried that Precia's eyes would suddenly shed blood and tears, and then shouted "Amatras" .

"It's not a good thing to say—"

Lin Qiong stepped forward, grabbed Miss Know-It-All's soft face, pulled it to the sides, and said, "I have a girlfriend? Besides, Alicia is only five years old." ! How many beasts are there to attack a five-year-old child?"

"Naozu Tsuchida."

"Ah, Hanamaru Kindergarten."

"Nine-headed Dragon Bayi."

"Hey, Lolicon Dragon King."

"Subaru Hasegawa?"

"Hiss, the creator of famous quotes!"

"Look, you already have so many inmates?"

"No! I'm a serious person——"

Miss Know-It-All looked at Alicia with a smile on her face, and said: "Alicia sauce, if he tempts you with cakes or magic device cores, and says he wants to be with you forever , be careful!"

Alicia covered her mouth with a smile, and responded, "Hmm! I see!"

Seeing the two people singing along and Priscilla's increasingly piercing eyes, Lin Qiong couldn't help shouting: "I told you, I'm not a lolicon!!"

Chapter 0290 Is this complimenting me?


Lin Qiong put Miss Wanshitong, who had turned back into a cat form, on his lap, then stroked her soft hair, and said, "Miss Wanshitong, you almost killed me, huh?"

"Isn't that nice?"

Miss Know-it-all raised her tail, and said in a teasing tone: "Why don't you just put aside your worldly prejudices and bravely become a top harem king who can hunt from five to five billion years old, how?"

Lin Qiong pondered for a few seconds, and said, "Why did the upper limit reach 50 billion? Is it because I'm worried that I guessed Miss Wisdom's age?"

"No Road Race——" Mao Mao's meat pad slapped Lin Qiong's face, "I said it all, even if it's me, I still have the restraint of a girl, right?"


Lin Qiong blinked innocently and said, "Okay, a girl's reserve... um..."

"what the hell--"

Know-it-all Maomao puffed up his mouth and said in a reproachful tone: "Such a disapproving tone - the stupid host doesn't understand the heart of a girl at all!"

Lin Qiong shrugged his shoulders and said, "I'm really sorry for not understanding the girl's heart at all!"

"No way, who made me a tolerant cat?"

Know-it-all cats and cats bent their eyes and said: "By the way, the seed of the holy stone will soon land on this world. If you want the Naye camp to compete with the Feite camp, start now." I collected materials for making magic tools for Alisa, Suzuka, and Alicia—"

"Ah, it seems to be right—" Lin Qiong looked at the ceiling and murmured, "Isn't it less than two months when you're done with everything?"

The time when Lin Qiong entered this world was about half a year before the plot began.

After coming to this world, Lin Qiong and others spent about three and a half months collecting a large number of books on magic on various planets, and let the know-it-all cat and cat invent the cat-style magic.

After that, Lin Qiong went to Haiming City and lived there for about half a month. Then he successfully infiltrated the Takamachi family through Kyoya's brother and taught them the source of power cultivation.

Finally, Nanoha discovered the "abnormality" in her home a few days later, and then formed a girl detective team with Suzuka and Alisa.

The know-it-all cat licked its paws, meowed and said, "By the way, the materials for magic tools are quite difficult to collect!"

"Wow, don't put the cruel facts in front of me before I start taking action——"

Lin Qiong held his head in his hands and let out a mournful cry, saying, "It will dampen my enthusiasm."

"Don't worry."

The know-it-all cat patted Lin Qiong's shoulder with his cat's paw, and said, "We will heal you with the meat pad!"

Lin Qiong covered his face: "Then I really am, thank you—"



In the afternoon, the Castle in the Sky.

"Fit-chan, I came to play with you——"

Under the leadership of Lin Qiong, Alicia ran into the room, and then saw Fite sitting on the sofa, playing in pairs with Gengar.


Looking at his nominal sister, who was also his "prototype", Feite didn't know what kind of expression to show - was it resistance?Or disgusted?Or close?

'I don't understand, I feel so complicated. '

Fate curled up on the sofa, his ten toes curled up with some unease, and looked at Alicia standing in front of him with vigilant and timid eyes.

'How should I call her...'

'Call my sister directly?Will it be regarded as a relationship or something? '

'Calling Alicia?Wouldn't it be too rude--"

'Ugh, what should I do? '

Just as Feite's eyes gradually became confused, Lin Qiong patted her on the head lightly, and said, "Alicia is different from Precia, and she has no malice toward you at all."


As if to increase her persuasion, Aicilia stretched out her hands and grabbed Fit's hand, and said seriously: "Fit-chan! In fact, after you were born, my soul has always been with you. ——”

"Me, my side?"

"So, for everything my mom does, I..."

"No, no need-"

Hearing Feite's refusal, Alicia, who was about to bow and apologize, couldn't help but looked up in astonishment, then she seemed to think of something, and said with a wry smile: "Yes, that's right! Those things my mother did are indeed not A word or two of apology will suffice..."


Once again, Feite interrupted Alicia's speech.

"I, I mean, it's not Alicia who did those things, so Alicia doesn't need to apologize."

Fit was a very, very clumsy, but kind-hearted child. Even if Precia herself treated her in this way, she didn't feel much resentment, let alone the unknowing Alicia herself.

"And, moreover, if Alicia knew about it, she would definitely stop her, right?"

"Of course!"

Alicia nodded, she held Feit's hand, and said with a guilty look on her face: "I don't want that kind of resurrection method that puts pain on other people."

"So, Alicia doesn't have to apologize."

Feite reached out and grabbed Alicia's hand, and said softly: "It's better to say, without Alicia, I would not have been born in this world."


At this time, Lin Qiong on the side hammered his hand and said: "So, Alicia is both Fit's sister and Fit's mother? Precia is both Fit's mother and Fit's grandmother ?”

"Eh? Eh?"

Lin Qiong's words immediately confused Feite and Alicia.

The two little lolita sat there with question marks on their faces for a long time, and finally gave up and continued to struggle with this issue.

"Also, please call me sister Alicia!"

Alicia grabbed Feite's hand and said seriously.

"Eh? But, but -"

Fit showed a hesitant expression.

This hesitation made Alicia very sad, and she asked in despair: "Feit, aren't you willing?"

Feite felt a little guilty, she looked away and whispered: "It's just, it's just..."

"It's just because Alicia's body is smaller than Fit's, right?" Lin Qiong supported the back of the sofa with both hands and said with a smile: "So Fit feels like he is calling someone younger than him his sister, which is a bit awkward. .”


Feite nodded hastily, then cast a grateful look at Lin Qiong, and said, "From the outside, Alicia looks more like a younger sister."


Alicia showed a panicked and uneasy expression, and she said hurriedly: "That's right, that's not true! I'm the elder sister, right? I was born first, right?"

"But Alicia is only five years old now, right?" Lin Qiong suppressed a smile and said, fearing that the world would be in chaos, "And Feite is already nine years old this year!"

"Hey! This algorithm is too cunning!" Alicia showed a tearless expression, and she said unwillingly: "If I hadn't died, this year would have been...already...well... ..."

Alicia counted on her fingers and said, "It must be bigger than Fit-chan anyway!"

"That's for sure!" Lin Qiong nodded, and he said seriously: "According to the information we collected, Precia gave birth to Alicia when she was 28 years old, and now she is 59 years old. ”

Alicia: "Huh?"

Lin Qiong continued: "To put it into perspective, if Alicia had not died, she would be a 31-year-old aunt now - hmm, she seems to be older than me!"

Alicia's face changed drastically: "Eh??"

Lin Qiong crossed his arms, then looked at Fit and said, "Fit is only nine years old, right? You can call Alicia Obasan——"

"It's just talent, don't want it!"

Alicia hurriedly waved her hands and said with tears in her eyes: "Human, I am not an aunt! No!"

"Ha ha ha ha--"

Lin Qiong smiled happily at that time, do girls really care about their age?

"Gu Ya Ya, Brother Lin Qiong is evil-"

Alicia also reacted at this time, and then looked at Lin Qiong angrily.

It's just that this level of cute glaring can't do any harm to Lin Qiong's face. On the contrary, it's because of being too cute that Lin Qiong feels that he is cute.

"This is a return gift—"

Lin Qiong winked at Alicia triumphantly, and said, "Did you forget? You were in the Garden of Time, but you and Ms. Know everything are teasing me!"

"Ah, this, this -"

Alicia suddenly showed a guilty expression. She showed an embarrassed expression and said, "Hey, hey, I'm sorry, Brother Lin Qiong~"

"Gu! You, you are so skillful at using coquettishness - you are such an incredible lolita!"

After receiving the compliment, Alicia suddenly showed a proud expression. This outgoing and lively look made Feit on the side suddenly show an expression of envy and sadness - no wonder Precia thought she was "defective." "Quality", with a character like hers, there's no way she can compare with Alicia, right?

"I'm kidding——" x2

Just when Fit was feeling sorry for herself, two pulling forces suddenly came from her face. The slight pain suddenly made her wake up. Then she innocently looked at Lin Qiong and Alicia who were pulling her face, and supported her. He hesitated and asked: "You, what are you doing?"

Lin Qiong: "Fate-chan must have been thinking just now, compared with Alicia, I'm really no good at all—or something like that?"

Alicia: "Fett-chan, it's wrong to think that way! I am me, and Fett is Fett!"

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