Lin Qiong: "Alicia has her cuteness, and Feite also has her own cuteness!"

Alicia: "That's right! At least I can't exude the aura of 'Come and bully me' or 'It's fun to bully me' like Fit!"

Lin Qiong: "You're so right! Who can resist bullying such a cute boss?"

Alicia: "I can't!"

Fit: "Are you complimenting me?"

Chapter 0291 two miscellaneous fish!

"What nonsense are you talking about, Fett, of course we're praising you!"

"Yes, yes, Feite-chan is so cute, of course I am complimenting you!"

Lin Qiong and Alicia easily ignored Fei Te with each other... I mean, they were appeased.

"Yes, is it?"

Feite glanced at the two dubiously, and then whispered: "Anyway, anyway, Alicia...uh...sister...sister and brother Lin Qiong came to see me, what's the matter?"


Alicia immediately showed an overjoyed expression after hearing Feit call her sister.

In Fate's panicked cry of "Wow——", she flew into Fate's arms, put her arms around her neck, and let out a naive laugh of "Hey, hey——" and said: " Feite sauce is my good sister! Remember it! You can't change it in your life!"

"oh oh!"

Feite blinked in confusion, and then looked at Lin Qiong with pleading eyes.

Lin Qiong gave her a thumbs up and said, "Isn't this great? Having a sister who loves me is something that many people can't ask for? And you have Alicia protecting you If not, Precia won't be able to be a demon anymore, right?"


Hearing the name mentioned by Lin Qiong, Alicia suddenly showed a troubled expression. She stood up straight and said to Fit, "Well, Fit, listen to me -"


Fit nodded, then looked at Alicia seriously.

"Although what my mother did was indeed very excessive——"

Alicia lowered her head and said with a disappointed face: "But from my point of view, I really have no position to blame her—although I don't think what my mother did was right."

Indeed, everyone in this world is qualified to accuse Precia, but Alicia is not qualified-because no matter how many wrong things Precia has done, her only purpose is to revive Alicia.

Feite didn't speak, but looked at Alicia quietly, waiting for her to speak the next half of the sentence.

"But no matter what, it is an indisputable fact that my mother did something wrong that hurt Fitt a lot!" Alicia took a deep breath, bent down to Fitt, and said: " So, if Feit can’t swallow this breath, please beat me!”

"Huh?" Feite widened his eyes in surprise.

"Whether you slap me, hit me with your fists, or kick me -" Alicia kept bending over and said loudly: "If you still don't feel relieved after doing all this, use It’s okay to hang me up with chains and then whip me with a whip!”

There is no doubt that these "punishments" Alicia mentioned were all things Precia had done to Fit.

"Sister Alicia..."

Fate stretched out his hand and tried to help Alicia up, but Alicia stubbornly kept bending over.After trying a few times, Feite gave up on continuing to compete with her, but said softly: "The things she did to me in the past have nothing to do with my sister, so I don't need my sister to apologize for her."

"It's because of me—"

"But you don't know, and there's nothing you can do to stop it!"

"But that doesn't mean I can shirk my responsibility—"

"You have no responsibility at all!"

"No—" Yi

"that is--"

Lin Qiong helplessly stretched out his hand, pushed the two of them apart on the sofa, and then said: "Stop, stop, stop! Don't make any noise!"

Looking at the two little ones that had calmed down, Lin Qiong put his hands on his hips, and said confidently, "Whether it's Alicia or Feite, they are both good children, so don't quarrel, understand?"

"I, I didn't want to fight—"

Feite lowered his head weakly, and whispered, "It's just that this matter really has nothing to do with Sister Alicia, does it?"

Alicia puffed up her mouth and said, "Say these words again! I'm the direct beneficiary? How could it have nothing to do with me—"


With a helpless expression, Lin Qiong pressed the heads of the two little guys with his hands, and said, "That's the end of this matter--really, why do you have to be entangled in such trivial matters!"

"This is no small matter!"

"That's it!"

"Brother Lin really doesn't understand the heart of a girl!"

"That's it!"

"Ah? All of a sudden, they started to denounce me together?"

"Because, brother Lin is obviously wrong!"

"That's it!"

"It's just a small thing—"

Lin Qiong put his hands on his hips and said confidently.

"Alicia, if you were arguing for victory and Feite punched you, what are you going to say?"

"Huh? Well, after Fate's pissed off, want her to be my friend—"

"Fate, don't you want to be friends with her if you don't punch her?"

"No, no!"

"So look——" Lin Qiong looked at Alicia and said, "I just said that the content of your argument is meaningless? So a child is a child—"


Alicia looked at Lin Qiong angrily and said, "I feel so unwilling to be looked down upon by Brother Lin like this!"

Feite also nodded slightly, and said, "Me, I too—"

"Huo Huo, are you not reconciled?"

There was a mocking smile on the corner of Lin Qiong's mouth. He put his hands on his hips and said confidently: "Want to take revenge? Then I'll give you a chance—"


As Alicia and Feit watched, Lin Qiong gave Gengar a thumbs up and said, "Geng, take out 'that'!"


Gengar saluted Lin Qiong, and then as if diving into the water, he got into the shadow of Lin Qiong, leaving Fite and Alicia looking at each other.

What exactly is "that"?


"Ah—Brother Lin Qiong is almost at the end! Feite, it's up to you—"

"give it to me--"

Feite calmly pressed the button, and as the spiked tortoise shell flew out, Lin Qiong's go-kart, which was running No.


The next moment, with Alicia's cheers, her kart crossed the finish line first - without saying a word, the little girl threw the handle into the sky, and then threw herself into Fit's arms with a happy face, Said: "Ada thief! Fit-chan, we are the champions!"


Feite's face was also flushed with excitement, and she couldn't help showing a smile when she saw the "WIN!!" prompt on her screen.

"Hey Hey hey--"

Lin Qiong caught the handle that Alicia threw away just now with his right hand, and said with a dumbfounded face: "People who don't know see this paragraph and think you are the big winner? Please, can you see the total score? LK&GG Team: The score of the A&F team is 12:1?"

In other words, in thirteen games, Alicia and Feite only won once.

"Hmph, brother Lin, I think you don't understand at all!"

Alicia put her hands on her hips, made a "humming" sound, and said: "This victory is the horn called counterattack that Fate and I sounded - starting from the next round, we will not lose once. And super god!"

Feite clenched his fists aside, then looked at Alicia who made a handsome declaration with sparkling eyes, nodded and said, "Hmm! Alicia is right!"

Because she has a general personality, Feite thinks Alicia is handsome at this time.

'It's broken, the concubine won't step into the group of immoral sisters, will she?Could it be that Yetian Attacking King will be with Naye? '

Lin Qiong blinked his glasses, and then wished he could slap himself—Lin Qiong, Lin Qiong, what are you thinking?Your gamer dignity was provoked by a five-year-old kid, huh?You still have the mind to think about CP? ? ?

"The car overturns you!"

Lin Qiong said to Geng Gui with a ferocious face: "Geng Gui! Let these two little ghosts see the fetters accumulated by our mega evolution and gigantic transformation!"


Geng Gui also showed a serious expression. She nodded towards Lin Qiong, then sat on the sofa with a domineering look, staring at the screen motionlessly.

The aura emanating from her body immediately made Feit and Alicia look serious and dignified.The two little ones looked at each other, and then nodded in unison.

"Go all out, Feite!"

"I know, Alicia!"



"Thief hahaha!"

Lin Qiong sat on the sofa, tilted his head, laughed like a villain with a villain expression, and said: "The final score is 23:1. You two idiots are 2 years too early to fight me. Woolen cloth!"

"But, damn—"

Alicia lay on the sofa, hammering the cushion under her body unwillingly, and said, "I'm not reconciled! I'm so unwilling! I almost won several times, but, but..."

But it was still a short move, and it was turned into victory by the hole card left by either Lin Qiong or Geng Gui-this feeling is like after you took out the king bomb, the other party glanced at you and took out the dark Like the Archmage.

Big deal, bro!

"Aren't you reconciled?"

Lin Qiong smiled and said, "If you are not willing, you can challenge us again—as long as you have time, you can challenge us again at any time!"

"Brother Lin, just wait—"

Alicia snorted twice, then reached out and grabbed Fett's little hand, and said seriously: "Fett! We must win next time!"

Feite, who was extremely unwilling to lose after losing all morning, nodded gently and said, "Let's work hard together!"

Seeing the two cubs whose relationship was getting closer all of a sudden, Lin Qiong couldn't help showing a gratified smile, and then nodded his head in satisfaction——

Sure enough, it is the easiest way to bring two people closer together quickly, to create a common enemy that they have to cooperate with to meet the enemy!

You see, didn't the relationship between the two get better all of a sudden?

Sister group, great!

Chapter 0292 I like watching women fight

After lunch.


Alicia lay on the sofa with a painful expression, pillowed on Feite's thigh, and said with a whimper: "Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo.

Lin Qiong, who was sitting on the single sofa with his legs crossed, stroking the fairy Ibrahimovic on his thigh, looked at Alicia who was moaning speechlessly, and complained: "Although I understand that you have just been resurrected, how many times do you want to die?" I haven't eaten delicious food in the past year, but you are exaggerating too much, aren't you afraid of breaking your stomach?"


Alicia cried and said, "Brother Lin, shouldn't I say this before I'm full?"

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