"It's so funny, I won't teach you a lesson, will you remember?"

Lin Qiong laughed, he looked at Alicia with a malicious face, and said, "Not only did I not remind you, I even want to poke your stomach now."


Alicia let out a short exclamation, and she said in disbelief: "Brother Lin, are you really human?"

Are you Elf?

Politeness: Are you Elf?

"I'm not the kind of parent who dotes on children? Sometimes, if you don't let your child suffer, he doesn't know how bad it is—" Lin Qiong propped up his side face, and said calmly: "I once celebrated the New Year When I went back to my hometown, I saw where my sister’s child was shaking the bedside table, and I watched him shake it without saying a word—the cabinet was shaken by him as expected, and then hit him, and he howled for more than ten minutes.”


"From then on, the unlucky child never shook the bedside table again, because he knew that if he shook the thing, it would fall over, hit him if it fell, and hurt himself if it hit him." Lin Qiong waved his hand and said calmly: "By the way, before that, the little brat's parents had stopped him from shaking the bedside table several times, but it didn't work!"

Alicia understood Lin Qiong's meaning, but she pursed her mouth aggrievedly, and said, "But it's not that I don't listen to persuasion! Brother Lin, you told me that if I eat too much, I will have a stomachache, so why don't I just stop eating?" ?”

I am a good boy.

"Are you making trouble?"

Lin Qiong glanced at her sideways and said, "Your stomach will hurt if you eat too much. Do you still need me to teach you? I think you just can't control your mouth?"


Alicia, sunk.



After resting for half an hour, Lin Qiong used magic power to help Alicia get rid of her stomach, so that she would not lie on the sofa and whine like a pregnant woman.


The little guy followed behind Feite, looking at Lin Qiong angrily.

"Thank you for the compliment."

Lin Qiong smiled, he reached out and rubbed Alicia's head, and said, "I'm going to train with you later, are you nervous?"

"I'm not nervous!"

Alicia put her hands on her hips, and said with her head held high, "Brother Lin should be the one who is nervous—if Alicia can't develop magic power, no matter how you think it's because of Brother Lin's poor teaching!"

"Nani? Are you still taking the blame like this?" Lin Qiong was taken aback. He looked at Alicia who was snickering, and said suspiciously: "You little rascal, you can't learn it on purpose, and then let me Take the blame?"

"I won't!"

Alicia looked at Lin Qiong angrily and said, "Although I really want Brother Lin to take the blame, Alicia wants to fight side by side with Fit!"

Lin Qiong smiled "Hey" and said, "Then you have to work hard! Let me explain in advance that Naye's talent is more terrifying than Feite."

"Eh? Better than Feite?"

Alicia's eyes widened, then she held Fit's hand unwillingly and said, "Fit, you have to work hard! Don't lose to that Nanoha!"

Feite nodded helplessly and said, "Well, I will work hard."

"You little guy—"

Lin Qiong knocked on Alicia's head smoothly, and said, "Don't just let Feite work hard, you have to work hard yourself."


Alicia covered her head, then looked at Lin Qiong angrily, and said, "Brother Lin, I won't hold Fate back! Just watch it—"



Soon, the afternoon training time came, and the tyrant and the favorite concubine also achieved the achievement of meeting for the first time on this timeline.

However, with Lin Qiong's unremitting efforts (撺) efforts, the two sides seemed to emit a lot of gunpowder the moment they met.

"Hmph, are you Naye?" Alicia crossed her arms, looked at Naye aggressively, and said in a childish voice, "Remember, Fei Te is brother Lin Qiong's favorite. disciple!"

Naye still had a question mark on her face and didn't express her opinion, but Alisa took the lead in blowing up.

"What did you say!?" Aojiao came to Alicia angrily, and said, "Don't think that I don't know as much as you when you are young-no matter what you think, our Naiye is more popular. Bar?"

"Huh? My Feite is now a AAA level magician, and he has several years of practical experience. What a trouble-free disciple?" Alicia said with a proud look on her face: "In comparison, What does Nanoha know in your mouth? Can she bombard magic? Can she block magic? Or can she defend against magic?"

"So what if you don't know anything? Do you have to be very good if you have a foundation?" Alisa didn't show any fear of Alicia. Ye's talent is unique in this world! She will definitely be stronger in the future!"


"Nanoye Qiang!"


To be honest, when the two lolitas just started to confront each other, Lin Qiong happily laughed and ate melon seeds beside him, and even wanted to clap his hands a few times, and then shouted "Let's fight, let's fight"!

after all……

Come on, the most interesting thing in this world is women fighting, and the more interesting thing is loli fighting!After all, it's ugly for a woman to cry when she loses a fight, but Lolita is so cute when she cries!

Jie Jie!


Soon, Lin Qiong realized that the topic was gradually getting weird.

"Hmph, what's the use of your Nanoha talent? My Feite is so cute, Brother Lin likes her!"

"Oh, as far as Feite is cute, isn't Naye not cute?"

"Tch! Feit and Brother Lin spent the whole morning playing video games today? Can your Nanoha do it?"

"So, so what? Brother Lin fed Naye a snack with his own hands yesterday!"

"Feite sat on brother Lin's lap!"

"Nanoye was wiped by brother Lin!"

"Fite was touched by Brother Lin!"

"Nanoye was pinched by brother Lin!"

Lin Qiong: "???"

Hmmmm?No, no, no, has this topic of yours gone in some strange direction?If things go on like this, won't labor and management be harmed? ?

Just when Lin Qiong was full of question marks, Feng Wang on his shoulder couldn't help but said: "Look, they can tell at a glance that you are a lolicon."

"You fart!"

Lin Qiong was in a hurry, he held Feng Wang in his hand, and said, "It's reasonable, look at my girlfriend, look at Erina's curvy figure, do you have the nerve to call me a lolicon?"

"As far as I know, she was only 15 years old when you attacked her." Feng Wang was very calm, "15 years old is barely on par with Lolita in terms of age."

"You're a bit too involved here!"

Lin Qiong couldn't help but pinch Feng Wang and said: "You might as well say that my girlfriend is a woman, and lolita are also women, so I am a lolita control -"

"Okay, you admit it."

"What did I admit?"

"You said 'so I'm a lolicon'! You really are—"

"I fucking—"

Lin Qiong almost choked to death without a mouthful of salt soda. He raised the Phoenix King in front of him with a black look on his face and said: "Believe it or not, tonight I will eat the White Phoenix King, the Pickled Pepper Phoenix King Claws and the Sliced ​​Phoenix King." !”

"I don't believe it." Feng Wang said calmly, "You can't break my defense!"

"I'm looking for Erlang."

"Sorry I was wrong."

Do you understand the value of the Phoenix King's instant cowardice?

Lin Qiong tossed Feng Wang, the troublemaker, aside, then stepped forward and pressed Alicia and Alisa's heads with his hands, and said, "Okay, okay! You two little girls are arguing, why are you arguing?" Always talking about Feite and Naye?"


Alicia and Alisa looked at each other.

"I sat on Brother Lin's lap with Feite!"

"Brother Lin touched my head with Naye!"

"Stop, stop! You guys are quarreling, why do you keep arguing with me? This is so bad——"

Lin Qiong, sweating profusely, looked at the two lolita who were carrying the book to 404, and said: "Besides, what's the point of arguing about this? If you want to argue, just use your grades to argue - you understand what I mean? For the next training, how about you two simply be divided into a group? How about we see who completes the day's task first, who learns faster, and who releases the first magic first?"

Alyssa and Alicia looked at each other, and the two lolita said in unison: "Okay!"


Lin Qiong breathed a sigh of relief, then looked at Feite and Naye, and said, "In this case, Naye and Feite should be in a group—among these little guys, the two of you Talent is the highest, so the only ones who can be rivals are each other."

"Is the opponent...?"

Fit glanced at Nanoye, her eyes sparkling with fighting spirit, and she said softly: "Brother Lin, I know, I won't lose to her!"

Naye was not a submissive general, and when she was provoked one after another, she resolutely replied, "Brother Lin, don't worry! Although my start is a bit slower than hers, my progress in learning is certain. Will be faster than her!"

"Okay, then I'll see your performance—"

Lin Qiong saw that the plot was finally developing in the direction he imagined, and immediately showed a satisfied expression.

That's right!

Fight up fight up!

I love watching women fight!

Chapter 0293 Accidental Friendship

Lin Qiong couldn't remember who once said that healthy competition is a good civilization—maybe Zhou Shuren said it.

No, after Lin Qiong divided the five little lolita into the [Naifei Group] and [Aai Ai Group], the little lolita's motivation to train immediately increased.


Wearing a gym suit, Suzuka Tsukimura, who was resting on a chair by the side of the training ground, propped his chin with both hands, and said helplessly: "Am I the only one excluded? I always feel like I have become a Dispensable roles are the same."

"This is indeed a very serious question." Lin Qiong sat down beside Yuemura Suzuka with a serious face, and said, "But you have to understand that there are now five people in your magic class—it's like you go to sports. During the class, I found that the students in the class were in the same odd number, and if they were grouped in pairs, there would definitely be one more student."

Suzuka nodded helplessly, and said, "I understand what you mean, I will wait for the next student."

Lin Qiong shook his head and said, "I didn't mean to say this, I just wanted to tell you that the reason why you are alone is because you were slow to act just now - the adult society is so cruel, if you act slowly If you don’t, you won’t get anything.”


Suzuka looked at Lin Qiong with question marks on her face, and she couldn't help asking: "Teacher, I'm just a girl in the third grade of elementary school. Is it really okay for you to tell me such cruel and profound questions?" ?”

"Do you think I just want to tell you how cruel this world is?" Lin Qiong sighed and said in a deep voice, "You guessed it right, I just want to say these lines."

Tsukimura Suzuka was silent for a few seconds, then said with the corners of his mouth pulled: "Then should I say, thank you for your teaching?"

"You're welcome, this is what I, a teacher, should do—" Lin Qiong waved his hands carelessly, and said, "Actually, your personality is not suitable to be involved in their competition."

"That's true—"

Tsukimura Suzuka curled up his legs, stepped on the edge of the chair with his heels, then raised his toes wrapped in white silk, and muttered: "But this feeling of being excluded is really very subtle. ah."

"It's easy to do."


Tsukimura Suzuka looked at Lin Qiong in confusion, and then found that her teacher stood up, put his hand to his mouth, and shouted to the others: "Hey! Feit, Nanoha, Alisa and Ellie Sia-"

"Just now, Suzuka told me that she thinks you four are too bad—"

"She said she wanted to beat the four of you——"

After saying that, Lin Qiong gave a thumbs up to Tsukimura Suzuka, who had a dull look on his face, and said with a cheerful face like a sunny boy: "How is it? Looking at their eyes, are you excluded at all? The feeling outside is gone?"


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