Tsukimura Suzuka stared blankly at the four people who seemed to be Saragi Kenpachi x4, and then looked at Lin Qiong tremblingly as if Yamada Hanataro was being targeted by Saragi Kenpachi, crying out loud Said in a calm tone: "Teacher, I really thank you!"

"Hahahaha, no thanks!" Lin Qiong laughed and patted his leg, saying, "This is what a teacher like me should do!"

"I don't know why, but I suddenly understand those who killed teachers—"

In Suzuka's heart, a disrespectful thought popped up.



On the fourth day after officially starting to practice magic power.

"Oh oh oh-"

Accompanied by a series of involuntary and surprising cries, a group of small blue magic beads, like ping pong balls, emerged in Alisa's palm.

Looking at this blue magic bead, both Suzuka and Nanoha involuntarily approached Alisa, showing happy expressions,

"That's great, Alisa—"

Naye couldn't help hugging Alisa's shoulders, and said, "You have already taken the first step!"

Suzuka also smiled lightly and said, "Congratulations."

"Thank you, Nanoha, Suzuka!"

Alisa panted slightly, clenched her fists with excitement, and said, "Yada Thief! The next thing is Miss Alisa's world, wahahaha——"

Alicia pursed her lips and said, "It's just that the magic ball was barely condensed! And it's exhausted after only condensing such a small one. What's there to be proud of?"

"Hmph, no matter how small the magic ball is, it is also a magic ball—" Alisa did not look discouraged at all, but was full of confidence, "Brother Lin has said that the most difficult thing to get started is to condense the magic ball." , once the condensation is completed, there will be a broad road ahead!"

"Fit has been able to fire magic cannons for a long time!"

"Isn't it possible for Naye to do it a long time ago? And your Feite one is thicker and bigger!"

"Fate has more magic than Naye!"

"Ouch, could it be that someone hasn't condensed the magic orb yet, so he has to use Feite as a shield?"


"Hahahaha, did I guess it? Oh, ho, ho, ho! Alicia, you lose this time - I'm willing to admit defeat, do you understand?"

"I, I got it!" Alicia said with a face of unwillingness: "All the desserts for the next week will be yours!"

Can it only be said that it is a child's bet?Actually using desserts as... wait a minute, it seems that Master Feng Wang is only at this level?

In other words, did Alicia and Alice make a bet at the level of the King of Phoenix?That's great!




Alicia threw herself on Feite's lap, kicked her legs unwillingly, and said, "Obviously I also condensed the magic beads, but it was half an hour behind her—half an hour!! !"

Thinking of being mocked by Alisa for half an hour, Alicia had the urge to roll on the bed and cry angrily.


Fitt comforted his nominal and actual sister with a look of helplessness, and said: "If you lose to her this time, just win it back next time - being able to condense magic beads is just the most basic introduction. ."


Alicia sat up, clenched her fists, and said with high spirits: "Wait! That nasty Alisa——when I reach the next stage first, I will definitely mock you even more exaggeratedly." !!"

Don't underestimate the resentment of a woman—even if she's only five years old!


at the same time.


Alisa flew onto Naye's body, and then said eagerly: "Hurry up! Share your experience with me!"


Nanoha looked at Alisa with some trouble, and asked, "Well, what do you mean by sharing experience?"

"Of course it's the experience of learning magic!" Alisa had an excited expression on her face, "Nanoha, Suzuka! Have you seen Alicia's expression today? Wahaha, she was completely taken by me. Laughing at the idiot for half an hour, but still can't say a word of rebuttal!"

No matter how Alicia tries to refute Alisa, Alicia will always be reprimanded by Alicia with the sentence "You haven't condensed the magic beads"-it will continue until Alicia angrily condenses the magic beads, and Alicia's ridicule is the most important thing. explain.


Naye recalled Alicia's expression during the afternoon teaching, and couldn't help saying subtly: "Her expression is ugly."

Suzuka looked at Alicia and said, "Alisa, are you asking Nanoha about her experience to...taunt Alicia again?"

"of course!"

Alyssa said confidently: "You have also seen that she condensed the magic beads only half an hour later than me? This means that our progress is actually about the same - if I don't work harder, I will be rejected next time." I'm the one who jumped face and mocked! I can't bear it, absolutely can't bear it!"

Nanoha and Suzuka: "Fortunately, you also know that being ridiculed by jumping faces is unbearable, double standards, right?" '

"So, I must take the lead in mastering the next stage—"

Alyssa stretched out her hands and grabbed Naye's hand, begging: "Nanoye! Kiss Naye, baby Naye, baby Naye, just help me—you don't want to see me being raped by Ellie After Xi Ya exceeded the progress, she was taunted by her but couldn't refute, and finally hid in the bed angrily, crying 'woooooooo' while rolling around, right?"

Tsukimura Suzuka and Takamachi Nanoha looked at each other, and a thought came to their minds at the same time - don't tell me, I really want to see Alyssa hide in bed and cry in anger. of the picture.


The woman's sixth sense made Alisa shiver suddenly. She put her hands on her shoulders, then looked at Naye and Suzuka with vigilance, and said, "I said, don't you want to see me? Does it look like you're crying?"

Nanoha hurriedly waved his hands and explained, "How could it be? Arisa, are Suzuka and I like this?"

Suzuka also nodded, and said seriously: "Alisa, you misunderstood us!"


"More real than real gold!"

"Then you say that Neon people don't lie to Neon people!"

Naye and Suzuka looked at each other, and said in unison: "Neon people don't lie to Neon people!"

So, Alisa ran to tease the dog at home with satisfaction, while Nanoha and Suzuka were lost in thought.

"Hey, Suzuka."


"Alyssa, she should be American, right?"

"This, it should be, right? At least she can only be regarded as half a neon person!"

"Half? That's all right, isn't it?"


So, make friends carelessly!


On the other side, the Garden of Time.

Lin Qiong sat on the sofa, looking worriedly at the list of materials handed over by Miss Wanshitong, and said with a bitter face: "Miss Wanshitong, I have received a large, multi-ring, and super troublesome task to collect materials. Feelings——in other words, can’t the guardians collect them?”

"Yes, yes, but—" Miss Know-It-All who was sitting on the boss chair turned around with a smile, and said, "Don't you want to hand over the magic device core to Alicia, Alisa and Suzuka? Say something to them—is this the magic core that the teacher personally collected materials for you and built, which contains the teacher's love for you——?"

Chapter 0294


Lin Qiong raised his head as if being punched by Miss Wanshitong, and then let out a mournful cry, and said with a bitter face: "I have to say, you are really despicable now, Miss Wanshitong!"

"Oh, is it?" Miss Passionate took a sip of coffee elegantly, she savored the mellow taste of coffee, and then said with a light smile, "Thank you for the compliment, Mr. Big Stupid."

"Give me a second—"

Lin Qiong raised his hand with black lines on his face, and said, "Although the conversation just now seemed very warm at first glance, can I ask Ms. Passenger to explain to me, what is the nickname of Mr. Big Stupid?"

"Oh? Are you dissatisfied with this nickname?"

"Does anyone like this nickname?"

"Well, it makes sense!" Miss Know-It-All put down the coffee cup in her hand and said, "Then, come to the exam--if you pass, I will call you smart in the future, and if you fail, I will call you You idiot!"

Lin Qiong put his hand on his chin and thought for a few seconds, then said, "Is it my illusion? I always feel that there doesn't seem to be much difference whether you are very smart or stupid."

"How could it be?" Miss Wanshitong raised her legs slowly and said, "Think about it carefully, when you were in elementary school, the teachers in all subjects wrote 'this child is very smart' instead of 'this kid is very smart'. Kids are stupid, right? Proof that there's still a difference between being smart and being stupid."

"So that's the case, and there is such a saying...it's strange!"

With a dark face, Lin Qiong stretched out his hands to pinch the soft face of Miss Wanshitong, and said, "My dear Miss Wanshitong, do you think I am a fool who can be easily fooled by you? Do you think I can't tell the difference? What does it mean to be smart?"


Miss Passionate blinked her eyes with a smile, and said, "Well, it seems that Mr. Host's wisdom is beyond my calculations—then I'll call you super smart!"

"Then don't blame me for doing this and that to you!"

"Things like this and that?"

Miss Wanshitong tilted her head, and said in a curious tone: "I'm a little curious, what exactly do you mean by these things?"

"Like putting Miss Know-It-All's Nene on your head!"


"Or use Miss Know-it-all's knee socks as a scarf!"


"Or make tea with Miss Know-it-all's bath water!"


Ms. Know-It-All looked at Lin Qiong, who had her hands on her hips and said "what's the matter, are you scared?", stood up involuntarily, and put her hands into her skirt.

"Wait, wait, what are you going to do!?"

Lin Qiong couldn't help but widen his eyes when he saw Miss Wan Shitong's movements.

"Helm and scarf for you—"

Miss Wanshitong blinked her eyes, and then said with a smile: "As for the water for making tea, I will prepare it for you later."


Lin Qiong's eyes widened at that time, and he said in disbelief: "Wait a minute! My dear Miss Know-It-All, are you spoiling me a bit too much in what you have done?"

To be reasonable, what Lin Qiong said just now, if another female character comes over, the other party probably has already started beating the demon and is ready to hug her tightly!Also have to show why there are such hentai guys in this world - come on, what's wrong with liking girls' knee socks?

"Ah, ah, is this level of doting?"

Miss Know-It-All opened her round eyes in feigned surprise, and even raised her palms to cover her mouth, and said in a very cute way: "I thought I was going to do this or that or that or that to you. , can be considered doting!"


Even Lin Qiong couldn't help taking a deep breath, then rubbed his arms subconsciously, and muttered: "Scary! Miss Wisdom is too scary——Goo, it's a good thing you don't have children, otherwise your children must be Will be spoiled by you?"

"is it?"

Miss Know-It-All put down her hand, then picked up the steaming coffee cup again, took a sip of the mellow coffee, and said, "I don't think so~"

"Exactly, you are ready to satisfy my excessive demands, and you still dare to say that you won't dote on me?" Lin Qiong stood up, then stretched and said: "Oh, okay, okay! I'm going to give it to you. The lovely students are collecting the materials for the magic weapon - it’s time to get busy, see you later, Miss Know-It-All.”

"See you later, Mr. Host—"

Miss Know-It-All looked at Lin Qiong's leaving back with a smile, then blew the coffee in the cup, stared at the ripples on the surface of the coffee with emotionless eyes, and murmured: "But, I didn't lie, my dear Mr. Host ~ I will never lie like you——"

My child will never be spoiled by me like you.



"To get all my love~"

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