"Only you——"




On the other side, Lin Qiong has passed through the transmission device of the Garden of Time and arrived at another new coordinate.

"Let me see……"

Lin Qiong looked at the note in his hand, and murmured: "Well, if it is a task, then it should be the first ring task now, to collect magic crystals that can be used to make the core of the magic guide—tsk, it will be the first time you come up. The most important thing?"

Most of the magic weapon is made of magic metal, but its most basic and important core part must use high-quality magic crystal - by the way, they are all called magic crystal. So it is actually similar to the magic crystal in Sky City.

But you can’t destroy the power core of the Sky City just to make magic devices for a few little girls, right?So I had to go out and collect it myself.

"It's a pity that the quality of man-made magic crystals is below 40. Only wild ones can have good quality above 60..." Lin Qiong muttered while walking in the cold forest: "But at least it is my foundation. If I don’t find a magic crystal with quality above 80, I’ll be embarrassed to take it out!”

However, just like the "gold rush" of the last century, there was also a "crystal rush" that swept the entire universe in the magic cannon world-like the planet where Lin Qiong was located, it had been destroyed by those like him more than 50 years ago. The "crystal diggers" who wanted to get rich overnight were turned upside down.

'If you want high-quality magic crystals now, you must either be the Son of Destiny and be able to discover wild mineral veins, or...' Lin Qiong touched his pocket, feeling a middle-aged man's embarrassment, 'or stay at the auction house, Or you can join a large force and become a core member to have a chance to obtain high-quality magic crystals. '

By the way, although the quality of the magic crystal in the Heart of the Rising Sun is unknown, the quality of the magic crystal used in the Lightning Battle Ax (first generation version), which is comparable to it, is probably around 47.

Um?Why is it the original version, you ask?Don't you forget that Naye and Feite once upgraded the Heart of the Rising Sun and the Lightning Battle Ax after they were defeated by the guardian knights of the Book of Night Sky?

If there is no accident, the two little guys should have obtained the help of the Time and Space Administration for that equipment upgrade, and got two high-quality magic crystals—otherwise, ordinary magic crystals would not be able to withstand Naye and Fei The toss after growing up.


After walking for a few hours on a deserted planet where no one (maybe, but not many) has visited for decades, Lin Qiong sat cross-legged on the head of a saber-toothed tiger with some distress, and asked Said: "Aren't there any more strange places around here?" '


The saber-toothed tiger shook his head aggrievedly.

Can it not be wronged?

It was originally the king at the top of the food chain in this forest, and it is lying on its own territory, happily pulling Papa!

The results of it?This person appeared in front of me out of nowhere, then looked at it, and said: "I thought about it, and I still need a snake to find something—so, little cat, you have been expropriated!"

cat?LOL!Do you know who Lao Tzu is?I am...


The saber-toothed tiger sniffed, then lay down on the ground and let out an unprecedented meow that was lingering, flattering, crooked and annoying - what could he do?He is also very desperate!

Do you want to stop what this demon is saying?what is called-

"Huo, he's actually a male cat?"

"I heard that it is a very sweet thing to give stray cats eggs."

"Why don't you ask me to help you?"

"And such a big tiger penis, if it is used to make wine, it should be pretty good, right?"

"Jie Jie—"

please!Mr. Sabretooth Tiger was so scared that his daddy almost came out, okay?But he relied on his strong will to clamp it, and then made an unprecedented clamping sound that was so sweet that he couldn't help but vomit: "m...meow~~~"

Me, I'm very good, don't karma me!

Then, the saber-toothed tiger became Lin Qiong's temporary mount, leading him around "places he felt suspicious" in the forest.

Unfortunately, nothing was gained.

Lin Qiong looked at the saber-toothed tiger under him, stroked his chin and said, "Is there any place you dare not go near?"


Mr. Saber-toothed Tiger shook his head blankly. It is the king at the top of the food chain in this forest. How could there be places that he dare not approach?

"Hiss, that's strange, why did Ms. Know-it-all ask me to come to this world to look for magic crystals? She's not a random person—" Lin Qiong clasped her hands on her chest, showing a reconciled expression, and asked : "Is there really nothing strange? For example, the sealed pyramid of light, the empire hidden in the shadow, or the world in the mirror?"


Mr. Saber-Toothed Tiger's expression is very subtle, it hesitates to speak, and then wants to speak.

'Are you OK? '

'Are you OK? '

'Are you really okay? '

' all right?If you don’t mind, you can just eat plums—”

Chapter 0295

After hearing what Lin Qiong said, Mr. Saber-toothed Tiger had a strange expression—a look mixed with disgust and contempt.

He didn't dare to complain, otherwise he would have to spit out a slot that could charge Daimao to the level of a Star Destroyer Cannon to relieve the raging emotions in his heart.

But he dared not.

After all, the happiness of Mr. Saber-toothed Tiger's lower body is in the hands of Lin Qiong at this moment, what a cruel reality this is.

So he could only silently take Lin Qiong to a nearby bush that produced plum blossoms, and then motioned to Lin Qiong to eat the plum blossoms here if there was nothing wrong. The sweet and sour plums were particularly delicious.

"It tastes good."

Lin Qiong, who didn't know Mr. Saber-toothed Tiger's sinister intentions, picked a few plums, then raised his head and looked at the sky, biting the plums, and said vaguely: "So, why did Miss Passenger let me come here? ? It’s unlikely that a grandpa carrying a heavy treasure is passing by the sky above this planet in a spaceship, and then the spaceship fails and makes an emergency landing..."

Lin Qiong's voice stopped, and he stared dumbfounded at the flash of fire that appeared in his sight, and the spaceship that made an emergency landing like a meteor, and couldn't help giving the saber-toothed tiger a big punch.

"Does it hurt?"


"Crying in pain? Hey, it doesn't look like a dream?"

"Tuigui, is my mouth consecrated?"

Lin Qiong touched his chin in a daze, then looked at the saber-toothed tiger under him, and said, "Change it for me!"


"Forget it, you're a male, it's useless if you change."


"Oh, you hammer, hurry up and chase after it!"

Lin Qiong raised his hand and gave the saber-toothed tiger another blow, then pointed at the falling spaceship in the sky and said, "Catch up! If it falls to the ground faster than you chase it, you will be beaten!"


The next moment, Mr. Saber-Toothed Tiger showed the potential hidden deep in his blood, and rushed out at a speed faster than predation.

While running, someone's voice flashed through his mind——

"In your whole life, have you ever worked hard for something?"

"Yes, my waist—"



Perhaps, one day in the future, Mr. Saber-toothed Tiger will show off to his descendants with a proud face and say: "Do you know? Grandpa was very powerful back then-I am a tiger that chased meteors!"

"Awesome, indeed the saber-toothed tiger in the wizarding world—"

Lin Qiong reached out and patted the head of the already tired saber-toothed tiger, then looked at the spaceship burning with flames and emitting black smoke under the cliff, and said, "Could it be that this spaceship is the purpose of Miss Know-It-All? What exactly is it pretending to be?"

While Lin Qiong was talking to himself, the cabin of the spaceship was suddenly kicked open, and a figure in a cloak jumped out in embarrassment, and then hurriedly flew towards the distance.

Lin Qiong looked at the blond young lady who got into the woods, couldn't help showing a strange expression, and muttered: "Why did he appear here?"


Amidst the sound of the spaceship exploding, Lin Qiong jumped off the cliff, and then landed silently on the tree trunk, tracking the panting "victim" Yuno Skleia who was running wildly in the forest.


The blond-haired boy who escaped from the wrecked spaceship is the protagonist in the animation of the Magic Cannon Girl Nanoha—although his sense of existence is comparable to that of Akalin—but the problem is that his spaceship should theoretically It was an accident near the earth that caused him to land in Haiming City along with the ancient legacy "Seed of the Holy Stone" on the spaceship.




Yuno leaned against the tree trunk out of breath, holding his head with both hands with a broken face, and screamed: "This, what should I do now!! Why did I encounter such a thing!?"

It turned out that at the moment when the spaceship crashed, Yuno lost his balance due to the vibration of the spaceship, hit the cabinet with his head and fell into a short coma!When he woke up in a daze, he heard an alarm that caused his heart to arrest on the spaceship's radio——

"There are 17 seconds left before the spacecraft explodes—"


Terrified, Yuno grabbed the box containing the seeds of the holy stone and the magic device core on the table and rushed to the door of the spaceship, then kicked open the hatch of the spaceship, and rushed out like hell.

What now?

Safety is safe, but Yuno recalled it and realized that he seemed, like, probably, maybe, he didn't have time to send the distress signal before the spaceship exploded.

'Western Malaysia...'

Yuno fell to his knees on the ground as if he had lost hope, and then said with tears streaming down his face: "Am I going to live the life of Mr. Robinson? Then, where is my Friday?"

As an archaeologist, Yuno is very aware that the planet he is on was once a planet that has been abandoned for decades after the "Crystal Fever" - if it were not for transporting something as dangerous as the Holy Stone Seed, He would not deliberately choose such a remote route that no one usually passes.


"I never thought that the spaceship would crash near this planet..." Yuno was in a bad mood. He knelt down on the ground, staring at the ground with straight eyes, and murmured: "According to what I know You know, no spaceship has passed this channel for more than ten years! Could it be that I am going to die here alone with the Seed of the Holy Stone??"

Such a picture even appeared in Yuno's mind——

A female orangutan in a maid uniform is snuggling in his arms with a happy face, and beside him, there are several young orangutans running happily.

"Yamiro ah ah—"

Yuno felt that his San value was facing an unprecedented crisis, he hit the ground twice with his forehead desperately, to stop himself from that horrible fantasy.

no!Can't go on like this anymore!

"Try to save yourself—"

Yuno wiped the dirt on his forehead, and then said firmly: "I will definitely find a way! If you give up here, everything will be over!"

He would never, never marry a female orangutan as his wife!Even if the female orangutan is covered in red hair, named Shaliya, and the voice actress is Hanazawa Coriander...

Wait, in this case, it seems that it is not impossible...

no!Can't be shaken, absolutely can't be shaken!



Lin Qiong squatted on the tree branch, looked at Yuno under his feet, and couldn't help showing a subtle expression, muttering: "Speaking of which, Miss Passall did all of this, right?"

Why did Miss Know-it-all specially arrange for Lin Qiong to search for the magic crystal on this desolate and exhausted planet?

Why did Yuno, who was supposed to die near the Earth, die near this planet?

No matter how you think about it, you can't simply use the word "coincidence" to sum it up, right? ?

"Then the question is, is there anything in Yuno that Ms. Know-it-all needs? Thinking about my (original) purpose of coming out this time...there is probably only one answer, right?"

Lin Qiong couldn't help but raised his hand and rubbed the bridge of his nose, then pulled the corners of his mouth, and said, "My dear Miss Know-It-All, you are so fucking daring to think!!"

You actually want to use the seed of the holy stone as the core of the magic tool for those little guys! ?

"I don't know what to say, but I'm blown away—"

Lin Qiong rubbed his head and said: "Although the seed of the holy stone is an ancient heritage, it has a very powerful power in itself, and it is a high-quality magic crystal, and we also have ways to deal with it, but... "

Shit, but I seem to have almost convinced myself? ?

"If I remember correctly, there seem to be 21 holy stone seeds?"

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