"Based on this calculation, even if you upgrade all the equipment of the four knights of the Book of Night Sky, there are still leftovers!?"

"Fuck! Knights of the Seed of the Holy Stone? This is too cool, isn't it?"

Thinking of this, Lin Qiong couldn't help but stand up, and then appeared in front of Yuno with a smile on his face, and said, "Little brother, I'm sorry—to rob!"



Garden of Time.

"I am back--"

Yuno, who was bound by one hundred and eight binding spells, was thrown on the sofa by Lin Qiong, and then the box containing the Holy Stone Seed was roughly thrown on the table by Lin Qiong with Yuno's frightened expression. .

"Host, welcome back."

Miss Know-It-All kicked her legs lightly, and the pulley under the boss chair immediately carried her to the edge of the table, "Is this the ancient heritage of this world, the seed of the powerful holy stone?"

"It should be this right."

Lin Qiong sat on the chair next to him, then patted the box in front of him, and said, "This kid should have sealed the top——I'm not familiar with this, so I didn't mess around with it."

"Leave this little thing to me~"

Miss Wanshitong raised her right hand with a smile and said, "We are very good!"


Yuno, whose hands, feet, joints and mouth were sealed, couldn't help but sneer.

Although his combat level is only a pitiful A-level, what he is best at is not combat, but sealing magic—in order to protect the holy stone seed, he has exhausted all his life's knowledge and applied various methods to this box. Various seals.

'Want to crack it?In less than half a month, you don't even have a clue...'

"nailed it."

Following Miss Know-It-All's voice, the box in front of her was easily opened with Yuno's eyes almost popping out of her head.

'I, what I have learned all my life...'

Yuno felt tears slipping from the corners of his eyes, 'What have I learned all my life?Let alone half a month, I haven’t troubled the other party for even half a minute! ! '


Not interesting.

Destroy it quickly.

Chapter 0296 Don't Slap Your Face

Just as the little ferret Yuno was feeling sorry for herself, Miss Passionate stretched out her hand leisurely, and took out a holy stone seed from the opened box.

"How to say?"

Lin Qiong also touched a seed of the holy stone, and then put it on the table, using two fingers to simulate the athlete's legs, and played the tabletop game of "playing football". Nuo was terrified.

'You you you you, what are you doing!That is the seed of the holy stone, the seed of the holy stone! !It's a super super dangerous ancient heritage! '

Yunuo swore that if he was not sealed at this time and could move freely, he would jump up from the sofa and kick Lin Qiong's leather swallow hard with the toe of his leather boot!

"Essentially, this thing is a very high-quality magic crystal—"

Miss Passionate raised the Holy Stone Seed in her hand to the light, then closed one eye to observe it, and said, "It's just that its quality is too high, causing the internal magic power to be activated for a long time, and it becomes It's... um... something like a wishing machine."

"Can it be resolved?"

"Who do you think I am?"

"You're Drought Jack! Pull the boat over!"

"Come on, climb on, I'm not the boat king——"

Miss Wanshitong waved her hands in disgust. She put the Holy Stone Seed in her hand and the Holy Stone Seed that Lin Qiong took out to play with back into the box, and said, "I'll just deal with it a little bit."

"Speaking of which, is the quality of the Holy Stone Seed higher, or Violet's core quality?"

"We know what you're thinking~ I'll upgrade her by the way."

"As expected of Miss Know-It-All, she is extremely reliable—"

"Oh, we can be sure! If you just arrived on that planet, you will definitely call us unreliable from the bottom of your heart—"

"How could it be? I'm not that kind of person!"


"More real than real gold!"

"Let's just barely trust you—"

Miss Know-It-All smiled, she put her eyes on the limited edition of Yuno Caterpillar, and said, "By the way, why did you bring him back?"

"His spaceship exploded into a ball of sparks -" Lin Qiong looked at Yuno helplessly and said, "If I snatched the seed of the Holy Stone and threw him somewhere, I doubt this kid would commit suicide in despair."

One of the driving forces that supports Yuno's survival may be the "sense of responsibility" to protect the Holy Stone Seed - I dug it out, so I must take good care of it.

"I see--"

Miss Passenger nodded suddenly, she stretched out her right hand with a smile, nodded Yuno with her index finger, and said, "He seems to have something to say."

"Bang bang bang-"

All the seals on Yuno's body were destroyed in just a few seconds, and he himself quickly jumped up from the sofa, and said emotionally: "Who are you guys!? Don't you know that the seed of the holy stone Are you in danger? Did you destroy my spaceship? How on earth did you know my whereabouts!? You broke the law, you know?"


Lin Qiong couldn't help but plug his ears with his fingers, and then said helplessly, "Little brother, boy, calm down! You're asking questions like a machine gun, how can we give you an answer?"


After being silent for a few seconds, Yuno threw himself on the table, picked up the box containing the holy stone seeds, and ran out of the laboratory quickly, full of excitement.

You got it, Yada thief!


Lin Qiong looked at Yuno's retreating back with a dumbfounded expression, then placed the ten sacred stone seeds in his hand on the table and said, "What is he excited about?"

"This, who knows?"

Miss Wanshitong put the eleven holy stone seeds in her hand on the table with an innocent face, then took out a pink magic device core from her arms, and said: "When he finds out that all his treasures are gone, If he disappears, he will come back by himself."


Lin Qiong nodded his head, then sat on the chair happily and said, "Should we upgrade the Heart of the Rising Sun and the Lightning Battle Ax first?"

"it is good--"

Miss Know everything, will not refuse Lin Qiong.




Holding the box in his arms, Yuno leaned against the corner of the corridor of the Garden of Time, panting, and then carefully watched the movement around him.

'Strange, why didn't you follow me? '

Yuno glanced behind him, full of doubts in his heart-in his opinion, he snatched the seed of the holy stone, and the other party had to chase him to find out what he meant?

The results of it?

Don't you make me look stupid if you don't care about me at all?

"La la la - la la la -"

At this moment, a burst of cheerful humming came from the depths of the corridor. Yuno looked over and found that it was a juvenile loli, and he couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

'Wait, wait! '

Suddenly, a dark idea came into Yuno's mind.

'Is it just a five year old girl?If I take out lollipops and flowers to propose to her at this time, there is a high probability...'

'Pooh!It's not this kind of thing! '

'Is it just a five year old girl?She shouldn't have any fighting ability, so if I kidnap her...'

'No no no!How can I do such a thing?She is innocent! '

Yuno, who was holding the box, shook his head vigorously. He tried to wake himself up, and he must not make unavoidable mistakes—such as guiding a five-year-old girl to sign a contract with him to become a magical girl or something.

Oh, Nanoha is nine, not five, so it doesn't matter (thumbs up).

"Big brother, what are you doing?"

Just as Yuno closed his eyes and took a deep breath, a doubtful voice sounded in front of him.

Yuno hurriedly opened his eyes, and found that the blond little loli who was humming in the corridor just now was standing in front of him with a cute face, looking at him with curious eyes—that pure and flawless eyes, As innocent as a deer in the forest, he felt a sense of guilt in his heart.

What an idiot I am, idiot idiot idiot, how could I have such evil thoughts?

I'm so bad!

Yuno took a deep breath, then knelt down and said gently: "It's okay, little sister! Brother is just..."

Just when Yuno was about to explain that he was a Gundam pilot who crash-landed here to avoid the wild Ultraman in the earth-moon orbit, he suddenly heard a rush of footsteps coming from the depths of the corridor.

"Alicia, my Alicia—"

Accompanied by the sound of the heels of the high heels hitting the ground, a grandma-level character who looked less than 30 years old, with a hot body and a beautiful face, but was actually nearly 60 years old ran over, and hugged him nervously. The little loli standing in front of Yuno said worriedly, "Alicia, what are you doing here? Mom is so worried about you—"

"I always feel like I've seen this face before..."

Yuno looked at Precia's face, and couldn't help showing a puzzled expression, but because the other party was not a loli, Yuno couldn't tell her origin for a while.

"Mom, Alicia is chatting with this big brother—"

Alicia pointed to Yuno in front of her, then covered her face shyly, and said, "This big brother looked at Alicia nervously just now, and even knelt on the ground on one knee—this Could it be that brother Lin said to strike up a conversation? Has Alicia been struck up?"

At this moment, a kind of mysterious and mysterious thing called "biological instinct" was beating crazily in Yuno's brain, and they were warning him with unprecedented tension.


Long time no see, when you saw me appear——

"Catch up?"

"My Alicia, have you been accosted?"

"By you?"

"Five-year-old Alicia, being approached?"

Precia turned her head, her dark eyes under the shadow of bangs were looking at Yuno emotionlessly, "Please explain it to me, this strange intruder—"

"No, I, this..."

Yuno took a half step back nervously, looked at Precia, and stammered, "I'm just...huh?"

Seeing Precia's distorted face due to anger, a flash of lightning suddenly flashed in Yuno's mind - yes!Just now her expression was too kind so I didn't see it, but now it's distorted and I recognize her instead!

"Precia Testarossa! Is this your stronghold?"

Yuno hugged the box in his arms tightly, and said in disbelief: "Could it be that it was your idea to attack my spaceship? It was your idea to attack the seed of the holy stone?"


Precia frowned in misunderstanding, and then said impatiently: "I have no interest in the holy stone seed you mentioned - I, Precia, will die, die outside, from here. If I jump down, I won’t have the slightest idea about the Holy Stone Seed!”

Her most, most, and most precious Alicia has already been resurrected, so why does she need the seed of the holy stone?It cannot be regarded as the core of high-frequency vibration...

As a beauty instrument?

Um?What are you thinking?

"Really not?"

"I don't want to continue wasting time on such a stupid question."

Precia stood up with Alicia in her left hand, and then said with cold eyes: "From what you just said, it seems that you were brought to the Garden of Time by 'that person' - although I don't know How did you escape, but since I found out, I had no choice but to let you come with me."

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