"Sorry, I can't obediently obey this request—"

There was a rebellious smile on Yuno's face, he reached out and touched the core of the Heart of the Rising Sun in his arms, and said, "I'm not going to let go..."

Then he touched a void.

Cold sweat, streaming down.

Precia raised her magic weapon with cold eyes, and asked, "What are you going to say?"

"What I want to say is..." Facing Precia's questioning, Yuno touched his pocket again. After realizing that the core of the Heart of the Rising Sun was indeed lost, he couldn't help showing embarrassment and With a polite expression, he said, "Don't slap your face!"

Chapter 0297 Shocking Yuno for a whole year

"I caught the little mouse that escaped—"

Priscia was trapped into a rice dumpling by the binding magic, and brought back to the laboratory with Yuno, who looked loveless, and then threw it on the familiar sofa with his familiar force and from a familiar angle.

"Brother Lin Qiong! It was Alicia who discovered the trail of this unknown brother!"

Alicia ran up to Lin Qiong with a look of excitement, then excitedly raised her right hand, eagerly claiming credit: "It was Alicia who found him in the corridor with her keen sense of smell!"

"Really? Alicia is amazing!"

Lin Qiong hugged Alicia into his arms amid Priscilla's gritted teeth but couldn't resist the miserable expression, and then said with a smile: "When your know-it-all sister finishes researching these things, I will make you a super, super , Super powerful magic tool!"

'these things? 'x2

Yuno and Precia followed Lin Qiong's gaze at the same time, and the 21 sacred stone seeds placed on the long table in the research room immediately entered the sight of these two people.

'Holy, the seed of the holy stone! ? '

Yuno couldn't help but struggled on the sofa, his eyes were full of disbelief: "Yes, when is it!" ?After I watched them put the holy stone seed into the box, I ran away holding the box! ?Could it be that the moment I turned around, they gave the holy stone seed in the box to...'

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but shed tears of humiliation—no wonder they didn't even chase him after he escaped!Did you run away alone?Wait, could it be that Heart of the Rising Sun also...

He hurriedly looked around the research room, and then found the familiar red magic core on the research table in front of him.

Hehe, hehehe, no wonder you couldn't touch the heart of the rising sun just now, your hands are so fast! !

Yuno could swear to God that if he could customize his animal appearance, he would never, never turn into a ferret—he would turn into a groundhog, would he? ?

Groundhog Yuno: Ah! ! !

"Wait, wait?"

Precia also walked to the edge of the table with a look of disbelief, then looked at the seed of the holy stone in shock, and said, "This, this is the seed of the holy stone? How did you get it?"

Lin Qiong glanced at Precia who seemed to be about to touch the Seed of the Holy Stone, and immediately raised her right hand, and patted Precia on the back of her hand precisely and gracefully.


The old woman let out a scream, quickly withdrew her right hand, and then looked at her flushed back with distress - please, older women have to spend more energy to take care of themselves, God knows the damage caused by this slap How much skin care products do you use to make up for it?

She couldn't help but said aggrievedly: "Why did you hit me? I can't touch you?"

"You really can't touch it."

Lin Qiong glanced at Precia contemptuously, and said, "Do you deserve it if you break it?"

"I—" Precia was just about to say that her family has a big business, and there is such a big Garden of Time, but after thinking about it, it seems...

"Don't forget, you are penniless now, and even the house belongs to us." Lin Qiong raised his eyebrows and said with an evil tone: "You will have to work for nothing for us for the next 15 years, you know? clear?"

Precia lowered her head in humiliation, then clenched her fists - she told herself in her heart, you can't beat him, you really can't beat him!

be patient!

Lin Qiong looked at the aggrieved Precia, nodded in satisfaction, and said, "Let me test you, do you know why the Seed of the Holy Stone is rated as a super-dangerous ancient heritage?"

"...I'll reiterate once again, I am an elite researcher, and I know this academic common sense!"

Precia said with a dark face, "The seed of the holy stone contains a super-high concentration of magic power, has powerful energy and destructive power, and can even endow certain creatures with power far beyond itself..."

Lin Qiong glanced at her suspiciously, then stood up, walked to the edge of the sofa, roughly crushed the seal on Yuno's mouth with his fingers, and asked, "Little guy, can you please dig out the holy stone?" Seed of the Holy Stone, let me explain the Seed of the Holy Stone in detail.”


One thing to say, Precia felt that she was about to turn into an Icup with anger - your look almost said that you don't believe what I said, right?ah? ?

Pinch it!


Yuno let out a breath, then glanced at Lin Qiong with a strange face, and said, "Actually, what she said is generally correct, but there are some small details wrong, for example——"

After Yuno explained the Seed of the Holy Stone in detail, Lin Qiong glanced at Precia triumphantly, and said, "...so you understand?"

Precia nodded while holding back her anger - she could swear that if she hadn't been unable to defeat Lin Qiong, she would have jumped up and stomped on Lin Qiong's leather swallow with the heel of her high heels.

This is not what you said, are you so proud of yourself?

"So, does this have anything to do with my not being able to touch the Seed of the Holy Stone?"

"Of course there is."

Lin Qiong seemed to provoke Precia on purpose, he took a few holy stone seeds from the table, and then ran there like a juggler in an acrobatic troupe, saying in his mouth: "Like this As the boy said, the seed of the holy stone contains extremely powerful magic power, which will fulfill the wishes of the surrounding creatures indiscriminately—if you encounter it, those messy thoughts in your heart will definitely arouse the power of the seed of the holy stone .”


Precia's voice raised eight degrees: "Then why can you touch it?"

"Nonsense, because I'm a little bit more awesome than the Seed of the Holy Stone——"

Lin Qiong stretched out his thumb and forefinger, stroked a fingertip universe distance, and said: "To realize the wish, it is also my wish to fulfill the wish of the seed of the holy stone, not the wish of the seed of the holy stone to fulfill my wish—"

After saying this, Precia almost vomited.

Shameless, return your wish to realize the seed of the holy stone?

She sneered and said, "Oh? Then tell me, what wish does the Seed of the Holy Stone want you to realize?"

Alicia also scratched the edge of the table curiously, looked at the holy stone seeds on the table, and asked curiously: "Brother Lin, do they really have wishes?"

"Of course there is!"

Lin Qiong smiled. He put the Holy Stone Seed in his hand to his ear pretending to be serious, and then nodded while "hmmmm", as if he was really listening to the wish of the Holy Stone Seed.

Precia resisted the urge to roll her eyes, and then told herself in her heart: 'Hold it, hold it back!You can't beat him, so you can't mock him! '

Soon, under the gaze of Yuno, Alicia, and Precia, Lin Qiong put down the seed of the holy stone in his hand, and said solemnly: "I have heard its wish. "


Precia twisted her waist and walked to the water dispenser, took a glass of water for herself, then leaned gracefully on the table, drank the boiled water with great demeanor, and asked, "Then what is its wish?"

Alicia also asked curiously: "What is it?"

"it says--"

Lin Qiong pinched the seed of the holy stone numbered V with his fingers, and said solemnly: "It thinks Alicia is very cute, so it wants to become the magic core of Alicia's magic tool!"


The next moment, Precia, who was choking on drinking water, sprayed water out of her nostrils, then widened her eyes, looked at Lin Qiong in a panic, and exclaimed: "You, you, what are you talking about?"

"I said, it wants to be the magic core of Alicia's magic tool."

Lin Qiong held the seed of the holy stone with a smile, lifted it in front of Alicia, and said in a coaxing tone: "Little Alicia, do you want a magic tool?"

"Magical device!?"

Alicia's eyes lit up, and then she asked excitedly, "Is it the same as Feite's Lightning Tomahawk?"

"Well, it doesn't have to be the same shape——" Lin Qiong touched Alicia's head and said, "For example, you can choose the Black Crystal Fist, the Gale Blade, or the Flame Sword."

"oh oh!"

Alicia nodded ignorantly, and then said expectantly: "I want it!"


Lin Qiong smiled in satisfaction, he put the holy stone seed in front of Alicia, and said, "Come on, stretch out your hand, it will be yours from now on—"


Yuno subconsciously yelled out, he looked nervously at the holy stone seed in Lin Qiong's hand, and said, "This, this is too dangerous!"

"Don't worry."

Lin Qiong glanced at Yuno, and then gently let go of his fingers, letting the seed of the holy stone slowly fall into Alicia's soft little hand amidst the tense expressions of Yuno and Precia. middle.

"Since I dare to hand it to Alicia, I won't let it be in a dangerous state." Lin Qiong waved his hand helplessly and said, "Don't worry, this seed of the holy stone The magic power has been sealed by Miss Know-It-All."


The expressions of Precia and Yuno are a little... how should I put it, shocking the three crowns.

Because the unprotected Seed of the Holy Stone in Alicia's hand actually lay there quietly, as if it was not a Seed of the Holy Stone, but a South African diamond worth 998. Like eight diamonds.


Lin Qiong glanced at the two people who were stunned, and said with a little flamboyance: "I said it's all right! My Miss Know-It-All is amazing! There is nothing in this world that she can't handle!"

'Host, even if you praise me so much, I won't be happy, will you? '

Miss Know-It-All glanced at Lin Qiong, then snorted softly, and unconsciously tapped her feet rhythmically under the table - this was not a sign of happiness, it was just... it was just muscles moving!

"Wait, wait!"

At this time, Yuno, who had reacted, couldn't help but ask: "Sir, if I understand you correctly, you are planning to use the seed of the Holy Stone as the core to make a magic weapon for this little girl. Guide?"

"That's right~" Lin Qiong blinked and said, "The seed of the holy stone is a super-high-quality magic crystal, isn't it? Using it as the core is simply the most correct destination!"

"No! Such a dangerous thing..."

"It's not the seeds of the holy stone that are dangerous, but people who want to misuse the seeds of the holy stone, right?" Lin Qiong glanced at an old woman in the original book who was going to collect the seeds of the holy stone to revive Alicia, and then He continued: "You have seen it yourself, the seed of the holy stone is under our control, but even a five-year-old girl can play with it in his hand without causing a riot? Is there a safer situation than this? ?”

Chapter 0298

Well, that seems to be the case?

Yuno looked at the Holy Stone Seed lying quietly in Alicia's palm, and recalled the time when he had just discovered the Holy Stone Seed, the way they resonated with each other, as if they were about to shake the sky...

'You have changed. Tears slipped from the corners of Yuno's eyes, "I still like your unruly look at the beginning." '

The Seed of the Holy Stone must not be able to speak, otherwise I would have to give him a big bag, then point at his nose and say: "You can do it! You'll be finished if he pricks you!"

Yunuo woke up from his sadness, then looked at Lin Qiong seriously and said, "Although you have the power to seal the Holy Stone Seed, this dangerous item must not be stored in the hands of individuals."

"Is it safe to put it in the hands of the Space-Time Administration?"

Lin Qiong shook his head angrily, and said, "Where do you get your confidence in an organization that has problems every day?"

The reliability of the Space-Time Administration is almost as reliable as the SHIELD in the Marvel world-well, it may be a bit exaggerated to say this, but where did Yuno come from? Is the Space-Time Administration safe?

Yuno couldn't help retorting: "At least put them in the Space-Time Administration, no one can take them away!"


Lin Qiong rolled his eyes, and he said angrily: "This thing is in my hands, and the space-time management area can't take it away; this thing is in the hands of the space-time management team, and I can take it away-do you understand?"

So this person means that he is better than the Space-Time Administration?

Where does his confidence come from?

Yuno didn't understand, but Yuno was shocked.

"Why are you talking so much nonsense with him?"

Precia looked at Lin Qiong with a puzzled look on her face and couldn't help but ask: "Why don't we just do nothing..."

Because Alicia was still present, Precia didn't directly say "screw him", but she meant that in her words—anyway, now that the Space-Time Administration has lost Yuno's whereabouts, as long as the He's pissed off, and then deal with the tail, no one knows that the seed of the holy stone is stored in the garden of time.


Yuno took a breath with a pale face, then looked at Lin Qiong tremblingly - he wouldn't really plan to kill me, would he?

Lin Qiong rolled his eyes, and said angrily, "Do you think if I wanted him, would I bring him back?"

Can't I just destroy his body and wipe out his traces on that planet?

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