No, that's not the point.

"I know your pronunciation is very standard, and I know you are in a hurry, but don't be in a hurry—" Lin Qiong coughed dryly twice, and then said solemnly: "Because your pronunciation is useless—no matter how standard your pronunciation is... If there is an accident, your future master will be the Neon Man, and every time she fights, she will call you 'Lei Jin hoop · Ha Tuo' affectionately, and you will answer 'I am here' very affectionately."


Heart of the Rising Sun didn't speak, but Lin Qiong could feel that she seemed to be autistic.

"By the way, why do I feel that the relationship between Lao Ax and Lao Xin has enriched a lot?"

Lin Qiong leaned against the edge of the table, and asked Miss Passport beside her, "Have you upgraded?"

"Hmph, since it's a comprehensive upgrade, of course I won't let go of the emotional module—"

Miss Passport showed a proud expression, and said, "The Heart of the Rising Sun and the Thunder Light Tomahawk can already proudly say to other magic tools—"

Lightning Tomahawk: "With all due respect, I don't know who—"

Heart of the Rising Sun: "I mean all the wizards here—"

They all said in unison: "It's all about fun and sex——"

"That's right, that's it, hahaha——"

Miss Passionately patted her thigh very happily, and laughed loudly: "I really look forward to the day when they can say this in front of other magic cores!!"

Heart of the Rising Sun: "I will."

Thunder Tomahawk: "Me too."

So Miss Wanshitong laughed even more happily, while Lin Qiong shook his head dumbfoundingly, and said, "Your bad taste——"

Miss Know-It-All wrinkled her nose in dissatisfaction and said, "Is there any problem?"


Lin Qiong shook his head resolutely, and he said solemnly: "It's just that I think that if there are only Thunder Lightning Tomahawk and Heart of the Rising Sun, the momentum may be a little bit worse - wait for the follow-up magic guides of Alicia, Alisa and Suzuka We have also made the magic tools, and then upgrade the magic tools of Vita, Signor, and Shamaer, and then let them make this declaration together, that will be enough!"

"Well, it makes sense—"

Miss Wanshitong nodded, she looked at Lin Qiong with a smile, and said, "Then, the task of collecting materials is entrusted to you—"


"What, aren't you their master?"

Miss Wanshitong said confidently: "Since you are a master, it is natural for you to work hard to collect materials for your disciples' equipment, right?"

"This one……"

"Or are you going to let these little guys collect materials on their own? No way! Those are monsters with a hunting level of over 7000 and located on over 100 floors of the dungeon! It's so scary, it scared us~"

Lin Qiong couldn't help showing a black question mark expression, he looked strangely at the cat ear girl who was blinking at him.

"My dear Miss Know-It-All—"

"I'm here."

"I want to ask you a question."

"You're very kind, you said—"

"That's it. I just think that with your strength, maybe the monsters at level [-] or the [-]th floor of the dungeon are not enough for you to spit on, what do you think?"

"I hate it!"

Miss Wanshitong looked at Lin Qiong with dissatisfaction, and said, "Host, we are cute cat girls? Cat girls, you wouldn't do something like spit!"

"Oh, that's my description."


"So it's scratching, right?"

"Because it's a cat?"

"if not?"

"It's not impossible to scratch..."

"Why do you sound a bit embarrassed?"

"It's nothing else, but don't you think that if my claws scratch the monster, the meat pad will not be clean?"


"For example, if there is a monster of zombie type, and then I scratched it to death with my claws, but it was also stained with pus and carrion on its body, and then I..."

"Stop! Stop!!"

Lin Qiong hurriedly raised his voice, then interrupted Ms. Wanshitong's speech with horror on his face, and said, "Can't you use energy claws? For example, skills like Inuyasha's soul-dispersing iron claws?"

Obviously, Miss Know-It-All looks a little unhappy: "Host, the cat that scratches the enemy with energy claws is a soulless meow~"

Lin Qiong covered his face, and said, "So, Miss Wanshitong, the 'cat's soul' you mentioned refers to your own hands... Oh no, are your own claws leaving claw marks on the enemy's body?"

Miss Passionate nodded reservedly and gracefully, and said, "Host, this is the legendary behavior of marking—"

Lin Qiong sighed: "Although I have graduated from a 'peerless genius high school student' for many years and have fallen to the current level of illiteracy, I still have basic common sense—isn't the marking behavior like this?"

Miss Know-it-all was unreasonable and confident: "That's it! Cats in other worlds have different habits than cats on Earth."

Lin Qiong was silent for a few seconds, but he still couldn't hold back and stretched out his sinful hands, and then grabbed Miss Wanshitong's soft face.

"what is this?"



"Punish me for being a fool."

"Okay, then you punish."

"Don't you deny it at all?"



——But Miss Know-It-All was a pity, so I let her go in the end.



Today, afternoon.

"Fit, your thunder battle ax has been modified."

Lin Qiong took out Gaia's sapphire cone from his bosom—ah, it's the inverted triangle core of the Lightning Tomahawk, handed it to Feite, and said, "Do you want to try the new Lightning Tomahawk here? ?”

"what? What!"

Before Feite could react, Elf couldn't wait to come over, and while wagging his tail, he said excitedly, "The Lightning Tomahawk has finally been remodeled?"


The Thunder Light Tomahawk flickered slightly, and said in a polite tone: "Now I can fight for my master better and protect her more effectively."

"oh oh!"

Elf's eyes widened at first, and then it seemed that he had come to his senses. The dog looked suspiciously at the Lightning Tomahawk, and said, "Why do I feel that the Lightning Tomahawk seems to be more talkative than before?"

If she remembers correctly, the previous Thunder Light Tomahawk seemed a little rigid?

"Miss Know-It-All has upgraded the emotional module for the Thunder Light Tomahawk." Lin Qiong explained, then threw the core in his hand to Feite, and said, "Would you like to try it out? The brand new Thunder Light Tomahawk is very powerful. "

"Yes, my master--"

Lei Guang Tomahawk immediately stated: "The newly upgraded me will definitely give you a brand new experience!"

Are you greedy for blue moon?New boat experience, right?

"it is good."

Fei Te nodded, then held the core of the Thunder Light Tomahawk with a hint of expectation, and walked to the center of the training ground under the gaze of the others.

"so good--"

Alyssa looked at Feite enviously, and said, "I really want to have my own magic tool—damn it, this kind of magical girl who can transform is the real magical girl!"

Suzuka also nodded with anticipation, and then looked at Lin Qiong beside him with extremely expectant eyes.

"It seems that even a little girl of this age can't resist the temptation of transforming—" Lin Qiong patted the heads of the two little ones with a smile, and said, "At your level, it's still too early to get a magic tool." It’s pretty good——but Naye’s progress is almost there, if you work harder to complete the autonomous control practice of the magic missile today, it’s not impossible to give you a magic guide.”

Nanoha: "!!"

Chapter 0300

How about dirty adults?

The Heart of the Rising Sun that Lin Qiong put in his pocket flickered a few times, but he still chose to remain silent - although if nothing else happened, Takamachi Nanoha would be her new owner, but she hasn't signed a contract yet. Yeah, right?

Silence is gold.

"Okay! Let's work hard!"

With the magic tool as a reward, Naye's enthusiasm was immediately mobilized. She clenched her fists and cheered herself up: "Today, I worked hard and passed the training on the manipulation of five magic missiles!"

"Come on, Nanoha!"


Suzuka and Alisa also sent their own encouragement at the right time.

"Okay, okay, little ones—"

Lin Qiong stretched out his hand and patted the heads of the three of them respectively, and said, "Calm down and watch Fei Te carefully—her current comprehensive strength is undoubtedly the strongest among you."

"Isn't it natural—"

Alisa pursed her mouth in dissatisfaction, and said, "If I were like her, a magical girl trainee who practiced for two and a half years, I could be as good as her."

Good guy, the little chicken is showing black feet, right?

Lin Qiong patted Alisa on the head and said, "I want you to watch her actual combat performance and learn from it, not to make you angry!"


Alisa pursed her mouth and nodded at first, but quickly reacted and said, "Actual performance?"


Nanoha and Suzuka also looked over.

Lin Qiong nodded and said: "I know you are in a hurry, but don't worry yet - after Naye obtains the magic weapon, he will also conduct a practical training!"

After all, the buff brought by the new magic tool is too strong, if you don't tap it, it will easily make the little guys swell!

So, it's up to you, Yoyo!



"Yes, I'm sorry—"

Accompanied by Yoyo's nervous voice, she descended from the sky holding a staff, and then said with an embarrassed face: "I am, I am late."

Feite looked at Yoyo who appeared in front of him, paused for a while before transforming, and then asked strangely: "Sister Yoyo, what are you..."

Yoyo glanced at Lin Qiong who was cheering her up on the sidelines, then smiled at Feite, and explained softly: "Oni-chan asked me to accompany you in actual combat training, so that you can get acquainted with the new Thunder Light Tomahawk."

High emotional intelligence: Accompany you to train and make you familiar with the new weapons of the ship;

Low EQ: Comprehensive crushing keeps you awake in the world.

Obviously, the innocent Feite was completely unaware of Lin Qiong's sinister intentions. Instead, he looked at Youyou with a grateful face and said, "Sister Youyou, please trouble you."

In her opinion, if Yoyo is so powerful, she must be very busy!And Yoyo, who is so busy, even made time to practice with her...

Really, she is so gentle, I just cried to death.


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