Youyou smiled softly, and then said softly: "Fit-chan, please deploy your magic weapons first."


Fei Te nodded, lowered her head, and said softly to the Lightning Tomahawk, "Balu Dixiu, please."

"give it to me--"

The Thunder Light Tomahawk flickered slightly: "Thunder Light Battle Ax, open!"

Golden rays of light bloomed from the inverted triangle-shaped core, and ribbons in the shape of golden energy wrapped around Fett's body, and then turned into a close-fitting combat clothing that was convenient for fighting.

Immediately afterwards, Fate held a staff that looked a bit like a logging axe, and a black cloak was unfurled from Fate's shoulders, symbolizing that her armed forces had been fully deployed.

"Oh oh oh-"

Alyssa, who witnessed Feite's transformation outside the field, has already become a high iron duck!

She shook Lin Qiong beside her excitedly with both hands, and said, "Master, transform, it's transformation!"

'Forbidden, forbidden to transform...'

Lin Qiong raised his left hand expressionlessly and pressed it on Alisa's head, saying: "Magical devices basically have the function of arming and deploying. Its essence is a kind of magic armor that can protect the safety of users."

To put it more bluntly, it is "the magic shield of the beautification MOD"-simple and straightforward enough, right?

Alisa looked at Lin Qiong flutteringly, and said, "Master, what you mean is, if we get that transformation... cough cough, the magic tool can also transform like Feite?"

"It will be all right."

"That, that, the clothes after transformation..." Alyssa was about to jump up excitedly, "Is it a fixed style, or can you customize it?"

“You can modify it to your liking.”

"Yada Thief!"

Arisa and Suzuka, who also had glowing eyes, jumped up holding hands, and said excitedly: "Suzuka! Let's design our own magical girl costume together!"

"Yeah!" Suzuka said with a longing look on his face, "I want a purple witch costume—a very gorgeous one!"

Alisa also thought about the future, and said, "Then I will..."

"Okay, okay, the two eldest ladies—"

Lin Qiong helplessly suppressed the overly excited two eldest ladies again, then pointed at Naye next to him and said: "Quiet, and watch this actual performance carefully."

"Yes—" x2

Under Lin Qiong's reminder, Tsukimura Suzuka and Alyssa reluctantly gathered their attention, and together with Nanoha, they looked at Yoyo and Feite who were confronting each other.



"Then, before we start, let's get to know the new magic tool first?" Yoyo was not in a hurry to start the battle, but reminded softly - after all, the most important thing in this mock battle is to let Feite know the new magic tool The function of the device, followed by...

Well, it was to wake her up.

'However, what level of attack is needed to defeat Fite without causing her too much damage? '

Thinking of this, Youyou couldn't help showing a distressed expression, and then recalled Lin Qiong's quotations in her mind——

"How to step on an ant so that it is just injured but not fatal, that force is very difficult to master."

'As expected of Oni-chan, who can say such powerful words! '

Yoyo, in admiration.


"Then, I'm on!"

Yoyo over there was distracted in her mind, while Fit here was taking deep breaths to relieve his nervousness - for Fit, this was the first time for such an "assessment", so it was inevitable that he would be nervous.

"Be sure to behave well, don't let brother Lin down on me—"

Feite clenched the Lightning Tomahawk in his hand, and said in a low voice, "Lightning Tomahawk, what's different about you now?"

"I am divided into three forms now——"

"Form one, the usual mode, mainly releases all kinds of magic;"

"Form [-], melee mode, fully enhances the master's various values, but the casting range is reduced;"

"Form [-], Assault mode, completely abandons long-range spellcasting, and limits the combat range to within ten meters!"

After hearing this, Feite couldn't help showing a slight smile, and said, "It's a style that suits me very well. Brother Lin should have specially prepared it according to my habits..."

Don't look at Feite's character as a soft and cute boss, but her fighting style is like a berserker - Naye will shoot you with an Italian cannon if she disagrees with her, but Feite will shoot you if she disagrees with her. He rushed over with a sickle.

"Then, let's try the normal mode first——"

Feite took a breath and said, "Is there any change in the spell model recorded in the core?"

The next moment, a virtual screen appeared in front of Feite, and one spell model after another quickly slid past her eyes, which made her unable to bear a surprised expression.

'Amazing. '

'It is completely different from the previous spell model. '

Feite took a deep breath, then waved his right hand, and said, "Thunder Light Battle Axe, twelve companies of magic bullets!"

"Yes, my master—"

After accumulating power for about [-] seconds, twelve golden magic bullets emerged beside Feite, and then shot towards Yoyo one after another.

"The power is similar to that of normal magic missiles, but the charging time is so short—" Fate's heart flashed with deep surprise, "and the flying speed is so fast!" '

"Offset shield—"

Youyou waved the staff unhurriedly, and the four or five sides were rectangular, as if a shield the size of a tablet computer was floating around her, surrounding it.

'That kind of shield is really useful... Hiss! '

Fite, who was still doubting the strength of the shield a second ago, couldn't help but grinned the next second - she saw that after her first magic bullet hit the shield, it strangely bounced to the second... on the first magic bullet, and then successively affected the third magic bullet and the fourth magic bullet...

Overall, Yoyo only used her shield to block three magic bullets, but all her attacks of twelve magic bullets were wasted.

"The advantage of the magic bullet is that the coagulation speed is extremely fast, but its power itself is not outstanding——"

Yoyo looked at Fate who was in shock, and explained softly, "Its function is to contain the enemy, and to readjust your state during this time-it is a mistake to regard it as the main means of attack. Oh."

"I understand."

Feite nodded lightly - in fact, she also understands this truth, but Yoyo's words are "teachings from seniors" to her, so nodding honestly can be spicy!


Feite held the Thunder Light Tomahawk with both hands, and whispered, "Magic Flash!"


Compared with the magic bullet that completes from charging to launching in less than a second, the movement of the magic flash is much bigger - two magic circles, one large and one small, are formed on the top of the Thunder Light Battle Axe, and then accompanied by With the special effect of lightning, a magic cannon several meters thick shot out from the top of the staff.

The whole process takes three seconds.

"It's much easier to store power than before—" Fate calculated quickly in his mind, "Using the previous attack as a standard, it is about 0.8 consumption and 1.7 output?" '

This is too strong, right? ?

Sure enough, my lady know-it-all is the best in the world in science and technology!

Chapter 0301 Little Naye, Big Dream

"Oh oh oh-"

Just as Feite marveled at the spell model named Magic Flash, there were already cheers from the crowd of onlookers next to him.

Alyssa grabbed the hand of Suzuka next to her and jumped happily, screaming excitedly: "Suzuka, look, look! It's a magic cannon! It's a magic cannon!!"

Suzuka also nodded involuntarily, and said, "It's so beautiful! As expected, learning magic is the right choice!"

That's right, the reason why these two people gave up elemental magic and chose magic magic was not only the complexity of elemental magic, but also the signature skill of magic - magic cannon!

In their words——

Although it seems that the skills of elemental magic look much cooler than magical girls, causing them to squint their eyes for a while, but it turns out that the magic cannon of magical girls is their childhood romance—although Lin Qiong didn’t know , How old is the childhood in their mouths when they are only nine years old?

After Naye heard the words of the two friends, she couldn't help clenching her fists quietly, and vowed that she must launch the world's number one magic cannon!

I, Nanoha, Master of Magic Cannon, play money!


"Water pattern shield—"

"Fire Spin Shield—"

"The Obsidian Shield—"

Facing Feite's magic cannon attack, Yoyo calmly set up three elemental shields in front of him - first using water escape to reduce the impact, then using fire escape to weaken the damage, and finally using the rock shield to block Feite's cannonball magic.

"As expected of sister Yoyo..."

Feite couldn't help pursing his lips, and said, "Then, let's try the new state—"

"Okay, my master—"

Thunder Tomahawk gave the answer.



Although Youyou said "discussion", the main purpose of this duel was to familiarize Fite with the Thunder Tomahawk that had been fully enhanced by Miss Know-It-All. Therefore, before the official start, Fite had been trying out the power of the Thunder Tomahawk. various functions.

The friends next to me are drooling!

After all, "Lei Guang Tomahawk Mk.Ⅱ Ver Seed of the Holy Stone" not only has a cool appearance, but also emits light and sounds, and can also be transformed. Coupled with this unknown name, it completely hits the mark from various aspects. The group is still the favorite of the little ghosts of elementary school students.

On the other hand, after spending 10 minutes of trying, Feite has initially mastered the characteristics of the new Thunder Light Tomahawk——

"In the normal mode, there are almost only two output methods left, magic bullet and magic flash, in addition to auxiliary magic such as binding magic and obstacle magic—"

"In the melee mode, my physical abilities are almost twice that of the normal mode, and the damage of the high-frequency vibrating light blade of the Thunder Light Tomahawk is several times that of before—"

"In the attack mode, the attack power is further enhanced, but part of the defense is abandoned, and the consumption of mana is extremely high. With my current mana reserve, I will be powerless to continue for at most 2 minutes—"

If this is an online shopping, Feite must give a five-star praise, and a 200-word evaluation plus five return pictures, and a video to show his excitement.


Feite let out a breath slowly, then released the assault mode and returned to the melee mode.

"Are you used to it?"

Yoyo, who had been defending from the beginning to the end, saw Fei Te's movements, and couldn't help asking softly: "Don't you need to practice more?"

"No, thank you, Sister Yoyo." Feite shook his head lightly, and replied softly: "I have initially mastered the ability of the new Thunder Light Tomahawk, let's officially start the competition!"


Youyou nodded lightly, she gracefully raised the staff in her hand, and said softly: "Then, Fei Te-chan, in the next battle, I will counterattack a little bit! You have to pay attention. "


Feite nodded seriously.

Although she doesn't know how strong Yuyou is, she can get a glimpse of it from the ease with which she defended her attack just now - not to mention, Yuyou is the boss of the guardians, so her strength must be higher than that of the guardians. Is it strong to knock down her guardian with a shield?

'It takes all of your energy to deal with—'

Feite held the Thunder Light War Scythe, and focused on Yoyo in front of him, carefully observing each other's every move.

"Well, Fei Te-chan, although it's good to concentrate on fighting, but the nerves are a bit too tense—" Youyou thought leisurely in her heart: "In this case, it will create opportunities for the opponent instead. '

Thinking of this, Yoyo's eyes suddenly swept towards Fette's left foot.

'left! '

Feite, who was already nervous, dodged to the right almost instinctively, but when her right foot stepped into the soft mud, she realized that she had been tricked.

"Mud Swamp—"

Until then, Yoyo's voice reached Fei Te's ears: "Fei Te sauce, if you don't dodge, this discussion will be over—"

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