After getting into the car, Alicia said eagerly: "Fate! We must win the battle for the Seed of the Holy Stone later——I must fight in front of Alisa." Seal the Holy Stone Seed and then taunt her!"

"Well, I see."

Feite nodded helplessly - what could she say?Of course she had no choice but to obey Alicia!

"Hearing what you said, I didn't know for a moment whether you and Alyssa had a good relationship or a bad relationship—"

Lin Qiong took out two bottles of ice-cold moo milk from the car refrigerator, handed them to the two little lolita, and joked: "Is this the so-called writing rival, pronounced best friend?"

"Humph, that's not the case!"

Alicia wrinkled her nose and said angrily: "Alicia and Alyssa are not close friends! That idiot, bad guy! Stupid bad guy, bad idiot!"

Lin Qiong wiped off his cold sweat, thinking that it was indeed a quarrel at the elementary school level.

"Okay, okay, let's go back and have a rest first. After finishing homework and dinner, the seed of the holy stone should come out."


Alicia sucked the milk, then squinted at Lin Qiong, and complained, "Brother Lin, what you said just now almost completely wrote the words 'I am behind the scenes' on the forehead. !"

"Eh? Is there any?" Lin Qiong showed a surprised expression and said, "I don't want to say this! If I were the mastermind behind the scenes, I would place the seeds of the Holy Stone near Naye's house and let her go out. It takes more than ten seconds to find the Holy Stone Seed and then put it to rest - so do you still think I am the mastermind behind this?"

Feite watched his nose, nose, and heart, sucking the milk intently, and then quietly glanced at his sister in name and in reality.

Alicia said without hesitation: "Ahahaha, how could Brother Lin be the mastermind behind the scenes? That must not be the case!"

Fei Te nodded silently, those who know the current affairs are brilliant, sister!


Late night, 08:30.

"Dididi——" x3

The seal on the seed of the holy stone that Lin Qiong placed in advance dissipated on time, and at the same time, the "alarm" that the seed of the holy stone was detected suddenly came from the equipment of the three parties.

"Arisa, Suzuka, let's go!"

"Sister, Elf, let's do it."

"Crono, I leave the seed of the Holy Stone to you!"

After detecting the energy fluctuations, the three parties acted quickly, and six arcs of light flew from the sky above Haiming City to the forest in the suburbs, and Asra also began to prepare for teleportation across time and space.

The battle is imminent!

Chapter 0305 Ibrahimovic is easy to handle

"Whoosh whoosh—"

Under Lin Qiong's precise control—in fact, it was the calculation of Ms. Know-it-all—the three people on Naye's side and the three people on Feite's side arrived at the place where the Seed of the Holy Stone was "born" almost at the same time.

"Damn it, I didn't get ahead—"

Alyssa, who was wearing a pink, furry, one-piece, cute bunny suit, stomped cursingly, but because her battle suit was so cute, it was not threatening at all, but rather cute.

"Well, it turns out that you actually wanted to arrive at the destination first and then sneak away?" Alicia widened her eyes and said in an unbelievable voice: "Alyssa, I misread you! I originally I thought you were an upright person!"

"I, I didn't mean that—"

Feeling a little guilty, Alisa shrank her neck, and she hurriedly explained: "I mean, if we arrive first and you don't, then the victory will be too boring-yes, I will defeat you openly That's it!"

"Do you really think so?"

"Have I ever lied to you, Lord Lisa?"

"Okay then, let's forcefully trust you!"

"Hmph! Wait a minute, compared to this, you also showed a regretful expression when you landed just now? Could it be that you are the one who is going to sneak away?"

"No way race! What is stealth? It's obvious that you are flying too slowly!"


Alisa stomped her feet angrily. She looked at her companion behind her angrily, and said, "Suzuka, Naha! Did you see that? That guy is too despicable!"

Suzuka shook her head helplessly: "Who is it that shouted "Let's get to the destination before them when they set off, and then when they arrive, we can collect the seeds of the Holy Stone in front of them!"Alicia's expression must be very exciting, right?Thief haha! ] Something like that? '

You better forget it with your half-hearted 99 steps and a hundred steps of laughter. It will only make me hold back from complaining!

"Hmph, you are not qualified to speak against me!!"

Alicia Zhang held the standard magic weapon in her hand and said, "It's useless to talk more! Let's decide the outcome!"

"Exactly what I want!"

Alyssa also raised the trial magic device in her hand and said, "As promised in advance, I will not be merciful!"

"Hmph, anyway, there is Sister Feisha's healing technique, and Lord Fengwang's Holy Flame—"

Alicia snorted twice, and then said with a serious expression: "Just take this opportunity to test our progress!"

"Okay, this is worthy of my rival!"

Seeing that Alicia didn't back down, Alicia showed a satisfied expression, and she said to the two behind her: "Nanoha, Suzuka! This is my Alicia's duel, please don't interfere!"

"Do not worry."

Suzuka looked at Elf in front of him, and said softly, "Nanoha and I—"

Naye also looked at Feite, and continued the second half of the sentence: "I also have my own opponent!"



Lin Qiong, who was hiding on a branch nearby, holding Know-It-All Cat in his arms, Phoenix King standing on his shoulder, Gengar hiding in the shadow, and Fairy Eevee hanging around his neck, said with a strange look on his face: "These few The little girl is trying too hard, isn’t she? Those who didn’t know better thought she was a socially conscious girl who was here to catch the mistress!”

This beating was not ambiguous at all, it was really a ruthless beating!

It once made Lin Qiong wonder if there was something wrong with his emotional education of these people, or if there was some hatred between them that was higher than the mountains and deeper than the sea...

ah?What?You mean Alyssa's combat uniform?

Don't get me wrong, don't get me wrong!

Didn't you see that the weapons held by Alyssa and Alicia are "prototype magic weapons"?

This means that the weapons in their hands are only for transitional use. After they complete their training and graduate completely, they will undergo a comprehensive upgrade while only retaining intelligent assistance.

Therefore, Alisa's pink furry rabbit suit is only her "novice period limited" costume - otherwise Lin Qiong would not allow such an outrageous battle costume to pass!

After all, this isn't an online game that allows players to dress up in human-like clothes during cutscenes.

"If they're really fighting like they're having fun, that's a bad thing."

Know-it-all Maomao yawned. She had been working overtime recently, which made her tired. "At least, I don't think you will be so cruel as to let them experience actual combat."

"Isn't that natural? Their oldest is only nine years old—"

"In the original work, Nanoye and Fite faced actual combat at the age of nine, and it was an actual combat in which the other party wanted to kill them." Know-it-all Maomao said angrily: "You are too kind! It can be said that it is You have delayed their growth."


Lin Qiong pursed his lips for some reason, and muttered, "It's not the original book now—in the original book, Feite is still suffering under Precia's hands, and Alicia hasn't been resurrected yet!"

"So I didn't stop you -"

The know-it-all cat glanced at Lin Qiong, and snorted, "In the final analysis, it's because the overall upper limit of power in this world is not too high. If it was in the world of Naruto or Shinigami, I would not allow you to act like this."

The personal force value of the Magic Cannon World is really not high. Even if Nanoha hits with all his strength in the late stage, it can at most destroy a city. The real destructive power depends on the ancient legacy, the Magister?No way!

"Oh! As expected of a know-it-all cat, you are so considerate!"

Lin Qiong happily raised the know-it-all cat in his hand, then buried his face in her belly, took a deep breath, and said: "Ah, sucking the cat so fast...ah, it hurts, ah, it hurts, it hurts!" "

The know-it-all cat looked at Lin Qiong who was slapped on the face by the fairy Ibrahimovic's three paws with a smile in his eyes, and joked: "Did the scumbag get beaten? Your real pet is lying on your body! How dare you suck me, a fake pet?" Cat? It's time to fight!"

"Boui Boi!"

You are right!People can also smoke it!

Fairy Ibrahimovic was furious. In order to make Lin Qiong suck her up, she carefully dressed herself up every day——

Let the caretaker help her take care of her hair to ensure it is smooth and not tangled at all;

Let the tropical dragon and the big milk tank provide high-quality fruits and milk to enhance the luster of your hair;

Let Flower Therapy Huanhuan use aromatherapy to care for her body, so that she will be exuding a light floral fragrance all the time.

The results of it?But what a result! ?

But you fucking suck your own clone and don't even want to suck me! ?

Beat you to death, beat you to death, you heartless man! Rua! !

"Oh, I was wrong, I was wrong -"

After Lin Qiong was slapped several times by Fairy Ibrahimovic's flesh pad, he immediately made a cry for mercy: "Aren't I too happy for a moment? Don't worry, Fairy Bu, I have you in my heart!"


Really, really?

"That must~~must~!" Lin Qiong patted his chest, and said righteously: "You are my favorite fairy treasure!"

"Boo, Booy~"

There is really no way!Just, I forgive you for being so annoying!

I don’t want to be caught either, but he calls me baby?I don't care, he just likes me!

The jack-of-all-trades sighed and thought to himself: 'What an easy-to-handle Eevee. '



the other side.

Super Bull 13 Battleship Asra.


Just when Crono was about to teleport to the earth to recover the Holy Stone Seed, Miss Amy suddenly stood up and said hurriedly: "Wait a minute! A new one appeared near the energy fluctuations of the Holy Stone Seed. Magic reaction!"

Lindy, who was drinking coffee, almost threw out the teacup in her hand. She stared at Amy in front of her in stunned silence, and said with a hint of stutter: "Tell me, maybe, uh, maybe I received the seed of the Holy Stone. Influence, so what about the beasts transformed into monsters?”

Amy's eyes became a little weird. She operated the keyboard with her right hand and said, "Although it's just my humble opinion, I think this kind of magic reaction is unlikely to be caused by a World of Warcraft——"

Lindy looked at the magic wave reaction on the screen, couldn't help pinching her chin with her hand, then fell into thinking, and said: "Although judging from the magic power reaction, there is more than 80.00% possibility that there is a magister fighting, But maybe, there is still such a 20.00% possibility that it is a particularly strong monster?"

Seeing that her captain was still unwilling to give up, Amy sighed, then bent down again, started typing on the keyboard with both hands, and said: "Actually, after I discovered that something was wrong, I immediately sent out a surveillance probe... "

Hearing this, Lindy subconsciously sat up straight.

"...They should be almost there now."

As Amy spoke, she tapped the keyboard a few more times, and the screen in front of her suddenly changed from a magic-sensing radar to a clear remote-photographed picture——

In the picture, Feite is holding the thunder light battle ax and high-frequency vibration photon skin rejuvenation sickle and rushing towards Naye quickly, but was blown back two steps by the trap set by Naye, and then had to set up a defensive shield to block it Naye's hastily charged shelling.


Looking at the scene of the battle in front of her, Lindy took a sip of coffee with a guilty conscience, and said firmly: "Well, human beings are actually a kind of animal, so..."

"So you admit it."

Amy looked at Lindy blankly, and said, "Admit that you are poisonous milk—someone is going to rob us of the Holy Stone Seed, and it's not just a simple guy."

'Amy is getting less and less cute—'

Lindy sighed, scratched her head helplessly and said, "Okay, okay, I admit that I am a poisonous bitch, okay? Then..."

Her momentum suddenly changed, and she said in a deep voice: "Amy, check the magic power fluctuation level of these magisters; Krono, change the equipment, fully armed and then transmit; the rest of the staff, prepare to support at any time—"

"Yes——" xN

After Lindy officially entered the captain state, the entire Asla immediately entered the working state.

Chapter 0306 like a child quarreling

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