
Naiye was panting slightly, dense cold sweat was covering her forehead at this moment, but she couldn't take the time to wipe it off.

Because the pressure Fite put on her was too great, the continuous attacks were really like those of a berserker, and the opponent would seize the opportunity if she slacked even a little bit.

She has lost many times, but this time she doesn't want to lose.

"Ha ha……"

Like Naye, Feite was panting slightly at this time, obviously the exhaustion of physical strength had reached a level that cannot be underestimated.

She also didn't expect that Naye would find a way to deal with her charge and attack so quickly after the last sparring session, and the ubiquitous traps made her extremely anxious.

She has won many times, so she will win this time.

"Fite sauce, you are really amazing!"

Naye's face showed a "fucking fun" expression, looked at Feite with excitement in his eyes, and said, "I don't know why, when I saw Feite sauce for the first time, There is such a voice in my heart, it is telling me - to be friends with this person!"


Feite pursed his lips, and then said with some embarrassment: "Naye, you are also very powerful! My current strength is based on actual combat experience, but it took you less than two months to Caught up with my strength..."

"Because, I want to be friends with Feite!"

Naye clenched the Heart of the Rising Sun with both hands, and said in a high tone: "So, I will defeat you first!"


Feite didn't understand Naye's thoughts. When she was about to ask Naye, "Is there any direct connection between being a friend and defeating me?", a colored beam fell from the sky.


All of a sudden, Alisa and Alicia, who were battling bloody heads (fog), and Suzuka and Elf, who were fishing in troubled waters (confirmation), stopped their fighting (and acting skills) at the same time. , together with Naye and Feite, looked in the direction of the beam of light.

"Everyone stop—"

After the heavily armed Kronor came on stage, he subconsciously waved his right hand and shouted loudly—although after he finished shouting, he realized that the people present had already stopped their hands and were using strange Eyes looked at him.


Crono blushed, then pretended not to care (at this time, everyone on Asura hiccupped with laughter), and said: "I am the executive officer of the Space-Time Management Bureau, Crono Harlow temperature!"


Nanoha, Alisa, and Suzuka, who had no idea what the Space-Time Administration was, looked at each other, while Feite, who knew the situation, subconsciously stood in front of Naye, and said in a deep voice, "The Space-Time Administration... ...Why do people from the Space-Time Administration appear here?"

"In order to recover the ancient heritage, the seed of the holy stone."

Krono glanced at the blue magic crystal floating in the air not far away, and said in a serious tone: "The seed of the holy stone has great power, and if it is not controlled, it will cause unimaginable consequences!"

"A very reasonable request."

Fei Te nodded, and without waiting for Kronor to breathe a sigh of relief, he raised the sickle in his hand and said, "But, I refuse!"


Crono frowned. He grabbed the magic device in his hand with vigilance, and continued to ask for information: "If you are worried about the authenticity of my identity, I can show my ID."

"No, I'm not interested in the authenticity of your documents."

Feite shook her head calmly. She looked at Crono with a wary face, and said, "Recovering the seeds of the holy stone is a task given to me by my master... so I am sorry that I cannot follow your instructions."

Hearing the conversation between Kronor and Feite, Naye and others also surrounded him, and then stood behind Fett, looking at Kronor together.

"Hmph, if outsiders intervene, let's stop the war first!"

Alisa wiped the sweat off her face, then looked at Alicia, snorted and said, "If you continue to fight, the victor must be Kono Alisa-sama!"

"Cut—" Alicia curled her lips in disdain, and said, "Obviously my advantage is greater!"

"Okay, okay, don't say a few words—"

Seeing that the two were quarreling again, Suzuka interrupted their communication dumbfounded, and said, "The enemy is still here!"

After hearing this, Alyssa and Alicia glared at each other, and then focused on Crono again.

"Is that your answer? I see—"

Krono glanced at Naye, and said softly: "I will give you the seed of this holy stone, but the next one will not be so easy."



"Hey, are you going back?"

While biting the potato chips in his mouth, Lin Qiong complained: "Isn't this too anticlimactic? After you come on stage, tell me where you came from, and then turn around and leave. Why don't you just play here?"

"Idiot, is this a normal choice?"

Know-it-all Maomao patted Lin Qiong's nose with a pad, and said, "Crono appears now, obviously to test Naye and the others. It would be great if we could use the name of the Space-Time Administration to calm them down." Alright, but if you can't hold back and start a war rashly..."

At this point, the know-it-all cat glanced at Nanoha and others who had stopped temporarily, and hummed: "Let's not talk about the three people who are supposed to be the additions, Alisa, Alicia and Suzuka. Although Elf is useless, A bit, but at least it has some fighting ability..."

Are you: Elf polite?

After complaining about Elf, the know-it-all cat continued: "But Naye and Feite are not ordinary characters—you know it yourself, right? These two have been rated as AAA-level demons at the age of nine." Mentor!"

Lin Qiong showed a dazed expression, and said, "I see, so the Space-Time Management Bureau has gone back to rescue soldiers? It won't be just Xiaozhengtai when he comes next time, right?"


The know-it-all cat yawned, then shook its tail leisurely, and said, "But it's not a big problem—to be fair, it's hard to see from the animation how powerful the magisters of the Space-Time Administration are! So they If you want to completely suppress Naye and Feite, you can only use the ancient heritage."

"If they did—"

Lin Qiong showed a villainous smile: "Jie Jie Jie! We will have another one in our collection! Even at the end..."

Jie Jie, Captain Lindy, you don't want these ancient heritages to go back, do you?



"So, today's battle is over?"

Lin Qiong tossed the seed of the holy stone in his hand, looked at Alicia with a strange face, and said, "Then, by virtue of guessing punches, you were slightly better and won this seed of the holy stone?"


Alicia held her head high, proudly rubbed her fingers under her nose, and said triumphantly, "Of course! Master Kono Alicia has won six consecutive victories, and easily won the champion of the boxing contest!"

By the way, the box-guessing competition adopts the KOF system, that is, the rule of "the winner can continue to fight on the field". All teams eliminated.

"Really great."

Lin Qiong couldn't help clapping his hands and said, "Luck is also a kind of strength! It seems that Alicia is a person with great luck!"

What?You want to refute this matter?


Don't you look at the lucky and domineering Baki and Usopp?

The former inexplicably became the top character in the sea by bragging; all the bragging of the latter was realized by Oda one by one.

"However, Brother Lin—"

Feite on the side looked at Lin Qiong with some concern, and said, "On today's battlefield, people from the Space-Time Administration appeared! Although the opponent retreated later, they obviously won't give up so easily..."

Lin Qiong nodded, and said: "This is the real test for you—the mages of the Space-Time Administration will be dealt with by you, and large weapons such as Asura will be dealt with by Sky City. Confrontation, can it be done?"

"no problem!"

Feite said without hesitation, "I will fight for Brother Lin."

"Don't worry."

Lin Qiong looked at Feite's expression of "giving her heart for Brother Lin" and couldn't help but rub her head with laughter and tears, and said: "Don't show an expression of fighting to the death - just like me at the beginning As I said, recovering the Holy Stone Seed is just a phased test for you! The purpose is to improve your actual combat ability. It doesn't matter even if you fail, so don't let yourself get too seriously injured for the Holy Stone Seed."


Feite showed a sweet smile, she raised her hands to cover Lin Qiong's hand touching her head, and said softly: "I know! I will protect Alicia."


Alicia on the side puffed out her mouth. She quickly squeezed to Feite's side, shoulder to shoulder with her, then stood on tiptoes and put her little head in front of Lin Qiong, and said: " It’s not fair! Brother Lin, people have to scratch their heads and say——”

"Touch, you can touch!"

Lin Qiong put his hand on Alicia's head, touched it perfunctorily, and urged: "Okay, okay! Both of you take Elf to take a bath - you have to go to school tomorrow, Don't do it too late."


Alicia let out a cry of grief, she looked at Lin Qiong with tears streaming down her face, and said, "Brother Lin is a super villain! How could you say such a cruel thing at this time, woo woo woo!"

Lin Qiong suddenly showed a funny expression, and said, "Because, I just want to see your expression! Jie Jie!"

"A devil! Brother Lin is a devil!"

Alicia ran towards the bathroom with a "wow" and said, "I curse you for being bald!"


Lin Qiong's eyes widened, he covered his head subconsciously, and then looked at Feng Wang beside him vigilantly.

"I warn you, don't peck at the root of my hair!"

"Bah, who cares about your broken hair?"

"Then don't peck!"

"Dogs only peck!"

"Dog Phoenix King!"

"Dog Linqiong!"

Fei Te looked at Lin Qiong and Feng Wang who were arguing in front of him, wondering whether to laugh or cry, and thought: "I always feel that I can see the shadows of Alicia and Alyssa in Brother Lin and Lord Feng Wang..."

This is a bad friend, right?

Chapter 0307 The Second Holy Stone War——

The next day, noon.

Primary School Affiliated to Shengxiang University.

Garden, gazebo.


After seeing that everyone was here, Alisa coughed dryly, and then said solemnly: "Everyone, I think we need to have a good negotiation!"

Alicia folded her hands on her chest, humming and chirping, "What are you negotiating for? Don't tantalise, hurry up and say—"

"I don't want to tantalize you, you idiot!" Alisa glared at Alicia, and said angrily, "It's about the assessment that O'Neill gave us!"

Feite nodded slightly, and said: "Indeed! Because of the appearance of the Space-Time Management Bureau, the competition for the Seed of the Holy Stone is no longer limited to our two teams."

Nanoha said with some concern: "The Space-Time Administration... sounds like a very powerful organization! Will there be any secret weapons that we don't know about?"

"Don't worry!"

Elf gave Naye a thumbs up, and said with a sassy face: "The young master said, we only need to deal with the mages of the Space-Time Administration! The warships of the Space-Time Administration and other Things, he will be responsible for blocking them!"

"Hmm, that's right—"

Alyssa snorted and said, "If I guess correctly, what Onii-chan said about 'accidentally losing the Holy Stone Seed' is simply false - he deliberately placed the Holy Stone Seed in Near Haiming City, the purpose is for us to fight each other!"

Naye showed a surprised expression, and she said in disbelief: "Hey? Why, why did brother Lin do such a thing??"

Hearing Naye's innocent answer, the others fell into silence.

Alicia looked at Alisa with a strange expression, and asked, "Is her question serious?"

Alyssa sighed: "Although I don't want to admit it, Naye is so naive—she really didn't want to understand."


Alicia immediately looked at Naye with caring eyes, which inexplicably made Naye a little angry.

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